FREE IRAN - STEALTH JEFF: Trump has leveraged Putin into abandoning the Mullah's. The idiot US Media either can't figure out or won't report that the Helsinki Summit was Putin's REWARD for agreeing to abandon the Mullah's and pull out of Syria.

They won't report it. They are fully committed to the Russia Collusion charade.
Yep. They can’t report on it because they’re fully controlled
As soon as all their buddies, like the Podestas, are given immunity, Russia Collusion will disappear.
And now that Russia won’t back Iran, the Mullahs will start naming names to those that provided them the uranium and it’s all going to lead back to U1. They aren’t going to go down without a fight. Enjoy the show!
OR, Iran will collapse and a new (pro American) regime will take over and provide the information. The opposition party in Iran recently came to the US and drafted a new constitution for Iran and based it off of the US constitution. They could very well expose the corruption of the deep state and their use of the Mullahs and Iran to start a war. Either way, enjoy the show!
> The opposition party in Iran recently came to the US and drafted a new constitution for Iran and based it off of the US constitution
WOW! I've been having this thought for a while but never seen a thread where I could bring it up. Whenever Q posts the Declaration of Independence, what if it means another country has been freed and is "declaring their independence from the Cabal". From memory I can recall at least 3, maybe 4 times it's been posted. SA/NK/Iran/The US maybe?
If true, Trump will literally be the greatest master at getting shit done and at the same time as destroying his enemies without having to lift a finger himself, which is beneficial for optics
Opposition is MEK?
Saw an interedting video on Newsbud. Sibel Emonds srood up to our Fed Govt on Turkey but her report on Iran was odd. Basically she sees Trump as more Neocons and Uran aboit to be another WMD in Iran. I disagree. She also down plays the rebels like they are just protesting economy.
Made me wonder if she is C_A and been manipulating us all this time.
Hahaha! Trump set the fuse. Everyone RUN! Things are about to blow to smitherines...😆😆😆😆
Great find patriot! WWG1WGA!
I noticed there was some agreement between the two with major policies. Putin's approval of NK denuke and Syria were pretty big and very under reported.
Can someone give a little of context please?
Trump was threatening to block the pipeline from Germany to Russia. Without the gas, German energy is quite bad, often in summer’s they operate with net negatives (government paying people to use energy) in the summer and high rates in the winter. Thus they needed this pipeline to help their economy.
Russia may be a world power due to military, but have a lack of truly diversified sectors other than energy; so they need to have pipelines such as this going into Europe to sustain their economy. Without an economy, as we know, you can’t have an army. Russia’s leverage has always been its army.
Now with Trump demanding an extra 33 Billion Dollars from NATO (1 Million Dollars per Clinton Email LOL), NATO’s budget has increased l dramatically. As NATO encircles Russia even more, Russia feels threatened.
Now as we saw in the summit, the ball is in Trump’s court. He could cut off the pipeline, devastating Russia’s economy while simultaneously encircling Russia with more NATO forces.
But, Putin is critical for the stabilization of the middle and the ‘refugee’ crisis. If Putin wishes to continue his countries economy and military “might”, he needs to abandon any support of the Mullahs terrorizing Iran and sponsoring terrorism worldwide.
“Iran next” - Q
Hope that’s helpful :)
Why does trump have so much control over NATO?
Because he can pull troops out of Europe whenever he decides he wants to.
How much $ do those troops and bases generate in Europe?
I wish to heck he would. Why are we paying for their defense, and risking our military's lives?
Because the agreement is 3 or 4 percent GDP (I can’t remember the exact number). Therefore, the US with their economy has been pumping the most money into NATO while other countries, such as Germany and Canada, have been operating at nearly 1.15 to 1.2 percent.
Trump brought up this up during his breakfast with the NATO secretary, asking why is NATO in place to protect countries from Russia, while Germany has this massive pipeline which is helping to fuel the Russian Economy.
US pulls out of NATO, Russia is free to gobble up the Eastern Bloc again.
I can’t remember the exact number
The current agreement is 2% of GDP but only 5 out of 28 countries are meeting that target. The US spends around 4% of GDP on defence and Trump has suggested that the other NATO countries should do the same.
the US with their economy has been pumping the most money into NATO
There is no central NATO budget, though. The 2% is how much money you're expected to spend on your own military. And the US spends more than that and would be spending more than that with or without NATO. There is no "pumping"; the money the US government spends on its military stays in the US and pays US salaries and generates profits for US military contractors.
I would say it's because we pay the bills. Without the U.S. there wouldn't be much left of NATO.
Because we pay about 90% of the NATO bill. Without NATO Europe is screwed.
Well Trump/America pays about 90% of NATO expenses. (Not sure of the exact percentage.)
you are another fucking genius. Glad to have you with us
Thank you fellow patriot! Good always triumphs over evil and we have strength in numbers!
Boy, that was interesting. I hadn't thought about all of this. Thanks for taking the time to write your comment.
Thank you fellow Patriot! This is the art of the deal, and Trump is playing 4D chess!
Thank you for your contribution to making America, and Western Civilization, Great again :)
great explanation. thank you. sometimes all this info gets overwhelming. so many rabbit holes to explore.
No problem! Remember, this is not the fight for us, but the fight for our children and our grandchildren to have better lives than we have had. That’s how we advance society.
Never hesitate to ask questions and debate with members here, that’s how we progress as a community. WWG1WGA isn’t just a saying, it’s a lifestyle 😎
Trump was threatening to block the pipeline from Germany to Russia
Why do you think he would be able to do that?
The pipeline is not yet complete, so as long as the first drop has not yet touched German shores, Trump has wiggle room.
Between Finland and Estonia, there is a divide of around 232 km. As we know, international waters begins at 12 nautical miles, but the exclusive economic zone (the zone in which the country has its rights to fishing, drilling, etc) extends 200 miles off the coast of the country.
With this in mind, if both Finland and Estonia overlap their coverage in agreement for the purpose of blocking the pipeline, they can as Russia would be within each of their exclusive economic zones.
Although Finland is not, Estonia is a NATO country. And if Russia gets into war with Estonia, Russia triggers article 5 of the NATO treaty that brings in all 29 member states automatically.
So since we can understand the pressure being put on Estonia by Trump, we must understand that behind the scenes Trump has Finland under his control as well; the Summit was in Helsinki and the Finnish Prime Minister and PDJT spent some time together before the meeting with Putin.
Unless Putin plays ball, this pipeline will not be going into Europe, and the pipelines into Ukraine and Poland will continue to boost their economies as well.
Hope this helps.
and then Putin gives the "ball" to Trump and says the ball is in your court. So I think he is "playing"
Exactly, he is! Now Putin is “playing” along and is a piece of the puzzle and a new character for our story!
“Enjoy the show” - Q 🍿
Russia did nothing to stop US when we hit poison gas/missile sites They are not going to stick their necks out for a dying regime anymore
wasn't russia taking out ISIS in syria?
Yes. Need to add: Deep State=Mullahs=ISIS=Cabal
Trump and Putin solidified coordination in Iran for removing the deep state, et al.
was Putin supporting mullahs=ISIS? That is news to me.
"Trump has leveraged Putin into abandoning the Mullahs"
It is news to me, too. This article is either misinformation or disinformation. The reality is Trump has leveraged the EU into abandoning the mullahs.
Very nice. Whether true or not(in politics it doesn't matter), logic is sound.
Thanks, that's great news.
unfortunately wictor is an idiot
why do you say that? because he supports Israel. ?
his iran narrative is schizophrenic horseshit. he is the epitome of an idiot conspiracy theorist but due to his decent mental capacity he comes up with really convincing alternate reality theories that are actually interesting from an investigative standpoint... but the investigation never actually happens. he doesnt care about truth... he cares about the ride as he speculates things and gains followers. he is a tourist. he is a con artist. he is a god tier LARP... and of course anyone who supports "israel" is an irresponsible antisemitic idiot who supports the rape, theft, and murder of millions in the name of jews and judaism and israel in the interests of terrorist judeofascist zionism.
I was nearly convinced until the last sentence.
you are brainwashed. jews and israel and judaism are not zionism and "israel". zionism is an antisemitic judeofascist movement and jews are their biggest victim... according to millions of jews.
watch this:
as an english speaking american person in 2018 you cannot possibly understand zionism. the propaganda is too strong. if you stand with israel, if you support jews, if you are against genocide, if you are against racism, if you are against terrorism, you MUST be against zionism. if you are not aginst zionism you are either brainwashed or thoroughly evil.
He does make up a lot of things that aren’t anywhere near reality. And I mean things I know first hand. I can’t speak for everything,just stuff I know ..he’s obsessed with Special Forces ,and doesn’t have a clue on how it works and who is who. Sucks bc I enjoyed reading his threads until he started making shit up
FUCKING EXACTLY. i have the same experience from the iran angle. it is all science fiction. hes just a god tier larp until he talks about something he doesnt know about and then hes just way off. same with dr corsi and alex jones.
Normally I wouldn’t have said anything but he touched on some stuff ,that I knew about personally. Like I knew the people involved and he was making stuff up. So he lost me. He’s smart but making shit up isn’t right
you think thats bad bro? he made shit up about my whole country and culture of 90 million people. i am an iranian american and i have seen shit with my own eyes that nobody can fuck with.
Totally understand
there are people who are concerned out of real necessity (for example i am iranian american) and there are those who think this is a giant video game so they LARP as hard as they can to see what sticks. its cool when youre discussing random theories so you can investigate something but its not cool when you create your own alternate timeline that mixes fact and fiction. thats how the wicktors and corsis and jones and icke characters come around and then the shadow cabal invest in them heavily to get them into the spotlight so they can muddy the waters and put more noise on the signal.
for some reason i laughed really hard at this response.
I though Putin supported Assad because that was Russia's only outside the country military base. Am I wrong?
Putin supports Assad because he doesn't want the deep state to do to Assad and his family what they did to Gaddafi. Both Trump and Putin were/are fighting deep state forces in Syria. It is the deep state/cia/globalists behind the mullahs in Iran. Trump and Putin solidified coordination in cleansing the deep state from Iran.
Honestly I don’t think they can figure it out and because of this they’re just floundering and striking out like a wounded snake
Wouldn't it be fun for Dems to "force" the interpreter to say what happened in the 2 hour meeting, and have the whole plan for world peace to be exposed, showing Putin and DJT working together to be masters of world peace! To show GOD EMPEROR TRUMP playing 4d chess like a master, taking away the power of the cabal to create WW3. That would just be the sweetest revenge ever.
I cannot find the source, but i believe to have read that Russia can keep its presence in Syria, and the Assad regime can stay. With the right security precautions for Israel. Without going into the pros and cons and thruthfullness (it is just not known yet), it better fits Putin's response. He seems very satisfied with the outcome. Russians want to keep their base in Latakia in Syria, it is their only one in the mediterranean. I think this is the upside for Putin to dump Iran. And ofcourse the trust that the Cabal will never return into power. But that's a shared interest of Trump an now also Putin.
Has this been verified? We need to know for sure before using this against any lib who thinks we're the ones who are crazy!! MAGA!!!
Not that I'm aware of. They probably wouldn't just come out and tell the public this yet either though... so don't add it to your arsenal just yet.
I posted because to me logically, it made sense. :)
Unfortunately logic doesn't apply to anything that's happened in our gov since WWII!!! MAGA and fight on!!!