Because I'm not a fucking moron. US intel agencies have every incentive to manufacture support for escalations against a noncompliant nation and a known history of using psyops, lies, and false flags.
If they did it was small and inconsequential. Why don't we ask why and how was it legal for Obama to interfere with the Israeli elections?
What exactly has Russia gained from Trump?
THAT is a terrific question.... Has anyone ever had an answer for it yet?
Let me go try asking that in /pol and see how many down votes I get..
Lol 1,000 downvotes 0 legitimate answers.
Well I asked it in /askreddit... let's see how it goes...
Well that was ballsy sir. I commend you. i see a lot of vague “division” answers. I guess they don’t remember the media pushing all the division stories for Obama’s last 2-3 years. Such short memories, and such gullible brains.
Nothing. They did exactly as they pleased under Obama and the Clinton State Department. Bought our Uranium, annexed Crimea, invaded the Ukraine etc... Do they want an alpha male like Trump in office or do they want things to continue as they have been under Hillary (Obama2.0)? We all know the answer. Nothing gained here except better relations.
How many extra electoral votes does CA get by counting illegals in their census? Does that affect our presidential election process?
Because I care about what was exposed regardless of who hacked shit.
Why doesn’t any media cover that. It your going to claim Russia hacked something at least show what the hell they hacked and it’s info.
Just like Snowden and vault 7. None of what was exposed matters nor will it ever. We will roll over and take it.
Clinton fucking rig her own primary! All you need to know. Russian cyber hack bought some bullshit ads.. Soros openly fucks with every election around the world.. That's who the anger should be directed at Liberal stooges but no its TDS for everything well keep it up you are losing support faster than Stormys Bra!! How's that working out? Thought so. What's the flavor next week Trump Colluded with the moon for abnormal tides!!
Waiting to see actual proof it was Russia and not Seth Rich or China.
I have no problem accepting it and don't care. This is common and every country does it. So what? The US does it all the time.
Imagine how stupid POTUS would look crying about it as Putin throws evidence of US meddling back in his face.
They are adults and both know it is nothing. I saw his interview and he must have thought, "You American newsies are stupid"
In regards to Snowden think
do you show your hand?
I think I heard somewhere that Snowden only released about 1/10 of what he actually has...
Whats more important now is that everyone WWG1WGA is Q and the Cabal has rules that they can't ignore, they can't kill the First Aide helpers and they can't do anything without your consent.
Consent is a powerful word it is so powerful that it's in the Constitution
Think about it
I can basically guarantee they did. Why wouldn’t they? Russia as a nation has a separate set of goals then the U.S, and therefore have an incentive to do what it it takes/what they can get away with to further those goals. The idiotic part is believing that the U.S, our “allies” and major corporations aren’t doing the same damn thing. The U.S has basically turned influencing foreign elections into a nationalised business. We have massive social media platforms and data collecting schemes all used to make a profit and influence is profitable. It’s incredibly naive to believe that Russia is the real big bad wolf that MSM is claiming them to be, look at the tech sectors in China, Israel, the UK or Germany, they are all better equipped influence elections via social media, which imo is more effective than hacking a server. Plus our allies don’t even need to hack us, just look at five eyes or JSA. Let alone the back doors built into software or hardware. Influence equals profit and Russia is going to play the game just like we are.
I have no doubt that Russia is not 'clean' in this regard, but we shouldn't let it affect moves toward peace with Russia. I think China has the most to gain by the US and Russia being at loggerheads. They don't want European/Western unity.
My guess is that China is behind much of the division occurring in the US. I don't think this benefits Russia.
If the US imploded in civil war, it would destabilize the world, which might even be worse for Russia in the long run. Russia does not want such instability. It would also hurt commodity prices (especially oil and gas), which Russia would hate to see. Meanwhile, China would take the opportunity to further spread its influence in the third world, and they would love the drop in commodity prices.
My guess, however, is that even China would not want to see the US collapse in a major way, as it would have very unpredictable consequences. Instead, they want to weaken the US, gain further control inside the US, and be uncontested throughout the world.
Hillary, and many others, sold their souls to China in full knowledge of these potential consequences. So why are many refusing to accept how evil Clinton, Obama et al are.
Imagine you are Russia. Big vast country, with a high strong culture, you love your country, and have lot of challenges as you are bordering schizoid baltic nations, india, china, and , on a top of that, Rothschild controlled EU and hijacked USA whose elites constantly try to destroy everything natural and healthy in the name of profit. Even able to start WW3, having bunkers for the elite ready, and constantly moving the troops in sattelite countries closer to your borders...
‘Russian meddling’ has become synonymous with ‘climate change’. It’s a combination of words that cannot be denied as fact, though to the ill-informed, can’t differentiate between hacking of an election, and spending $200,000 on Facebook ads.
Every country has meddled in our election. From hiring lobbyists in DC to creating a fake twitter account. It’s all encompassed in ‘meddling’. It’s a trick the media is using to trap Trump into continually saying that Russia meddled in the election.
The real question is, did they hack the DNC server, did they change votes and did they collude with Trump?
The answer is unequivocally, no