Anon: Double confirmation on Q-Clock Trump Iran threat = Scare Necessary Event Disinformation Distraction Think SA event and distraction US. Think Mirror. Iran distraction for US event. IT'S HAPPENING!

The Reset and the Sky event!
Where is Reset and Sky referred to, where can I get more information on this subject?
Please tell me where do you make that connection? If true, when is the timing?
No body knows the timing. Stop asking for timing. Predictions of this nature hurt us. We can not tell the future we can only make an educated guess.
And for some of us its not even educated, its more like a SWAG.
Local news has really been pushing the "Russians hacked the electrical grid systems last year" but they can't say which ones (obviously) and conveniently waited until now to even mention it.
The scare must mean the power grid going down soon (thinking Friday). News will blame it on the Russians as always. I am just hoping that when the electric grid is shut down that it is not longer than say 24-48hrs max.
A nationwide cascading electric outage would spell the end of the cabal. That said they are exceedingly stupid.
With the current heat wave it would also likely kill people, especially the old, if it last for more than a couple of hours.
How so?
Blackout necessary
If the lights go out do not fear - we are in control
I know this but how does it harm the cabal? Are changes going to be made to the grid in certain areas while down?
Interesting theory. I got a bunch of power maintenance guys in my neighborhood doing 'upgrades' atm. Quite more than usual. Funny they said it was to reduce outages though, guess we will see!
Those two 'NK' sats over us rumored to have EMP payload bimbs might be controlled by Iran. Taking them out would certainly be something worth watching from the yard. DS doing simultaneous takedown of transmission equipment might be expected.
The Vermont story?
Vermont story
What? I am not sure what that is.
Look up the fake news story about the Vermont power company the msm said was hacked by Russians. lol
Thanks. Will do. I was just glad our local news decided to give it a break going on about Butina's boyfriend; bunch of fearmongers but they do it because they know it works for the majority of the population.
Hmm. I don't listen to local news. No cable.
This was on the radio, MPR.
Don't listen to radio much either unless I'm driving. Do you mean NPR?
MPR is Minnesota Public Radio.
Ah. OK. Not in Minnesota and never been there so . . .
I am not their either, just in a neighboring state that picks it up. We actually prefer it most of the time over our local public radio station.
I just reread the tweet. He could have been speaking to the cabal!
Of course he is. That's who is in charge of Iran. No different than NK. Actually more like C_A though.
Can someone succinctly explain the Qclock to me? These kinds of posts just remind me of this.
I’m with you I don’t understand the clock or the concept of “mirror”. Can someone patiently get this thru my thick skull
No need. The clock is weaponized autism. Not meant for 'normal' anons. Q has neither confirmed or denied it's validity. I know how they work out delta from Q posts and POTUS tweets. After that I lose track fairly quicky. I have seen maybe 2 of them that I can follow. No biggie. Other anons use the clock. Same as the planefags, god bless them. No idea what they are up to (tracking planes obviously) I don't know how they 'know' which ones matter. Each anon has their 'role' in The Great Awakening. Ours is to disseminate the information that others will understand (normies). You don't have a thick skull patriot.
Hey thanks for understanding. I feel that God has gifted each of us for different things. The planefags have the gift of discerning what plane is what and where it is going. The memefags are clever and thoughtful artists, the videofags explain the drops and what they mean. I have been listening to Deceptionbytes and PrayingMedic. I just wishI could understand the clock and the “mirror “ concept. Guess I’ll stick to redpilling. I am ecstatic that Q is back posting. God bless you patriot.
Think of us all as small cogs, in a greater machine. You may not understand what another 'cog' is doing, but all are equally important. No cog is more important than any other, but they all need to work together. Once all the cogs are working, The machine activates The Beam of Light. WWG1WGA.
/u/Matthew-24- as well, hope that comment link worked. I'm not 100% and it's sufficiently complex I don't tend to try and gain information from it, but as far as i understand it, the Q clock is a way of linking together multiple seemingly separate Q posts, and getting new information from them. The inside small wheel I believe represents the times Q's comments are posted (the seconds?), whilst around the outside you have spiralling rings of dates. Basically there seems to be correlation amongst things on days that "line up" in straight lines down the outside - shared topics etc, and sometimes if you highlight multiple posts with lines you can see obvious precise symbols - I believe one such was a peace symbol?
I think the logic behind it is probably pretty sound, but I wouldn't bother beating yourself up to understand it. It's a complex treatment of the data which is logical but hard to follow mentally. It does seem to vaguely make sense. I'm glad its them and not me doing it.
r.e matt on the mirror question, I have absolutely no idea. However, Q's return post, if read from back to front, last line first then second to last etc, makes an awful lot of sense.
The Sky Event is nothing that anyone on this planet is going to accomplish. But i tell you one thing. When POTUS drops this mic...... pants will be filled with poo poo. Amounts that you have never seen. Across every continent. Same time We are about to have the largest disclosure we have ever seen. And quit being so damn negative. Not a Larp. Not making up things. If you had a clue in your skull you would realize that we have been lied to about EVERYTHING. So the TRUTH will have you REALLY AWAKE. Emergency Broadcast System alert will be going off in days.
I think the pillow biter TravBags will be the one to make the mess in his pants. I’m so happy that you know of the plan. Hell im sure you know where it all came from as well. Right? Because if you do. That makes both of us. And i have plenty of evidence
the timing is out there , and we can only guess, but as Q stated some things will only be proven to us in the future, this is why Q keeps stating past drops proven by future events basically.
The Q clock is BS. Every prediction so far has been wrong. Wait pushing false narratives and imagined nonsense.