<<<the initial invasion of Earth failed>>>
it wasnt the most recent invasion
plymoth rock is not virgina shores is not X
there are multiple invasion points
mom said she didnt do the corporation things
i asked if she was friens with eisenhower and shit
she said not at all
i used to have a dream that there was a planet and these people lived inside of it and they were elites of ther other. they didnt know what was going on outside and there were massive space wars and stuff
so they had to be alerted
and here i sit
somehow it is all past present future
and they converge
in alignment
those stargates open up and shit
why do you think <theywent right over to the middle east
you have to.. not be okay with it all.. I think plenty of bad people are 3D, they are spliced to be 3D. anyway. these 4D creatures think that we are like ants, or ghosts. we are ghosts ants that do things. they think that a 3D being is like a buffalo to be hunted or a cow to be eaten. It didnt know that the words I spoke meant anything cause I didn't always speak atlantean.
there are some real nasty creatures in the universe and there are some real nasty creatures here on earth
i just know that whatever some of them areβ¦. it may be just part of life.
how do you tell something it is wrong when it just flips between right/wrong every few <pole shift>
just saying if you are 0 then you only see 0
if you 1 you only see 1. you cant see the other charge, or you are just opposed to it or whatever. i dont know actually.
but if you are 01 and 10 then you an see polarity and choice.
a 2bit system has no choice lol
a 64 bit system has plenty of options but realizes everything is nothing more than a 2 bit decision
the war is as old as time
10 01
what is vibration?
how did the Lord vibrate or breath exisetnnce into being
i think the deal is this
2bit system runs 4bit system but neither of those systems do like bad <earth stuff>
but they are operating <space beingwith our energy
they dont care about what is goig on here
their friends and family are messaging them telepathically begging for food
okay. there are so many of those creatures in teh universe right now
they dont even like eachother
my 2bit mother thinks 4bit and 8bit and everything else dont make sense
guess what
i aint never talked such plain fucking english with anyone in my life
especially not ET mother
everyone on earth is a little more ET than we would like to thinkj
the chiense the russians the idians the eropeans
everyone who aint AFRICAN
is fucking whatever
i havent gotten that far
it may have come about <earlier>
where did a primate come from?
are we all just splced primate?
is there any such things as a non-binary being?
they say man was one with nature at first
there was nothing but what <is>
is this the state of 2bit logic
was the apple of the snake the first go at 4bit logic?
4biteve and 2bit adam.
did they make an 8bit child?
okay. logic
use it
if you think
and have
you are an ET
only haplogroup A of AFRICA thinks O1 or 10
dont goto africa
they will fucking you up if they are in a bad mood
especially since you stole all the kings and brought them too america
and spliced them up with your crap too
they are not A or B
or C
or anything any more
they fucking black ET
some black people are kinda red like an insect
and some black people are real black like an african
and some blak people are light skinned casue their slave master was splcing and dicing
alll i am saying
you are part of the galactic federation now
i do have <earth blood>
you all attack me
but you dont realize that the ancient lemurians are insects who populated the earth after atlantis sank
adamic man is more important than the lemur because it is <sourcesome how
you need the 2bit system
or maybe he 2bit system needs a polar 2bit system to create the charge that keeps this whoelleleee universe going
the federating said not to be stupid earthlings and to protect the <4D+ beingthat are here regardless of <mans law>
they asked the government of america to not murder them because it was likeβ¦. not a good idea for our species to do that
it seems like one
i get that
but that is why you dont belong to the galactic federation
anyway. you republicans and your insect overlords do now
but you see
i do have <source blood>
i dont know what Q
i am R1B and i have source blood
but technically i am QX I think or QZ
A = 2bit
Z = 2bit
what if atlantis create you?
what if these beings were the godessessophia the gnostics spoke of?
what if they plunged down here into the 3rd dimension and the insects followed in tow?
splcing and dicing on their own
i dont know
maybe you should check <yourdna instead of checking mine