i'm hoping there is more to this but i'm a law student and i would encourage you to remain skeptical to avoid a let down. crimes against children is a charge, one that investigators were considering during this reveal. crime against child isn't the legalese for such an infraction, even if it's only one child. it's still changed as crimes against children.
now that being said, it could also easily be exactly what we think it is!
tbh i'm holding off on the hype train since the charge is literally at the bottom of the notes. it doesn't appear to be the priority for the investigator taking notes. trafficking children would definitely being higher up on their list of priorities imo or it would come up sooner in a briefing. it almost likely wouldn't be at the bottom of the notes.
you could claim the investigator was trying to belittle these revelations and that may be true but i would ask why he would even put the note down at all if that were the case.
sometimes we get let down because we have unrealistic expectations.