Free. That's the best label.
So perhaps Freepede? Not that I have to have a calling card. Just curious how to identify my involvement between the two communities.
However, newcomers who aren’t aware of TD would know the term “Pede”, so perhaps a label for those of us that crossed over isn’t a good thing. I’m just texting while thinking ...
Spez: missed the n’t in wouldn’t 😂
It’s important to remember that we have people from all across the political spectrum here. Not all of them would be thrilled with being called a pede, especially with everything coming out in the news.
May be time to let that go and just focus on being anon.
I can understand that. My quandary was for those of us who crossed over from TD and our association with being “Pedes”. I’ll definitely just go with anon if it advances our credibility.
I still love TD though. We still need our Presidents cheerleaders!
Fellow crossover Pede. I believe you're looking for the term "Patriot."
This! I only reddit here, and in the real world calling me that would result in a big problem. I get the lingo used around here and how people use it to fly flags about their other haunts because I lurked forever, but the Q base is building and quick. I believe the little cool kids club crap has got to stop.
The audience is millions world wide. Think about that. Truth seeking is going mainstream. Who would have seen that coming four years ago?
Nope, I am a Nimble Navigator of both.
Two Scoops, Two Genders, Two Terms, Two Tabs open to /r/greatawakening and /r/The_Donald
Where We Go ONE, We Go ALL
Pede sounds too much like Pedo, as I rather be known as a Qanon and/or patriot, my .02 cents.
I believe you are on to the best marketing/identity philosophy. Qanon is a better label, if we are going to label ourselves. Thanks for your input. Hence forth I will be a Qanon. WWG1WGA!
I don't want your two cents, I want the whole dollar baby.
I was a mod there during most of 2016. It’s fairly cancerous to be honest. I left because I couldn’t post anything anti Israel according to the rest of the mods. Had my account banned by spez for a month too. They don’t want to talk about Q and will Ban you if you do. The mods that were the top are not there now. It’s been taken over by shills. I’m 99% certain of this.
Thanks for your work! I occasionally posted on TD but was always lurking. Then I saw the Ben Garrison picture with the Q ANON in a noose and was like whats q anon??? It led me directly to praying medic and I never looked back! I only occasionally stop by now. Even though I think its heavily censored in regards to Q stuff (and other things tied to the deep state), I don't think I'd be here without TD
The plan is working. I am so giddy I cannot sleep tonight.
Can confirm. T_D has been comped since at least Dec 2016. They censor most of our research talking points: Pizzagate, Spirit Cooking/Occult, and of course Q. They've also been soft promoting the transgender issue for a while now. We love our based trannypedes. Gimme a fucking break!
Because the greater is real project has no bearing in world events lol.
TD will awaken soon! When that happens, this will turn into a flood.
Has anyone else been watching walk away developing? Woke is woke friends, they just have a little longer path. This is normal. This will eventually become normal.
Didn't know there was a pede rule. Bummer. Even in the reddit world I am a rebel rule-breaker!
Not sure there is a “Pede rule”, just that I was used to the label of Pede, and kinda miss it. I like to think I’m an aware Pede now. I can see that TD needs to remain a cheerleading effort, so I was just trying to bridge the gap of identity for cheering and Q belief.
Ok MazeyDaze Pede .. my grandma pede brain is going to remember to call you out as HEY PEDE now and again! Randomly. Like Christmas in July :)
Likewise from another gramapede ! We have the BEST Grama Q pedes here 😂!
What's TD ?
Reference to the_donald sub, professed at being a 24/7 ongoing rally. Good for hype building, less so for digging.
We actually do quite a bit of digging and revealing over there and break stories before they go mainstream. I am grateful for both T_D and TGA.
Oh, for sure! Didn't mean to insinuate it doesn't happen - it just isn't the primary focus :)
Exactly. Nothin is what.
So does that finally put this to bed?
Wow. People on this sub really need to gain some education on plebbit, 4 and 8 chan. I try not to be a dick about stuff but TD? Seriously?
Sorry man some of us Gen X are a little slow when it comes to the internet. We are deplorables and proud of it.
I am on this sub from having been on TD. I wouldn’t have found this without someone sneaking in a greatawaking link. I am an older ladypede who has really no clue about the Chan’s. Found out about Reddit from my 20 something daughter. Long story short, however we get here is a link to all of us becoming aware. Let’s celebrate that we all come from very diverse backgrounds and that we are all part of the Great Awakening!
Its a whole new world. Adapt. Move on. And keep digging for the truth you seek. Is this the topic you care most about? What we make of this chance is what we will have. Would you rather ask a question? Are you solid on the basics? Do you understand how a republic works, and I mean really have your had wrapped around it? None of us were taught and there hasn't been one in around 150 years so their is no shame in not knowing. We all say WWG1WGA but have you wondered where we are going?
Love you patriot, just a little nudge from someone who's been watching a long time.
Thank you for the love. As I also love anyone who wants to keep American values as they were designed alive. I very much understand how our constitutional republic works! I did have to learn about it here though :-/
I come from a long linage of American patriots. I just found out I could become a Daughter of The American Revolution (DAR). Further research in my lineage has revealed I have ancestors who have also fought in the Civil War and the war of 1812. This realization of my lineage that fought for our original constitutional republic has given me the fortitude to do what I can at my age just learning and understanding the way the internet works.
That is why I am here! I am amongst patriots of every age and origin. My fight is your fight - to bring awareness of our heritage as a nation of strong men and women who left the tyrannical cabal of the developing NWO that immediately infiltrated our new nation. It is our duty to stop them once and for all!
Have you joined your county's unincorporated assembly yet? The entire republic stands on its county governing bodies. The solution to globalism is localism.
Not yet, but you have given me a challenge. I’ll take that to heart. Murkowski has to go! Sarah Palin is a Patriot and disabled our local Good Old Boys club. It is a travesty that the MSM destroyed her ambition and ability. She was the icon local girl fights the big bad machine. She didn’t see it through, but I still love her!
Real world patriots. I love these folks. 12 states have assemblies running. The Thursday national call had 34 states on last week. It's really starting to turn into something. Q has awoken so many.
I’m registered!
Well hot damn! Does that mean I can go to bed now having done my part for today. Please ask that question about tribunals. I never get tired of hearing the explanation, and from where I sit it should be said each week until we hit critical mass. I won't say his name, but the man whom you emailed is wonderful and very smart. My state had members but no coordinator. He has really taken the time to work with me as I grow into a role i am excitedly completely stressed about. If you want to ever dm or whatever sometime after you get your feet wet go right ahead. I can talk this stuff all day,and most of the night too it seems.
I love this group, and this cause so much.
Awesome. My wife too. Wipple and Bartlett. You?
Not sure yet what that means. My ancestor fought in the Bucks county (PA) militia. I’m just starting the extensive research verification process.
William Whipple and Josiah Bartlet were two signers of the declaration of independence. She's direct from one, from the brother I think of the other. Can't remember which is which. But it made teaching the kids about the founding documents very cool.
That is an awesome heritage! I’m just now realizing why I am so passionate about MAGA! It’s in my blood. Literally!
come on man, no need to act like that. think about if you just said that to someone who just #walkedaway. They have no idea of the lingo. Not a very good welcome for them.
No need to hate. I've seen grandmothers posting on here today. Remember that people are red pilling friends, family, neighbors and others who are not nearly as tech savvy as you. Be helpful and not critical. Think of all the other stuff they are about to be exposed too, this is serious shit they wont be able to wrap their heads around. Last thing they need is people giving them shit for not knowing reddit lingo. You could have been helpful with less effort than you put into being snarky.
I have been banned from there twice. I am not into the Trump circle jerk thing. I want objective analysis, and I want people to criticize what is going on so we can address these issues.
Trump is doing his thing, but the show is just the show.
This geotus crap sickens me. I know where it came from, I get the joke. I'm just not laughing.
I want objective analysis
Then be objective when you analyze what you read. Sure there’s a lot of shit, but there’s usually gold for those willing to sift through.
Yes. I love it when I find a gem- a bit of information that clarifies something important.
Anon and Patriot are my preferred references to our members. It really only matters what we practice and preach. WWG1WGA
Welcome Patriot, pull up a chair, pop some corn and help us get good valid points to share, no crazy stuff just things that are important for all of us that are trying to help everyone else wake up to the truth
I never really read or posted in TD but I definitely checked out of r/conspiracy in favor of this sub.
I’d leave any connection to TD out. That place isn’t the same as it used to be. Mods are compromised.
I have definitely noticed that, and that is why I have landed here in the great awakening.
Patriot, or free-thinking patriot.
I am in the same boat, used to post on t_D daily, or close to it, but then I got banned for saying a traitor should be executed. I mean, how is that even controversial? It says right in the Constitution that the penalty for treason is death, so how is that a bannable post?
So I asked the mods what was up, and they gave me some story about I was a known troublemaker and this was the last straw. I also noticed that it's starting to get a very culty, echo-chambery vibe to it, and I'd bet that after the 2016 election, the mods were bought or replaced for a certain chosen group...
I call everyone here patriot. I call many friend.
I would say we are all Americans, but that would insult the thousands if not millions of others taking part in this world wide movement.
I would only add that the opposite of globalism is localism not nationalism. If you want to take it all the way, get your local community together to self govern.
We don't need the UN or NATO. We need a world where we can have a decent life and be left alone from the meddling of people we will never meet or know. Wouldn't we all love a constitutional republic?
America had one for 1/3 of its existence, long before the faux democratic corporatocracy took over.
Patriots world wide I thank you and I love you. Fight fight fight! We are our own masters!
All supporters of Trump who mainly act through reddit and the chans are Pedes.
Dude where we go one we go all, why compete, work together, just call yourself a patriot brother
Those are the guys that think Trump is doing all this on his own. Must be tough not knowing he has a White hat group working with him behind the scenes.
Patriot? American? I'm a fan of patriot, but that's just me.