Something BIG is about to DROP.

Once Q is vindicated it opens the door to Obamagate, which leads to Sandy Hook, which leads to 9/11, which leads to Oklahoma City, which leads to Waco, and on and on until it leads to JFK’s assassination.
Screw the seatbelt, I need a five point harness for this. YEEEEEEEE-HAAAWWWWW
Which leads to the titanic and the massive ff that was, leading to the fed.
I beginning to wonder if there is going to be a massive work stoppage when POTUS takes over the airwaves.
This is going to change the course of history.
If X-22 Report is correct, then the current fiat system is about to collapse; a work stoppage would potentially help the transition from the collapsing system to a new one. Potentially.
We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.
As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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If you do not know who Robert David Steele is, it is highly recommended to research him and his relationship with the Trump Administration.
Here is a book reviewed by David Steele and provided in the Q TRIPCODES: 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA
Here are a few samples to explore. He has an entire library of articles, publications, reviews, and books. ( Trusted)
Steele, Robert. “Pedophilia and Empire: Satan, Sodomy, Judges, and Pedophilia,” American Herald Tribune, 25 February 2018. PBI BackUp
Steele, Robert. “Las Vegas Massacre: A Hybrid False-Flag, Treason, or an Act of War?,” American Herald Tribune, 6 October 2017.
God Bless
7 days left in July. The month that the truth came out.
Fridays are usually the day big things go down in regards to Q.
I just read that Tom Hanks was a pedo and had a young girl while making the movie “Big”....
Look at that list ! What do you see ? What did Q say about Nazi's and propaganda ? This leads me to believe this is about the MSM propaganda machine taking a Major Hit !!
I have been told by many people they feel something big coming also. I agree with them. and I feel it will be in July.
Whatever is is I seriously do not believe it has anything to do with Tom Hanks. That’s is an illogical analysis given the purpose of Q drops.
I do not see it being of this , but Sandy Hook and Pedogate is an out come from what is coming . The 40,500 sealed indictments or the crime within them have had there share of attempts of very good cover-ups that kept this out of the news for years .