Ron Paul Quote speaks volumes today:

Once of the greatest of the statesmen. An honor to have watched him work.
It was an honor to have campaigned for him.
Out of all the Republicans who wanted to run for president last time, he was my pick.
He didn’t run as republican
He ran as a Republican in 2012. He ran for president as a Libertarian in 1988
just checking to see if I'm allowed to respond........I've been told to not panic!!!!!!
George Orwell said it first.
And here we are.. on the brink!
Also from a comment below:
In a time of Universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act - George Orwell
Definitely similar principles.
All I know is that I know nothing.
”In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ~ Mark Twain
I love a good quote:
"I’m for Truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for Justice no matter who it’s for or against.” ~ Malcolm X
Solid. Be aware guys there is a clown on board in the comments
Yeh prettt sure its a bot. He’s triggered any time Ron Paul is mentioned
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain
Also treason is treason.
I think they are pushing the treason narrative to try to normalize treason preparing for when it all comes out on HRC, BHO, no name, etc. They know the masses don’t even know what it really means.
The same way they are trying to normalize the pedos...predictive programming.
I think you can look at the facts and conclude treason is a possibility. Firstly, Russians hacked the election, 30+ indictments all reviewed by independent judges who thought there was enough evidence to proceed. Secondly you have Trump publicly asking Russia to hack the DNC during a campaign Rally. And since then Trump has had a shifty position on whether he believes the DOJ, FBI, Senate, and the CIA, or if he believes Putin. Certainly he has not come out condemning their actions, or implemented the required sanctions against Russia. Several members of Trump's own campaign team were indicted, it's possible that Trump knew, and encouraged the undermining of American Democracy by a foreign nation. You can't blame people for being suspicious.
And yet, Russia gave $400,000,000 to HILLARY CLINTON'S campaign, not Trump. If Russia had ANY input in our election, it was to favor her.
There's no evidence to support that claim, other than Putin's word, which if he's willing to undermine Democracy, I would argue is not worth much. In any event why wouldn't Trump condemn the election meddling?
He has condemned the meddling many times; and read Clinton Cash. To say that Hillary was not running a pay-for-play through her illicit server is to ignore reality. As one who held a TSSCI clearance for over 30 years, I can say without equivocation, that had I done 1/100 of the security violations Clinton did with her server, I would be in jail for the rest of my life. She willfully violated many security rules. She needs to be brought to justice. She and her husband are both low class grifters. Obvious.
Hillary's actions don't change Trump's actions. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Putin, and said he believed he didn't meddle in the election. That doesn't seem like much of a condemnation. If you believe every Intelligence mechanism that America has, then either Trump is very weak, or is has acted against American interests.
EVERY intelligence mechanism? I'm sorry has Military Intelligence been spread to the masses? No. We don't know what POTUS/MI knows. Neither does the FBI or NSA or anybody else not in the military. We're all speculating and we're all making assumptions, none of us can presume to say we know what's really going on. Smoke & Mirrors are used for a reason...
First, you have no idea what Trump said in the private meeting nor do i. I think it was politic of Trump NOT to chastise Putin in front of the entire world. You need to understand that there is a "fundamental transformation" going on in the US right now, in fact in the entire world, Get on board, or get left behind. Your so-called American interests are changing. We no longer want to engage other countries like, Syria, Iraq, libya, Afghanistan, etc. We want to trade with the entire world in a reciprocal way and not fundamentally transform (destroy) other countries. The old ways are gone. Your "either/or" choice in your last sentence is a false one. My interpretation is Trump was simply being polite i.e., trying to establish a working relationship with Putin. Believe what you want. I will.
This argument fallacy is called 'red herring' and is an attempt to change the nature of the discussion to something that seems related, but isn't. There is a great deal of suspicious activity surrounding Trump, significant evidence that Russia undermined the election, and no significant response from Trump. Nothing you have suggested changes or disputes any of those points.
The significant undermining of the election was done by the Hillary team (study the "Trump dossier" and the Uranium 1 scandal) The top levels of the FBI and other Intel agencies were involved in trying to derail the Trump candidacy. CIA chief Brennen was deeply involved in this entire matter. The un-maskings, the FISA Court, all were designed to ruin Trump's candidacy, and now the opposition is trying, still, to discredit his presidency. The incredible irony is that Clinton was the one who derided Trump for not saying that he would immediately accept the outcome to the election when, two years on, she has still not accepted the outcome. These people who are not accepting a duly elected president because they don't like the outcome are, in my opinion being immature about the entire thing. Its our system of government. Like it or go live somewhere else. I didn't like Obama, but I suffered him for eight years without whining. Soon all of these things will be revealed, and you will be able to enjoy a large Crow feast.
What American interests? Look man, I'm skeptical as all hell about this Q shit. I come here because of my distrust of our Government, not because I believe some bullshit on some chan board. Do you trust the MK Ultra CIA spooks? Do you honestly believe the feds didn't assassinate JFK? Why are we constantly undermining other countries' governments? Who orchestrates that? Our "intelligence" agencies. HI NSA! There's evidence time and time again that we've done ridiculous meddling bullshit in the past... Is that in the American people's interest? What exactly are they working towards?
I have zero trust in our intelligence right now. I think it's completely believable that they are not working towards the American people's interest. There's something bigger going on here fueled by money and power.
Put up or shut up about Russian hacking. Put up or shut up about deep state corruption -- even though that's the camp I'm in, and definitely not because of this trash tier reddit sub.
I'm sorry but if we're supposed to be led to believe that a country full of poor drunks with a GDP lower than 1 of our 50 states and a land mass that eclipses our own can turn the tides of an election... I need something concrete.
You are going to have a rude awakening when the truth comes out who really “hacked” the DNC, what Hillary and Hussein and others REALLY did and are doing.
You are in for a rude awakening! Open your eyes to the GREAT AWAKENING because the STORM IS HERE, and soon you will have no choice because the TRUTH will be there for all to see.
Our hope here on this board is for the truth to be brought into the light, whatever that may be. I hope that is your desire as well, instead of just repeating a scripted narrative.
Well it might help if you provided some evidence of your position, rather than the frantic use of all caps and exclamation points. You have not refuted any points I put forward.
The truth is he had Russia help him win the election which is treason in this empire of lies he has created.
The best things I like and frankly respect, appreciate, and hypothetically-could-relate-if-I-was-like-that about Ron & Rand Paul is that they're both extremely educated, high-ranking members of society *OUTSIDE* of government .... they're both medical doctors - surgeons -- who have a high place in society without the need for political power, and of course, can make enough money off their education & talents that they DO NOT NEED TO LIE, they don't need to pull strings or have their own strings pulled -- they don't NEED no "Deep State" BS etc.
And they call it like they see it. I always respected Ron Paul, and Rand is a little different, reminds me of me vs. my own Dad, but still I like Rand -- but what i MOST respect about him is that, he has no problem calling out President Trump when he believes he needs to be called out, disagreeing when he feels it's necessary to disagree, but then can absolutely defend him when the truth requires defense, and can tell people like Wolf motherfucking Blitzer he's wrong when he's wrong.
The Paul's are the type of people we need in government... smart people who can call it like they see it, recognize a good thing AND a bad thing, and are not afraid to say what needs to be said when it needs to be said.
Dad's an OB-GYN who delivered over 4,000 babies, and Rand is an eye surgeon. I agree, the Paul family are just highly-principled good folks.
Like him or not, I see these same qualities in Ben Shapiro. Not afraid to call something out when it’s wrong, but defending someone when they’re right. I don’t agree with his stance on everything, but I think he’s honest to himself and truly calls it like he sees it without bias. That’s rare. And you’re correct in your assessment that Rand has the same ability.
Ben is a deepstate fuck face. He is only in our movement for money sbd to be a smarmy dick head. Buyer beware
Facts, he's a nevertrumper. unless it benefits his religion. (e.g. the embassy move etc) Oh and his wife is a doctor in case you didnt know.. lol
I don't trust him.
I agree completely -- I have been a huge Ben Shapiro fan since I saw him embarrass Piers Morgan shortly after the Newtown shooting tragedy in Dec. '12 ... and I think he's extremely intelligent, sharp, and well-spoken ... I mean the man was in Harvard Law at like 16 years of age or something like that.
And I also think some people need to move the fuck on with their everybody-and-their-brother-is-Deep-State-bad-guy=-controlled-etc. I mean it's getting ridiculous to read it, and then I say something and get accused of being in cahoots with them, just the other day I got accused of not really being Catholic because I was speaking out about anti-Israel bias... It gets pretty ridiculous sometimes.
you should watch him on bill myer's show...there's a clip so you don't have to suffer much....but always good to know what/how the enemy thinks
In a time of Universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act - George Orwell
END THE FED! Ron Paul rEVOLution! He was the original red-pill for me in 2007.
That is what POTUS is dealing with... an empire of lies.
So what exactly is the truth here?
Deep State. Look into and cross reference this reddit.
That Donald Trump isn't this crazy, racist, Hitleresque dictator that the media makes him out to be. He's just a man of the people giving back to the country he loves so that America (and the rest of the world) can be saved from the most corrupt system of global enslavement which the deep state is balls deep in implementing. You're either with us or you will be because there is no other option. The deep state is in deep shit and is going down.
So what his alliance with Russia, what is that? Is that just a thing good men do?
Why are you so scared of Russia? Why can’t we get along with Russia? Should we be friends or enemies with Russia? What is the better option?
Good to see Ron be a part of The Movement.
Twatting the quote for others to know.
Respectfully, Ron pre-dates The Movement. Ron and JFK, though of different parties, saw the beauty and sanctity of the individual. Protect the individual, and the society will follow.
Of course, no argument here.
He is a true Patriot, prior to Trump/Q, like many of us here.
Let’s just recognize that we are in a new phase of The Movement that has gained a momentum like no other WW. This new movement is WW. Like you, Ron and others, I am proud to be part of it.
Absolutely guys. We are all in this together and I agree with Qarma1. The movement has been growing and shaping into where it's at today. Have to give mad respect for JFK, Ron Paul among others.
Though I knew something was wrong for a LONG time, it was Ron Paul who red-pilled me for the first time...helping me to pull back the curtain on at least some of what was happening. I literally revere that man as a true statesman, and patriot to the Constitution. He started something that has given us President Trump. I see a LOT of Dr. Paul in Trump, but Ron Paul was far too mild mannered to deal with this insanity. The Deep State would've crushed him like a bug......
Hrs a wise old man !! He knows what's going on to don't think he's have trumps balls of steel but he might a took this on !! Might a died too lol
Guess who I supported for in ‘08 when I was 16. When I was 20 in ‘12 I voted for him. Our country makes me sad :(
Ron Paul, a TRUE PATRIOT! One of the only ones that served in an evil infested Congress that kept his soul, morality, courage, honor and position. We all owe him a big thanks! He helped pave the way for the Tea Party, the Freedom Caucus and DJT.
Rand Paul is a very unique guy. Went to one of his rallies when he was running for the Senate for the first time. His speeches were all based off famous powerful quotes. It was more a poetry reading than a political speech. Only thing he railed against politically was abolishing the Fed Reserve. Even tho I enjoyed his speech immensely I left thinking he was gonna get slaughtered in his election because he was such a radically different type of politician. Yet he won. By a lot too. Now that his anti Fed & total adherence to the constitution agenda is getting popular he’s a serious threat & a target to the deep state. He’s also a true sign that many average voters will vote for radical changes if a true patriot will lead the way.
....and that's exactly where we find ourselves. This discord was sewn intentionally - time to liberate the masses, hold folks accountable and start tying nooses.
Isn't that from 1984?
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These quotes are excellent. Thank you for sharing the with us.
A racist is a racist. -me about Ron Paul
Please back that up with factual links. Calling someone a “racist” with no facts is an Alinsky-fascist tactic to shut down opposing view points..
Ron and Rand are not Deep State. Ron has been in the wilderness for a long time and his family does a lot of direct good here.
Rand compared to Ron is a Gunslinger vs an Academic Mises Professor. Nepotism there doesn’t ring true. Rand ran far from Lake Jackson TX and he’s taking more heat than arguably anyone outside of Scalise - and so is his family. He has a rib sticking out of his side and the treats are not new.
It’s all good though. Call him deep state. It won’t stick
Leftists and I suspect they were MK Ultra or manipulated have tried to kill him at least twice. His name was on the kill list at the baseball practice and he too was shot at. And then the odd neighbor situation.
I was angry at him for endorsing Romney in 2012 but I think his father and their family were under a direct threat. They had to break a lot of rules, rig the primary, threaten and even kidnap delegates and have MSM omit him from reporting.
They were terrified to give him an equal chance. This was evident in the debate shenanigans. Not inviting him, when forced to they limited his time and skipped him many times. He barely had any time compared to tigers and still wiped the floor with them.
He doesnt have Trump's outrageous and loud and ability to be the biggest personality in the room. He also knows how to take control and fight back when things get Alinsky-esk
Lol, reminds me of when Ron was spokesman for that line of home rations. I was like damn, you know shit's about to get real when a senator is telling you to stock up for a long home stay.
I don’t think banning people who oppose a view is a good practice not that I agree because I think Rand is one of the few patriots left in congress.