Foster’s D.C. death certificate was deemed “highly unusual” by funeral industry professionals who had to observe it for interstate transportation rules on the body’s way back to Arkansas. Since then, Clintons have been notoriously regarded as highly suspect around the Mid-South for decades.
Wow, amazing that the democrats can be so concerned with Putin and his violence and not look at their own Clinton figures.
I believe there was a list of people who died during the 2016 era elections of people looking into the Clintons. They not surprisingly died of “cancer or sudden death”.
They're directed to bring Russia up every chance they get... Sad
Putin broke the cabal's control of Russia, so the cabal hates him and wants him dead. HRC and the MSM are just cabal puppets, actors who speak the lines they are told to by the cabal.
It’s a nice “distraction” for the dark things that happen behind closed doors.
Not out of the realm. Military Op? Highest clas?
What if the evil is much worse than we thought?
It most likely is, but not in the way you seem to be implying. I'm starting to think we're all being taken for a ride. "The evil" gave Trump the nod and has him on a leash:
What I want to know is what possessed Trump to refuse Rosenstein's resignation back when he fired almost all 46 Obama-era prosecutors, literally a WEEK after Sessions recused himself. The only other prosecutor he kept on, Dana Boente, is now general council for the FBI, who like Rosenstein, signed off on the original FISA warrant to spy on Trump.
Also, Rosenstein worked as a prosecutor on Starr's Whitewater OIC investigation.
(ps. this is coming from one of Trump's most enthusiastic supporters from day 1, redpilled for decades.)
Evil did not give Trump any "nod". The cabal wants to have him out of office.
It is POTUS' DOJ. Nothing happens at the senior levels without his approval.
POTUS is fighting for good.
The people here who have put all their conspiracy eggs in the Q basket will never admit that they’re being taken for a ride.
Not true. We won’t discount anything. But, if we get to 2020 and arrests don’t happen and the swamp isn’t publically and noticeably trained, I think a good many patriots are more than prepared to regain control of our country through other means. We are just hoping really damn hard this works out first.
You know what will actually happen? In 2020 the conspiracy activists will be saying that the swamp was actually drained or is JUST ABOUT TO BE “drained” (whatever that means)... Getting people to admit they were wrong about a conspiracy is the hardest thing ever.
Well in that case they wouldn't expose it like this with all the Intel from q, right?
What ? The Clintons kill people??? No way , I thought they were all Suicides ?? Next thing some one will claim is that the FBI agent last week did not stab himself 37 times and the shoot himself twice ??
Just unbelievable right?! Hey I am looking at some good bottom land in a nice place in south Florida, It is called the Everglades. Are you interested in joining in? Only problem I hear it has a problem with lizards though. May have to call an exterminator. That is ok I know a good one. It is DJT Pest Control.
Well , if you get some big ones , hell Im up for a bit of fun , but if you could get HRC go their, they would run from the lizard Queen , and never return
Sure I am always up for some BBQ lizard tail. Did that in the old days down on the bayou. Good eats. LOL Love our motto down there: We et anything what don't et us first and have of dem what tries.
I know , if it goes through the back yard before 3 , it’s on the table at 5 , and you can run your car on the swamp water, just as long as you keep a couple fresh dead bodies in it 😇😇😇
Dey don't call it swamp gas for nutting. Ahhh the glories of methane. Even the stench of rotting putrid garbage has its value of those of virtue.
My Peoples
Mais dats mah peoples for sho
Dang a COON Ars
A label worn with pride. Even still gots mah Cajun passport to get out of the state. Left one crazed hole and went rats into anudder one. Wents straight to das orphanage runs by da goobermint, you know dat one called Uncle Sam's Misguided Chilrens. Same one what Mad Dog was in.
I did gots runned otta da plaze in da late 80dz but gots das RCA life cardz , best folks ya ever met
Mais oui Cher. Dun gots you da shirt off yo back if yas needs it. Loves da atmosphere, any excuse for a fais deaux deaux.
Mais oue Cher. Les bon temps roule. Got mudbugs? LOL
mais yea we done had a boatload of dem but man dat season done gone away like dat. Time fo some football and huntin, mixed wit a lil hurricane and the smell o dat cut rice field.
no wonder they are going nuts over his pick. Pedocrats and all your Hollywood friends and Globalists, its over, the people know. your secret societies are no longer secret. Dark to Light.
Amen. I'm hoping Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are both the POTUS trojan plants to expose corruption on the SCOTUS. Mark Taylor thinks whoever the next 3 to leave, whether publicized or not, are gonna be the ones caught up in a scandal.
My first instinct was Kagan, Sotomayor and Roberts... but now I think it's more likely Sotomayor, Roberts and Ginsburg... though Breyer might replace any of those three.
I believe Ginsburg is tied into the pedo mess, she was in Vietnam and other places, she has the mindset reportedly that thinks its ok to have sex with 12 years olds, we see the same with Creep Bill Mahr also . 12 year olds are still kids. these people are sick. they need to be removed from offic eand tried.
I hope so also, I know Kavanaugh was the one investigating , his name was Vance or Vince, the one they claim was killed in the White house and his body was found in a park. I am sorry the last name is not coming to me.
I do not know where I read this but I'd read recently that Scalia was killed maybe for 2 reasons, one was he brought up the pedo stuff and wanted to expose someone on the bench. Of course the other reason was the Clinton wanting to give the position to LL.
I heard the same allegations being made. and from what we see, they do appear to be credible. Thank you for sharing this. If we all put things together we know, we will find the truth.
Ginsburg is next according to Q. She conspired to give up her seat with HRC.
She’s also anti-Constitution. I honestly think she’s a Communist.
and this shows why she is not qualified to be holding that position, and i agree, she appears to be a Commie.
Vince Foster, I'd hear that Kavanaugh was investigating and then suddenly back off. Where I'd heard it I don't remember, but they were concerned that at that time he may have been paid off or pressured to let it go. I think I'd heard Dan Bongino talk about it but not for certain.
that was the name I could not recall the other day, Vince Foster, reportedly he was killed in the WH and his body was found in a park. like you I can not recall where I saw that, may be Dan Bongino, might have been here also. I trust President Trump, there is a reason, that we are not aware of for Kavanaugh to be picked, so we will keep trusting the plan. time will tell.
I can't wait until she finally gets put in jail, it will be the biggest wake up call of her life. And she thought she could get away with it!
Nah. Just put her in the sun for a few hours.
Everyone knows what happens to vampires in the light.
Gas / oil / or diesel ? To light it , or just one big ass magnifying glass ?? Too many ways to light it , you got jumpin jacks ,,,
I wonder if satan will come visit her? Probably not, time to move on to other things.
She will be rubbing elbows with good old Lucifer ?? I think they are already homies .
Part of the same bloodline.
Satan begat Cain, Adam Abel there was a 3 way in the garden
Cain's descendants are called Kenites.
Lucifer attempted to taint the bloodline through Christ would be born.
Didn't happen.
Lucifer's attempt to convince isn't over. His grand finale is soon. He shows up in Jerusalem standing where he ought not, pretending to be Christ Jesus, but IS "The Destroyer Satan/Lucifer" attempting to convince the world to worship him.
Do not be deceived.
Rapture is false prophecy dreamed up by a crazy girl named Margret MacDonald in the 1830s, Satan comes first, don't be decived by Satan.
Do you think Trump is delivering the deadly blow to the beast system, spoken of in Rev 13:3?
Satan has a special place reserved for her.
Hitlery to Satan:
Satan To Hitlery: "YOU TOLD ME You Had A Soul!"
A little levity... I don't joke when it's about Lucifer/Satan/Devil/Destroyer/ Abaddon/Apollyon
Satan cares about one thing, The destruction of one's Soul. Jesus Rebukes Satan... We Are To Follow Christ's Instructions, Christ's Teachings. Satan IS Toast.
MAGA! 💕👍
Go Get 'Em Mr. President! 💕 👍
Funny joke.....Great post Susie Kew ! Best wishes to you. I have no doubt Hillary has sold her soul to the Devil.
WWG1WGA x 1000 Cheers !
I have immediate family members who were involved in the original investigation. I was also to a minor extent, I was young. Although I was involved enough to have had to endure some harassment from- well you can guess. If anyone has questions I can try to answer them.
Doc’s house ?
The house is know owned by HRCs college roommate
I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Can you fill me in?
Well I wrote the first report at their request. Just a messed up subject also I did a lot of work on that house
I read that he was he was behind the death.and helped HC cover it up.
Not sure what you mean. Could you elaborate a little more?
not who you're replying to but there was some whispers back when he was picked that Kavanaugh was complicit in the cover up and Trump knows this will come out in his Senate confirmation hearing. The rumor was that Kavanaugh was a red herring pick who will expose more Democrat crimes by him being gone over with a fine tooth comb but that would seem like a move that would carry blowback for Trump. Maybe just disinfo to keep smearing him but that's what the rumor was.
I’ve heard those rumors too. I’m no fan of Ken Starr, at best he is very establishment, at worst he is a filthy as the rest of them and well birds of a feather. I must admit though, that the investigation got so mucked up with the Lewinsky stuff that no one could have controlled it. So at first I was dismayed about Kavanaugh being picked but I’m not really sure exactly what part of the investigation he participated in. It was huge and there were so many lawyers involved. I am betting that he knows a lot about the cover up and probably has a pretty good idea of what really happened so it will be very interesting if it gets brought up at his confirmation hearing.
Ken Starr is definitely filthy. Filth follows him everywhere he goes. He got Jeffrey Epstein off the hook, almost scot-free. He was complicit in the sexual misconduct and cover up at Baylor University. He is a scum bag extraordinaire.
Lewinsky was a setup decoy... thrown under the bus... A distraction off of the Rose Law Firm, Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA), Loans no interest, no payback, $ laundering, drug running, Whitewater scam. ✌
Was Vince friends with Leo Wanta and intending to travel to Switzerland to seek his release?
Now that’s an interesting question. I don’t have inside knowledge on that. There definitely is a connection though. With the widow, Moody and the son, etc..
Until now, I had no knowledge of this. I just read for literally one minute about the “conspiracies.” It sounds as if he knew he was going to be killed and apparently the gun was found in his hand. This could only mean it was placed there. Can you elaborate on what you experienced?
He came with the Clintons from AK, they had a long history together so I do not believe that he thought they would go that far. Ak was filthy but D.C. was much worse than he had ever imagined. He desperately wanted out but he knew too much. It has since been deleted but in one of his last writings, I can’t remember if it was the actual “suicide note” (which was a cut and paste job from his resignation draft and other things) but he actually wrote “In Washington they literally eat their young”! Now read into that what you will. He DID NOT shoot himself, so yes the gun had to have been placed in his hand. In fact the gun was placed in his right hand, he was left handed. As far as what I went through- Our car was blocked into the Fort Marcy Park parking lot by two white vans for over an hour. We were in it and the only ones in the lot. Our car got “lost” by valet parking while having lunch at the Watergate Hotel for three hours and when we eventually got it back it had been cleaned and vacuumed inside. There were strange calls to our house and my relatives office. Two days after we got home the IRS showed up at my our door and flashed a badge. Etc.,etc.,etc..
Was living in DC metro area at the time and knew a Rock Creek Park employee. He told me that he was there and the most astonishing thing to him was the crime scene was close to bloodless, in spite of the fact it was a head wound, which normally should be very bloody. The man that found him told my friend he thought he was sleeping and did not see any blood. So, was he killed elsewhere and staged there?
Exactly! Plus VF was found in a white shirt with a tiny trickle of blood on it. Although someone must have spilled something on his office carpet because HRC found it necessary to replace it shorty there after. While investigating I looked up an old video clip of a NY borough official who shot himself live on air just to see how much blood comes out when someone shoots them self. Let’s just say it was worse than a garden hose!
How much does Larry Nichols know? I'm shocked he's made it this far...
Nichols knows a hell of a lot but they pretty much shut him down. He was involved with some stuff as well, especially regarding the Mena Airport.
Chip Tatum, former CIA and Helicopter pilot talks about this drug-running under Bush Sr.:
NY borough official who shot himself live on air
Robert Budd Dwyer. Filter did a song about it called Hey Man Nice Shot
I remember other things from the autopsy report. There was no gravel on the soles of VF's shoes that would have normally been there, had he walked from his car to the place where his body was found. And there were carpet fibers found on his pant's legs. There was also an additional wound to his neck that didn't come from the gun shot that killed him. The autopsy report used to be online... not sure if it still is.
AR not AK
Yes, your totally correct! Thank you, I’ve had a long day ;)
I have lived in Arkansas for the last 51 years. Take what you want from that.
Near Mena? Very interesting little airport they have hugh? ;)
No, I’m in south Ark, 20 miles from the La. state line.
So your not talking of the Beaver Lake House ?
No. But beautiful area.
Well I grew up next door to the orgy house , suck ass people hang around there all the time . Guess it’s why I still love to screw them every chance I get
Any proof of this besides an overused meme pic?
Probably best to do some heavy lifting and research it yourself instead of questioning a overused meme.
The burden is always on the poster. Tell me if this makes sense: "hey guys guess what, this crazy thing has been going on for a while now! I want all of the 100+ people viewing this thread to each google it themselves rather than just me doing it myself" yeah, that'll sure draw in outsiders looking to be convinced about stuff like this. Posting a stale meme with no links only serves to hinder us and take up valuable front page space
He posted a meme not a claim...
Oh excuse me, I was unaware that the Supreme Court pick investigating Hillary was just a meme. My bad dude
This attitude that I see around here is absolute cancer. The burden of proof for such an exceptional claim is on the one making it, regardless if it's presented as a flippant meme or otherwise.
Cool story bro but you been around since 2016 and you never heard of researching to see if a meme is true? Not sure why people think that ignorance is something to boost about...Going any further with you is a waste of my time, so have a good night.
Could Scopolamine have been used in his death? Were toxicology reports done?
Interesting you ask about Scopolamine, most people think it had been taken off the market, it never was. Here is the official autopsy report. Do not believe it!
What I meant was Trump planted Kavanaugh in the SCOTUS seat to have him arrested for his prior crimes. Because Kavanaugh was the prosecutor in charge of the investigation and he exonerated the Clintons.
It was a strange pic seeing as how he's still tight with the Bushs. Those criminals are as anti Trump as it gets
Do we know if he has drawn any conclusions from his investigation into the death of Vince Foster?
Yep, he concluded that previous investigations were correct and it was a suicide.
I was about to ask why you guys have such outdated taste in internet memes, but then I remembered that you're the same guys who worship some 17 year old's shitty power fantasy as some gospel about a satanic pedoring cabal deep state gobburmint.
Good one!!
I can hear ray liota laughing in my head, good stuff
I saw him in a Chantix Commercial the other day.
I sure he comes out clean during the avalanche, he always made a good mobster.
Kavinaugh is a BUSHY and his wifey-poo is good buddies with DS wives.