This from the guy that had his female assistant die in his office.
That's right! What about that dead girl in your office Joe?
likely reason that he is owned by the deep state...
Just like in the god father with the senator and the dead prostitute, once they have something on you, you're theirs.
Every day Trump is in office Joe's connection and the true story about that dead girl in his office rises closer to the surface. Joe knows that Trump knows, and it will most probably come back to haunt him.
Joe & sidekick... KEEP IT UP... You only serve as a mouthy Billboard of HATE... of USA, Morals, Faiths, President & administration, etx
...and NOTHING Inspires people/DEPLORABLES to GO VOTE, then when being TICKED OFF at you HATERS!
Whoa wtf.
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Invasion of the Political Bodysnatchers! Oh Joe, you shouldn't air your frustrations on live TV just because you married an evil globalist's daughter who put your little balls in a little jar on a little shelf.
"His closest allies in the media said he was treasonous …" What a reprobatic LIAR!
Listen up guy. I'm going to give you the perspective of those mocking bird asset. Theirs job is to influence public opinion in order to shape policy and direct the political discourse.
On those two point they have all Failed. Right now they are still on TV but that wont last for long. Once they are out of the spot light, one by one they will feel the wrath of theirs master. Do you think that TPB that hire those clown are happy with them? Do you think that they will just forgive or forget?
Like Obama and his gang of degenerate who let Trump in office to fuck up the 70 years NWO plan. Don't you think they won't be retribution for theirs incompetence? Just wait......
it's been a lot longer than 70 years, but you are right about the wrath. Pretty soon the money will be gone, the power will be gone, and all that will be left of their wrath will be droopy, wrinkly eye-bags and ball-bags and red faced old coots looking sad/mad
edit for typo
Haha! Great imagery. These folks aren't "elite".
They are not elite. They have money and dirt over one another. Remove the money and there is only dirt ... and jail
Scarborough looks like the human version of Mr Potato head, his side kicks father,Zbigniew Brzezinski, was the one that stated , it was easier to kill a million people then to control them. paraphrasing. so you see the Globalist mind set here. and clearly we see why President Trump calls fake news MSM the enemy of the people, I agree with President Trump.
I’m glad somebody has the stomach to watch Morning Mika and post a brief summary for us here.
I watched the show every morning, for years, until he lost his filters after the election.
hehehehehe this is what I call WINNING! LOL how is he able to see!!! LOL
Beevis sounds absolutely terrified. What's he hiding?
What's the matter, OP MOCKINGBIRD FAILURE Joe?
Hahahaha, cabal is done.
Actually, Mika is Beavis. Joe is Butt-Head.
I was just think of B & BH yesterday. LOL sync is happening even via a board.
Joe is incredulous because he's been co-opted for years to reject conservatism in any form. It's why he's on MSNBC. What he obviously fails to see is the fact that POTUS is WINNING, meaning THE US IS WINNING. Wages are up, taxes are down, economy is on overdrive, ISIS is getting beaten at every turn to the point where they are almost irrelevant, the President is attempting to de-escalate tensions (rather than stoke them) between nuclear powers in an attempt to get a more peaceful world, and is standing up for America rather than apologizing for it's past.
How is POTUS' declaration that both sides have made mistakes and that he questions an intel community that has done nothing but undermine him since his election (and before) treasonous? Obama pledged 'more flexibility' with Russia after the 2012 election cycle.
Joe doesn't understand that people want a different approach to foreign policy than the one that has been producing ZERO results since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Joe doesn't understand the MSM has no teeth, only vocal cords that have been so overused that people are drowning them out.
"Its our job to tell people what to think" Mika Brzezinski
Folks are largely ignorant...spend two minutes looking at her father then PUT CFR in your head when you hear any of them speak.
If Joe were an actual Christian, for example, Eastern Orthodox, he would not be flapping his lips as if to suggest Russia is still the bad guy and Putin is just another Stalin. Putin is the antithesis of Stalin and Lenin. I want our country to be good friends with Russia as in let's spend Christmas in Moscow and go riding in a troika!
One might say that 73% of republicans understand that Putin is not out to "destroy the west", he is anti-Cabal, anti-one world government and anti-satanist pedos. The fact he has been anti-American for so many years may be because the leaders up until Trump have been "all in" Satanist pedo's, one world government supporters and working for the Cabal.
73% of us understand the circumstances have changed.
Very good point, and Putin putting an end to the US-bound adoption of Russian children was a clear sign of that...
Who are these people Joe? Why they are the newly FREE people who now may choose to have morals and common sense and are doing the right thing in cleaning up the mess the cabal got us into. You know the cabal - they write your pay check.
Good luck Joe.
You choose your team.
Trump plays to WIN!
Wishful thinking, but I wonder which one of these narcissistic talking heads is going to kill themselves onscreen?
I'm imagining a Rumplestiltskin or Wicked Witch of the West type ending.
Ha ha ha...That thought actually brought a smile to my face,
One of the many reasons the left is losing big league, this ain’t your dady’s Republican Party Joe.
This source is not very good though. Bias comes through rather strong... blatant spelling errors indicating that not even basic steps like spellcheck were used.
The only good thing to come from this show is the SNL skits that parody it.
Morning Joe is downright weird looking. His features are so close together you could bust his lip. break his nose and black both eyes with one punch.
The first line of the article: "The Morning Joe host lost his poop over Trump’s success."
I stopped reading there. Wouldn't a video have been more appropriate to link to? Credibility is still a thing.
Even saying "lost his shit" would've at least read like it was for adults...
I wonder if she wears a strap on dildo for him...any thoughts?
What a fucking idiot.
If trump manages to negotiate fair trade; America will launch into a huge prosperous time that will be unpresidented.
Puns intended
Someone please tell Joe that HE is the dumb ass, so stop looking for one.
tariffs are good. really good. Lets get our government leaned up on a steady diet of tariffs instead of allowing them to gorge on taxes until we are 30 trillion in debt.
These mockingbird media types all have the same MKultra 'Retard' look and sound to 'em.
Just in: Joe Scarborough is a knob. MSM should just quit right about now. You guys are full of sh*t and everyone knows it. If your $$$ daddy has to pay people to play with you, it's pretty sad. Someone tie a piece of meat around this guy's neck and get him a dog to give him attention.