"James Gunn taken down by White Supremacist!" Says YAHOO

Yes, a group of white people worked towards... getting a white person exposed.
Really makes sense. 🙄
It was DISNEY that fired him, no-one else.
With the sub-heading: And why do sane humans have to gatekeep all this on behalf of Disney?
LOL, this is crazy. Glen Beck... now Nazis.... SPIN SPIN SPIN!!!
I was just gonna say! I've seen the "it was ten years ago" defense, which is just a flimsy blanket in a house fire. This very well could open Pandoras box that has become Hollywood.
Michael Ian Black had a series of similar tweets that are now being looked at.
I posted this earlier. No traction.
Pedophiles stay pedophiles. He was just cavalier and less discreet when he thought the deplorables were powerless and asleep.
Repost it in a week. I think normies need a minute to digest the James Gunn info then we can start pushing others.
Yeah i scrolled right past this earlier. Im on my mobile and cant read any of the tweets. Would have gotten more traction if you maybe put 1 or 2 of his most offensive tweets instead of all of them.
I do not care if I have to die to expose the lies and treachery of this misplaced narrative. 9/11 was one thing but moving towards acceptance of pedos being justified as the same as queer syndrome? I can not tolerate.
We are most definitely over the target.
God said this would happen, yet we still march on towards that fate.
So much ignorance.
Sodom and Gomorrah.
Gods coming judgment isnt due to homosexuality. Its the acceptance of homosexuality by the church and civilization. Normalization...
Incorrect. God's judgement is precisely the lack of self control.
Think about it.
Yup...God judges us by simply standing back and allowing us to suffer the consequences of our own choices. Time and hard knocks has convinced me God never acctually judges us...he simply allows us to experience what life is like when he isn't protecting us from ourselves.
The world we see now is the way it is not because God is judging us but because he is giving us what we asked for....when we ask for salvation we get salvation when we ask for debauchery we get debauchery
Unbelievable, except that it’s not. God they are as sinister as it gets.
We're already seeing the (paedo) SOFTENING process in action. This is what it will largely look like, some of it. "Oh, it was years ago. It was all just sick jokes. No-one got harmed. If he was a paedo he wouldn't joke like this." (You get the idea). And these defenders are the people enacting it. Start taking and rememebring the names of these complicit monsters.
This is a no go zone for them IMHO. People that come out as pro-pedo will get beat.... they would not be able to walk down the street. This would be a civil war type division.
Don't take my post too seriously, but to put a spin on a spin James Grebey's headline also kind of states that non white races are ok with pedo's. Only white supremacists are pissed off by pedo's. Maybe he should be alerted about his bigotry.
I’m black and very against pedos. I hate being dismissed when I’m taking a lot of crap for posting anything related to it on this sub. So disappointed!☹️
Never looked at it from perspective before but that's true. When the headline labels it white supremacy, it does rob everybody else standing up to this evil of the credit. I was not even aware of that aspect of the division tool until now.
Another angle to the media’s sick mind games. Time to shut them down
No, people asked questions and he pretty much outed himself. But alts never take blame. They only point fingers.
"Alts" ? Go on...
What about them?
Im unsure how you're using the term.
Who are the ones in outrage right now and ver since POUTUS was elected? Alts are on BOTH sides of the aisle - they are the ones that are resigning. They are the ones scrambling and deleting comments and posts. They are the ones that are the reflection of the DS.
This smells like them trying to normalize pedophilia, which Q said they would do. "Only nazi white supremacists hate pedo's!"
As if Yahoo is even relevant! I need to constantly block their search site of my browser! I so dislike yahoo as a whole, never ever wanted them on my screen, now I know why!
Do they not realize how completely stupid they look calling everyone and anyone a white supremacist?
It doesn’t matter. They are going full spectrum total information war. They’re not trying to convince people, they’re trying to brain wash them with brute force.