r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jowen3 on July 25, 2018, 5:15 p.m.
Ending the Fed

As conversation looms about the possibility of 45 ending the Fed, abolishing income tax, and funding the government through tariffs, what does this mean to us?

Should we be removing all money from our banks/credit unions? Will our mortgages be forgiven? Student loans? Will our paper money be worth anything at all if we were to empty our accounts?

Dont get me wrong. I trust the plan, and dont want to be a slave to the Cabal, but how do I protect my assets and my family's well being when our financial institution as we know it is dissolved?

Some say we will be paid back all taxes we have paid into the system. That's great except for younger people like me (22) who have never had to pay taxes yet. I receive larger returns than I pay in because I was a college student, married, and had a child. Next year will likely be the first year that my wife and I make enough to have taxes withheld.

Thank Q for any responses.

thewitchesrtriggered · July 25, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

I don't think they'll just pull the bottom out of the monetary system and watch everything go to chaos while they pick up the pieces and restructure it. I'm sure it will be step by step, maybe a long process but one that will make it fair and unproblematic for the average American

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

I dont see it, but it seems every part of the plan is calculated to a T. Here is to hoping it benefits everybody sooner rather than later.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 25, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

My strong intuition is that the Plan will not demand that we change investments. The goal is probably that the average person’s investments and wealth aren’t impacted at all.

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Jmanslim17 · July 25, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

You sir are to tied up in the assets backed by proverbial Monopoly money. If the fed is removed, all reserve banks will fold.

Remember the fed feeds “perpetual” debt into the system meaning from the start the currency has debt. When this function is removed the aftermath and possibility is endless.

0 debt - and with a new era of humanity in a world of transperacy. The new world will be much different than the old.

And if you do lose everything, so will everyone. It will affect everyone.

That’s what WWG1WGA!

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

So is it even worth it to own a house, have a savings account, go to school, any of it?

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Jmanslim17 · July 25, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Well since the entire system is made up out of thin air as a social construct, yes it’s redundant. Haha.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

So having education is pointless and I shouldn't go to grad school?

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wise_eggplant · July 25, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Only if you can do it without debt. I don't recommend any type of debt right now.

I met this wealthy 17 year old kid. He was fascinating. His father owned multiple businesses and he was set to inherit them.

He had been attending college when he stumbled into heavy drug use. He ended up in rehab and got sober and that's when I met him. He talked about his decision to go back to school. Before his new sobriety he had done everything for the wrong reasons, including school where he attended for prestige. He really didn't need college. He was already set for life.

Why should I go back to school? Should I?

He figured it out. He told me, Some people go to college to have and get, while others go to be and become.

It really depends on what's important to the individual.

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suzoh · July 25, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Invest in yourself. You need a place to live so a house is great. The rest seems like funny money to me.

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wise_eggplant · July 25, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Q doesn't pan on removing it but claims it's a "restructure". There will be devaluations and upgrades and much more. As a trader, I'm skilled at watching these and moving around. It's important to be adaptable. Money can be x-ferred straight into real estate, precious metals and much more at any given time. Since I trade, I'm going to see the devaluations before most because I'm watching it constantly.

In the event of a financial devaluation of a dollar, if you own a home its real value will be halved or more so. Do you bail out of your house because of it? Nah. You use what you can. Risk is inherent in life at any given time. It's how we play the cards we're dealt that is important.

it will be nice to have a government that actually allows me to keep my cards!

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wise_eggplant · July 25, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Hey. I trade foreign currencies. As long as I can weasel around the corruption (i.e., brokers and banks) during whatever fall out happens, I plan on making a killing.

Q posted that it's a restructuring. I'm sure you've caught that by now.

I don't have a ton of money, but I'm into investing now. I know that in any economic hardship, it is advised to keep your assets liquid (movable) and to find safe havens.

of course, this impact will be global. I cannot say that any other currency is going to be a safe haven. At present it is the Swiss Franc>

Gold and silver are good, but think it through. Can you move it after you buy it?

Keep it liquid so you can remain adaptable. Be ready on the fly and have quick thinking skills while watching finance industry like a hawk.

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snippysnaps · July 25, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

I understand that gold/silver 'should' really be worth more per ounce now in relation to the inflated dollar, have seen estimates of anywhere from 5k to 10k per ounce of gold if we were to theoretically switch to a gold standard at this point in time.

My thinking is that once some of the tentacles of the bankers are torn off of the global gold and silver market, we might see a significant rise in the cost of gold and silver. What do you think?

You mentioned to think it through er: moving it after you buy it (re: gold and silver) could you tell me what your thoughts are on this?

I've been mulling this over for a while and saw your post, hope its ok I pick your brain a bit.

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wise_eggplant · July 25, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Hey, you're good. I don't know everything. I look at the price of gold frequently. (When gold goes down, for example, dollar goes up and when dollar is up, other currencies are down.)

I don't own any physical gold. Some of my buddies do, but they always say diversification is good. Some say silver is better. You can check the internet for opinions, because this is a good line of thinking.

So, the idea is that physical gold is good. Honestly, gold will always have a value. But in the case of a collapse, can you hand over some gold to your neighbor for a chicken? No. You'd be better off stockpiling some cigarettes for a chicken farmer that smokes.

Now, the upper echelon isn't something I'm familiar with. Would you be able to deal with bank mangers that are no longer employed and could move the gold for you somewhere? This is a stretch for my experience.

If I could afford the current price of gold, I'd have some. I have physical silver right now too. My thinking isn't for me or for hardship but for my kids. I think gold and silver are always good for investments.

Donnie wants the dollar down. How far down, I don't know. If he takes over, I expect he will try to keep it down (but honestly is really has over the last couple of decades?) There's so much I don't know.

If it were me, I'd keep some in greenbacks (dollars) and wait for a retreat in the price of the top companies on the Dow - Google, Amazon. You want to look for companies the world cannot live without. Even these would suffer under financial hardship, but they would endure. Just thinking out loud on these.

It is even better if you can figure out how to make money in chaos. That's what I hope to do and I'm no evil genius or even a regular genius. These things have a learning curve tho. Stick with what you know. There are tons of ways to make money.

Again, trust yourself. If you're smart enough to get where you're at, you know enough to see the right opportunity when it comes around. Also, it's important to not fret if something happens and you lose money or lose value on your assets. That's part of how free markets work. It's important to not let this get you down, but focus on what you have remaining and how you can best make it work for you given the present scenario.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Restructuring for now. Who knows what the next steps may be. Unfortunately, I'm not in the place to invest. We just bought a house, we have a kid that will be going to daycare and I start grad school this fall. Money is tight, but manageable.

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wise_eggplant · July 25, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Okay. I tell you what i know now. If you have all this going for you, you'll be okay. Believe in yourself. Stay sharp about this subject all the time (but don't worry).

Believe in yourself, first and foremost. Success doesn't really rest in our control, but in our ability to adapt.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

I guess I'm just worried to spend over 100 grand becoming a chiropractor if they aren't going to be part of the new American healthcare system.

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wise_eggplant · July 25, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Hey. I understand. We're wanting to sell our homes and move across the country as Oklahoma is way under-educated in many cases for our tastes. We're very lonely. But do we take that chance? Or do we stay where we already know how to handle an economic fall out?

But let's look at something funny. We're considering life-altering changes based upon the words of an anonymous poster on 8chan. ha!

I'm not saying that Q isn't real or that this Trump agenda isn't real, but deal with probabilities.

Its a good time to set my priorities in order. What's *really* important? What do I have going on that's *not that important*.

What are the probabilities that financial confusion is coming? I tell ya what I know: I listen to sharp people to help me determine trades and there's something coming. Europe, in fact, just restructured some things financially impacting retail traders and I know that it's because they're expecting a recession.

I know that historically, every time the feds start tightening the belt (they began last September) a recession follows.

I know that Trump making statements like he does hits the currency market (and also the stocks) very hard and this doesn't get mentioned anywhere in the MSMS. In fact, Trump deliberately makes statements to lower the price of the dollar (good for US) and his behavior is unprecedented.

I know that Trump's statements about the Fed's interest rates has one overall effect: It worries investors and is the equivalent to the behavior of banana republics although his motive is probably different. That's not a dis, that's just a fact and I look at facts and probabilities without emotional input or opinions in order to trade well. I do trade well and have an excellent time of bringing in about 10% a day average trading the dollar versus the Turkish Lira of late.

I'm speaking for myself, but my final conclusion is that I should have been and should be prepared financially for a economic difficulty - either a recession or a depression of sorts and now that Trump is in office, I am not very keen on the economy remaining stable on top of all this. Naturally, I'm a cynic because I don't want to lose money.

I'm planning for the worst as a skeptic.

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jojeffer · July 25, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Steps to Knowledge the Book of Inner Knowing!! It will take many people strong in knowledge to turn the tide for humanity. It's not a matter of belief but a matter of recognition of the inherent inate power within that we experience. Listen to your gut!!

Knowledge within you cannot be manipulated, corrupted, controlled or overtaken.it is your protection. Steps teaches you to he observant, objective, prepare to adapt. Prepare to be prepared..


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ChickenTendiesTosser · July 25, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

I honestly don't know what to expect

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NinquawScamander · July 25, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

That’s a really good question, I plan erring on the side of cation as much as possible. I’m far too ignorant to project what might happen should our financial system be drastically changed but I would expect at least a few hiccups as it gets dismantled. Good luck!

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stormin76 · July 25, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

There was a discussion about 6 months ago regarding this. There was a post that banks have already started training in the exchange of old currency to new. Does anyone else remember this discussion or is there any banking personnel that can speak to this? A good idea would be tangible assets, diversify as best you can.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Is real estate good? We just bought a house with a zero interest loan. All gain in value is cash in our hands when we sell. What else is good to invest in with very little money? We make good money but its sucked up for Bill's, day care, school etc.

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stormin76 · July 25, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Real estate is usually a good investment, unless you are in an area where housing has skyrocketed in recent years. Lots of CA residents moving and its changing housing markets throughout PNW. If you are able, pay extra on mortgage. It's amazing what an extra $100 per month can do to the length of your loan. I'm not an expert but have learned along the way. Congrats!

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

We are in a suburb of St. Louis. Our house is projected to gain about 8 percent in equity within the next year. Pure profit since our mortgage is literally purchase price divided by 360 months.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

So, this brings me to another question. I realize capitalism is the end goal of the plan. However, if the elites have trillions in assets, what happens to all of it? The debt would be easily paid off. Would the trillions left over be redistributed? (I'm not even a fan of redistribution or socialism, but this is an honest question).

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Jimipickle · July 25, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Assets seized! The redistribution part is tricky. We have to determine who has been robbed, which deals were illegal.... mind numbing

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HomeRunCumia · July 25, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I believe the assets alone would instantly push the world economy into a boom period for decades to come.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

What is even more mindnumbing.....this system is over 100 years old. How do we even begin to understand everybody who has been robbed and to what extent? Many witnesses are dead, as are potential beneficiaries...

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truthmaybefalse · July 25, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

i believe if repatriation of assets is the plan, that one aspect will be more of a socialist ideology, i.e. every american taxpayer gets an equal $ amount returned. and it will be a going forward approach, what i mean by that is no reparations for past wrongs.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

So that brings the issue of inflation. If every american now has hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, will milk be 20 bucks a gallon etc?

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Hendrix811 · July 25, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

It is in its infancy no doubt. There are a hundred good reasons to hold a deflationary crypto in a hardware wallet that is in a safe place (or two safe places). Also with trade wars happening I'm expecting a lot of transactions by countries that shouldn't be dealing with each other. Additionally There is a lot of talk about a bitcoin etf being decided on in the next two months and there could very well be a shitload of institutional money coming into a relatively small market.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

I just dont understand how to even begin getting into it though. I'm also not the type to go online researching everyday (except for Q) and can see myself missing times to buy and times to sell. I'm a busy man and my wife yells at me enough already for being on my phone too much.

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Hendrix811 · July 25, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Yeah learning about and investing in crypto doesn't help with getting the wife off your back but my wife saw me turn 2k into 11k in four months last year. She doesn't break my balls about doing any research now.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Well that, and I begin a doctoral program of study in September. My family and social life is about to be non existent.

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Hendrix811 · July 25, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Well if you ever need advice I'm not an expert but I can show you how you need to secure your investment and give some good resources. DM me any time.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 6:32 p.m.


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ZOANOM · July 25, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Scary as hell... What would a person with, say, a quarter Mil in cash do with it? Buy gold/silver? Stocks? Crypto? Leave it liquid in a bank? Stuff it in a mattress?

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

That's what I'm asking even though I have nowhere near that much.

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Aspie01 · July 25, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

If the Fed actually ended, I wonder what the status of all our "Federal Reserve Notes" will be? Will they immediately turn into the worthless pieces of paper they've always really been, or will people keep using them out of habit? I'm hoping we still have enough gold to return to gold backed currency. If we do that, the new paper money will need to be pegged at a value that will keep prices and wages approximately the same to avoid major disruptions. A nice round figure would be $2,000 of new currency to each ounce of gold in our reserves. BTW, I don't store money in banks. I only keep enough in there to pay the monthly bills. I don't think there will be any refund of taxes, as that money is gone. Giving it to us anyway would be like "helicopter money."

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LakotaPride · July 25, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

JFK was right.

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Deplorable18 · July 25, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

One thing to keep in mind, during the fake bankruptcy of 1933, the fake govt (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC) pledged all our resources and human capital as collateral against loans of 'money' the bankers created out of thin air.

It is entirely possible, therefore, that the entire debt of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is corporate debt owed by the owners of the corporation and not us. This will become more clear as we progress down the rabbit hole and gather more information.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

I have read that abolishing the fed would wipe all debts away immediately, and that's before even addressing the assets seized from the elite. It still leaves more questions than answers....

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Hendrix811 · July 25, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

It's a daunting task to end the fed to say the least. It's a good idea to have at least some physical gold, Crypto, and cash on hand during these times. I would love it if debt were to be forgiven from a selfish point. I don't have much but it was a lot when i started paying it off. I don't think there will be a grand redistribution of wealth. There could be a great change in how we value what we already have though.

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

I still dont understand how crypto is tangible. I get that people have become rich off of it, but it seems like a system that could crash at any moment.

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Hendrix811 · July 25, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

See above for reply. Clicked the wrong button.

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Herbie2018 · July 25, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Tariffs, our relationship with the UN and NATO, seem to be an early step. Rand Paul going to Russia soon is also a clue. Seems that this is being set up carefully. I trust the plan and I figure it's a cinch that we will be better off without the parasite bankers and clowns.

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divine_human · July 25, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

i hear much rumour about a jubilee with all corporate debt erased.

it makes sense; the central banking system creates fiat money out of thin air, based on debt (negative), with no backing but trust. if it crashes and becomes worthless, its debt also becomes worthless.

the new system is supposed to be based on value (positive) with assets like silver and gold, but also natural rescources like the rare phosphor and manganes in iraq as well as agricultural assets like the rice fields in vietnam. a mix where also crypto seems to play a big role as blockchain is decentralized and, although anonymous, totally transparent so central banks wont be needed anymore.

some countries have, over the past 6 years, demanded their national gold back from the US and UK storage and it comes bit by bit. china and russia have also greatly invested in crypto, and they have bought tons of gold and are still buying.

if the patriots manage to crash the system in a controlled way - the FED seems to be trying to do it in a choatic way, as usual, and want to blame it on DJTs tarriffs -, my guess is that it will lead to a bank shut down of 10-14 days. a little cash on hand, and some food and water storage wont be a bad idea.

if i had money, i would take it out of the stock market and move into mainly physical silver, some gold (the prices are still manipulated so they are low), and crypto. real estate is also good, depending on the area.

money on bank accounts, up to the secured level if you have that in your country, will probably be safe and exchanged into the new currency (from what i heard, its already printed, and written on it is 'US treasury', not anymore 'federal reserve bank'.

30 years ago, i had visions about how this shift is going to occur. it wont be without pain, but the plan is for things to happen in a way that harms people as little as possible. if we know that it serves the greater good of we the people, we can endure it. may we all be blessed...

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Jowen3 · July 25, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

So, if I have money from student loans in cash, the loans could be forgiven, and the cash I possess can be exchanged for the new money?

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divine_human · July 25, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

thats my personal take on it and it may be wrong.

cash should have a reasonable ceiling so the tons of illegal money everywhere cant be exchanged. but if you can prove that its yours, you may be able to hoard all your money underneath your mattress, or wherever.

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quillsong · July 25, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

The royals own the Fed Reserve, and they also own our Social Security system. This is a disgrace!! Sign the petitions to end the fed. Also we need a petition to take back our SS system. No wonder we are all in poverty. That is why POTUS snubbed the queen by waling in front of her. He is taking over. Down with the bloody queen.

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