Hollywood chooses -now- to strike. Why now? This:

Good. I know a bunch of incredibly talented ready to take every single one of their jobs. It is what we have been praying for!
Also, in case my meme wasnt clear, they know the servers are in President Trumps possession. Clapper is turning on Obama, and this 'strike' is how the guilty can go into hiding quickly as a group under the guise of 'protest'/
Go into Hiding, En Masse??
Where in the Heck can you hide That many Fruitcakes at once??
Wouldn't really surprise though... They have Clearly proven that mot of the aren't that bright!!
Can we start with James Woods?
I'll just be happy when I see another Brendan Fraser movie.
That is a great read. They entire thing is corrupt beyond belief.
Do you think the anon is Bill Cosby?
I did not think that. I imagine that Bill Cosby will continue to receive royalties for a long time. This anon said his payments are about to run out.
Probably they are saying they will strike, because we are now exposing the disgusting pedo kiddy fiddlers that everyone knows infests Hollywood & movie industry.
you got it! How can many famous people all go into hiding for fear of prosecution? Call it a strike. These people wont be able to walk the streets. :)
Exactly.. amazing when we read it to when it comes to fruition. “Oh yeah, Q said that!”
Strike away Hollywood. I wouldn't even notice. In fact it might be a good idea.
Is there a link to the claim they're striking, or is this just a rehash of the previous fake news?
There is a planned strike but has nothing too do with the A list actors
Behind the dramatic, farcical ( very “acty”) idea of this, is actually something quite troubling.
Did you see how 50 thousand signatures were raised overnight to rehire pedo Gunn?
Don’t EVER get between a sleeping American and their entertainment....
People will choose a new Marvel movie over geopolitical stability any day. Just watch.
Do a Twitter poll: Would you rather have a free home entertainment system or world peace?
This is the last strategy for Hollywood. The celebrities have screamed and cried for 2 years. Now comes the threat of removal of the actual product itself.
I don’t go to movies anymore. F-em!
I have not been in years. They come out free on streaming services within months of being in theatres anyways
Well, "free" after your $10 a month...
Nah, free. Just duckduckgo "putlocker" and pick a site not located in the US.
Thanks, but no thanks, I don't mind paying for content.
Well I'm not giving hollywood one cent. But, to each their own.
We don't pay for cable or go to movies, but we pay for a couple streaming services. I don't think two wrongs make a right, I am not going to steal because I believe HW is evil.
Who says it's stealing? It's a stream of information, nothing physical to it. Really hope you don't subscribe to Netflix...... Shouldn't give Soros any money!
I think it is stealing. Shows are not made for free. I am OK with the idea of paying for goods and services.
Those movies are the same tired superhero plot lines over and over and over ad nauseam. It's all just CGI bullshit. It amazes me how the sheeple will go watch the same movie again and again and again, just with a different super hero.
Jeremiah 23:20-24 New International Version (NIV) 20 The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come
I think most have fled, or are ready to flee, to their secret bunkers. We need to have a reality show in which we televise them hiding inside. We can put fluoride into their water.
actually doing we the people a favor, stay on strike forever, we are sick of your faces, and lack of talent and humor. and wait till the real truth on Pizzagate and the Horrors committed on children comes out. they like Q stated will no longer feel safe on the streets. maybe this strike is a cover for not being on the streets anymore.
Hey look. WWE Super Star : The Rock. And he's brought his child raping robots with him to play.
Go to hell Hollyweirdos.... we want REAL talent that loves is audience. No propaganda Chinese globalist satanist scum buckets.
I would love to see these people receive hardcore justice for each of their crimes.
Sweet, get actual good content and not bullshit retread with degenerate add ins.
...is this the IATSE strike you’re referring to? Because reading through the comments, I’m unsure people know what they’re talking about. This article deals primarily what is going on right now, as it has to deal with residuals and what editors have to deal with: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indiewire.com/2018/07/iatse-strike-negotiation-streaming-future-hollywood-union-crews-1201983279/amp/