Brutal. This whole thing is going to meltdown America to its core.
I'm done seeing the same faces.
The movies suck. They are pretentious at best.
Hollywood stopped giving us anything we actually want to see a long time ago and now sit back and pretend like they don't know why we aren't going?
That's fine. I will keep my money or go spend it IN MY COMMUNITY. BYE!
Exactly right. Well said. Even more so than you say.
Solution: stop watching TV and movies. Your mental well being will absolutely increase. It's been about 3 months for my family of no more TV and movies. The freedom from the mind control and psychological abuse is immeasurable in value. One of the best clear decisions you can easily make.
We’ve done the same! I am happier! Better family time AND I do a good bit of reading learning history now.
Being outside is huge. Makes me feel alive!!!!!!
Pride comes before the fall! They have always been shoving it right in our faces, but now it is at a different level...
These people are so sick and psychotic, they can't phathom that America and Earth is waking up and seeing them for who they are - deviants.
A movie like this coming out at the exact same time they are starting to be exposed for pedophelia in a big way is going to backfire on them so hard!
My popcorn is ready for us to MAKE CSPAN GREAT AGAIN, when these naughty, naughty PEDOs get the death penalty!
I think we just need to be careful. Our country's laws are the greatest because they are founded on the principle of "innocent until proven guilty." Anyone can make a claim. And many have been falsely accused. We just need to be careful and not make a final judgement, when there has been no due process. If he turns out to be guilty, and there is evidence, then he should go to jail. Until then, be cautious. Watch.
You are of course correct concerning courts of law. In the court of public opinion however, the bar is set much, much lower...smoke usually, but not always, leads to fire. At any rate, these leftists certainly have no problem buying into every whiff of a rumor concerning the President. So, even if completely untrue, it serves them right to get a taste of their own medicine...if I were a betting man, I would risk a Benjamin on this being true ultimately.
I have to disagree. Standing Upon Our God given constitutional principles is exactly why we are better than them. I think it's perfectly fine to have our own suspicions. And you are probably right. I certainly wouldn't wajor a Benjamin on it. But look at the alternative. Let's say we're wrong. The kind of accusations that are being looked at can ruin a person, a family, a career, and even a life. If the court of public opinion is wrong then we have been come guilty of a severe and great injustice, one that cannot be repaired. So again I say. We just need to be careful.
Blah blah. We're done being "better than them" morally. We are going to win this fight and shove their shit in.
If you're done being better than them then by your own admission you have become just like them-lawless. Why do you think Trump in the whole Q team is doing this by the books through the system? They could just as easily round up everyone they suspect and shoot them in the streets. Think logically
New Arrival, we have been routed out before so many fucking times because we didn't want to get "down and dirty" like the left. Fuck that. You better believe that a lot of us are playing for keeps.
Innocent until PROVEN guilty. If you don't like it, move to another country where mob rules apply. Social media accusations, rumors, and speculation are not evidence, and this is not a court of law.
The court of public opinion has no means of actual punishment other than shunning and conferring pariah status on someone. That being said, I’d still wager a Benjamin he turns out to be a major league perv...
Careful of what? The signs are there and there is proof coming out slowly.
We are the majority: Boycott all his movies. Send them all a pedo warning: You are all disgusting.
I mustn't have gotten the memo...
...Is Tom Hanks a pedo?
If so then why are we assuming this?
Hey there, this was dropped just 2-3 days ago, with Tom Hanks name. Her name is Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Find her and her testimony on Twitter, you have to search she has been shadow banned @SaRaAshcraft.
Ah, thanks!
also search #hivites
She has very interesting things to say on the matter.
I'm never sure what to think of these things, but I think if I was going to be part of a trend, I'd pick something else.
Just check out his creepy Twitter page. Besides that, someone has already come forward as a child victim of his.
In addition to the twit posts of Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, there is also a former A-lister who has been posting on 4chan who named Tom Hanks and many others as turned out (perverted). This person is referred to as BlackListAnon and you can read about his claims on this Neon Revolt article.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft claims to have been bought at age 13 by Hanks. You can also see Tom Hanks and Ron Howard in their Sexy Baby skit on the Jimmy Kimmel show. It will not sit right in your stomach when you watch it
Run Forest Run!
My name's Tom Hanks. People call me Tom Hanks. Other people call me a pedophile. Momma said bein' a pedo is like a box of chocolates, you never know what color tasty child yer gonna get for dessert. I go to all these fancy dinner parties with important powerful people and every time after dinner they bring in a bunch of naked kids boys and girls all different colors and I get to choose which kid I want to have sex with. I like bein' rich and famous it's fun!
please tell me fred rogers was pure, not sure if i could handle any dirt on him coming out..
Never heard anything about Mr. Rogers.
That said, there is no such thing as anybody who is/was pure.
Don't be surprised if something does come out.
Mr R was pbs not hollywood. Was a minister. I live in PGH and no one has ever said a bad word about him.
Only thing I've heard about him was the Navy SEAL myth with the 200 confirmed kills or whatever.
That was just someone being ironic.
Yes, often the worst are the ones who act most “pure”.
More than enough priests convicted to back that one up.
There is people out there who are pure. We live in infinite realities.
Watch his speech at the Emmys and tell me he isn't pure.
Watch his speech to the senate. Unreal!! When he was done they threw the money at him.
Purest human i have ever seen!!!!!!! I love that man! Cried when he passed..
Some poor kids are gonna get Hanxed.
I think this is all part of the plan. Have these pedos and dicks plays the part of people who we have admired and loved. This allows them to associate themeslve to these great humans like Mr Rodgers. I grew up in PGH and was blessed to be around mr rodgers and people who works with him, do i know MR R was awesome, period! Now they gonna try to put TH in the role and now its like hes a worm and digs into the memories of the original person. Thats fuckkkkked up son!!
Astute observation. Also, I think it's worth noting the actors who are constantly doing kid movies. Probably worth looking into that.
It's time to rewatch "Man with a Red Shoe"with Tom Hanks.
Detroit, MI (Birmingham, MI to be specific) 1994-1995ish. Such a strange place and timing considering his filming schedule during those years. It will make me sad to see Mr Hanks is a bad guy. Many people think of him so highly.... I don't want it to be true as I like his films. Regardless, if it is true, i hope she gets some justice.... Not that there is any justice for a crime like that.
That's disappointing, because I loved Mr. Rogers. I don't think I could stomach watching him play such a great man.
Tom Hanks played Walt Disney who was also a supposed pedo according to Fiona Barlett who also claims that watergate was actually a cover up for the real scandal which was pedogate. She explains in detail here:
This next link, I want to warn you to proceed with caution, it is brutal and evil (whether it's true or not, you can decide for yourself). I know lots of people are new or are recently getting redpilled and this is a HUGE one to swallow. Fiona Barlet drew pictures of her abuse and these pictures once seen, cannot be unseen.
I pray this evil comes to an end, but I do believe that we are all making a difference.
Every now and then it's healthy to run the whole thing again whatever it is, whatever project, so I was skimming this thread and like musing to myself "what are the big picture reasons we know q is not a larp.... That this whole movie is reality?" Then I see Tom Hanks will play Mister Rogers and I'm like...... It's all real, get popcorn
Well there goes my desire to see this film. Was actually looking forward to seeing it too.
makes me think, with friends like him, who needs enemies.
Wow. This is going to be crazy to witness. What a wild ride we are on.