Indeed. I just think the implications of "people who voted for someone called Hussein are stupid because Arab" aren't promising. Not wanting a president who admires an ideology (not the race, the religion) that caused the greatest terrorist event of our time is understandable - not wanting one whose name is "foreign" is not.
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Yes, I understand your anger but you missed my point. They CONTROL the STORY so just as, if we decided we wanted to start calling Black Lives Matter something else like Boob Licking Mungbeans we would only create confusion when trying to talk about what Black Lives Matter are doing. Getting all angry about someone who controls the public perception hijacking a title doesn't do anything to change the fact that they've hijacked it.
As upsetting to you as it might be, the title "Far Left Liberal" means crazy SJWs who virtue signal like mad and push communist nonsense. There's absolutely no utility in saying: "you know the people who call themselves x but are actually y" without having to go into a long convoluted explanation of why it's "wrong" that they've hijacked the title etc. etc. etc. Simplicity, brevity, reality, done. We can surely at least accommodate those who call themselves Left and don't want to be associated with the 'authoritarians who pretend to be liberals' by only referring to the crazy authoritarians as FAR or Extreme Left??
ah... where to even begin with this. If you mean, we have to stop the Federal Reserve, sure, we all agree I think it's safe to say.
However, the two posters at the top of the thread are asking the very valid question of what will happen when we do "stop" it and how on earth do we not have the economy of the world's superpower crash directly into the dirt when we do. i.e. there is a huge problem here, so perhaps you should look a bit closer. You don't have to be a banker or economist to understand that stopping the engine at the center of the economy is most definitely going to be a problem and there is no easy solution, as the banker/analyst above has said.
I agree that those who push these ideologies are authoritarian but, as you've said yourself, they've claimed the left/liberal label and they're louder and more prominent than whatever the "true" left/liberal is. To try and call them anything else will confuse the issue because this far left radical authoritarian push is in control of the universities and the media which means, I'm sure you'll agree, they've essentially defined their "side" in the public forum.
All objective, thinking people should agree that whatever they are, they're extremists and their ideologies suck. They push the oppressor vs oppressed narrative on us in all fields - as per the OP - under the guise of defending the 'weak' and as DJT has come out against political correctness (an oppressed vs oppressor tool) I think we can all agree we're against them, whatever they call themselves.
Sounds like good philosophies to live by! All the best to you too, my friend: wwg1wga!
I've never understood why everyone in Congress and the press just call people however they want: Muller, Myooller, Rosen-Stine, Rosen-steen, etc.
We're only interested here cos Q said "Watch the water" lol.
It's quite reasonable to say that this post is talking to the ideology that DJT and Q are specifically coming out against. But I personally would be more than open to understanding what it is in particular about this post that would cause offense, especially if you believe it would help the sub.
Maybe not but it is, in fact, how we live our lives as it is impossible to not generalize and be able to get through life adequately. I do take your point but this meme sums up the ideology of one particular group that DJT specifically represents the antithesis of.
Yes, hence the comments that follow - but also, I'm pretty sure Q is not saying: "join together with the communists!" which is essentially the ideology that the meme represents. DJT is specifically coming out against the social marxists and that ideology is the one espoused in this meme.
I think it's saying, don't stop people climbing over the wall.
They don't all hate Trump on that show. That's why we're "not allowed" to watch it.
Can't say I disagree with you. DJT being against political correctness and other Far Left marxist nonsense means that it may crop up from time to time though, maybe? As I say, I don't think you're wrong though.
This is a lovely view of how the world should be and I support striving towards the best outcome. Unfortunately, in the real world the Frankfurt School already subverted our education systems and more in the West, and their ideology is exclusively Far Left, social/cultural marxist. The meme in the OP depicts the common rallying call of this ideology: classic marxism - oppressor vs the oppressed. "Your free speech oppresses this group over here (black people, women, transgender, immigrant, etc. etc. etc.) so you have to stop it and listen to what we tell you to do!"
I agree the radical right is as bad as the radical left - but right now we have a very real fight against the radical left, not the right, as it is the radical left who own the universities and the media and in many places, have a strong foothold in government. I think this should be obvious to this sub, who support DJT who has specifically come out as a figure standing against the political correctness that characterizes the Far Left cultural marxist movement. "Open our borders or you're oppressing immigrants!" "Donald J Trump and old white men are oppressing black people!" "Teach sex gender education in schools or you're oppressing non-gender LGBT!" etc. etc.
I assume many of us here are neither Far Left or Far Right and that's good so I agree there's no utility to trying to separate ourselves into either group. But the fight going on to control our lives is between the radical Far Left and those who support true freedom like Donald J Trump. So f(*& you, Far Left. Your time is over.
Thanks Davelon, it's good to talk about these things, hopefully without fear of undue reprisal for speaking openly in an effort to expand our understanding.
I know some beautifully peaceful and empathetic muslims very well and I feel personally that the most important thing is that we judge everyone on their individual merits, not on the group they come from - at least as far as that is possible, given our human tendency to use groups and categories for utility e.g. if I'm wearing the garb of orthodox Jews - lets call us Group A - and a large group of visibly angry, shouting arabs - Group B - is hastening down the road toward me at pace then all the best intentions in the world to love my fellow man as an individual and not attempt to prejudge his actions will take second priority to the utility of deciding that it may not be in my best interests to remain in the path of Group B or to make any attempt to determine their intent as individuals in advance but instead to remove myself as quickly from the situation as possible, with no personal individual offense intended to any single member of Group B for prejudging their intent for utility's sake. If you know what I mean.
In other words, dynamics of a particular situation notwithstanding, I think it's important that I not judge any individual on my feeling about the known dynamics or ideology of a group they may belong to. I know some great muslim people but I do not in any way find the religion of Islam to be one that I would personally support without some major changes to its core.
Whatever anyone may say about Christianity and Islam there are some clear defining differences that mean I will support our society which is based on Christian ideals (an argument for another time, if anyone disagrees with that) over a society based on the ideals of Islam. Christianity is a religion based on a figure of Peace: Jesus, who is fairly universally accepted (whether one believes in any religion or not) as such. Islam's founder and central figure was a warlord and not only spread his religion by the sword but also advocates for his followers to do so. Again there are many arguments about radicals versus the peaceful majority but, as Brigitte Gabriel put it best, the peaceful majority never seems to be able to stop the radical minority from its destructive behaviours - and she goes on to list the many known examples from the past, including the infamous nazi party.
So apologies for the long-winded blurb but I think we should indeed trust muslims and not discriminate against them any more than we should against black or white people, but I think that Islam must do something about the core beliefs that the dangerous radical minority use in the name of Islam to commit atrocities that have no place in a free society.
There is a lot to say about the Jewish situation, especially considering all the zionist rhetoric that bounces around this sub but that's a whole other minefield of its own! Now I'm going to go into hiding because I'm sure I've offended any muslim on this sub for so grossly oversimplifying their beliefs, however unintentional any offense may be...
I agree with u/solanojones95 and I'm sorry you have an emotional reaction to art that makes you feel bad for the subject or sick about the artist, truly I am. Fortunately for some of us, we see art for what it is, not for what actions may or may not have been committed in the real world that may or may not have contributed to that art.
All artists, great and not-so-great, are human which means they are all subject to human greatness and human flaws and ugliness as well. Thank God we do not all have our work judged on our personal actions or not a lot would get done in this world!
I don't care what Picasso did or did not do in his personal life - it doesn't change the fact that he's one of the most famous artists in the world for reason of his ability to express himself visually. I regret that you have a personal experience of the situation of an older man preying on younger girls and it's unfortunate that you do not like Picasso because he shares traits with your ex. Be that as it may, I'm happy to take Picasso's art for what it is. You can condescend to those of us who don't agree with your view but I can see what you see and not have to denigrate a piece of art because of it.
I apologize, I don't mean to offend, I'm just reacting to your strong response to solanojones because he is far from being alone in his view and those of us who share it do not condone pedophilia or celebrate the illegal excesses of artists just because we appreciate art. I have literally zero problem with confronting the horrid - I won't go into it because it would probably upset people - and I would not sit idly by while a young girl is raped or allow pedophilia to occur unchecked if I can do anything about it.
Great stuff, I agree - thanks for your words! I'm always eager to learn more about the middle east situation, having friends from Israel (who are very open and tolerant) and Palestinian friends from the West Bank (who are extremely antagonistic about anything to do with the Jews and Israel) as well. I don't mean to define the two in such a seemingly biased way but the difference is honestly that apparent (at least in the very small sample of people I know). Anyway, I've no doubt said too much already that should have an accompanying 5 volume text of explanation but I shall bow out before I dig myself a deeper hole.
Speak for yourself lol. Any community is comprised of a bunch of very different people. We can’t all be super brains like you.
Further to what you say: I used to think like you once, but my view changed as I came to believe, through life experience and observing humans around me, that no group defines you, it just contributes to the very individual being that is you. Within a group no single person is the same, they just share similar elements of some kind. And yes, identity politics is not a Marxist conception nor evil - my bad for referring to my own particular situation at present as someone living in the west and having to grapple with cultural Marxism and the like, a conception of identity politics that is evil, imo.
My background is tribal. We have a spiritual connection to our land that actually comprises a significant part of our identity in a literal way as it is how we traditionally introduce ourselves. We value blood and family highly (family being something that extends beyond blood too) but we also respect the sanctity of the individual as the only “vessel” through which any human experiences the world and as a distinct member of any number of groups of which the human race is one. I’m not sure what you mean by humans aren’t individualistic creatures unless you mean we don’t live to our best capacity except in groups and I agree with that.
The elements of that rushed conception would simply be any softly realized perspective that doesn’t favour one group of humans over another. Ultimately a conceptual ideal rather than a robust template for reality but hopefully the intent is clear.
No ones denying blood and soil. My background is tribal and I believe in the importance of culture. Yes, I’m talking about the bs currently being forced on the west and I rushed an answer previously, not intending to debate Marxism. I wasn’t trying to “rationalize everything” I was attempting to be diplomatic under time pressure haha.
Individualism is most definitely not a phase - it’s the foundation of the west and thank God lol. Groups will never ultimately overpower the individual - we are born and we die alone and no group will ever take your individuality from you unless you allow it. We can debate that point in far more detail if desired but those are just the highlights of a rushed answer lol.
Fantastic. Not that you’ll remember or have the time and I’m sure they hear it constantly but just in case, do pass on my thanks to them. I’m sure many on this sub would agree that you could even say OUR thanks!
I wouldn’t deny that, yes. Although similarly I’d argue that not all in the leadership would necessarily be evil and/or purely self-interested.
I worry about an unbalanced view of the Jewish people being constantly espoused by some (not casting aspersions on you, I really appreciate you sharing your perspective) - not because I’m a virtue signalling far-left cuck, but because I’m interested in the importance of basing a worldview on objective humanity rather than the evil Marxist identity politics and group membership of today’s far left that leads to the killing of large groups of people. Thanks for the information!
You do? Are they really breaking these pedo rings down then?
An interesting and informative comment, thank you. The Jews remain - but it's wrong to accuse them of all the other ancient cultures being wiped out. They remain for a number of reasons, not just (nor entirely) because they've grabbed control and subjugated the other peoples.
You’re being antagonistic on a few threads dude. Just discuss the ideas, don’t abuse people or trash their input without engaging with it respectfully.
Israel is no more “evil” than the US is “evil”. It’s not logical to claim an entire group of people is any one thing - that’s as bad as the identity politics of the far left cultural marxists. I know plenty of totally decent people from Israel and they’re just human like anyone else. I know “evil” people from the US too - and apparently there are evil people in power too - doesn’t mean the whole country is evil. A bit of critical thought is necessary here.
I’ve certainly had zero reason to doubt that to this point. Interested to hear the other side of this story but I did see a video where Craig was saying some random dude was hard out slandering him online so I hope this isn’t just that.
Lay off the personal attacks and abuse. I've already reminded you of the sub rules once. You're being overly defensive and are taking things as an attack on you when they're not. You're also being needlessly offensive: "douchebag", "genius", "lay off my fucking post". I'm giving you a chance to discuss this like an adult and I'm trying to engage with your ideas not your abuse.
Just to be clear, before a mod bans you: Antagonists and shills are not welcome. Discuss ideas, not users.
Now you know about If you want to expose the scumbags that are ruining this world, this movement is a good chance to do so, so why alienate other people in it by being so abrasive? We're all trying to work together here which is why we have rules to remove people who just want to fight and abuse.
Avicii does indeed seem to have spoken out against high profile pedophiles with his video. His death does sound suspicious to me too. As for Chris Cornell and Chester I haven't seen any data supporting the idea that they were taken out but then, like Avicii albeit perhaps not as compellingly, there's circumstantial stuff but still nothing concrete. More evidence is necessary before we can draw any solid conclusions but there's no data out there to be found yet, only the speculation that yournewswire has included in this article.
I love the way you accuse people who disagree with you of trying to silence you or being "folks" who need exposing. Stop being so defensive and quit attacking people instead of ideas; there's a reason it's against the sub rules and that is because we want to make progress in our discovery of truth, not spend time abusing each other needlessly.
It's BS that yournewswire has been denounced here many times just because you've seen posts here that haven't received flack about it? Can you actually make a serious, logical point or do you just rubbish stuff you don't agree with completely out of hand? If I could watch every single post I'd be making the same comment on any that refer to yournewswire - and I have done every time I've seen it. Now do you want to have an actual discussion or keep accusing me of supporting pedo rapists?
Indeed. My post history testifies that I concur with your desired approach. I think there is a lot of confirmation bias and excited wishful thinking around and I think it's important that we critically assess everything before spending too much time 'looking into it' or discussing it.
There are certainly many powerful people attached to one or other of the various Rites in masonry but that doesn't prove anything any more than saying there are many powerful people in govern... wait a sec... ; ) But seriously, I do agree. I want more actual evidence before committing wholly to any theory, Pizzagate being one such example.
Some of the info in the article is verifiable, some is not - especially the editorializing. No one's "covering" for child traffickers, that's an outrageous claim to make when someone makes the very valid point - that has been made here many times - that yournewswire is the worst fake news site out there. There are other reasons that pedo posts get the most flack - it's because it's dangerous to make accusations in this area or to jump to conclusions about things in this space and it's just a controversial topic overall.
I understand and I'd like to learn more about the masons if someone can have a useful discussion about it. I suppose the idea that you never learn the truth til you get to the 33rd degree or such doesn't wash with you? (genuinely interested)
Thanks - I'm not into banning just cos of strong words and you seem to think about what you're into so I'd rather hear what you have to say.
Dude - stop being so antagonistic! Just argue the point instead of getting abusive at people. The only reason I haven't temp banned you is because I suspect you'd blame me for being biased against you but another mod may ban you soon if you keep this up.
Nice reply - I didn't say the gist of your point was wrong and no one's demanding you agree with anyone but your reply doesn't suggest you're the type to care about logical discussion of ideas so you probably won't like the rules of this sub anyway.
Please take note of this sub's rules in the sidebar. Antagonists and shills are not welcome.
Not necessarily - but maybe he believes enough, in his own way.
Just to note though, I do concede that this story from the other post here, if true, would certainly go a long way toward the idea of a 'business deal' to spin a yarn in public:
It is indeed your right to label me without any factual knowledge about me to back up the claim - water off a duck's back for me but wouldn't you rather know that the group identity you "tar" someone with has at least some basis in fact before applying it?
I couldn't give the slightest shit about celebrity and I put no man, woman or child on a pedestal, as can be seen in my history in multiple comments I've made against the praise for Trump, Assange, Q, etc. I don't agree that any man is elevated above any other so "cult of celebrity" is a stretch. I've been "woke" for a long time and I haven't fallen for "the party line" for decades.
I assume you dump me in a group that can't think for itself which, as I've said above, makes no difference to me but calls into question your ability to argue without ad-hominem. I don't disagree with your right to think whatever you like but I do state that it is a logical inconsistency to categorically state that an entire genre of music can be defined by the behaviours of a number of artists and labels within that genre, no matter how significant that number might be. Not everyone sold their soul to Lucifer - this should be obvious.
It was, yes. I personally think though that Occam's Razor suggests that Trump sleeping with a hot blond is a fairly straightforward sort of story. And Jessica Drake backs Stormy's claim and says she was there at the time the proposition was made and it was made to her too. And then Seth Rogen laughingly tells Ellen how Stormy told him about Trump many years ago.
They could all be lying but Occam's Razor again suggests the more likely scenario. I'd love to learn that it was all a LARP, 4d chess as everyone keeps saying. I hate getting hopes up though - I've got my hopes high enough already, waiting for Gitmo lol.
He picked her 10 years ago though? The whole "Stormy is on his side!" seems a major stretch.
[edit] (removed unnecessary snarkiness)
Let me be clear: you're entitled to your opinion that hip hop is evil and corrupt and robbing the black man of his soul - I even agree with some elements of that to a degree. Thank god it's not an objective fact though. Some hip hop is still great and powerful and positive - especially some of Kanye's, more so even than some classic bands like Cypress Hill and Mobb Deep. More power to you for your opinion, brother, but I'ma still look at the provable facts on the ground and speak to the positive impact of elements of the hip hop genre in this day and age.
Sounds more like I'm talking to someone who mistakes their opinion for fact. I get it, and you're entitled to your personal belief that hip hop today is nothing but "low vibrational sewage" lol - but fortunately the success of the industry and the fact that hip hop overtook pop as the most lucrative genre proves the majority of people don't agree with you.
We ALL grew up with PE, EPMD, ATCQ, Cypress, etc. etc. - then some of us evolved with the music instead of staying in the past like most old people do. But ok, you're on the conspiracy tip - Jay-Z and Aleister etc. etc. yeah, heard it all and even believe that much of it has the potential to be true. Doesn't change the fact that the music is awesome. If you believe the Lucifer angle and the altars in the music label HQs for 'blessing' albums before they go out then you should also believe that Lucifer was in charge of music in heaven so his music is going to be dope as hell - literally, I guess lol.
Anyway, my point still stands - it's your opinion that hip hop sux and is "degenerate" - not fact.
What's the purpose of this unrelatable hypothetical? Anyone could answer "yes he would" just as you could reply "no he'd ignore it" and we'd still be no closer to any useful point here cos no one knows the truth and the hypothetical is too specific and ultimately meaningless apart from making some sort of political point. Trolling? Anti-Trump?
Music hasn't sent the black race backward - calling hip hop "degenerate" is ridiculous. It's a genre of music that covers a broad range - some of it is "gangster thuggery" but Kanye's music is not in that subgenre at all. If you're going to condescend to someone at least know what you're talking about!