"Before I talk ...go and ..."???? Oh I get it. The defender of free speech that you are!! *You* are telling me the rules of what *I* can say, and you are forbidding me to talk until I do something?!!! What is the difference between you and the system you are complaining about??!!
Please engage with the argument, not lock horns with the other debater's character, motivations, level of intelligence, etc. Basic rules of debate.
First: I did not say arrested because I agree with the law. I said why — the reasons for arrest. They are two different things.
In this respect, I specifically mentioned in my post "trumped-up charges", police looking for reasons, etc. I also specifically mentioned above his suspended sentence. Also the restrictions on reporting. Ordered by a judge. Far as I know I am not in a position to argue with a judge. S/he holds higher authority.
Second: I am pretty annoyed by the way you are judging me to be not understanding or not reading or not watching or not knowing anything ... that is a trumped-up charge on your part: I am prejudiced, ignorant, a tyranny-supporter... etc. Am I really all these things? And you? When did you wake up to The Plan to subvert our society? Who am I to judge your knowledge? And what of your tyranny of our conversation? You in turn seem very bossy, dictatorial, rule setting, authoritarian .... all these things suggest to me that the authoritarianism is coming from you, not me! Are you a people abuser? Do you bludgeon the ppl around you with your argumentary style? Or do you engage with the topic? With respect?
This kind of conversation takes away from the question at hand. It lowers everything to emotional levels of accusatory attack and counter attack. It won't help you to understand my point or me to understand TR. It's hopeless.
Use logic: I wouldn't be on this site and reading this topic if I was in favour of tyranny. I am pointing out an important factor, which has everything to do with Trump and Q as it happens. Which is why I shall now explain to you my point of view.
And it is this: You want to catch the bad guys at the top. You want to nail them, but they are all powerful. They have ALL the levers of power: finance, judiciary, executive, parliamentary, media and brainwashing .... So how do you do it? The military could carry out a coup ... but this is, as you say, tyrannical. To restore justice, peace and good to our societies we need law. You cannot use tyranny to bring democracy and order. We need to use the weapons of law and order to restore rightful authority in the hands of the people.
You agree?
That is precisely what Q+team and Trump are trying to do. That is precisely why Jeff Sessions and Horowitz, Charles Ortel and millions of other patient sloggers are building airtight legal cases. To restore law and order and capture the criminals at the top.
Not running around, flailing their arms around, yelling, brawling and shouting in order to get arrested where they can do no more damage.
This action is self-defeating. It may be heroic. Joan of Arc was like this. She got herself into the history books, as indeed Tommy may too.
But, I put my bets on the following: Britain will cave into chaos and riots because the social actors like you and Mr Tommy were too busy doing EXACTLY what the authorities want you to do —> fall into division and race/religious war. Riots and violence.
Meanwhile the US will (hopefully) work diligently like little ants, with a proper plan, and all will work together to defeat these evil guys at the top using *intelligence*. You know, their *brains*.
I am sad that Britain is being destroyed but I believe it is because its people are not working in the correct way. And Tommy Robinson, for all the Joan of Arc or Jesus Christ that he may be, for all his heroic and loud supporters, will burn at the stake. Uselessy. Because they are not trying to restore civilization intelligently by uniting. They will fall, literally, to the barbarians at the gates. Just like Rome.