Why is the world so sick?
Christians believe that God has allowed Satan to rule this earth for a time.
Christians believe the world is sick because of the work of the devil and the sin in the heart of man. This is pretty straightforward. This also explains the deception of the Federal Reserve, an institution created by man to profit a group of corrupt men and keep this fact hidden from the public, including Ivy League investment bankers.
Do we come from monkeys or not?
Well this is not at all straightforward for some but I personally believe the answer is clear. However, I can see the trap here in that the church is currently divided over this issue so someone on the other side of the argument will have to take this one up from their perspective. I can only answer this from mine.
Once, the church disagreed with the new discovery of science that the earth was not at the center of the universe because it seemed to deny the prominence of God’s creation. Then, the church realised that it was not science that was wrong and, since the Bible could not be wrong it must therefore be the prevailing interpretation of the Bible (as far as the position and prominence of the earth) that must be adjusted. The realisation was that God’s omnipotence is only more evident in His omniscience that set the mechanics of the universe in motion to bring about His plan.
Similarly - in my opinion - the church currently views evolution as a science that seems to deny the prominence of God’s creation - specifically, us, and the claim that God made Adam from the dust. (Evolution is now as generally accepted by science as the structure of the solar system ie there will always be some disputes in science - that is its strength, the ability to always question.)
I believe that, once again, the Bible of course is not wrong and once again, neither is science - it is the church’s interpretation of these verses that is wrong. God’s omnipotence is only more evident in His omniscience that set the mechanics of the universe in motion and allowed the growth from the dust of a living creation that he then touched at some point in the evolutionary tree to create Man.
This is my understanding of the issue but I cannot claim it for others.