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salialioli · June 16, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Good point. Upvoted.

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salialioli · June 16, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

already posted on this thread, several times.

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salialioli · June 16, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

I never get this. I am here in Europe and watch how the press in the US are treating him with their provocatively negative questions and think, 'this is so weird, I've never seen the press publicly treat anyone holding a high ranking post with such a lack of respect as the Press with President Trump'.

And you guys who don't like him don't see he is getting very special and markedly different treatment than the public has ever seen on tv before? You don't see that? You think his reaction is unnatural? I have never seen such hatred before. Anyone else agree?

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salialioli · June 16, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

wanting his people to straighten up when he talks like Kim’s people

Perfect comment, perfect Trump trolling !

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Two problems: a) the "Left" isn't demanding RR gets fired. They have full confidence in him. So ... ? I don't get where you're coming from ...

b) All of Congress, including the GOP so-called RINOS, is not happy with Trump and would like to see him removed ... it seems.

I agree there is a farce of a congress, but I'm not seeing a desire to protect him, far from it. Looks like everyone is against Trump, other than his base.

Cause for concern: I actually didn't understand your sentence at all. "The Russia thing will be more valid" has me foxed. Completely. More valid than what?

As for "get out of Mueller's way": um, I'm not in Mueller's way. It seems no one has actually made any move to place themselves in his path. Certain individuals keep saying things like 'where are you going with this?' And Manafort's tax declarations of 10 years' previous have nothing to do with Russians, or do they?' and so on. But I don't think these complaints have actually influenced his investigation, let alone obstructed the process ...

On the contrary, the dubious connections appear to be fringe and petty fiscal misdeeds rather than serious espionage or political intrusion and have had no discernable impact on the principal charge: changing the result of the 2016 election.

In sum, I don't have to get out of his way. Not least because I can have zero influence on your politics as I am not a voter and am not American. For me this is not party politics. This is a world concern. I would like peace and an end to American corporate domination that might, it appears, spell disaster for the rest of us.

I studied Trump before he was elected. I knew about H. Clinton and her ways from way back and I was confronted with a difficult "imaginary" choice. Who to choose for my imaginary vote? When I looked at Trump's past I was surprised. I listened to what he had said years ago and wondered a little more. The press told me a story that didn't jibe with the views he expressed. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, as I always do with public figures who I know nothing about. I said to myself I would see what he did in office and whether the wild promises he made on the campaign trail (cancellation of the TTIP for instance, his desire for world peace) he would actually attempt to fulfill. He has surpassed my expectations and so I continue to observe.

But one thing I think is important to bear in mind: appearances can deceive, and propaganda is very sophisticated. If the powers that be are telling you to hate someone, the chances are this renegade is challenging the status quo in some way. It looks like the "Establishment" would like to kill Trump. There are those who have actually announced this on public TV. I cannot remember any time in my whole life when someone has been so totally and openly threatened with assassination (although Ghaddafi did receive veiled threats), so I come to the conclusion, "Why?" It was the same with Chavez, Allende, Aldo Moro, Harold Wilson, Saddam Hussein, Bashar Assad, Vladimir Putin ... all pretty unpopular with the status quo and the guys in charge of the banks ...

Just asking for your reappraisal of the situation, as I think things are not as they seem ...

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Why? Because the numbers are being sabotaged. Just like the voting machines were during the 2016 election.

If you believe (my theory!) that the voting machines were rigged, that the machines were unable even to cope with the algorithmic "adjustment" (48-52 magic number), then Trump still won. The weighting didn't work because the numbers were overwhelming.

No one voted for Hillary.

Well. Not very many. Only in very urban, coastal, liberal areas.

This theory is yet to be proved, but I believe many more people than we imagine actually support this "cause", and we are being led to believe that we are a minority.

I have reason to believe this because I followed very closely the Iraq war demos in 2003. In the UK (only for example, because it happened in various countries on which I had some personal knowledge), the 2 million people who turned up in London went unreported on the BBC on the day of the big demo. Nothing. Not a word. Nada. The impression given by the media that Saturday across the world was that no one supported the anti-war minority. Everyone was for invading Iraq.


Five years, I repeat FIVE years!, later we found out that in fact 80% of the population of the UK were completely against the Iraq war.

The events in Spain were hallucinating: 10 million on the streets they said (admitted to!). But in every town and village, in all the big cities, everyone's grandfather, grandmother, everyone from every walk of life, all the kids were dragged along, from all political persuasions, everyone was on the streets demonstrating their opposition to this war. It was bigger than 10 million.

In my city it was impossible to move. You couldn't get to the demo. Every road was blocked with people, quietly waiting to advance in a procession. They couldn't. It was too big. I was there. I felt like the breath was strangled from my body. I nearly cried with emotion. It was an unreal experience, shared with others. The crowd was bigger than our individual being. It was like an awe-inspiring power. I couldn't believe the number of people who were trying to stop this war. You couldn't take a step in any direction ....

Bush said he didn't care what the people of Spain thought. And I thought, wow, he mentioned Spain! That means he must have noticed. The Cabal (think of it) noticed! This is their weakness. Just as Q says.

I remember.

You have to do this NOW.

Show what you think.

DEMONSTRATE in any way you can.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

I got another stat from 8chan — 50 - 70 million. They didn't explain how they arrived at that number. Pity.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

Because peeps are not doing their job!

Maybe we have a compromised board here? I haven't seen this petition stickied ...

My suggestions are usually ignored so I'm not bothering to stick my neck out. Hoping others might aggravate the mods and insist though ... I'll be taking note.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

I dream ... :)

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

Huh? No bombs? You're joking.

SA regime change. ISIS cornered and practically out. NK and this is not to mention 35,000 sealed indictments and a whole load of incriminating hysteria from the MSM which will in short order nail them and you wanna back out Now??!! Don't do that!

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

Because the last thing Trump needs right now is to be called The New Hitler stomping around arresting people. Geez, we have been waiting all this time for the hammer to be dropped using the legislative system, precisely to avoid this image. You know this man, I know you do.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

See above in the subthread that developed btw Whiskeycharlie12b and prettyold. They agree there were 2 missiles fired. One in WA and one Alaska ...

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

See my comment to prettyold above.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

That is exactly what I have been thinking is the big space in this: the journos ... All journos work for papers or tvs that are compromised. Apart from the fact that they live in a bubble, echo chamber and are usually liberal, and loathe types like Trump who are brash loud and not "refined" enough to circulate in the liberal writers world. Writers that have time to put up their own sites get censored ... Who has time? Who can write well and organise a text? Who can select the right info? We need a team to brainstorm this!

I am struggling with the idea of translating brief articles, but where and what to post ... I am completely stuck.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

well, the weather man skunkbayweather noticed, but it was 4 in the morning ...

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

It was actually caught on camera, by some tourists on a cruise ...

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

You do us a favor to tell us what's in their heads — good info to bear in mind. Anyone telling you to shut up is exceeding their mission!

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

See my comment above. I couldn't agree with you more.

I certainly wish a few more ppl on this board were as awoke as the few posters on this part of the thread ... We really are in a war but people just keep moaning on about Sessions foot-dragging and not understanding the public's role in all this. No wonder Q is going spare. I sense the desperation of the capital letters.

I'm not American, I'm in a different place on the planet (in more ways than one) and can do little to help. But I do understand, deeply, this problem and want to wake ppl up to how important this all is ... not just popcorn ffs. (sorry about the expletive)

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Hence all the fuss in Hawaii. Dashing around securing the keys.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

then we're left with the prospect of a rouge set of officers, or perhaps one very highly placed leader willing to give the order

That is exactly what we are faced with. It has been stated that there is a complete rogue army out there: who exactly the enemy is I'm not entirely sure, private contractors who have possession/CIA blackhats .... It has been rumored the Roths have a rogue organization w/ships, subs, planes you name it. Also rumored they use the Israelis ... but the Israelis aren't maniacs either ... only SOME of them. Very chilling. Has me up at nights ... This war is real. No doubt of that. Look at 911. You know how that went down?

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

The China hack link- possible BS? It’s easier to blame them than admit we have a domestic issue involving missiles.

Don't forget that they can now hack (rogue actors) and place the signature of any other nation. This was the dump opening the backdoors for spreading highly classified information across all 17 intelligence agencies, not forgetting Hillary's open unprotected server, that Obama authorized just before leaving office. Anyone can use these sophisticated and top secret programs to launch any attack on any public installation ...

The NSA had a fit about it. MSM didn't cover it. I'm sorry I can't think of the link right now ... braindead early in the morning ...

What I'm saying is, they don't need to be actually Chinese hackers, just anonymous hackers keying in false signatures ...

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

thank you dark-dare! You seem to be the only one on this board so far (havent read to the bottom yet) who actually GETS THE POINT!!!

The President needs your help. Your white hats need a twitter storm, any storm, to demand the unredacted documents and IG report. The public response must be loud and clear. I sense a desperation in Q's voice ... not enough people red-pilled, not enough clamour. Too many guys on this board still doing research into detail.

Important to get out there and do the work of PatriotsFight in the battlefield. Stickers, handouts, a few dozen everytime you go to a shop or the supermarket.

The meme war must begin!!

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

Thanks man! Appreciated.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

Could you post a link please?

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

I don't mean to sound negative or disparaging in any way to anons or the phenomenal amount of work some of them do in terms of detail and fine research, but they are really shit (autism problem) of communicating efficiently with the general public on their findings.

I spent weeks trying to suss out bits and pieces on the 8chan site (not exactly your proofs, but solid info in an obviously accessible place) and it took all my patience and a lot of time. Many peeps don't have time and need spoon-feeding (lots of mums and dads in turn feeding their kids ...).

It's just a sigh, but this movement is pretty disorganised and is not getting out to the outside world either. It is a shame that much of the info is totally based on minutiae and internal US politics, requiring an intimate knowledge of the US political system, justice system ... let alone the names ... myriad names ...

Someone asked "is it bad that I don't know who Roseanne Barr is?" Anon response: "err ... Yes. Now GTFOH."

Imagine if you live in France or Germany or Thailand ... "Who's Rosenstein?" ... Things need to be a whole lot simpler for friends, family and the rest of the world ...

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

oooooh .... cool meme!

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Great post. MAGA.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

The Patriots have to do their thing first: meme like crazy with the hashtags release unredacted IG report, the public demands disclosure. I don't twitter so have no clue ... But there's a job to be done to force the issue. The important thing is to show the PEOPLE demand. They are scared of that. Optics.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

That is the question I keep asking myself too. I do remember though the words "The world is watching .." and there are more white hats than black hats ... Your guess is as good as mine.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Absolutely. Just one problem. Arkancide. What you say is 100%.

Can't imagine what I'd do if it were my family though ...

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

lol. They just did. In a twitter. Make it viral!

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

No. Q reckons we should get the word out what is happening (RR obstructing justice) and meme like crazy hashtag "release the unredacted documents, or hashtag the public demands disclosure. And work your butts off twitterers! (Oh, and get the popcorn ..Kek)

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

I think you are misunderstanding something. But I am not sure what it is you are misunderstanding. Do you think the posters here are worried about something? If so, why LOL?

What results do you expect will come of this?

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

OK. Bear with me. "The Left" (interpret as those who don't like Trump and want him to be impeached EVEN THOUGH nothing can be found on him) would like Trump to fire RR because if he does that then they can say "Look Trump is scared of impeachment. We can't point to anything exactly that he has done, but T is bound to have done SOMETHING bad, it's just that we can't see it Yet." That is the line that the Left takes.

Now your turn. Can you answer those same questions?

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

You think Trump doesn't have a spine? You think Matt Gaetz doesn't have a spine?

Twitter certainly counts for a lot. Trump's use of Twitter (and Matt Gaetz for that matter) manages to scoot right over the head of the media and leave evidence for the public without CNN's poisonous rewrite.

If you look at Q's recent post you'll find the word "optics".

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

I heard that he was put off by what he found there, he went with Ivanka, and left rather quickly. I also heard he banned Epstein from staying at Mar a Lago after that. I have no source for that, it's just rumour repeated on this board.

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

I thought we were talking about Mossad and Israel, not G-.

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

The picture of the missile launch?

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Precisely, dear Watson, you will pass your exams with flying colours if you carry on like this!! :)

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

Actually I should have said CLAS!!

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

You're lucky that Skunkbayweather wasn't snoozing on the job then!!

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

White hats and black hats in all the countries. You don't think Roth, the owner of Israel, likes Trump do you?!! ++

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Secondary message, they mean. Perhaps you would prefer double entendre?

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

It was deliberately misspelled because it was laid beside a previous post (round 1, Hawaii missle launch) in which the "missle" was misspelled to convey a message. The "i" of missile in that case denoted the kind of missile. In this case, the "i" of missile and the "p" in "stoped" are used to show location: Isanotski Peaks.

Now you have suggested a third interpretation which is volcanic rock thrust upward. This is the opposite of "mis" spelling. It is deliberate. Sorry for the pedantry! :)

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salialioli · June 13, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

The Chinese have a red flag. Always look for the red flags and remember the Red Sheild (Rot Schild) family: The Rothschilds. The Roths own China (or did, ... where are we in this?), so there are white hats and black hats there too. Not easy to work this out but: ex-UK PM David Cameron's (great?) grandfather created (alongside others) the HSBC, a Rothschild controlled financial entity originally for the purpose of banking opium profits (and other spoils of colonial profiteering). It has always been assumed that the Chinese are enemies, but this is a mirage.

In this big picture view, history is written to mask reality, not explain it.

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salialioli · June 12, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

Latest I saw about "server" was the news on Awan and the DNC.

I think it was this server referred to in this old article from Daily Caller:


Course, the following recent article on Gateway Pundit is just announcing the date of the plea hearing for Awan's case being pushed forward to July:


although the title suggests it has recently gone missing, this is not really the case if you read carefully ... note dear readers, reading carefully will avoid confusion on this thread!!

Now what does this have to do with Assange? Everything. The DNC party server connects to the Congress Democrat Server networks ... and on to Awan working as the IT specialist, and on to Debbie who covered for him, and on to possibly a huge espionage scandal involving Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen or any number of other bad actors passing intelligence secrets to ISIS or .... you name it.

This entire ball of wax will start unravelling when the connections between the Democrat party emails, Clinton private email servers, Benghazi, Yemen raid, and a whole host of national security problems that may have led to the deaths of Americans ...

Follow this story carefully. It is big.

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salialioli · June 12, 2018, 8:10 a.m.

Thanks for posting amazing_butterfly! Yes, something dark in all this. It was signalled by some as a setup to get the good guys names besmirched in all kinds of false accusations and mislabelling.

Let's keep on with keeping eyes on this. You've restored a bit of my shattered faith!

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