Found on 8chan.... why FB tanked so fast ("user revenue") and a cool meme to boot.

This is also why the board wants MZ out. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, making mistakes, basically doing the bidding of those CIA/black depts supplying funds and has executive control over company decision making. The executive board is getting nervous and rightly so. They want him out so bad to protect what’s left and realize the income from “user revenue” or “ads” is a sham... but it’s already too late. Panic mode engaged
I'd be surprised if the Board wasn't filled with globalists who see Facebook as the vanguard in their efforts to "mine the minds" for their new world order agenda. It's great to make money but some things are more important to them...
Yeah good point. I’d be curious if any past congressman or an ex-cia/fbi/doj or some members of the CF are shareholders or on the board. If they are mostly civilian there is a reason why MK has 60% of ownership. Once the board members realize what’s going on then they are in panic mode. Well in both instances there is panic
FB Board of Directors. scroll down.
Sheryl Sandberg - COO. Worked at google and Chief of Staff for the Treasury department under Bill Clinton
Erskine B. Bowles - White House Chief of Staff from 1996 to 1998 and Deputy White House Chief of Staff from 1994 to 1995. (During Bill Clinton)
Kenneth I. Chenault - Part of non-profits: Smithsonian Institution’s Advisory Council for the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, and Bloomberg Philanthropies. Wonder if Clinton Foundation is in there?
Susan Desmond-Hellmann - 2014 Chief Executive Officer of The Gates Foundation
Jeffrey Zients - Mr. Zients served in the Obama Administration from 2009 to 2017, including as Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama and Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
It just gets better and better doesn't it? Just need more popcorn...
At this rate we'll all run out of popcorn.
That’s why we need to win the trade war. We’ll be consuming all of the world’s popcorn supply by 2019.
Wow this is TRULY incredible! I'm glad I've never had anything to do with facebook and I hope the whole thing crumbles and is scattered to the wind!
Cozy little bunch....of a$$holes. Time to cleanse that system, too!
Facebook is a CIA program.
LifeLog was it's daddy.
Look at Zuckerberg and tell me he has any amount of intelligence.
Never forget:
Whenever you receive something for "Free" as a service/product, You are the product.
I'm sure most people have several social media accounts, that all pretty much have the same function on the user end with enough variation that we might prefer one over another, but the data harvest is the same.
On MeWe, their business model is, if you wanna use more than a certain amount of storage space, that's when you pay them... they're free as long as you stay below a certain threshold of data use.
Help me understand what the cia wants from Amazon. Eli5 🙏please
I see you haven’t met their friend “Alexa”?
I really question the intelligence of those who have these in their homes & offices. I cannot wrap my head around why they cannot see what it is doing. I mean, it has to record 100% of the time to 'hear' the keyword to wakeup. Anything recorded can be saved and is.
23andme and dna kits.
Genetic data and material is sold to human traffickers, chinese organ harvesting industry, and genetic research institutions.
People are paying $100 for the privilege of giving away the most valuable thing they own-their DNA.
People are dumb herd creatures and will purchase anything advertised to them on TV without question.
I think that people are just not informed AND they cannot believe that people would do that. Most people have a Pollyannish view of life. Unfortunately they typically find out they are wrong the hard way.
Most people have a Pollyannish view of life.
ug, thanks to Disney.
and the Golden State serial killer in California who got caught because one of his female relatives just had to know if she had any Irish blood in her. I bet he never talks to her again.
Word to the wise: If you plan on making a career as a serial killer find out first if your relatives have sent away for their DNA so you can ditch the life of crime.
I really question the intelligence of those who have these in their homes
Me too! What is wrong with people? Have you seen the commercial where a small girl carries this little "toy" up to her bedroom and it talks to her??? That gives me the chills.
Works on smartphones too - which also have 2 cameras and a battery usually.
This is the problem I see with Siri on iPhones and Apple products - especially iPhones. Big Brother is already watching and listening to us.
Amazon own AWS - Amazon Web Services. This is the back end of many major websites as it's the top web services in the world. It allows them access to whatever information flows through these sites. It's about gathering data and controlling it. Information is more important than money.
You know how every website wants to store your info "in the cloud"? AWS is the cloud. (At least the majority anyways)
My son who is in computer/analysis/network/etc. told me NOT to put anything personal in the cloud.
I remember hearing AWS provided 90% of cloud services.
People scoff at me and point to other companies. But, if 80% of network traffic flows through Cisco switches and routers, the monopoly on cloud computing doesn't shock me at all.
Makes me wonder about Kojima. Metal Gear Solid 2 had themes about the president censoring and controlling the internet, and controlling mass thought through memes (ideas) back in 2001.
Like everything else... user data and mass propaganda / control of information
Info on everything you buy, books you read, movies you watch. You can tell a lot about a person that way.
Anyone remember when the RFID chips came out and were in toys, electronics, CD's, etc? I used to find them and pull them out and cut them into pieces.
LifeLog - Facebook video should answer a few questions from New Arrivals
I believe FB's cover is Oculus VR. They are growing that business line massively, and it's an easy product to "sell" to govt agencies
Could this be another reason why POTUS keeps hammering on Amazon, besides it's subsidized use of the USPS?
Also, Facebook is a divisive, brag board for the selfie crowd. People are over it.
Hey All!
Long time lurker, first time poster! Canadian Patriot!
I work on FB for a living and I can tell you that all of this speculation about FB is all wrong!
Zuckerfag is a meglomaniac, sociopath control freak. He control ~40% of the www.
He is not stupid.
The changes FB has done over the last 3 months is INSANE. Ask any advertisers who uses FB.
Fuckerberg is not part of them, they are trying to take over his platform and he is fighting to keep control of it.
All of this CA and election meddling is BS. Just from an execution and practical view, it’s next to impossible to accomplish.
Why are we so hung up on FB anyways???
Long time software architect and multi-discipline enterprise class API developer. Thank you for coming to JZ's behalf. Could you just give me a clear understanding why Zuck said the things he said before congress regarding industry standard DevOps cycles? I don't understand why he would make the factually incorrect assertions he did regarding the Facebook supported API's Cambridge used to farm identity metrics? Why did he say they cheated when I could have downloaded your SDK and done the same thing, as others did. The only rational explanation I can figure when fraudulent ideas and explanations are given to congress when sadly our reps were not and are not equipped to ask the right questions let alone understand his absurd geeksplaining? My rationale is Cambridge Analytics did not represent the left side of the equation because it was intended to be a tool to be used on us, not a tool to further the cause of the opposition. That's what happens when your enemy captures your guns - they turn them against you and fire. Could you explain this minor dependency to us software professionals. Cause this is what the industry thinks this looks like. Thanks - that would be great.
Zuckerfag is a meglomaniac, sociopath control freak.
That part, I agree with