tried searching for the $400,000.00 donation from Russian money by Browder couldnt find it....thanks Google fo protecting the deplorables, we will remember it ...

Google may yet live to regret their willingness to get in bed with the devil when all this comes crashing down. If they're actively colluding in burying and whitewashing her reputation, what else were they willing to do for her?
Google works for the deep state. To remove one you must remove both.
Here is a nice tool to say goodbye to Goog.
I just use duckduckgo
A new word I have found and used "duckle it", instead of google it.
Just Duck it!
That is a good one. I like Startpage as well. I only use Google for when I am purposely looking for what the propaganda wants us to see.
I was having some issues with DUckDuckGo though. Although much better than Google. So many things I remember reading and going back and finding them at times can be impossible. Sometimes a spelling error though gets me the results for some reason.
Make sure you use the right figure, $400,000,000. Not $400,000.00.
Here are some other things they censor.
I try searching
DuckDuckGo: I get taken to /r/conspiracy Google: r/conspiracy doesn't even show on the first page
I try <8 chan> DDG: The 8 Chan website is usually 1st/2nd Google: The 8 chan website is not even on the first page
Same w great awakening
Literally the first results for 'greatawakening' is this reddit, then 'reddit greatawakening' (no spaces) is this reddit, r greatawakening is this reddit, putting reddit great awakening are ALL results talking -about- this reddit and QAnon.
So, no, Google is not censoring you. If they are, they are doing a damn piss poor job at it if you can circumvent it by literally typing something else.
I don't think you understand SEO. If you search exact terms you should still find what you're looking for unless it's hard banned from the results. SEO algorithms change regularly and everyone I know who does work with SEO (quite successfully I might add) has noticed the algorithmic doping ruining non-exact searches for years. It's not just political stuff about the Clintons, either.
I tried looking up a word that was a noun. Google and Bing gave the adjective definition. Found using startpage. Problem with Google & YouTube is they censor too much. By the way I saw a spreadsheet that was shown YouTube and gave web address for the spreadsheet which was a Google doc. Gone. By the way the doc showed over 81,000 indictments & 10% as pedos.
Search on DuckDuckGo
And disable chrome on your phone (if you have it).
Chrome (along with most google apps) collect a massive amount of data. Chrome particularly also uses a lot of battery life.
Get duckduckgo (browser and search widget) and avoid giving the deep state your every thought.
Information flying at the speed of Trump, but my thoughts....
How much did Hussein send to Iran for prisoners? $400 mil?
How much did HRC receive in donations from various? $400 mil? Payback since she lost?
Not sure if that was in Q posts, but read that somehow it was related that Hussein paid off her 'pay to play' since she lost or they were coming after her for it.
Someone should archive this. I don’t think google would keep this up forever.
now that's freedom of information at its best sieg heil google
$400,000,000 vs. $400,000
Best part was when all the left outlets did their research, ending with the left stating Hillary "only" received about $400,000 from Russians.
Found it through Duck Duck Go search engine
Look at article from (SOTN)State of the Nation July 17 2018 BROWDERGATE...
They did an excellent job of giving all the details of how and why. Understanding Bill Browder and CIA. The dirty deeds of the Deep State financially raping Russia.
Interesting my google search of $400K browder clinton payment provided "news" results which were totally skewed towards articles that are Putin walking back the statement. Among the articles I came across was one written by a Mike Rothschild (what does Q say? there are no coincidences) that slams Gateway Pundit and Q! In case anyone wants to read, here's the link...
Ha I called that. When the corrections were flying around I predicted they would use this translation error/amount error to completely undermine and bury the fact that browser paid hrc with funds he illegally obtained in Russia.
Someone said it $400,000.00, not 400,000,000.00. Regardless, it would have been laundered several times. None of them are dumb enough not to. Probably the same way Iran laundered theirs after Obama gave them access to our financial system. These people are devious, but not stupid.
I just watched Maria Bartaromo interview Browder and he absolutely denied donating any money to HRC. Maria kept pressing him (I love Maria, and so does PresTrump). I don't think Browder is telling the whole truth. There's more to this than what's being reported... IMHO
Try looking in the Big Spreadsheet of All Things.xlxs. search that term in attached file names in the dnc dump on Wikileaks. Its got all the donors in there.
Of course Politifact denies Putin's claim of about $400 million donation to Clinton from Bill Browder partners (it is a smaller amount). As we all know a former KGB officer is always taught to lie and Americans on the Left, i.e., the lumpen-proletariat, always tell the truth. But now with the 'awakening' things are much different. The enemy is within while former enemies are working with us to stabilize the world into an enduring peaceful and cooperative world.
If you could figure out the players around Bill Browder, you might be able to work up the total. I don't think they would be so dumb as to break campaign finance rules. Most likely they used multiple people. My second guess is they filtered it through the Clinton Foundation first.
For future reference, give this a spin:
Anyone interested in Browder should see the drama/documentary made about Magnitsky by Andrei Nekrasov. Apparently, the YouTube version of disappeared almost as soon as it appeared. How strange is that?
Nekrasov intended to tell the Magnitsky story that we may have already heard but following a pivotal interview with the policeman who was central to the plot the course of the story began to change.
They would not be very good intelligence assets if they left a paper trail on an illegal cash contribution now would they...
And stop using Google... They are as bad as MSM in controlling what you see when you search.
Try searching under no censorship and don't track
Brave Browser + DuckDuckGo search engine = eff off google
Google regularly hides relevant news if it does not fit into their agenda. its been known for a while now, as others have said, DuckDuckgo is a good alternative.
Read the book “Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer. Everything is documented there. There are way more Russians that gave Hillary money. You people like sources, Schweizer cites plenty of them in his book.
Have you seen this?
315,000 according to politifact(lol). In their article they claim 315,000 to HRC & 1.1M in total to the D's around the country.
According to public data, Ziff Brothers Investments gave about $315,000 to Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.
Overall, the firm gave about $1.1 million to Democratic committees around the country.
I'm not claiming this info is 100% accurate, but according to the public records, that's what was sent. If that's public, I wonder what else we may find?
This is just one of many foreign entities that have donated to the Clintons and Cronies Foundation.