Anonymous ID: acd9c3 QRB General #516: Fall of Kabul Will Be Joe's WATERLOO Edition Aug. 15, 2021, 4:39 p.m. No.82918   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.82920   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



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>>82855, >>82876, >>82877 pf reports

>>82820. >>82822 Mercury Rising (MR) - blow by blow on Afghani situ - see below in CHRONO order

>>82822, >>82823, >>82824 MR: Fall of Kabul

>>82825, >>82826, >>82827, >>82828 MR: Occupation of Kabul

>>82829, >>82830, >>82831 MR: Taliban in Kabul, Airport jammed, Biden doing nothing

>>82832, >>82833 MR: Airport situ bad/worsening, Biden still nothing, Evac plans accelerate

>>82834 MR: Taliban says war over, Brit amb. writing vias for translators, Airport situ not better

>>82854, >>82858 MR: American troop movements, C17 with 800 passengers?, reactions to Biden non-action

>>82835 CNN: "Shocking that President biden could've been so wrong"

>>82839 Anon: "They always pretend incompetence"

>>82840 Zev Zelenko testimony - it's biblical!

>>82841, >>82842, >>82856, >>82869, >>82882, >>82875, >>82897 Discussion on Middle East situ/history/infiltration into daily life

>>82843, >>82844, >>82846, >>82851 Nuremberg discussion & Quandts

>>82848 45 calls on Biden to resign

>>82852 Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar declared the new Afghanistan president

>>82866, >>82868 Zabihullah still up, Trump still down - Gen. Flynn weighs in

>>82870, >>82890 Candace Owens: Biden IS the insurrectionist

>>82872, >>82873 Dr. Robt Malone on HR 4980 and "for other purposes"

>>82874 Wendy Rogers on Afghani situ

>>82912 JW links to /qrb/ - go team!

>>82913 #515



>>82756, >>82760 Sunday planefaggin

>>82805 New posts every minute or two. Afghanistan

>>82799 , >>82800 , >>82802 The entire Afghanistan Papers project started when General Michael Flynn filed an IG report, the Pentagon was lying about the war


>>82784 The Afghan and American flags in Kabul are down.

>>82781 , >>82785 US Security Alert for Kabul asks American Citizens not to visit Kabul Airport where firing, US citizens to take safe shelter and apply for repatriation

>>82774 side by side SAIGON, KABUL

>>82773 , >>82775 Taliban officials: there will be no transitional government in Afghanistan

>>82772 Waiting patiently for CNN to call the Taliban's invasion of Kabul a "mostly peaceful protest."

>>82771 I will be posting videos and events from Afghanistan.......................

>>82769 #AfghanistanBurning It's a disaster - Afghan allies that applied for visas are being told to refile

>>82758 ECW: The clear lack of meaningful planning and preparation to effectuate a proper withdrawal in Afghanistan...................

>>82754, >>82759, >>82816 The Universal Antidote Documentary The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide

>>82818 #514



>>82690 Moar Jena Griswold marriage dig

>>82687 Starting on Monday, New York City will ban 40% of their residents from participating in indoor dining, indoor fitness, and indoor entertainment.

>>82686 China 'Ready' To Recognize Taliban If Afghan Government Ousted

>>82683 Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

>>82680 full commie takeover in effect

>>82679 Grenell: Biden incompetence

>>82677 Afghan soldiers , along with military vehicles, fleeing to Iran as the #Taliban make advances across #Afghanistan.

>>82673, >>82675 Representative Lisa Reynolds, OR

>>82670 Here you can find all presentations of the cyber symposium event, everything hq.

>>82669, >>82672 Jeffery W. Dean connected to plumbers - John Dean, too?

>>82703 Zelenko testifies before Rabbinic Court in Israel

>>82715 , >>82716 , >>82717 Seth Keshel updates - Jovan P says things coming that "will shock you"

>>82718 , >>82719 Taliban sweeping across Afghanistan very fast; only Kabul hasn't fallen

>>82720 "Covid-19 & the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria"

>>82721 Latest from puzzle anon, kek

>>82722 Huge Montreal protest against domestic vax passport

>>82724 MD Researcher Ryan Cole from Idaho makes sensible args against the jab - on YT (too much truth, watch out doctor!)

>>82725 A Field Guide to U.S. Election Integrity

>>82735 Cali allows voters to print their own ballot for Newsom recall - "where's the Repub outrage?"

>>82738 Joe Oltman: TMI, DS can't defeat us!

>>82739 #513



>>82605, >>82640, >>82646 pf report(s)

>>82608, >>82610 The Professor's Record: A collection of reference information for patriots for election integrity.-soc. media and .pdfs

>>82613, >>82614, >>82615, >>82617, >>82618, >>82621, >>82625 Tucker-Erik Prince/Botus/Saigon/Afghanistan-y/t Betsy DeVos Erik Prince > POTUS + Q drops re: Eric Prince and DynCorp/Blackwater switch out

>>82619 War Room Warning: Federal Agencies Have Successfully Infiltrated Mike Lindell’s β€œInner-Circle”-rumble link (not displaying correct vid but has linky for article at bottom)

>>82624, >>82638, >>82639 a reminder: Keshel's vid is just an up-close look at voting patterns in Mesa Co and how the 2020 results didn't make sense given previous trends

>>82626 Erik Prince Makes Ominous Prediction About What’s Coming On 9/11-Bannons War Room-mp4

>>82628 Seth Keshel- FINAL LIST OF STATE CHATS -forwarded from America First Audit Channel-soc. media

>>82630, >>82636, >>82548 pb Haiti Earthquake 7.2m-moar on detail on that

>>82631 Seth Keshel-"Defend Florida is compiling evidence of cheating and is taking it to the next step by proposing this to the FL legislature:...."-soc media

>>82632 Rep. Lee Zeldin on State of Governor's Race in New York: Democrats in New York Facing 'Identity Crisis'

>>82633 moar on dat DHS BS from yesterday-soc. media

>>82634 CM telegram:on Griswold and Peters Co. fuckery re: election cameras being turned off

>>82637 telling ya what they are gonna do news: Heading Into Jackson Hole With Record Duration Risk-zh

>>82648 Soros Liquidates Archegos Stocks After Losing Millions

>>82650 Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor??

>>82655 #512



>>82553, >>82573 Saturday pf reports

>>82487, >>82497, >>82569, >>82581, >>82580 Seth Keshel 8-min vid on vote rigging in Mesa Co

>>82488 Russell defends James Gunn (Aug 5)

>>82489, >>82490, >>82523 #Behind the scenes w/Scavinos, DJT & Q

>>82490, >>82517, >>82491, >>82497, >>82500, >>82501, >>82503 Scavino re POTUS: "Do you miss me yet?"'

>>82494 AC Movements to Middle East-Afghanistan Deployments

>>82507, >>82519 JEFFREY DEAN / GEMS DIGG - ongoing

>>82524, >>82529, >>82531, >>82532 Dangers of vax mandates

>>82525, >>82542 Devastating testimony on vax ingredients by vax 'godfather' Dr. Stanley Plotkin (2018)

>>82524 RFK Jr: More than 500,000 post-vax injuries on VAERS yet reg. agencies remain silent

>>82530 Scavinos: Joe Biden Leaves the White House As Multiple Crisis Unfold

>>82544 Evidence presented to grand jury in Durham’s Russia probe

>>82547, >>82551 Fed court in NY denies Ghislaine's motions to dismiss plus brief pdf

>>82548 Earthquake in Haiti ~7.2, 10km deep

>>82555 The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association calls for immediate use of ivermectin as cases surge

>>82560, >>82561 "Potential terror threats" now include opposing 'covid measures', 'election fraud claims' and '9/11 anniversary/religious holidays

>>82564, >>82579, >>82575, >>82576, >>82585, >>82566 David Clements at Lindell Symposium - looks suspiciously like Ingersol Lockwood, KEK

>>82587 Q&A: Colorado’s Jena Griswold on How to Handle Election Security Threats (Sept 2020)

>>82591 #511


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Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.82921   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 4:44 p.m. No.82922   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.82924   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2926 >>2928 >>2935



baker seeking handoff

what a day


Battle of Waterloo

20 June 1815

Napoleon initially thought he won it....but NO

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 5:11 p.m. No.82939   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977 >>3020 >>3034

In 2018, Trump got Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar released from prison.


In 2020, Trump's Secretary of State met with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.


In 2021, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is set to become the President of Afghanistan under Taliban rule.


6:32 PM Β· Aug 15, 2021Β·

Anonymous ID: bff92c Aug. 15, 2021, 5:12 p.m. No.82940   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2943 >>2947 >>2977 >>3020 >>3034

Some new activity C-17 out of Dhabi en and the RAF Airbus tok off from Al Dhafra

RCH822 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Al Minhad AB, Dhabi after a ground stop en over Oman

Left Charleston Int'l earlier with a ground stop at Ramstein.

Departed McGuire AFB, NJ to Charleston Int'l (also the airport for JB Charleston) for an over night yesterday

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 5:15 p.m. No.82942   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2946 >>2977 >>2998 >>3020 >>3034

Counterterrorism analyst: from high-ranking member in Taliban leadership on Telegram August 15 β€œThere will be no transitional government in Afghanistan. Taliban will receive full power, repeal, replace the puppet


regime. The official name…will be: The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan ."

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 5:23 p.m. No.82945   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977 >>3020 >>3034

School Board Meetings Now Being Held In Football Stadiums To Accomodate All The Angry Parents


U.S. - Across the country, school board meetings are being moved from small city halls and school district conference rooms to massive football stadiums to accomodate all the parents screaming and…


5:00 PM Β· Aug 15, 2021

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 5:56 p.m. No.82952   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977 >>3020 >>3034





Congresswoman Elise Stefanik proudly represents New York's 21st District in the House of Representatives where she is a Member of both the Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Education and the Workforce. She was elected by her freshman peers in the 114th Congress to serve as the Freshman Representative to the Policy Committee. Elise is proudly the youngest woman ever elected to Congress in United States history. Prior to winning her election to Congress, Elise worked at her family's small business called Premium Plywood Products that was founded in Upstate New York over twenty years ago. In 2012, Elise served as Director of Vice Presidential Debate Prep toPaul Ryan. From 2006 - 2009, Elise served in the West Wing of the White House as part of President GeorgeW.Bush's Domestic Policy Council Staff and in the Chief of Staff's office. She graduated with Honors from Harvard University.

Anonymous ID: bd43a8 Aug. 15, 2021, 5:59 p.m. No.82953   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2959 >>2977 >>3020 >>3034



Wendy Rogers


I hear General Milley wants to make sure the Taliban understands CRT, that they wear masks, and are fully vaccinated before they are allowed to capture our embassy.

12:01 PM Β· Aug 15, 2021Β·Twitter for iPhone

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 6:03 p.m. No.82954   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977 >>3020 >>3034

Rudy W. Giuliani








β€œThe U.S. left Afghan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left…”


If the lights go out


know we are in full control

Anonymous ID: bff92c Aug. 15, 2021, 6:07 p.m. No.82955   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977 >>3020 >>3034

Biden admin to announce historic increase in food stamp benefits: reports


The Biden administration this week will announce a historic expansion to the nation’s food stamp program, a decision that will give more than 40 million Americans more to spend on groceries while racking up billions in costs to the program, according to Sunday reports.


A U.S. official familiar with the plans told The New York Times that the Biden administration will likely announce the new rules on Monday, which will take effect later this year. The official reportedly said that average monthly benefits, which were $121 per-person before the COVID pandemic, will increase by $36. The changes, which do not require congressional approval, are based on updates the Department of Agriculture made to the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP), an estimate of the cost of a nutritious diet for a family of four. Food stamps, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are used by more than 40 million Americans – or roughly 12% of the total U.S. population.


U.S. lawmakers passed the Farm Bill in 2018 which, among other things, directed the Department of Agriculture to re-evaluate the TFP no later than 2022. According to the department, the TFP has not been updated since 2006 despite major changes to dietary guidance, food prices, and what Americans purchase and eat.

Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 6:11 p.m. No.82956   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2963 >>2972 >>2977 >>3020 >>3030 >>3034

--anyone see this discussion? Wrong time on the clocks at Camp David? What are the chances? Someone said another one is off too, ck out the discussion on t.












The current time difference is 2 hours so this picture could not have been taken today. The whole TV is fake and this was not today.

Anonymous ID: bff92c Aug. 15, 2021, 6:23 p.m. No.82963   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2966 >>2970 >>2977 >>2981 >>3020 >>3034


no tankers over Not AF1 Joe at Camp David position at all today-checked it periodically.


The last visible tanker-cap#1 (can't speak for in the middle of the night) was on Friday when he was still "at Wilmington"-cap at 9:45am EST and then "left for Camp David"

They should, at the very least, make it visible if it's there or put one up just to make it look good.


just sayin'

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 6:33 p.m. No.82968   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977 >>3020 >>3034



Published: August 9, 2021, 11:32 am




All Corona measures are being lifted in view of the increasing incidence figures in Denmark, reported RT Deutsch. Since the beginning of July this value has risen from 31 to 107,2 (as of August 8). At the same time, the upper limits of this Corona indicator has increased significantly.


At the same time, the incidence limits are increased significantly: In communities from 300 to 500 infected people within seven days, in the districts from 500 to 1000. However, the prerequisite is that an increasing number of Covid-19 patients does not overload the health care system.


Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency said it no longer relied on vaccination to achieve herd immunity in the country. Tyra Grove Krause, the SSI’s acting academic director, said a new wave of infections were expected after people return to work and school at the end of this summer, but it should not be cause for alarm. β€œIt will be more reminiscent of the flu,” Krause said.


Overall, the current vaccination rate is just under 58,4 percent of fully vaccinated people in Denmark. In Germany, this value is only slightly lower at 54,5 percent (as of August 8) but vaccine advocates have been persistent in their fear-mongering and pressure on the unvaccinated.


Tyrolean lawyer Dr. Renate Holzeisen, meanwhile strongly recommended that all employers refrain from vaccination pressure or compulsory vaccination, because most of them were β€œobviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it”.


The fact that the so-called Covid-19 vaccines, according to the official approval documents of the EMA and the European Commission were not developed and approved for the prevention of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus, but solely to prevent a more severe course of the disease, were conditionally approved for this reason alone, Holzeisen underscored.


The official approval documents therefore show that these substances cannot interrupt the chain of infection because the people treated with them can become infected and thus be infectious. Practice also proves that people who are completely β€œvaccinated” become infected with the virus and even have the same viral load as β€œunvaccinated people” as the CDC, among others, has admitted. It is therefore clear that any Covid-19 β€œcompulsory vaccination” actually lacks any justification.


All pressure, including moral pressure (alleged act of solidarity with one’s neighbor) is therefore illegal in terms of criminal and liability law based on the official approval documents.


β€œAs a lawyer advising on corporate law, I strongly recommend that every employer stay away from Covid-19 vaccination pressure or compulsory vaccination, because most of them are obviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it,” she said.


Late Sauce

Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 6:39 p.m. No.82972   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2976 >>2977 >>3020 >>3034






Thanks to @PlaysTrumpCard

we have Joe on two different zoom calls same day.


Different cloths.

Same wrong clocks

Thirty minutes apart?



Explanation: Two different days from his Feb trip. Both taken AROUND same time in the AM

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 6:41 p.m. No.82973   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977 >>3010 >>3020 >>3034

Bruno Maçães


Whatever deal was struck, the Taliban are respecting their side, no attacks on evacuating Americans reported

9:35 PM Β· Aug 15, 2021Β·Twitter for iPad









Replying to


wonder how many pallets of cash πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ dropped on them

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:04 p.m. No.82977   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>82940, >>82943, >>82947, >>82950, >>82963 Superior Sunday planefaggin

>>82973 Whatever deal was struck, the Taliban are respecting their side, no attacks on evacuating Americans reported



>>82964, >>82967 RealTalibanNews For the Keks?

>>82962 Scavino/Q #WheresBiden

>>82957 CM on Fulton County elections habbenins

>>82956, >>82963, >>82972, >>82976 WHERE IS JOE?? London delta 3/14-3/28

>>82955 Biden admin to announce historic increase in food stamp benefits

>>82954 RudyG: β€œThe U.S. left Afghan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander

>>82953, >>82959 I hear General Milley wants to make sure the Taliban understands CRT, that they wear masks, and are fully vaccinated before they are allowed to capture our embassy.

>>82952 Elise Stefanik WEF

>>82951 800 to Doha

>>82945 School Board Meetings Now Being Held In Football Stadiums To Accomodate All The Angry Parents

>>82942, >>82946 The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan

>>82939 patriots in control


>>82934 45 on greatest defeats in Am history/Afghanistan/Biden



czech em

lemme know

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:09 p.m. No.82980   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2984 >>2993 >>3020 >>3034

An Anon Reasons it Out


This is the best example so far that Biden is NOT in control. Media is perplexed and cannot figure out what is happening.


US White hats basically gave back the country to the Afghanis…and Afghani military. CIA Clown Puppet government removed. Pompeo negotiated it a while back. Some US weaponry and helicopters kept there so that Afghanistan can protect itself. Afghani military is in control.


Trump following JFK footsteps to finish the job of splintering the CIA into 1000 pieces. CIA and proxy soldier fighters (i.e. Taliban) are no longer in power. Trump cut the head off of the CIA snake, and its proxy CIA soldiers and fake groups i.e. isis, taliban, al qeada, etc. All have been crushed in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea and likely Iran.


Afghanistan will now have complete control over its own country for the first time since the 70's. The military industrial complex led by the CIA is essentially out of power. CIA ruled the region for 50 years with phony wars. Trump put an end to endless wars and blood.


We are at the precipice and the big reveal will be very soon. Today, the deep state finally realized they have no power other than covid hysteria and false flag operations. This is a glorious day and we finally have proof that Biden/Deep State have zero power….and that good guys are in control with Trump likely leading it all.

Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:09 p.m. No.82981   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2985 >>2990



Was Joe at Camp David?



Replying to


No he wasn’t. I live near DE and the fighter escorts were in the air here. He’s no where near Camp David.

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:10 p.m. No.82982   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3020 >>3034


Death toll in Haiti earthquake climbs to 1,297 as search continues for survivors


The death toll from a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Haiti soared to at least 1,297 Sunday as rescuers raced to find survivors amid the rubble ahead of a potential deluge from an approaching tropical storm.


Saturday's earthquake also left at least 2,800 people injured in the Caribbean nation, with thousands more displaced from their destroyed or damaged homes. Survivors in some areas were forced to shelter in streets or soccer fields with their few salvaged belongings while overloaded hospitals scrambled to help those who were injured.


Yet the devastation could soon worsen with the coming of Tropical Depression Grace, which is predicted to reach Haiti on Monday night. The U.S. National Hurricane Center demoted the tropical storm to a depression Sunday, but forecasters warned that regardless, Grace still posed a threat to bring heavy rain, flooding and landslides.


The earthquake struck the southwestern part of the hemisphere's poorest nation, almost razing some towns and triggering landslides that hampered rescue efforts in a country already grappling with the coronavirus pandemic, a presidential assassination and a wave of gang violence.


The epicenter was about 125 kilometers (78 miles) west of the capital of Port-au-Prince, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and aftershocks continued to jolt the area Sunday.


In the badly damaged coastal town of Les Cayes, some families salvaged their few belongings and spent the night at an open-air football pitch. On Sunday morning, people lined up to buy what little was available: bananas, avocados and water at a local street market.


Some in the town praised God for surviving the earthquake, and many went to the city's cathedral, which appeared outwardly undamaged even if the priests' residence was destroyed.


"We only have Jesus now," said Johanne Dorcely, 58, whose house was destroyed. "If it wasn't for Jesus, I wouldn't be able to be here today."


Prime Minister Ariel Henry declared a one-month state of emergency for the whole country and said he was rushing aid to areas where towns were destroyed and hospitals overwhelmed. A former senator rented a private airplane to move injured people from Les Cayes to Port-au-Prince for medical assistance.


"The most important thing is to recover as many survivors as possible under the rubble," said Henry. "We have learned that the local hospitals, in particular that of Les Cayes, are overwhelmed with wounded, fractured people."


Sunday's count from Haiti's Office of Civil Protection raised the previous death toll from 304 dead. The agency said more than 7,000 homes were destroyed and nearly 5,000 damaged. Hospitals, schools, offices and churches were also affected.


Hospitals were overwhelmed at a moment when Haiti has been struggling with the pandemic and a lack of resources to deal with it. The country of 11 million people received its first batch of U.S.-donated coronavirus vaccines only last month via a United Nations program for low-income countries.


Medical workers from across the region were scrambling to help as hospitals in Les Cayes started running out of space to perform surgeries.


"Basically, they need everything," said Dr. Inobert Pierre, a pediatrician with the nonprofit Health Equity International, which oversees the St. Boniface Hospital, about two hours from Les Cayes.


"Many of the patients have open wounds and they have been exposed to not-so-clean elements," added Pierre, who visited two hospitals in Les Cayes β€” one with some 200 patients, the other with around 90. "We anticipate a lot of infections."


Pierre's medical team was taking some patients to St. Boniface Hospital to undergo surgery, but with just two ambulances, they could transport just four patients at a time.

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:13 p.m. No.82986   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3020 >>3034

Texas Supreme Court backs Abbott on mask mandate, issues order against defiant school districts

Anonymous ID: bff92c Aug. 15, 2021, 7:21 p.m. No.82993   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3020 >>3034


likely exactly wut habbened.


Doha agreement last year-cap

Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad was appointed by Secretary Pompeo as the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation on September 21, 2018. Previously, Ambassador Khalilzad served as U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations 2007-2009, Ambassador to Iraq 2005-2007, and Ambassador to Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005.

Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:22 p.m. No.82994   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3000


well there are sure a lot of things dat don't add up

dunno whether people under 40 can 'get it' - it's like you know the patterns, how life works

and there's just something unreal in the air

sometimes ya kin find evidence (like wrong clock times) or 'disappearing' people at inaugurations (or weird wreath ceremonies) - but even when there's no evidence, there's still a hinky, movie-set feel to things.


some of the stuff we believe isn't true, some of it is

which is which?

Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:38 p.m. No.83005   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3007 >>3020 >>3034




this is really good news




But a little twilight zoney - again


I was following the thread this morning/afternoon, and it looked like a huge disaster in the making - those commenting seemed experienced, like they'd seen it a dozen times before. Given the videos - and desperation of the people and the fact they'd breached the tarmac - how did the US military manage to secure the place, seemingly wo firing a shot??


It's it a bit....odd?

Anonymous ID: acd9c3 Aug. 15, 2021, 7:39 p.m. No.83006   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3020 >>3034

hey, der's da sauce!


same panel as with da other guise from earlier bred


BuckSexton β€’ 37s


Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) meet with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, political chief of Afghanistan's Taliban, in Tianjin in July 2021...


A month later Taliban takeover entire Afghanistan.

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 8 p.m. No.83017   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3020 >>3034


.@USNavyCNO Adm. Mike Gilday and @NavyMCPON Russell Smith speak with Sailors aboard #USSCarlVinson during a visit at sea yesterday in the Pacific as the aircraft carrier participates in #USNavy's Large-Scale Exercise #LSE2021. #CVN70

Anonymous ID: bff92c Aug. 15, 2021, 8:04 p.m. No.83018   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3020 >>3034

Google and Facebook’s New Cable to Link Japan and Southeast Asia


Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Facebook Inc. announced their participation in a new subsea cable system for 2024 set to improve internet connectivity across the Asia-Pacific region.


Dubbed Apricot, the infrastructure project will link Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Guam, the Philippines and Indonesia and help serve growing demand for broadband access and 5G wireless connectivity, Facebook said. In March, the company announced two new transpacific subsea cables connecting Singapore to the U.S. west coast, Bifrost and Echo, with Google participating in the latter.


The Echo and Apricot cables are complementary submarine systems, Google said in a blog post, and will improve the resilience of Google Cloud and the company’s other digital services. The new fiber-optic link spanning the Asia-Pacific has an initial design capacity of more than 190 terabits per second, according to Facebook.


Both Silicon Valley giants have been investing in building out internet infrastructure in the regions they see offering the highest growth potential, with Google last year announcing a $10 billion spending plan to help India’s digitization push over the next five to seven years.

Anonymous ID: bff92c Aug. 15, 2021, 8:15 p.m. No.83019   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3020 >>3034


Indian AF IFC5K21 C-17 Globemaster coming out of Iran after an in out at Kabul


The Afghan Embassy in India sent out a tweet calling Afghan President Ashraf Ghani a 'traitor' who 'screwed and f---ed everything up'


The Afghan Embassy in India tweeted harsh criticism of the country's President Ashraf Ghani, who fled his palace in Kabul on Sunday leaving the city vulnerable for a Taliban takeover. Ghani left Afghanistan for Tajikistan while Taliban fighters entered Kabul, Afghanistan's capital and its largest city. The Taliban is now set to formally retake power in the country and rename it the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, following the withdrawal of American troops and a hurried evacuation of US diplomats. Insider saw a now-deleted tweet from the Embassy's official Twitter account posted at around 7.30 p.m. on August 15, which read: "We are all banging our heads in shame. Ghani Baba @ashrafghani fled with his crooks." "He screwed and f---ed everything up. We apologize to everyone for serving the fugitive. May Allah punish the traitor! His legacy will be a stain on our history," the tweet continued.

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.83020   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3024


>>82940, >>82943, >>82947, >>82950, >>82963, >>83009, >>83015, >>83019 Superior Sunday planefaggin

>>83019 The Afghan Embassy in India sent out a tweet calling Afghan President Ashraf Ghani a 'traitor' who 'screwed and f---ed everything up'

>>83018 Google and Facebook’s New Cable to Link Japan and Southeast Asia

>>83017 @USPacificFleet/Q red carpet

>>83006 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) meet with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, political chief of Afghanistan's Taliban, in Tianjin in July 2021...

>>83004, >>83005 US military secures Kabul airport perimeter, Pentagon officials say

>>82991, >>82995 Jen Psaki taking next week off!

>>82989 Food for thought/no mention of the poppy proceeds

>>82986 Texas Supreme Court backs Abbott on mask mandate, issues order against defiant school districts

>>82982 Death toll in Haiti earthquake climbs to 1,297 as search continues for survivors

>>82980, >>82984, >>82993 An Anon Reasons it Out/Afghanistan

>>82973, >>83010 Whatever deal was struck, the Taliban are respecting their side, no attacks on evacuating Americans reported



>>82964, >>82967 RealTalibanNews For the Keks?

>>82962 Scavino/Q #WheresBiden

>>82957 CM on Fulton County elections habbenins

>>82956, >>82963, >>82972, >>82976 WHERE IS JOE?? London delta 3/14-3/28

>>82955 Biden admin to announce historic increase in food stamp benefits

>>82954 RudyG: β€œThe U.S. left Afghan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander

>>82953, >>82959 I hear General Milley wants to make sure the Taliban understands CRT, that they wear masks, and are fully vaccinated before they are allowed to capture our embassy.

>>82952 Elise Stefanik WEF

>>82951 800 to Doha

>>82945 School Board Meetings Now Being Held In Football Stadiums To Accomodate All The Angry Parents

>>82942, >>82946 The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan

>>82939 patriots in control


>>82934 45 on greatest defeats in Am history/Afghanistan/Biden


whacha think

czech em

lemme know

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 8:37 p.m. No.83026   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3034

Wendy Rogers








If Biden can't secure Afghanistan with the greatest military in the history world, I don't think we have to worry about Biden harassing us about vaccines or masks. Just blow him off. He is weak.

Anonymous ID: bff92c Aug. 15, 2021, 8:45 p.m. No.83027   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3034

Indian AF INDIA1 737 departed New Delhi-Gandhi Int'l south


Modi heading south-day after this

PM Modi on 75th Independence Day

read out of speech


IFC5K21 C-17 continues to Hindon AFS New Delhi from Kabul

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 8:46 p.m. No.83029   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3031 >>3034





Mike Lindell's cyber symposium.


Jena Griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters (with a search warrant).




18 Arrested In 2-Day Human Sex Trafficking Operation In Mesa, Arizona -


3:38 AM Β· Aug 16, 2021Β·Twitter Web App




MESA, Ariz. β€” Special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) joined the East Valley Human Trafficking Taskforce (EVHTTF) on a two-day β€œBuyer Reduction” or sting operation, which resulted in 18 arrests.


The operation was led by the Mesa Police Department. The Arizona Attorney General’s Office and the Scottsdale and Tempe Police departments also participated in the investigation.


On Aug. 5 and Aug. 6, law enforcement staged in the area of South Country Club Drive and US 60 in Mesa, Arizona, to conduct online chats that offered prostitution services in an effort to identify and apprehend customers of sex trafficking victims. All 18 men arrested over the two days solicitated adult prostitution, and one was also charged of attempted sex conduct with a minor, child prostitution with a minor under the age of 15, money laundering and prostitution.


HSI encourages the public to report suspected child predators and any suspicious activity through its toll-free Tip Line at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE or by completing its online tip form. Both are staffed around the clock by investigators. From outside the U.S. and Canada, callers should dial 802-872-6199. Hearing impaired users can call TTY 802-872-6196.

Anonymous ID: a72f50 Aug. 15, 2021, 9:50 p.m. No.83034   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>82940, >>82943, >>82947, >>82950, >>82963, >>83009, >>83015, >>83019, >>83027 Superior Sunday planefaggin

>>83029 Busy day in Mesa County

>>83026 If Biden can't secure Afghanistan with the greatest military in the history world, I don't think we have to worry about Biden harassing us about vaccines or masks. Just blow him off. He is weak.

>>83022 Scavino: Rent free in Kinzinger's head

>>83019 The Afghan Embassy in India sent out a tweet calling Afghan President Ashraf Ghani a 'traitor' who 'screwed and f---ed everything up'

>>83018 Google and Facebook’s New Cable to Link Japan and Southeast Asia

>>83017 @USPacificFleet/Q red carpet

>>83006 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) meet with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, political chief of Afghanistan's Taliban, in Tianjin in July 2021...

>>83004, >>83005 US military secures Kabul airport perimeter, Pentagon officials say

>>82991, >>82995 Jen Psaki taking next week off!

>>82989 Food for thought/no mention of the poppy proceeds

>>82986 Texas Supreme Court backs Abbott on mask mandate, issues order against defiant school districts

>>82982 Death toll in Haiti earthquake climbs to 1,297 as search continues for survivors

>>82980, >>82984, >>82993 An Anon Reasons it Out/Afghanistan

>>82973, >>83010 Whatever deal was struck, the Taliban are respecting their side, no attacks on evacuating Americans reported



>>82964, >>82967 RealTalibanNews For the Keks?

>>82962 Scavino/Q #WheresBiden

>>82957 CM on Fulton County elections habbenins

>>82956, >>82963, >>82972, >>82976, >>83030 WHERE IS JOE?? London delta 3/14-3/28

>>82955 Biden admin to announce historic increase in food stamp benefits

>>82954 RudyG: β€œThe U.S. left Afghan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander

>>82953, >>82959 I hear General Milley wants to make sure the Taliban understands CRT, that they wear masks, and are fully vaccinated before they are allowed to capture our embassy.

>>82952 Elise Stefanik WEF

>>82951 800 to Doha

>>82945 School Board Meetings Now Being Held In Football Stadiums To Accomodate All The Angry Parents

>>82942, >>82946 The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan

>>82939 patriots in control


>>82934 45 on greatest defeats in Am history/Afghanistan/Biden



hold em baking