Anonymous ID: 13159d Q Research General #24427: Celebrate Veterans, Marine Birthday #248 Edition Nov. 10, 2023, 10 a.m. No.19894051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4158 >>4329 >>4901

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Anonymous ID: 13159d Nov. 10, 2023, 10:04 a.m. No.19894072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825

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>>19822242 ——–——– Australia #33

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#24426 >>19893211

>>19893498, >>19893681, >>19893809, >>19893911 planeFag eastern Med and Yerp/CONUS

>>19893256 The Supreme Court dismantled Roe. States are restoring it one by one.

>>19893278, >>19893966, >>19894021, >>19894028 EIP/Stanford thread A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented

>>19893306 Mayor Pothole Pete has abused taxpayer dollars by flying all over the country on carbon emitting jets/aka Buttplug

>>19893346 Federal judge declines to push back Trump's classified documents trial but postpones other deadlines

>>19893370, >>19893429 American corruption 🤝🏻 American debt crisis

>>19893372, >>19893428, >>19893517 Happy birthday: U.S. Marines to celebrate 248th birthday on Friday

>>19893411 moar Piglosi hammer guy

>>19893430 Brad Wenstrup Ohio, retiring from Congress afterh this term.

>>19893458, >>19893462, >>19893513, >>19893599 Moar Statin dangers

>>19893488 @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron should end the ridiculous Political Witch Hunt against me. I have TOTALLY WON THIS CASE…

>>19893516, >>19893550, >>19893581, >>19893613 DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths To Secure EUA.

>>19893533 Martha McSally molested in Iowa

>>19893531 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this Veterans Day. We expect open court testimony today from the FBI official Jacqueline Maguire

>>19893539 Fetterman mocks ceasefire protesters being arrested by waving an Israeli flag at them.

>>19893544 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day UHZ1: Distant Galaxy and Black Hole

>>19893573 #OnThisDay in 1990, the flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory was adopted.

>>19893575, >>19893672 B-21 RAIDER FIRST FLIGHT 11-10-23 #RAIDER33 #B21Raider

>>19893578 Bulgaria Signs Artemis Accords at NASA Headquarters; Joins 31 Nations

>>19893604 Gaveled Out: Return of The People's House (2023) | Full HD Short Film

>>19893625 How Did A Swiss Ring Watch End Up In A 400 Years Old Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb?????

>>19893693 @NikkiHaley We need a president who can win back the White House and help win races up and down the ballot.

>>19893695 Malone Reveals The Stanford-Connected Ecosystem That The “Deep State” Utilized To Silence Any Debate

>>19893738 #WalkAway Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary in West Palm Beach

>>19893796 NASA’s Webb, Hubble Combine to Create Most Colorful View of Universe

>>19893830 THE COUP DE’TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy

>>19893834 13 Qdrops for the 10th Nov

>>19893892 MU's new Hellbender takes a ‘byte’ out of supercomputing

>>19893910 The Heritage Foundation Project 2025 group is recruiting and training pro-Trump lawyers to take over general counsel offices throughout the federal bureaucracy

>>19893970 8KUN MP4 Archive Updated

>>19893996 NASA's modified U-2 spy plane is hunting for 'strategic minerals' in the desert. Here's why

>>19894070 #24426



>>19892728 Georgia man accused of calling Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and threatening to ‘shoot her in the f–king head

>>19892752 Jim on current catalog problem

>>19892875, >>19892884 Welcome Jim!

>>19892872, >>19892786, >>19893052, >>19892843, >>19892847, >>19892919, >>19892957, >>19893034 Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

>>19892775 Poso: Never Forget: Nikki Haley Compared Donald Trump to Shooter Dylan Roof Because Trump Opposed Open Borders

>>19892789 PRESIDENT OF VOX: "A black period begins in the history of Spain, today a coup against the Nation has been launched"

>>19892790 PDJT on Jack Smith leak to the press

>>19892793, >>19892799, >>19892808, >>19892821, >>19892829, >>19892834, >>19892840, >>19892856, >>19892854 Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

>>19892806 Biden to meet with Chinese President Xi on November 15 in San Francisco Bay area

>>19892889 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/10/2023

>>19892896, >>19892931 Portuguese PM António Costa in crisis after cops raid residence

>>19892968 Alaska judge upholds approval of ConocoPhillips’ $7.5 billion Willow oil project

>>19892983 Four Los Angeles sheriff's officials found dead in apparent suicides..

>>19892996 Statins are NOT “Wonder Drugs” they are Metabolic Poisons that Kill One Cell at a Time.

>>19893050 Hawaii Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster

>>19893192 #24425-B


#24425-A >>19892373

>>19892421, >>19892447, >>19892492 Happy Birthday, Marines. Semper Fi.

>>19892424, >>19892427, >>19892468 On WEF and Kenneth Darlington

>>19892472 @Techno_Fog: Highlights from the deposition of Special Counsel David Weiss

>>19892473, >>19892519 @xriskology on Sam Altman's sister and allegations of abuse

>>19892475 @paulsperry_: Did you know HAMAS set up HQ inside America just three (3) blocks from the U.S. Capitol? The F_I does.

>>19892478, >>19892491 @CitizenFreePres: Spanish nationalists are going off outside the Socialist party headquarters in Madrid.

>>19892481 Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election Offices In Georgia And Washington

>>19892488 UK high court denies treatment for 8 month old despite Italian offer to help

>>19892495 U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has filed a subpoena to obtain Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs.

>>19892504, >>19892505 Cenk Uygur looses it on Piers Morgan when he gets to hear some uncomfortable facts.

>>19892515 @KanekoaTheGreat on Fulton County 2020 ballots and county attorneys status

>>19892516 FBI secretly investigated Biden in 2007 over Delaware golf membership

>>19892518 Soros-Backed Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Found Guilty on Two Federal Counts of Perjury via @gatewaypundit

>>19892527 Las Vegas Sphere reports $98 million loss. CFO quits.

>>19892538 Wenstrup announces he won’t run for reelection in 2024

>>19892543, >>19892777 End Times News

>>19892544 how the left mobilizes on the abortion issue

>>19892557 @libsoftiktok: AP denying that their journalist had prior knowledge of Hamas’ attack

>>19892631 Gen Flynn: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) is an intentionally deceptive form of psychological operation.

>>19892632, >>19892803 Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour

>>19892648 Authorities have identified the armed man apprehended near the United States Capitol in Washington, DC on Tuesday as Ahmir Lavon Merrell of Georgia.

>>19892683 Chicago: A City in Freefall

>>19892719 Bannon on McCarthy: he did a whiny interview yesterday

>>19893174 #24425-A


#24224 >>19891466

>>19891498 Federal Judge Smacks Down Biden ATF AR-15 Gun Ban

>>19891507 Texas Rangers Open New Tampering Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

>>19891536 Australia: NSW Health encourages mask-wearing as COVID-19 cases rise

>>19891542 GREATEST STREET IN AMERICA!!! - Donald Trump Way in Hialeah

>>19891578 The Little Things…Fuck Joe Biden

>>19891591 Jill Stein announces for the Green Party

>>19891840, >>19891904, >>19892066, >>19892255, >>19892258, >>19892259 it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

>>19891887 Breaking News?: Frank Borman, the commander of NASA’s Apollo 8, died at 95. The 1968 mission carried the first men to ever orbit the moon.

>>19891940 Q post #556 "The 'CURE' will spread WW." >>19892008 #3724 #763 >>19892178

>>19892006 Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza (2000 Mules, 2016:Obama's America) stops by to discuss his new film Police State with Roseanne and Jake.

>>19892017 Steve Bannon Tries to Weasel His Way Out of Impending Imprisonment

>>19892019 Bannon appeals contempt conviction, saying he was following attorney’s advice

>>19892184, >>19892205, >>19892239 About NSO group? and IDF? Flynn? Past News


>>19892220 Vox founder miraculously survives shot in head from point-blank range in Madrid

>>19892257 Missile Strike Details Emerge as Ukraine Says Bulkers Are Still Sailing

>>19892260 Cyprus Wins Support for Gaza Maritime Aid Plan

>>19892234, >>19892241, >>19892264, >>19892274 AnonDig - hunter becomes the hunted This one matches almost identically.?

>>19892280, >>19892287, >>19892306 Bible related- Q post #2751 #3707 #4739

>>19892351 #24224


Previously Collected

>>19890515 #24421, >>19890656 #24422, >>19891435 #24423

>>19888257 #24419, >>19889026 #24420, >>19890244 #24421

>>19885804 #24416, >>19886611 #24417, >>19886656 #24418

>>19885552 #24414, >>19885036 #24415-A, >>19885047 #24415-B


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Q Research Notables #20: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:09 a.m. No.19894095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turks abandoning ‘pro-Israel’ Visa and Mastercard – media


Banks in Türkiye are reportedly facing growing demand from customers switching to the local payment system


Turkish citizens are increasingly cancelling their Visa and Mastercards as part of a nationwide boycott of companies or nations that support Israel, local daily Yeni Safak reported on Thursday.


Banks are reportedly struggling to cope with unprecedented demand for cards issued by the country’s domestic payment system Troy, which was founded by the Istanbul-based Interbank Card Center in 2015.


The shift to the local payment system is part of a protest against the financial support provided by Western countries to Israel amid the flare-up of deadly hostilities between Israel and militant groups in Gaza.


Supporters of the boycott have launched a hashtag campaign #TroyKartaGeçiyoruz (#WeGoToTroyKarta), urging Turks to switch to locally issued cards. The hashtag has been supported by more than 100,000 posts in recent days.


Since the launch of the campaign against Visa and Mastercard, nearly 19 million new Troy cards have reportedly been issued.


Troy, Türkiye's only domestic payment card, was officially launched in April 2016. The system offers financial services, including the issuing of credit cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards and network processing. Since 2017, Troy cards have been accepted in the US on the Discover Card network.


Earlier this week, the Turkish parliament removed Coca-Cola and Nestle products from restaurants within the parliament campus over their alleged support for Israel.

Anonymous ID: c64d1f End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000185 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:09 a.m. No.19894101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UN Decries Hell On Earth As Gaza Hospitals Bombed, Western Oligarchs Admit They Manipulate Public, An Unexpected Alliance


Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries Hell On Earth

The moment the Al Shifa Hospital courtyard was struck last night as displaced civilians slept. Body parts blown off. You can hear the pain in the screams. At least 2 other hospitals were bombed in the same night. There are no words to describe this level of barbarity. None.


10 Hours Of Hellish Fighting Between IDF And Hamas In Center Of Gaza, Tanks Destroyed, Dozens Dead


Top US General Warns Israel’s Slaughter Of Civilians Will Cause More To Turn Against Them


Yemen Launches Batch Of Ballistic Missiles At Sensitive Targets Of Zionist Israel


Israel’s Touted Iron Dome Is Failing While IDF Armor Is Destroyed By Hamas


Iran Panics As Israel WIPED OUT 5 Pro-Iranian Bases In A Surprising Airstrike


Western Oligarchs Admit They FAKE Science & Control Media Lies To Manipulate Public


An Unexpected Alliance: AOC & MTG Both Call For Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange To Be Released

“It is the duty of journalists to seek out sources, including documentary evidence, in order to report to the public on the activities of government.” the letter reads. “The United States must not pursue an unnecessary prosecution that risks criminalizing common journalistic practices and thus chilling the work of the free press.”

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:15 a.m. No.19894121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil questions Israeli terrorrist attack claim


West Jerusalem has claimed credit for foiling a terrorist attack and linked the case to its Gaza operation


Brazilian authorities have warned against jumping to conclusions after Israel claimed to have foiled a terrorist attack by an Iran-funded Hezbollah cell in the South American country. The case is ongoing and must not be used by outside governments to promote their own interests, Brazilian Justice Minister Flavio Dino said.


In a social media post on Thursday, Dino called the claim that a cell linked to Lebanon-based Hezbollah had plotted to kill Jews in Brazil a “hypothesis,” stressing that no foreign agency could presume the outcome of the investigation.


“We appreciate appropriate international cooperation, but we reject any foreign authority that would consider directing Brazilian police bodies, or use investigations in our responsibility for the purposes of promoting their political interests,” the minister said, without directly mentioning Israel.


The remarks appear to be a reaction to claims by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said his country’s Mossad intelligence service had helped Brazil stop “a terrorist attack… planned by the Hezbollah terrorist organization, directed and financed by Iran.”


In a social media post on Thursday, Dino called the claim that a cell linked to Lebanon-based Hezbollah had plotted to kill Jews in Brazil a “hypothesis,” stressing that no foreign agency could presume the outcome of the investigation.


“We appreciate appropriate international cooperation, but we reject any foreign authority that would consider directing Brazilian police bodies, or use investigations in our responsibility for the purposes of promoting their political interests,” the minister said, without directly mentioning Israel.


The remarks appear to be a reaction to claims by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said his country’s Mossad intelligence service had helped Brazil stop “a terrorist attack… planned by the Hezbollah terrorist organization, directed and financed by Iran.”


“Given the backdrop of the war in Gaza against the Hamas terrorist organization, Hezbollah and the Iranian regime are continuing to operate around the world in order to attack Israeli, Jewish, and Western targets,” Netanyahu declared on Wednesday.


Dino stressed that the Brazilian investigation had started “before the outbreak of the ongoing tragedies on the international scene.”


The Brazilian Federal Police issued a similar statement, highlighting national authority over the probe and pledging it would follow the facts rather than be directed by expectations from elsewhere.


Police executed 11 search and seizure warrants and two temporary arrest warrants on Wednesday as part of Operation Trapiche. The case involves alleged attempts to recruit people to carry out “extremist acts” in the country, officials said.


Citing court officials, the Agencia Brasil public news agency reported on Thursday that the tip about the suspects’ alleged activities had come from the FBI, which mentioned their possible links to the Hezbollah militant movement.

Anonymous ID: 962cc1 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19894122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>19893830 THE COUP DE’TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy

ITALY?!?!? WHAT?!!?!? NO WAY?!!?!?

















ahahahahahah - muahahahahahah kekekekekekekek!

Anonymous ID: 9fe0f4 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:15 a.m. No.19894123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4138 >>4373

This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin


Enter Artemisia Annua (Artemisin, Sweet Wormwood), a cheap, safe, ancient herbal medicine and anti-malarial that also treats COVID-19.


But that's not all it does:


• broad antiviral activity against viruses (Herpes, HIV, Hep B&C, EBV, CMV, Zika)


• binds Spike protein of SARS-COV2 more strongly than hydroxychloroquine


• has immunoregulatory effects to decrease cytokines, cytokine storm, ARDS, organ damage and lung fibrosis in COVID-19 infection (blocks NF-κB signaling)


• Anti-cancer affects (via blocking NF-κB) for prostate, cervical, colorectal cancers


However, papers on the drug have been retracted. Herbal products recalled. Why is it under attack?


This information was compiled by an article written by Dr.


(give him a follow). Read the full article in the comment below.

Anonymous ID: a69e21 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.19894128   🗄️.is 🔗kun

REMEMBER: “COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”


'a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people'


This is what you get when you let the lowest IQ lunatics running the asslyum

Anonymous ID: 962cc1 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.19894129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump.

Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.


Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election.


Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte.

This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet.


U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians.

They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.


Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes.

We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people.

We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.

Truth Justice ™@SpartaJustice

7:57 PM · Nov 8, 2023 - 3.3M Views



>>19893830 THE COUP DE’TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy

ITALY?!?!? WHAT?!!?!? NO WAY?!!?!?




















ahahahahahah - muahahahahahah kekekekekekekek!

Anonymous ID: 962cc1 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.19894137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4139

[They] will never admit it but anon did whoop all of [their] asses….

yuh huh, Karen!



[ALL] all… a thorough asswhoopin!

recorded in real time!

yuh huh, Karen!


Anonymous ID: a69e21 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.19894144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4184 >>4195 >>4201 >>4413










The term Pharmageddon almost appears to be created specifically for the marketing of statins.


You would die instantly without cholesterol – it is a fundamental part of every cell in your body.


Statin Drugs Scam: Side Effects include Rapid Aging, Brain Damage


FACT: Those with high levels of cholestrol live longer, those with low levels of cholestrol die earlier. Most heart attack patients' cholesterol levels did not indicate cardiac disease …


January 12, 2009. 5 min read. A new national study has shown that nearly 75 percent of patients hospitalized for a heart attack had cholesterol levels that would indicate they were not at high risk for a cardiovascular event, based on current national cholesterol guidelines


$29 Billion Reasons to Lie About Cholesterol: Making Profit by Turning Healthy People into Patients:


Big Pharma Suffers Major Blow: Study Says Treating High Cholesterol With Statins Is a Waste of Time & Money

In reality, research actually shows there is no relationship at all between blood cholesterol levels and the degree of atherosclerosis in your blood vessels.

Anonymous ID: 962cc1 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.19894149   🗄️.is 🔗kun







Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.19894151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4176





Reconnaissance and Interdiction Division of the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific Marine Mammal Program - Sea Lion training exhibition in connection with San Diego Fleet Week - November 9, 2023.


#NIWCPacific #usnavy

SRC: TW-@cjr1321

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.19894160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4194 >>4513

Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"


After reports emerged starting Wednesday and Thursday that Israeli tanks had pushed to the center of Gaza City, Palestinian officials have said tanks have drawn close to and have surrounded key hospitals where thousands of Palestinians are taking shelter as wounded patients are receiving treatment. They said Friday that air strikes have hit the Strip's biggest hospital, Al Shifa, killing at least one and wounding several others.


Other hospitals were were also reportedly struck at dawn, including strikes on the grounds of the Indonesian Hospital and the Rantissi cancer hospital, according to eyewitnesses cited in Reuters. Sprawling tent encampments of the internally displaced can be seen on the hospital campuses, but Israel claims that Hamas has 'terror tunnels' underneath, and further that the group has a base of operations in Rantissi hospital. Civilians waiving white flags have been trapped, in at least one instance coming under fire while trying to escape. Gazan authorities say the Israel's military is firing on them, while Israel claims Hamas is shooting its own people to keep them as "human shields".

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.19894175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4263 >>4271 >>4280 >>4292 >>4307

GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Judicial Ethics Complaint Against Judge Engoron Over ‘Bizarre Behavior’


Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY) on Friday filed a judicial ethics complaint against NY Judge Arthur Engoron over his ‘bizarre behavior’ in Trump’s non-jury civil fraud case.


“Judge Engoron’s bizarre and biased behavior is making New York’s judicial system a laughingstock. Former Southern District of New York federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who has at times criticized President Trump, recently stated that he views the “whole New York justice system” as “fraudulent.”” Stefanik wrote.


Radical Marxist New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York.


“Americans are sick and tired of the blatant corruption by radical Leftist judges in NY. All New Yorkers must speak out against the dangerous weaponized lawfare against President Trump,” Stefanik said.

Anonymous ID: ad973d Nov. 10, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19894183   🗄️.is 🔗kun












Anonymous ID: a69e21 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19894184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4195 >>4201 >>4226 >>4273 >>4306









STATINS ARE POISON…Get your loved one off of them!


PART TWO: Statins speed up the transition from "midlife vigor" to "debilitated old age'. Every cell in your body needs cholesterol!


Statin side effects mimic the effects of aging; they include fatigue, weakness, instability, memory loss, reduced mental capacity, dementia, neuropathy. slowed reactions, muscle atrophy (wasting), muscle pain, Myopathy, Rhabdomyolysis, Kidney failure, dyspnea(difficult or labored breathing) and heart failure, heart conditions, intestinal disease, pancreatic problems, diabetes, cataracts, nerve damage, reduced libido, depression, accidents, suicide and cancer…also linked to ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease and early onset Parkisons.


Every cell in our body needs cholesterol.


Recently scientists have found that statins interfere with our stem cells, which work to repair damage to our bodies and protect us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss.


A study from Tulane University found that statins prevented stem cells from performing their main functions, namely reproducing and replicating other cells in the body to carry out repairs; in particular, statins prevented stem cells from generating new bone and cartilage.3


According to Professor Reza Izadpanah, a stem cell biologist and lead author of the research, “Our study shows statins may speed up the aging process. . . People who use statins as a preventative medicine for health should think again as our research shows they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems.”4


And to what purpose? The twenty-year Honolulu Heart Program study compared changes in cholesterol concentrations over twenty years with all-cause mortality. It found that those individuals who had low cholesterol levels were at increased risk of death.


Physicians’ Experiences as Patients with Statin Side Effects: A Case Series:

This is the first analysis to address the experience of physicians themselves affected by adverse effects (AEs) of statin medications, encompassing muscle, neuropathic, cognitive, and behavioral AEs.

The impact of statin AEs in physicians can be profound, professionally and personally, in some cases requiring major professional modification or early retirement.

Poor awareness of statin problems by medical providers, and low receptiveness to reports of such problems, can extend even to patients when they themselves are physicians.


Patient A: Atorvastatin 40 then 80 mg was followed by cognitive problems, neuropathy, and glucose intolerance in a Radiologist in his 50s


Patient B: Atorvastatin 10 mg was followed in 2 months by muscle weakness and myalgia in an Internist in his 40s


Patient C: Atorvastatin, ezetimibe/simvastatin, rosuvastatin at varying doses was followed shortly after by irritability, myalgia, and fatigue in a Cardiac Surgeon in his 40s


Patient Simvastatin 20 then 40 mg was followed in 4 years by mitochondriopathy, myopathy, neuropathy, and exercise intolerance in an Emergency Medicine physician in his 50s


Patient E: Simvastatin 20 mg and niacin 1000 mg was followed in one month by muscle weakness and myalgia in a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician in his 50s


Patient F: Lovastatin 20 mg then simvastatin 20 mg, atorvastatin 20 mg, rosuvastatin 5 mg, niacin 20 mg and ezetimbe 10 mg was followed by muscle weakness and myalgia in an Obstetrician/Gynecologist in his 70s


Patient G: Ezetimibe/simvastatin and atorvastatin (dose unavailable) was followed shortly after by cognitive problems in a Radiologist in her 80s (probable causality).

Anonymous ID: ca3869 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19894186   🗄️.is 🔗kun












Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.19894191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4203

Election Offices Across U.S. Receive ‘White Powder’ in Voter Envelopes from ANTIFA that Tests Positive for Fentanyl


Election offices across the United States, including a key battleground state, have been targeted with suspicious letters containing white powder, some of which have tested positive for fentanyl. The incidents have led to the evacuation of several election offices, causing delays in ballot counting.


The letters, which have been sent to election offices in Georgia, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington, have been reportedly “intercepted” in some instances before reaching their destinations. The FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service have confirmed that four of these letters contained fentanyl.


Four county election offices in Washington State were evacuated on Tuesday after workers received envelopes containing a mysterious white powder, the Seattle Times reported.


Alarmingly, tests revealed that the substance in two of these offices was fentanyl. The incident occurred as election workers were processing ballots.


The affected counties include King, Skagit, Spokane, and Pierce. The Pierce County auditor’s office in Tacoma, Washington, was one of the first to report receiving such an envelope postmarked in Portland, Oregon.


The letter accompanying the powder carried a disturbing message: “End elections now. Stop giving power to the right that they don’t have. We are in charge now and there is no more need for them.”


The letter added, “Also be aware your ballot drops are very susceptible to noxious chemicals like am/bl, they are unsafe to the public just saying.”

Anonymous ID: a69e21 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.19894195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4201 >>4226









Dr. A, a radiologist in his 50s, stated that he developed marked cognitive problems and also neuropathy shortly after increasing his atorvastatin dose from 40 to 80 mg/day. Effects were new, marked, sustained, and interfered with his work, leading to difficulty understanding case presentations, to radiology reading errors (including right/left errors on readings), and to placement of orders for the wrong patients. These consequences to his professional accuracy led him to fear medicolegal repercussions. He did not share his cognitive concerns with his own physician, leery of risks and ramifications from such disclosure. However, he did share the neuropathy symptoms. His physician, whom Dr. A noted bore a “Top Doctor” designation, stated that no further assessment was warranted for neuropathy symptoms except in diabetics. No suggestion was made by his doctor of a possible statin role, or suggestion for a trial of statin discontinuation, until a medical student commented on the association of neuropathy to statin use.


Discontinuation of statins, after 3 years of sustained symptoms, led to rapid and striking improvement in cognitive function. By a week after discontinuation, Dr. A noted dramatic cognitive recovery, which he perceived to be approximately complete. He observed more gradual recovery of neuropathy symptoms, which he characterized as having improved by an estimated 95% at 8 months (improvement having apparently plateaued at that level).


Dr. D. experienced a clear decline in exercise tolerance that progressed over a 4 year period on statins, with development and progression of myalgias ultimately rated 8–9/10 in severity, and extreme lethargy. Discontinuation of statins led to gradual improvement in muscle pain: 3.5 years after statin discontinuation, he reports 75% improvement in myalgias, however, there has been no discernible improvement in exercise intolerance(2) Dr. D’s non-physician sister proposed the statin connection after she herself suffered intolerance. Dr. D’s physicians were generally dismissive of a statin connection. Dr. D describes a “pervasive skepticism” at the idea, with physicians “rolling their eyes” at the suggestion, even when he presented them with literature supporting the relationship.


Dr. D. described his own prior attitude toward statins as “elementary and naïve, that they were bad in some people, but that there would be clear manifestations and happen quickly within weeks. I thought a normal CK would essentially rule it out, that the symptoms were largely reversible.” He now emphasizes that the side effects “can be very disabling, can happen in substantially delayed fashion, the CK can be normal”


Dr. E tolerated simvastatin for 13 years, however after a 2 year trial off, he resumed simvastatin with niacin. He retired early to pursue athletic adventures, but a month after recommencing statin and niacin, developed new exercise intolerance, rapid muscle fatigue, and loss of muscle strength. He discontinued the statin a month later. Two years later, although notable improvement has occurred


Dr. F …atorvastatin was stopped in 2000 when his muscle weakness became severe, and improvement in walking was noted 2 months later, but rosuvastatin was prescribed due to elevated cholesterol levels, resulting in a rapid return of weakness. His cardiologist initially dismissed the possible connection of statins to his weakness, when the cardiologist’s own family member developed similar statin AEs, he began to investigate the relationship. Now, whenever he and his wife (also a physician) notice gait abnormalities in their friends and even strangers, they inquire whether or not they are on statins.


Dr. G developed confusion, disorientation, and short-term memory loss. She asked repetitive questions and had a short attention span. Statins were discontinued, followed by marked improvement in cognitive function. A month after discontinuation, she recalled running into one of her former colleagues in the grocery store and being able to immediately recognize the person (a clear improvement over her prior state). This acquaintance exclaimed that she looked much better than 8 months previously, when they had last interacted

Dr. G’s physician dismissed the potential statin connection. Her son stated, “He replied in a condescending tone of disbelief that I ‘read too much’”.

Dr. G. was referred to a neurologist, and treated with donepezil for a year under the assumption the cognitive problems may be Alzheimer’s. Other diagnoses that had been considered included depression and pseudo-dementia.

Anonymous ID: 8d1554 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19894200   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon saw this (lb) and thought it notable so is reposting. Is there a second?

>>19894021 (lb)

What is the mysterious Aspen Institute and why did it hold a Hunter Biden ‘exercise’?


By Bruce Golding


Published Dec. 19, 2022


Updated Dec. 21, 2022, 2:08 p.m. ET


A US government-funded nonprofit known as “the mountain retreat for the liberal elite” sponsored a “tabletop exercise” intended to influence coverage of a leak of documents related to Hunter Biden, the latest installment of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” reveals.


In a series of tweets Monday, independent journalist Michael Shellenberger posted confidential documents from the Aspen Institute’s September 2020 event, which he said was attended by Twitter’s then-head of trust and safety, Facebook’s head of security policy and top national security reporters from The New York Times and The Washington Post.


The exercise by the “Aspen Digital Hack-and-Dump Working Group” involved an 11-day scenario in October 2020 that began with the imaginary release of falsified records related to Hunter Biden’s controversial employment by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid him as much as $1 million a year to serve on its board when his father was vice president.


“The goal was to shape how the media covered it — and how social media carried it,” Shellenberger wrote.


But the drill was put into practical use weeks later, when The Post broke the news about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which was either ignored or downplayed by most mainstream news outlets and suppressed by both Twitter and Facebook.


While they derided the reporting as potential disinformation well after the story broke, some two years later major news organizations including the Times and The Washington Post chose to authenticate key emails from the laptop and both Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have since admitted it was wrong to crack down on The Post’s reporting.


In a message sent just three days after The Post’s Oct. 14, 2020, scoop, journalist and author Garrett Graff apparently reached out to fellow participants in the Aspen Institute exercise.


“Stephen was right!” he wrote.


Graff, whose latest book is “Watergate: A New History,” didn’t immediately return a request for comment and it’s unclear who “Stephen” is.


The exercise was organized by Vivian Schiller, a former top executive at National Public Radio, Twitter, The New York Times and NBC News, Shellenberger reported.


Since January 2020, she’s been the executive director of Aspen Digital, which its parent organization says “empowers policymakers, civic organizations, companies, and the public to be responsible stewards of technology and media in the service of an informed, just, and equitable world.”

Anonymous ID: a69e21 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19894201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4226











2 physicians saw arrest of progression, and symptom improvement after discontinuing the statin, however neither returned fully to their previous health states.


These cases underscore that commonly reported statin AEs—here encompassing muscle [4], cognitive [8], fatigue [13], neuropathic [9], and behavioral [10]—also afflict high functioning professionals such as physicians, in whom these symptoms can have profound professional implications, contributing in some to early retirement or persistent disability.


These cases reprise a number of observations from other settings. Symptom onset can be delayed [4, 8]. Older age is a risk factor for statin AEs [5, 14, 15], and people continue to age while taking statins—moreover, physiological aging may be accelerated by the processes that underlie statin AEs [5]. Higher dose increases risk (Drs. A, C, D) [5]. For those who remain on statins after the first symptom arises, emergence of symptoms spanning several categories is not uncommon, likely reflecting common pathophysiological foundations [5].


Rarely, symptoms may initially worsen with discontinuation. (We note this is consistent with evidence that antioxidant effects can arise (and reverse) quickly, prior to lipid effects [16]; while some prooxidant effects, linked for instance to recovery of lipid transport of antioxidants, may take longer to reverse. This may, in some, engender an initial worsening of statin-induced prooxidant-antioxidant balance, on statin discontinuation.) Resolution of AEs can be incomplete (whether by patient report or objective testing) [6, 7] and residual disability may be profound [4, 17].


Statin AEs, including muscle wasting, weakness, and exercise intolerance as well as neuropathy perhaps in particular [18] (but also cognitive dysfunction) may fail to fully resolve clinically [19, 20] and pathologically [7]. (Indeed, there may be failure of full resolution pathologically even when there is apparent clinical resolution [19].) Persistent muscle problems can reflect mitochondrial myopathy [5–7]. Regarding cases in Table 2: Behavioral symptoms may be recognized by others rather than the individual in whom they occur (Dr. C) [21, 22]. Athletes may be at special risk for statin muscle problems (Dr. E) [23, 24]. Physicians seeing those who experience statin AEs may be dismissive of symptoms or of a possible statin connection—even, we find here, when reported by physicians-as-patients [3].

Physicians' Experiences as Patients with Statin Side Effects: A Case Series

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:35 a.m. No.19894207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4230

Federal Judge Gives Final Approval to $290M Settlement Between JPMorgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victims


A long association with Jeffrey Epstein has turned into a bad stain that is very hard to clean away.


Whether you are politician, monarchy, Hollywood elite, famous academic, or even a Wall Street titan, sooner or later the reckoning comes.


Just ask the largest US bank, JPMorgan Chase. After roughly a year in pre-trial litigation and negotiations, the financial institution finally seems to have resolved its legal issues regarding its decades long ties to the late convicted sex offender.


A U.S. Federal judge approved JPMorgan Chase’s $290 million settlement with Epstein’s victims, who claimed that bank turned a blind eye to the late financier’s sex trafficking.


“U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff granted final approval to the deal at a hearing in Manhattan federal court. He had previously granted preliminary approval to the deal in June, calling it a ‘really fine settlement’.”


The settlement covers a large group of women, led by a former ballet dancer known only as Jane Doe 1, who said Epstein abused them.


“It followed embarrassing disclosures that JPMorgan ignored internal warnings and overlooked red flags about Epstein because he had been a valuable client.”

Anonymous ID: 29ba46 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.19894225   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Borman vs. Bormann

Anonymous ID: a69e21 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.19894226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4424





Physicians' Experiences as Patients with Statin Side Effects: A Case Series




Physicians' Experiences as Patients with Statin Side Effects: A Case Series drug reactions


Journal of the American College of Cardiology


Cholesterol confusion: Statins have little impact on heart health, study says-2022


Cholesterol drug lowers LDL-C levels but again fails to show clinical benefit|A121448280&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=15254283&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon~3a0d1552




The Vilification of Cholesterol (for Profit?)

Anonymous ID: 9df91f Nov. 10, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19894229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4234 >>4285 >>4340 >>4376 >>4383




So best guess scenario is, Aliens portaled through saturn's northpole and took control of the earth when the earth was still a moon of saturn's. Aliens took there own DNA and earth inhabitant DNA (monkey) and made man. First man lived under saturn's as the sun, the second man arrived under Sol (current) as the sun.


The first son of earth would be cain, born during the time the earth was a moon of saturn

cain is silicon based

cain is the neanderthal

cain is the race that rules you (abel)


abel is the second son of earth , born during the time the earth was a planet around the sun

abel is carbon based

abel is current man

abel is carbon based


cain is a cannibal = cainabel


But, wait there is moar.

Anonymous ID: c7579c Nov. 10, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19894231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4242 >>4300 >>4321




Feminist publication Jezebel shutting down, parent company G/O Media announces



By Simrin Singh


November 9, 2023 / 11:03 PM EST / CBS News



27-Nov-2022 5:06:20 PM PSTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch17830326


What is coded in your DNA?


Who put it there?




Mankind is repressed.


We will be repressed no more.


Information is knowledge.


Knowledge is power.


Information is power.


How do you protect your DNA?


There is a war for your DNA.


Protect your DNA.





Anonymous ID: 5ab242 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:40 a.m. No.19894232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4247 >>4251 >>4284

PB EIP DisinfoDig


>>19893278, >>19893966, >>19894021, >>19894028 EIP/Stanford thread A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented


There are some hits but not seeing a ton of hits in regarding these fags so putting them on the radar.




We thankthe Knight Foundationand Craig Newmark Philanthropies for their support of this effort.




News and Information Disorder in the 2020 Presidential Election








Throughout the 2020 election campaign, there were increasing concerns about the spread of false information on social media, as well as discussions regarding the role of platforms in resolving information disorder (i.e., misinformation, dis-information and malinformation). Now that the election is over, we must evaluate the effectiveness of diverse strategies that platforms or media organizations have used, along with the associated ethical and legal ramifications, to address misinformation and disinformation during the election. The Information Society Project at Yale Law School invited leading scholars on misinformation from different disciplines— including communication, computer science, law, psychology and political science—to write about their reflections on important questions that were raised during the presidential campaign and the 2020 Election, particularly related to information disorder created and aggravated by algorithms on social media. You can find the essays below. The essays appear in the order in which they were presented at the Yale ISP conference this fall. Click here to watch the speaker presentations.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.19894238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4244

Over 60 Million Americans Exposed to Toxic Drinking Water As EPA Refuses To Act


Nationwide testing has revealed dozens of unregulated industrial and agricultural contaminants in tap water systems, according to a ProPublica analysis. Ineffective U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules have left many exposed to chemicals like 1,2,3-trichloropropane, a solvent and pesticide byproduct linked to cancer but unrestricted and unnoticed for years.


As far as state and federal officials are concerned, the drinking water in Smithwick, Texas, is perfectly safe.


Over the past two decades, the utility that provides water to much of the community has had little trouble complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act, which is intended to assure Americans that their tap water is clean.


Yet, at least once a year since 2019, the Smithwick Mills water system, which serves about 200 residents in the area, has reported high levels of the synthetic chemical 1,2,3-trichloropropane, according to data provided by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), an advocacy organization that collects water testing results from states.


As far as state and federal officials are concerned, the drinking water in Smithwick, Texas, is perfectly safe.


Over the past two decades, the utility that provides water to much of the community has had little trouble complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act, which is intended to assure Americans that their tap water is clean.


Yet, at least once a year since 2019, the Smithwick Mills water system, which serves about 200 residents in the area, has reported high levels of the synthetic chemical 1,2,3-trichloropropane, according to data provided by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), an advocacy organization that collects water testing results from states.


The TCP levels in the Smithwick Mills system are alarming to those who study water contamination. As with many chemicals, there’s limited information on TCP’s long-term effect on humans.


But research involving animals shows evidence that it increases cancer risks at lower concentrations than many other known or likely carcinogens, including arsenic. Because of this, in 2017, California state regulators set a maximum allowable level for TCP in water of 5 parts per trillion.


Water quality tests from the Smithwick Mills utility have revealed an average TCP level of 410 parts per trillion over the past four years — more than 80 times what would be allowed in California.


But the utility hasn’t taken any action. It doesn’t have to. The chemical isn’t regulated in drinking water by the EPA or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which means neither agency has ever set a maximum allowable level of TCP.


It’s not clear why Smithwick Mills was even monitoring for the chemical, though state officials said many utilities receive results for TCP as part of routine lab tests for a variety of chemicals that get reported to state regulators.


Residents said they received no notices about the high levels, which weren’t shared in the town’s annual consumer confidence reports from 2019 to 2021, the first three years TCP was recorded in its water. TCP test results appeared in the 2022 report, which the water utility sent to residents after a ProPublica reporter reached out to the company earlier this year.

Anonymous ID: 2ca056 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.19894241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4296

500,000 fed to the Ukraine Meat Grinder. So Blackrock, Vanguard, etal, may not perish, but have everlasting life…/s


Oh wait…


That's Woodstock in 69, where 500,000 gathered in PEACE and LOVE for 3 days; an event that so scared the tiny powers that cower, they had to act, they had to ramp up the propaganda that hippies bad, peace bad, love bad. And when that didn't work, these tiny cowering powers sent agitators to every rock festival afterward, including Altamonte.


And voila! Peace, Love and Rock and Roll became Sex, Drugs, and Rock and roll. Like magic! /s

Anonymous ID: 5ab242 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.19894247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4249 >>4251


>We thankthe Knight Foundation


We are social investors who support a more effective democracy by funding free expression and journalism, arts and culture in community, research in areas of media and democracy, and in the success of American cities and towns where the Knight brothers once published newspapers. (Read our Statement of Strategy.)


Informed and Engaged Communities


The Knight brothers believed that a well-informed community could best determine its own true interests and was essential to a well-functioning, representative democracy. The brothers pursued those beliefs, building and running one of America’s largest and most successful 20th century newspaper companies. (Learn more about the philosophy of the Knight Newspapers.)


The Knights formed Knight Foundation to promote excellence in journalism and the success of the communities in which they worked, in the words of Jim Knight. The company was sold, and the foundation, ever evolving, carries on this work.

Our Beliefs


We believe in freedom of expression and in the values expressed in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.


We believe an informed citizenry is essential for representative democracy to function effectively.


We believe in engaged, equitable and inclusive communities.

Students discuss First Amendment rights at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., on April 2. 2016, during a conference sponsored by the Newseum Institute and Knight Foundation. Photo (cc) by Mark Schierbecker on Flickr.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are core to our work as a social investor. We believe in the power of diverse perspectives to foster positive change and build stronger, more equitable, and inclusive communities.


Much like the Knight brothers’ success in tailoring their newspapers to the cities they served, Knight Foundation takes a dynamic approach to its grantmaking, leveraging opportunities authentic to the diverse and pluralistic communities and fields where we work. We do not adhere to a prescriptive approach to our work. Instead, we embrace flexibility and adaptability, ready to embrace emerging opportunities. We actively seek out skilled, committed, and tenacious leaders who can achieve meaningful outcomes.

Our Programs



We champion the First Amendment and support journalism excellence in the digital age. Learn more



We invest in cities where the Knight brothers once published newspapers, helping them attract and nurture talent, promote economic opportunity, and foster civic engagement. Learn more



We believe great art connects people to place and each other; we support art that engages, educates and delights residents in ways that are authentic to each community. Learn more

Learning and Impact


We seek to understand the broader context of our work and the impact of programs we support. We disseminate information and insight to relevant fields and communities in ways that are frank and clear, and advance learning, social development and future intelligent grant-making


The foundation has offices in eight of the 26 Knight communities.

Knight Communities


Knight Foundation’s work is national in scope, but it has a special focus on 26 communities where John S. and James L. Knight once published newspapers. Knight has offices in eight of those U.S. cities, and Knight staff work through community foundations in 18 others.

Cities with Knight Foundation offices


Knight program directors are your first point of contact in eight large and mid-sized cities where we have offices.


Akron, Ohio, Charlotte, North Carolina, Detroit, Macon, Georgia, Miami, Philadelphia, San Jose, California, St. Paul, Minnesota

Anonymous ID: 3342ce Nov. 10, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.19894248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4295

Industrial robot crushes man to death in South Korean distribution centre


Machine apparently identified man inspecting it as one of the boxes it was stacking


A robot crushed a man to death in South Korea after the machine apparently failed to differentiate him from the boxes of produce it was handling, the Yonhap news agency reported on Wednesday.


The man, a robotics company worker in his 40s, was inspecting the robot’s sensor operations at a distribution centre for agricultural produce in South Gyeongsang province.


The industrial robot, which was lifting boxes filled with bell peppers and placing them on a pallet, appears to have malfunctioned and identified the man as a box, Yonhap reported, citing the police.

Anonymous ID: 5ab242 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.19894249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4251


>We thankthe Knight Foundation



Community Foundations Program


Knight works in 18 small to mid-sized communities in partnership with local community foundations. Learn more about this program.


Aberdeen, South Dakota


Biloxi, Mississippi


Boulder, Colorado


Bradenton, Florida


Columbia, South Carolina


Columbus, Georgia


Duluth, Minnesota


Ft. Wayne, Indiana


Gary, Indiana


Grand Forks, North Dakota


Lexington, Kentucky


Long Beach, California


Milledgeville, Georgia


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


Palm Beach County, Florida


State College, Pennsylvania


Tallahassee, Florida


Wichita, Kansas

Anonymous ID: 2fdd47 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.19894250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269

>>19894080 Tyb


The weaponization of the Justice Department


He's unleashed something that could certainly happen in revers.

They have released the genie out of the box.

The people aren't going to stand for it.

Anonymous ID: 5ab242 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.19894251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4755





Board of Trustees

Francisco L. Borges


Chair of the Board and Trustee

Christopher M. Austen



Ana-Marie Codina Barlick



Martin “Marty” Baron



Stephanie Bell-Rose



Shona L. Brown



Adriana Cisneros



Austin Clements



Ramona Hood



Susan D. Kronick



Michael Marsicano, Ph.D.



Christine Amer Mayer



Anna Spangler Nelson



Charles Olson



Matthew Stepka



Anonymous ID: c64d67 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.19894253   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Really just FO with yer stale bullshit narratives

Board cancer personified

Your opinions and memes always shit


Bye faggit

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.19894255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More than 750 reporters sign letter condemning ‘Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza’ as death toll rises


“We condemn Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza and urge integrity in Western media coverage of Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians,” the letter reads.


It adds that Israel’s “devastating bombing campaign and media blockade in Gaza threatens news gathering in an unprecedented fashion” and notes that at least 39 journalists have been killed in Gaza since the war on Hamas began — mostly from retaliatory strikes by Israel, citing the latest tally from the Committee to Protect Journalists.


“As reporters, editors, photographers and other workers in newsrooms around the world, we are appalled at the slaughter of our colleagues and their families by the Israeli military and government,” the letter continues.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:49 a.m. No.19894260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: Militarized FBI Engages in Disproportionate 48-Hour Manhunt for Jan 6 Protestor.


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents in military-style garb have hunted down a man “wanted in connection with the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol” who fled into the woods after a SWAT team descended on his New Jersey home. Forty-seven-year-old Gregory Yetman, who was a National Guard military police sergeant in 2021, is accused of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers; obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder; entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; and committing an act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings on Jan 6.


He had been on the run since Wednesday morning, and the FBI, which still raiding Jan 6 protestors years after the fact, offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to his capture. He ultimately surrendered voluntarily in Monroe Township. Jan 6 defendants have been dealt with exceptionally harshly by the courts, with one man who was not even present at the Capitol on Jan 6 receiving a 22-year term – though this was not enough for Joe Biden’s Justice Department, and prosecutors are appealing for him and several others to have their sentences increased to as much as 33 years.

Anonymous ID: f3cba7 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:50 a.m. No.19894263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4407





PART 113. Procedure To Evaluate Fitness Of Judges Or Justices Who Become Ill

113.1 Notice to the Chief Administrator

113.2 Inquiry and action by the Chief Administrator

113.3 to 113.4 [Repealed]

113.5 [Repealed]

113.6 to 113.8 [Repealed]


Section 113.1 Notice to the Chief Administrator

Whenever a judge or justice of the trial courts of the Unified Court System has been unable to fully perform his or her duties for a period of greater than 60 days because of accident or illness, the administrative judge having jurisdiction over the court in which the judge or justice is assigned to sit shall promptly give notice of such inability to perform to the Chief Administrator of the Courts.



My bad.

Wishful thinking on my part.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.19894270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4382

Trump: Big Pharma is ‘A Villain’ in ‘Many Different Ways’.


Donald Trump has told Spanish-language news network Univision that Big Pharma is “a villian” in many respects, and had unquestionably done “some very bad things” when it comes to the drugs crises in the Americas. After first being questioned on whether he supported military intervention in Mexico to stop fentanyl trafficking, Trump was asked if he accepted “there’s a shared responsibility on this issue,” with his interviewer citing “the role Big Pharma has played in creating [the] opioid overdose crisis.”


Trump agreed immediately: “Yeah, Big Pharma is a villain in many different ways,” he said. “I know them better than anybody, they weren’t fans of mine,” he added. “I got them to do things that nobody thought anybody could really get them to do, and they’ve done some good things, [but] they’ve done some very bad things also – there’s no question about it.”


On the question of military intervention in Mexico, the 45th President had been diplomatic, saying he would “certainly deal with Mexico” and that “Mexico doesn’t like what’s happening either, with fentanyl and with all of the other things that are passing over the border.” “Mexico’s a victim of it also,” he explained. “You have a tremendous drug problem for your people… The drugs, the destruction of families, the death.” “Something had to be done about it. We’re losing I think probably 250,000 people a year; that’s like a big military intervention,” he stressed.

Anonymous ID: f3cba7 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.19894271   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Then there's section 129….


PART 129. Fair Treatment Standards For Crime Victims

129.1 Purpose

129.2 Definitions

129.3 Standards

129.4 Education and training

129.5 Liability


Section 129.1 Purpose.

The purpose of these standards is to provide objective guidelines for the fair and uniform treatment of crime victims by the Unified Court System in order to encourage increased public cooperation and support of the criminal justice process, improve the overall effectiveness of the criminal justice system as it concerns crime victims and the public in general and help ensure that courts in the Unified Court System treat crime victims and witnesses with dignity and appropriate understanding.

Anonymous ID: e24817 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.19894273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And yet….the USG funds a '$60 Million dollar" study at Duke to say exactly the opposite - "The hypothesis is that a large trial conducted in an older adult population will demonstrate the benefit of statins for reducing dementia, disability, and CV events''."

Anonymous ID: 4da983 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.19894276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4287


Hello, Special Agent Retard!!!


MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers/MAGA Command Center/MAGA Cyber Technology/MAGA Firepower/No More Bullshit Trump/MAGA Patriots Private Contractors/Deep State MAGA Patriots USA/Trump The Reckoning/Thank You Trump Destroy the Deep State


MAGA Patriots, the biggest retard on 8Kun, next to VaticanTard.

Anonymous ID: 77391e Nov. 10, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19894280   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Seems to me that using the courts for personal vendetta would be a criminal violation under Color of Law especially if the judge is imposing gag rules that extend outside of his jurisdiction.

Anonymous ID: 0ef53b Nov. 10, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19894281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Really cool porch swing plans fo free


I like playing with my wood. Kek

Anonymous ID: 86ba8b Nov. 10, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.19894284   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>>19893916 (pb)


buried notable


Stanford [links]


Stanford [D] School - where the journalists and censorship mechanics are trained.


Ran by Burt Herman

Anonymous ID: 9df91f Nov. 10, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.19894285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4299 >>4340 >>4376 >>4383





>So best guess scenario is, Aliens portaled through saturn's northpole and took control of the earth when the earth was still a moon of saturn's. Aliens took there own DNA and earth inhabitant DNA (monkey) and made man. First man lived under saturn's as the sun, the second man arrived under Sol (current) as the sun.


But, wait there is moar.

Behold the All seeing Eye of SATurN's South Pole

The whole world worships Saturn and does not even know it.

"and God said let there be SATurN" -jesus maybe

Anonymous ID: ec50c1 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19894288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump will speak at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23


President Trump will deliver remarks in Claremont, New Hampshire, on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. The event held on Veterans Day will take place at Stevens High School.


RSBN will be LIVE at 12 pm ET before President Trump takes the stage at 2 pm ET.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19894289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4293

Hunter Biden Sues Former CEO for Defamation


Hunter Biden launched a lawsuit on Wednesday against former CEO, Patrick Byrne, for defamation, claiming Byrne falsely accused him of soliciting a bribe from Iran.


The complaint filed in the Central District of California alleges Byrne made defamatory comments in June and on October 8, 2023, about an alleged connection between the president’s son and Iran.


“Plaintiff brings this action for defamation against Byrne because he has made, published, and repeated false and defamatory statements about Plaintiff, knowing full well that the statements are false, for the purpose of subjecting Plaintiff to harassment, intimidation, and harm,” the complaint claimed.


Byrne suggested, according to the complaint, that Hunter Biden contacted the Iranian government and offered to have President Joe Biden unfreeze money in exchange for a bribe.


“These defamatory statements by Byrne are not merely false and not merely malicious — they are completely outrageous” and “complete nonsense,” the complaint says.


The lawsuit stated Byrne reposted the allegation on X after Hamas perpetrated terror on Israel.


“The clear implication of Byrne’s October 8, 2023 posts was that Plaintiff’s allegedly criminal and corrupt actions had contributed to the terrorist attacks by Hamas,” the complaint said.


The lawsuit is the latest in legal actions brought against Hunter Biden, who previously sued the IRS and Rudy Giuliani.

Anonymous ID: d36444 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19894290   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We change.

We rise.

We win.



Ephesians 4:8

New King James Version

8 Therefore He says:


“When He ascended on high,

He led captivity captive,

And gave gifts to men.”

Anonymous ID: 4da983 Nov. 10, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.19894291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have moar MAGA in a fingernail clipping off my pinky toe than you have in your entire soul. But this isn't a pissing contest. Everyone knows what you are and who you're aligned with.

Anonymous ID: d36444 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.19894302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lead out the prisoners with singing.



Psalm 92

A Psalm or Song for the sabbath day.

1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:

2 To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,

3 Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound.


Psalms 95

1 O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.


Psalm 96

1 O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.

2 Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.

Anonymous ID: fcaf06 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.19894303   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 708d77 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.19894311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The court cases against Trump were mainly to fuel the 14th Amendment question on whether or not they can remove Trump from the ballot.


Sure, they'd like to hurt him financially, and actually throw his ass in jail for a while, but no one with an objective legal perspective actually expects any of these to hold up on appeal.


Since most of the 14th amendment cases are crumbling, their fall back position is to try to yet again discredit Trump in the minds of the MAGA voters. This didn't work for Russia, Russia or Ukraine, Ukraine, but they have no other card to play other than ramp up an even bigger voter fraud machine than they needed in 2020.


They put Trump in jail and he becomes even more popular in the minds of conservatives - - Trump won't quit even if he has to serve time.

Anonymous ID: b87dc6 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.19894314   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nov 10, 2018 3:10:55 PM EST


We thank you for your service, Patriot!

May God watch over you and your family for all eternity.



Anonymous ID: fcaf06 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.19894315   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.19894316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4354 >>4375 >>4453

Netanyahu says IDF will control Gaza after war, rejects notion of international force


PM speaks to mayors of Gaza border towns on plans to rebuild after Hamas atrocities; meeting comes after premier criticized for failing to meet local leaders since Oct. 7 attack


Netanyahu and his government have been vague on what they envision for Gaza after the war. Only hours earlier the premier told Fox News that Israel does not want to re-occupy or govern the Strip. Earlier this week, Netanyahu told ABC News that Israel will have “overall security responsibility” over the Gaza Strip “for an indefinite period” after the war against Hamas ends.


US officials have raised the possibility in recent weeks that an international force, possibly with troops from neighboring Arab allies, could manage security in the Strip for an interim period until it can be returned to a functioning Palestinian government, which Washington hopes will be the Palestinian Authority.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday called on Israel not to reoccupy the Strip once its war with Hamas ends.


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas reiterated on Friday that the PA is ready to retake control of Gaza, but said that would only happen if the move is part of a comprehensive political solution that includes a Palestinian state established along the 1967 borders. The PA leader made the same pledge on Sunday during a meeting in Ramallah with Blinken.

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.19894318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4387


James O'Keefe


“Executives at pharmaceutical companies, they're military officers, government contractors, professors, scientists”


Which ones? Signal in bio.


Collin Rugg



Nov 9

BREAKING: Arrests have been made in a high-profile s*x ring that involved government contractors, professors, military officers, executives at pharmaceutical companies and more.


Will they be protected like Jeffrey Epstein's clients?


The announcement was made by acting U.S.…

Show more

10:05 PM · Nov 9, 2023

Anonymous ID: 2ca056 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19894320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4336

My, how times have changed.


You watch enough Perry Mason, you realize there used to be severe penalties for perjury, and even in real life.


Hey, Congress, you vassal-state puppets, WHAT HAPPENED?

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19894326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4338

Senator John Fetterman walks past ceasefire advocates getting arrested while he waves the Israeli flag.


In the past month, Fetterman has come under fire from leftists and progressives who supported his candidacy.

Anonymous ID: e50501 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19894329   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny how ppl kind of over look project dc comms on the way back machine


07 to all veterans and families




Enjoy the show!


What first shot?


Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19894331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4360 >>4367 >>4428

Samuel Haskell Jr arrested for murder - son of top Hollywood agent's Tarzana home searched after woman's torso was found in dumpster: His wife and in-laws are missing


Samuel Haskell Jr., 35, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with murder after a dismembered female torso was found in a bag in a dumpster

Haskell Jr.'s wife and her parents, who all lived with him at their $2.5 million home in Tarzana, are all missing: their three children are safe

Haskell Jr.'s mother was a former Miss Mississippi, and her father, Sam Haskell Sr., was a top Hollywood agent, representing George Clooney and Dolly Parton

Anonymous ID: edaa9c Nov. 10, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19894333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359 >>4380 >>4550 >>4558 >>4565 >>4572

Gaveled Out: Return Of The People’s House

Taking down the first Speaker of the House in our Republic.

If you want to drain the Swamp, you don’t elect the Biggest Alligator in itGaetz


Pretty Interesting, this House is making History. Some Patriots stood up to fight



Anonymous ID: 4ead6b Nov. 10, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19894336   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Democracy happened

They read the rules of Mormon

Formed a quorum

Took a vote

And perjury is now selectively enforced.

Or it was never really enforced at all except on TV programming

The illusion of Justice.

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19894337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4344


James Lindsay, Wokesetta Stone


Someone recently sent me this medal from the 1934 Nazi Labor Day (Tag der Arbeit) celebration. Notice anything? Yes, the Reichsadler, roosted on a Swastika, carrying none other than a hammer and sickle to celebrate labor. Those are two horrific movements with much in common.

11:13 AM · Nov 9, 2023

Anonymous ID: 962e93 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19894340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4376 >>4383






Understand the world around that you see is controlled by energy, frequency and vibration.


and a frequency is being sent from SATurN to the moon and delivered to the earth to control our matrix

The Moon imo does not have a back side and is alien built to control you. ask yourself, why does the moon never spin?


aliens want what the earth has







The Great Awakening is not for everyone.

God Bless Hoomans

Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.19894345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory


Nov 8


H-SUP Project Lead Kevin Cronin demonstrated how fuel cell technology generates portable small unit power from hydrogen. #ClimateWeekNYC attendees used the H-SUP to charge phones - showing DoD research often has social benefits beyond #NationalSecurity.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:14 a.m. No.19894348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Will Scharf



Today, we filed our brief in the D.C. Circuit challenging the unconstitutional Gag Order imposed on President Trump by the district court.


See this statement from the campaign:


“Today, President Trump filed the opening brief in his appeal of the unconstitutional gag order imposed by district judge Tanya S. Chutkan. As the brief points out, President Trump has a fundamental First Amendment right to spread his core political speech throughout his winning Presidential campaign. President Trump’s audience, the American public, including 100 million of his social media followers, also have the First Amendment right to hear the speech of the leading candidate for President of the United States. No court has ever imposed a gag order on the core political speech of a Presidential candidate—until now. The Court of Appeals should speedily reverse the unconstitutional gag order.”


—Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Spokesman (@StevenCheung)


Nov 08, 2023, 5:01 PM

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:14 a.m. No.19894351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4364 >>4455

US Official Says Gaza Death Toll Likely Higher Than Being Reported


President Biden previously cast doubt on the numbers coming from Gaza's Health Ministry


A senior US official said that the death toll caused by Israel’s assault on Gaza is likely far higher than the over 10,000 number being reported by Gaza’s Health Ministry, The Hill reported on Thursday.


The comments were made by Barbara Leaf, assistant secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, and break from President Biden’s claim that the numbers from Gaza’s Health Ministry can’t be trusted.


“In this period of conflict and conditions of war, it is very difficult for any of us to assess what the rate of casualties are,” Leaf told the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “We think they’re very high, frankly, and it could be that they’re even higher than are being cited.”


“We’ll know only after the guns fall silent. We take in sourcing from a variety of folks who are on the ground,” she added. “I can’t stipulate to one figure or another, it’s very possible they’re even higher than is being reported.”


Gaza’s Health Ministry reported on Thursday that at least 10,569 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since October 7. The total includes 4,324 children. Thousands of Palestinians are also missing and presumed to be under the rubble.


After Biden accused the Palestinians of lying about the death toll, the UN and aid groups that have experience in Gaza backed the numbers coming from Gaza’s Health Ministry, saying they’re reliable. An Israeli security source told the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot that Israel has killed around 20,000 Palestinians, but the number has not been backed up by another source.


While casting doubt on the death toll, the White House has also acknowledged there is a massive civilian casualty rate in the US-backed onslaught. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby acknowledged on Monday that the Israeli bombardment has killed “many, many thousands of innocent people.” The US is still providing Israel with unconditional military support, including near-daily weapons shipments.

Anonymous ID: c7579c Nov. 10, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.19894353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4386 >>4411



Marina Abramovic


A pioneer and key figure in performance art, Marina Abramovic uses her own body as subject, object, and medium, exploring the physical and mental limits of her being. Abramovic’s prolific caree spans over four decades of interventions and sound pieces, video works, installations, photography, solo performances, and collaborative performances.


Characterized by endurance and pain—and by repetitive behavior, actions of long duration, and intense public interactions and energy dialogues—her work has engaged, fascinated, and sometimes repelled live audiences. The universal themes of life and death are recurring motifs, often enhanced by the use of symbolic visual elements or props such as crystals, bones, knives, tables, and pentagrams. While the sources of some works lie in her personal history (the circumstances of her childhood and family life under Communist rule in the former Yugoslavia), others lie in more recent and contemporary events, such as the wars in her homeland and other parts of the world.


Born in Belgrade, Serbia, she moved to Amsterdam in 1976 and has lived in New York since 2001. Her pioneering works of performance art have made her the subject of numerous solo and group exhibitions worldwide at institutions including Kunstmuseum and Grosse Halle, Bern, Switzerland and La Gallera, Valencia, Spain (1998); Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (2005) Museum of Modern Art, New York in (2010); the Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture, Moscow (2011); Kunsthalle, Vienna (2012). Abramovic’s work was also included in Documenta VI, VII and IX (1977, 1982 and 1992); Venice Biennale 1976 and 1997, with the exhibition of Balkan Baroque in the latter earning herthe Golden Lion Award >>19894300 for Best Artist. Abramovic lives and works in New York City.


Read More

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19894358   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Vaccines, oil, food, and water are good businesses, but all depend on finite resources. Thus war is the best business, as more war can always be 'made'.

Anonymous ID: 4da983 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19894370   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Exactly what I thought. The duper's delight is in the vocabulary. So you do bake, Mr. Mimic. At least I know never to thank you ever again. Filtered.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19894373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19894123 Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Quietly Under Attack: Artemisia Annua (Artemisin, Sweet Wormwood), a cheap, safe, ancient herbal medicine binds Spike protein of SARS-COV2 more strongly than hydroxychloroquine



Anonymous ID: ea44ae Nov. 10, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19894378   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1/2 chan

Figures. Glows.

and what predicted there didn't happen

The latest patsy from the latest schooter simulation was allegedly a transgender who allegedly hated White people "Crackers"

So I guess whatever half chan glowfag wrote this in 2020 was LARPING.

Future disproved this discouragment fags POV

"you will remember this"

like it's programming our minds to discouragement.

Anonymous ID: d36444 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19894379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4389 >>4393

It is good to sing.

Singing uplifts the spirit and quickens the soul.

Singing along to this playlist got me through some rough times in Summer 2021.

Anonymous ID: 8d1554 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:22 a.m. No.19894385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4489


More of the fake shit shilling that we've come to expect from the likes of you faggots, or is it just one faggot responsible for shilling all this fake bullshit to entrap gullible morans iinto believing such tripe?

Anonymous ID: b10686 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19894391   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nov 9, 2023

Anonymous ID: d0f83f Nov. 10, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19894399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4400 >>4405 >>4446 >>4774

Your Baby on Socialized Medicine


BREAKING: UK Appeals Court rejects plea to save Baby Indi Gregory]


Monday, November 13 has been set as the new date for the removal of the 8-month-old Indi's life-sustaining treatment, against her parents' wishes.

Anonymous ID: 26ab43 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19894406   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(((They))) hate china and Russia.

If ot was an Asian brothel we would've heard about it on news.


We didnt.


Didn't hear about Epstein clients either did we.


So what country (or occupied terrortory) are they really from… Infiltrators that we just never knew about until now…


I wonder…

Anonymous ID: 9ea0ca Nov. 10, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19894409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Because he knows that God WINS!

Do you want to be a martyr or anyone in your family? Or do you want to keep living and see the return of Christ? Personally I have seen Christ and know he is already here and I would like to keep living to help people want to choose good.

Anonymous ID: c7579c Nov. 10, 2023, 11:31 a.m. No.19894411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4419 >>4481 >>4503



buckle up!


boomerangs deployed



Nineveh (NIN-iv-ə; Akkadian:𒌷𒉌𒉡𒀀, romanized: NI.NU.A, Ninua; Biblical Hebrew:נִינְוֶה, romanized: Nīnəwe; Arabic:, romanized: Naynawā; Syriac:ܢܝܼܢܘܹܐ, romanized: Nīnwē), also known in early modern times as Kouyunjik, was an ancient Assyrian city of Upper Mesopotamia, located in the modern-day city of Mosul in northern Iraq. It is located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River and was the capital and largest city of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, as well as the largest city in the world for several decades. Today, it is a common name for the half of Mosul that lies on the eastern bank of the Tigris, and the country's Nineveh Governorate takes its name from it.


It was the largest city in the world for approximately fifty years until the year 612 BC when, after a bitter period of civil war in Assyria, it was sacked by a coalition of its former subject peoples including the Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Scythians and Cimmerians.



Buckle up!

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:32 a.m. No.19894412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4423 >>4509

Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"


After reports emerged starting Wednesday and Thursday that Israeli tanks had pushed to the center of Gaza City, Palestinian officials have said tanks have drawn close to and have surrounded key hospitals where thousands of Palestinians are taking shelter as wounded patients are receiving treatment. They said Friday that air strikes have hit the Strip's biggest hospital, Al Shifa, killing at least one and wounding several others.


Other hospitals were were also reportedly struck at dawn, including strikes on the grounds of the Indonesian Hospital and the Rantissi cancer hospital, according to eyewitnesses cited in Reuters. Sprawling tent encampments of the internally displaced can be seen on the hospital campuses, but Israel claims that Hamas has 'terror tunnels' underneath, and further that the group has a base of operations in Rantissi hospital. Civilians waiving white flags have been trapped, in at least one instance coming under fire while trying to escape. Gazan authorities say the Israel's military is firing on them, while Israel claims Hamas is shooting its own people to keep them as "human shields".


Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks have been observed near these hospitals, with some unconfirmed video evidence emerging that civilians taking shelter there have been hit either by IDF snipers, artillery, or possibly drone strikes.


The Israeli military has ordered the immediate evacuation of these hospitals but people reportedly have not moved, fearing any attempt to exit will be more dangerous.


The White House announced Thursday that Israel agreed to implement daily four-hour pauses in fighting to facilitate a humanitarian corridor for civilians to flee south, but it's unclear how this will effect standoff situations where civilian enclaves are surrounded by tanks.


Al Jazeera, which has correspondents on the ground, says that tanks are within a mere hundreds of meters of some of the hospitals in question: "Using tanks and armored vehicles, they have closed a roughly 100-metre perimeter around these hospitals, still sheltering thousands of wounded and displaced people," the Friday report says.


The moment the Al Shifa Hospital courtyard was struck last night as displaced civilians slept. Body parts blown off. You can hear the pain in the screams.


At least 2 other hospitals were bombed in the same night.


There are no words to describe this level of barbarity. None.


— Hamza (@Hamza_a96) November 10, 2023

"People have sent appeals from inside al-Rantisi Hospital and Nasser Hospital, asking to be allowed to flee," Al Jazeera writes.


And yet the situation is growing more dangerous for civilians as the bombs fall. Gaza health ministry has alleged that Israeli jets struck al-Shifa Hospital buildings five times since Thursday night. This sent some of the civilians leaving for more potentially safe areas.


"They shelled the maternity department and the outpatient clinics building. One Palestinian was killed and several were wounded in the early morning attack," the health ministry said.


Heavy and back to back Israeli air strikes bombed the vicinity of Al-Awda hospital. This is what they refer to as a fire belt. No place is safe in Gaza.

Video by Feras Al-Ajrami


— MoTaz (@azaizamotaz9) November 10, 2023

The ministry said in response to the IDF's evacuation order: "We are talking about 45 babies in incubators, 52 children in intensive care units, hundreds of wounded and patients, and tens of thousands of displaced people." There are conflicting reports of casualties as gunfights have been reported on the perimeter of Shifa hospital, with reports of IDF special forces operating there:


However, according to AFP, a government statement claimed that there were “thirteen martyrs and dozens wounded in an Israeli strike on Al-Shifa compound today,” and hospital director Mohammad Abu Salmiya alleged that “Israeli tanks fired on Al-Shifa hospital.”


Israel has alleged that a Hamas military quarter lies adjacent to Shifa Hospital and has called the area "the heart" of Hamas’s intelligence and operational activities.


Meanwhile the UN and aid organizations have had new issues getting trucks into the Strip and to the necessary locations amid "hell on Earth" - as the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) described.



Anonymous ID: c64d67 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19894416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438

Wall St roars back, helped by tech, calming Treasury yields


  • All S&P 500 sectors gaining

  • Investors looking ahead to CPI nextwee

  • Illuminia falls on annual profit forecast cut

  • Indexes up: Dow 0.91%, S&P 1.33%, Nasdaq 1.83%

Nov 10 (Reuters) - Wall Street's main indexes rallied on Friday, boosted by heavyweight tech and growth stocks as Treasury yields calmed, while investors looked ahead to a next week's important reports on inflation and other economic data.

Equities bounced back from sharp declines the previous session which followed hawkish comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell about interest rates. Thursday's decline ended the longest winning streaks in two years for the S&P 500 (.SPX) and the Nasdaq Composite (.IXIC). Investors have been focused on benchmark Treasury yields, which have eased somewhat from 16-year highs, and the path of monetary policy as they assess whether the Fed might be done raising rates to control inflation and when the central bank could start cutting rates.

Next week the consumer price index report will be key, along with data on producer prices and retail sales, which will further shape interest rate projections. Helping supporting equities, the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note was little changed at 4.63% after a jump on Thursday which was also driven by a weaker-than-expected 30-year bond auction.


(since it’s a Friday just gonna ignore this-Data on Friday showed U.S. consumer sentiment fell for a fourth straight month in November, and households' expectations for inflation rose again.)

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19894417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4525

News organizations deny photojournalists had prior knowledge of Hamas attack


The Associated Press, Reuters and The New York Times have denied suggestions their photojournalists had prior knowledge of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, after Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi demanded an investigation into “the possible actions and/or collusion of (their) employees” with Hamas.


Karhi published an open letter on Thursday expressing his “deep concern regarding recent reports about (the outlets’) employee’s alleged involvement in the tragic event in southern Israel” early last month when more than 1,400 were killed.


The letter, addressed to the AP, Reuters, the New York Times and CNN, was referring to a story published Wednesday by the advocacy group HonestReporting that raised questions about the presence of “Gaza-based photojournalists” working for the outlets at the “breached border area” in the early hours of Oct. 7.


The organization — a New York-based media watchdog whose goal is to “combat ideological prejudice in journalism and the media, as it impacts Israel” — said photos taken at the time of the attack suggest the photographers may have had advance knowledge of the deadly assault.


“What were they doing there so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators?” the article read.

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19894423   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Below: Palestinian sources say civilians waiving white flags who have tried to exit hospital grounds have been fired on by the IDF, while Israeli sources say Hamas is firing in order to prevent them from leaving:


⚡️Israeli army fired on displaced families and medical teams who tried to leave Al-Nasr Hospital in Gaza, which has been besieged since dawn by the occupation


— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) November 10, 2023

"We cannot drive to the north at the current point, which is of course deeply frustrating because we know there are several hundred thousand people who remain in the north," said OCHA spokesperson Jens Laerke.


"If there is a hell on Earth today, its name is northern Gaza," he said. "It is a life of fear by day and darkness at night and what do you tell your children in such a situation, it’s almost unimaginable – that the fire they see in the sky is out to kill them?"


There have been reports that top US and Israeli officials are in Doha seeking potential hostage deals via Qatar government mediation. But Israeli President Isaac Herzog has said "there is no real proposal" currently on the table, NBC News reports.


Hamas has continued publishing high quality close-quarter combat footage showing IDF tanks suffering damage:


V. impressive footage, clearly the al Yassin/PG-7VR (Sometimes called the al Yassin 105) functions well- but apparently not enough to pen IDF armour reliably.


Some of these maybe mission kills? But seems heavier AT capability needed even at close


— Cᴀʟɪʙʀᴇ Oʙsᴄᴜʀᴀ (@CalibreObscura) November 8, 2023

"There is no real proposal that is viable from Hamas' side on this issue. Whilst there are many, many people who are third parties who are sending optimistic messages to the newsreels, I'm saying outright: According to my knowledge, up to now, there is no real substantial information that is showing any real offer of any process on the table," Herzog explained.


As of Friday, Israel's military has announced its official troop death toll has risen to 37. Some analysts believe this figure to in reality be much higher, given the extremely difficult nature of tight urban combat, and Hamas' guerilla tactics and use of sprawling tunnels for ambush operations.


Apocalyptic scenes from Gaza like the following have now become daily…


🇮🇱🇵🇸 This must be a scene from an apocalyptic film.


— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) November 10, 2023

There are around 11,000 Gazans dead at this point, mostly civilians, causing UN Secretary-General António Guterres to tell a conference this week that something has gone "clearly wrong" with Israel's operation. "There are violations by Hamas when they have human shields. But when one looks at the number of civilians that were killed with the military operations, there is something that is clearly wrong," he said.


2 of 2

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19894428   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Haskell Sr. was once a powerful agent at William Morris Agency … he retired as an agent in 2005, but during his 27-year-career represented the likes of Dolly, Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Romano, George Clooney, Martin Short, Kirstie Alley, Tony Danza, Debbie Allen, Kathie Lee Gifford … and even King Charles' younger brother, Prince Edward.

Anonymous ID: 1c4e95 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19894430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The most brilliant part -

Allah can't be known. How do they HAVE A WHOLE BOOK?

How did old Mohammed know what info he was getting and from who?

How did old Abu, Zayd and Umar know what they were transcribing and memorizing was from Allah?

How does this dude know who/what he is devoted to?

Anonymous ID: edaa9c Nov. 10, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19894431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550 >>4558 >>4565 >>4572

Includes a part of McCarthy’s whiny interview. He’s pathetic but he considers himself as the Second Coming! Steve Bannon Warns Of The Civilizations Around The Globe Ganging Up On ChristiansThis is the time of a Fourth Turning and we have to understand, we are in it now!


McCarthy equates “Conservative Philosophy” as “money grubbing dishonest politician that loses with a smile on their face. He says Gaetz is not Conservative.



Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19894435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Truzman




The launch of an Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile was documented yesterday. The missile successfully intercepted a target over the Red Sea.

Anonymous ID: 030c3a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.19894440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4445

whenever you post a Q thread on halfchan, they ban you for 3 days, and move your thread to /b/.

if i want to talk about the jews, i should be allowed.

Anonymous ID: d0f83f Nov. 10, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19894446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


can't understand…simply cannot understand why every parent in that town doesn't show up and say, "nope. over my dead body are you gonna deprive this baby of medical care."


pitchforks? torches? real men?



Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19894448   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Arthur Engoron has some serious skin issues, cysts, moles, liver spots… looks to me like he is missing a set of ribs…


Cross dresser comes to mind.

Anonymous ID: ac97f1 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19894453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Netanyahu says IDF will control Gaza after war, rejects notion of international force

While I normally would abstain from such thoughts, that vile piece of shit can't die soon enough.

Anonymous ID: 030c3a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19894454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4521 >>4677


if you google reducing inflation, or completely paying off debt, or going back to gold standard, jewish-owned websites tell you this is all bad. the jew tells you that inflation is good, debt is good, fiat currency is good.

Anonymous ID: ea44ae Nov. 10, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19894458   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look how many dems are fooled by the Propaganda around TrumpPOTUS

years ago I met supposedly educated Dem who swore DJTrump was stupid

They believe the clap-trap

They believe the caracature created by the massive surround-sound MassMedia.

It's infected them.

Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19894459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4495

U.S. Navy




Welcome aboard Sir.


PACIFIC OCEAN (Nov. 5, 2023) Capt. Erik Kenny, right, executive officer of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson welcomes Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Rear Adm. Kazushi Yokota, CDR of Escort Flotilla 3, during Multi-Large Deck Event.


Nov 10, 2023 · 7:00 PM UTC


Kek, I member last night's drama because a baker wrote in Japanese.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19894462   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump on if 2024 will be Rigged - We’re Releasing the Proof Over the Next Few Months

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19894463   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Rasmussen Reports


"Destroying evidence amidst a case is an admission of guilt."






BREAKING: Defense Attorneys for Fulton County have withdrawned from the 2020 election mail-in ballot inspection case that is back in court. The petitioners allege that thousands of ballots counted by Fulton County were counterfeit


Expert Kevin Kelton (@KevinKelton2) speculates…

Show more


6:56 AM · Nov 10, 2023




Anonymous ID: d83aa8 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19894464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When Straight White Liberal Men find out that they have been put on the bottom of every pile because of Affirmative Action and DIE, will they become Conservatives?

Anonymous ID: eb7664 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19894468   🗄️.is 🔗kun



From pb Notables:

> >>19892481 (pb) Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election Offices In Georgia And Washington

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced on Thursday that officials are working to intercept anenvelope making its way through the mailto Fulton County, which includes Atlanta, thathad tested positivefor fentanyl.

WTAF? The envelope "tested positive" and THEN was able to continue through the mail system?

Or: do they swab them, and then let them keep flowing through the mail while they test the swabs?

Something seems wrong about this description on the face of it!

Anonymous ID: 0fad1d Nov. 10, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.19894469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4479 >>4524 >>4537


>Why tf would these lawyers abruptly quit?

Because they know the system is corrupt. The defendants can legally have counsel, and if they have to postpone things in order for them to get that, then that's what has to be done.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.19894470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald J. Trump



To our heroic Veterans, I am grateful for your service to our Country and honored to wish you a Happy Veterans Day!


There is no greater act of selfless service than defending America’s God-given freedoms and liberty. The traditions of excellence and integrity demonstrated by our men and women in uniform never fade after leaving the Military—once a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman, or Guardian—always.


Our Veterans will never stop fighting for the America we cherish. The full measure of your sacrifice and your family’s dedication in support of your service may not be fully understood and appreciated, but it will never be forgotten.


On this Veterans Day and always, May God Bless you and your family, our Nation’s Veterans, and our Military men and women, and May He Bless and uphold the United States of America. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Nov 10, 2023, 12:57 PM

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.19894472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4514


Dershowitz: Obama Has Always Had a ‘Deep

Hatred’ of Israel in His Heart


Breitbart, by Jeff Poor



Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/10/2023 2:20:14 PM


Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz reacted to former President Barack Obama’s criticism of Israel in the wake of the October 7 terror attacks on its southern territory. Dershowitz suggested Obama’s criticism was a result of the “deep hatred” Obama had for Israel. “Do you think Obama understands what his words have meant?” FBN host Maria Bartiromo asked. “I think so,” Dershowitz replied. “I think he always had a deep hatred of Israel in his heart. He hid it very well. He called me to the Oval Office, and he said Alan, you know I have Israel’s back.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19894475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

il Donaldo Trumpo















Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:47 a.m. No.19894478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


B-21 Raider Takes First Flight


Flying, by Kimberly Johnson



Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/10/2023 1:04:16 PM


The U.S. Air Force’s top-secret B-21 Raider stealth bomber has conducted its first flight. The stealth bomber, which was unveiled by Northrop Grumman to the public in December and confirmed by the service to be undergoing taxi testing last month, had long been projected to make its first flight by the end of the year. That met deadline was confirmed Friday when freelance journalist Matt Hartman posted a video of an aloft B-21 on X, formerly known as Twitter. Air Force officials confirmed the bomber is in flight testing.

Anonymous ID: c7579c Nov. 10, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.19894481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4503


Matthew 15:21-28

King James Version


21 Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon.


22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.


23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.


24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.


25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.


26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.


27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.


28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.19894485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Judge rejects Donald Trump's bid to delay

classified documents trial until after

the election


Daily Mail (UK), by Wills Robinson


Posted By: Imright, 11/10/2023 12:22:48 PM


Donald Trump has been hit with a fresh legal blow after a federal judge rejected his pleas to delay his classified documents until after the election. U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon called the request to postpone by the former president's defense lawyers 'premature', and signalled the trial will start in May. The decision came as Trump tore into a CNN report that Mar-a-Lago staff - including a maid, a plumber and a woodworker- could be called to testify.

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19894488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4500

Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah


TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel is preparing for the possibility that the Hamas terror organization in Gaza and the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon may attack using rockets filled with various liquid fentanyl variants, designed to incapacitate and kill large numbers of people.


The Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s version of the Red Cross, sent an alert to staffers this week telling them that Israel’s health authorities had warned the MDA to prepare for the possibility that terror organizations might cause a mass casualty event using opioids from the fentanyl class of compounds. The MDA asked staff members to familiarize themselves with the protocol for treating a mass casualty event triggered by fentanyl.


Though the MDA alert did not mention rockets specifically, a source told Breitbart News that a few rockets with chemical capabilities had been found in Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) also said in a statement Sunday that some Hamas weapons recovered in the area of Beit Hanoun had been “brought to Israel for further examination,” without elaboration.


Fentanyl is well known for its dangers as a narcotic in the United States, and has occasionally poisoned bystanders through mere incidental contact. It has also been used as a chemical weapon before, according to a 2019 paper published by the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction at the National Defense University:


It is less well known that fentanyl and its analogues have been investigated as incapacitating agents by a number of countries.



[The U.S. Department of Defense] saw promise in fentanyl and some of its analogues, or a combination of such compounds, for incapacitation, but did not solve the margin of safety issue prior to the program’s termination. Margin of safety refers to the difference between a dosage that will incapacitate and one that will kill a person.



Russia employed fentanyl analogues in a counterterrorism role in October 2002. Forty Chechen terrorists seized Moscow’s Dubrovka Theater and more than 800 hostages, strung explosives around the theater, and threatened to destroy it and kill the hostages unless Russia agreed to end its military campaign in Chechnya. After several days of unsuccessful negotiations and the Chechens’ threat that it would start killing hostages, Russian security forces pumped an aerosolized combination of two fentanyl analogues into the theater to incapacitate the inhabitants and permit the building to be stormed. The terrorists and approximately 130 of the hostages were killed. Most hostages died from exposure to a lethal dose of the fentanyl compounds (recall that margin of safety issue discussed earlier). (Original emphasis)


A fentanyl rocket could poison people in the area of impact or even after a denotation from above a target area, meaning that fentanyl variants could be dispersed even if such a rocket were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.


The MDA told staff that syringes with antidotes to opioids would be distributed as they became available. However, a source told Breitbart News that there is a fear that the country would not have enough antidotes to deal with the scale of possible attacks.


Chemical weapons have been referred to once before in the ongoing conflict. Israel’s ceremonial president, Isaac Herzog, told Sky News last month that some Hamas terrorists who infiltrated the country on October 7 were found with USB drives containing instructions for making cyanide weapons.


Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19894490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4494

Elise Stefanik



This morning, I formally submitted a judicial complaint against Judge Arthur Engoron for displaying inappropriate bias and unprofessional behavior in the disgraceful lawsuit filed by New York against President Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization.


Nov 10, 2023, 2:38 PM




Rep. Elise Stefanik files ethics complaint against judge in Trump's civil fraud trial


The senior House Republican and close Trump ally accused Judge Arthur Engoron of “weaponized lawfare” against the former president and called on the judge to recuse himself.


WASHINGTON — Rep. Elise Stefanik, the House GOP conference chair, has filed a judicial ethics complaint against the judge presiding over the New York civil fraud case against Donald Trump, accusing Judge Arthur Engoron of “weaponized lawfare” against the former president, and calling on the judge to recuse himself.


Engoron has exhibited “clear judicial bias” against Trump, including by telling Trump’s attorney that the former president is “just a bad guy” whom New York Attorney General Letitia James “should go after,” Stefanik, R-N.Y., said in a letter to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. She said the judge has failed to honor Trump’s due process rights, concerns that she said are exacerbated by the former president’s position as the front-runner for the presidential nomination.


Engoron is presiding over a bench trial in the $250 million lawsuit, meaning the judge will also determine guilt and any penalties in the case. The suit, filed by James last year, accuses Trump of inflating asset values for financial gain. Trump testified angrily on Monday in the high-stakes case and has complained and clashed with the judge for weeks.


Engoron issued a partial gag order on Trump last month after he made disparaging remarks about a law clerk on social media and to reporters. He was fined twice for violating the gag order. The judge expanded the gag order last week to include the former president’s lawyers.


“I filed an official judicial complaint against Judge Arthur Engoron for his inappropriate bias and judicial intemperance in New York’s disgraceful lawsuit against President Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization,” Stefanik said in a statement to NBC News. “Americans are sick and tired of the blatant corruption by radical Leftist judges in NY. All New Yorkers must speak out against the dangerous weaponized lawfare against President Trump.”


Stefanik said in the letter to accompany the complaint that Engoron had illegally gagged Trump’s protected political speech, violated political giving rules with financial contributions to Democrats as recently as 2018, and ignored a decision on the appropriate statute of limitations in the case. At the start of the trial, Engoron “infamously smiled and posed for the cameras,” she noted.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19894494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“If Judge Engoron can railroad a billionaire New York businessman, a former President of the United States, and the leading presidential candidate, just imagine what he could do to all New Yorkers,” Stefanik writes.“Judge Engoron’s lawlessness sends an ominous and illegal warning to New York business owners: If New York judges don’t like your politics, they will destroy your business, the livelihood of your employees, and you personally. This Commission cannot let this continue.”


“All Americans, including political opponents, must receive due process and equal protection under our U.S. and New York Constitutions,” Stefanik wrote. “Judge Engoron’s disdain for President Trump and his politics are evident, and the Commission must take corrective action to restore a just process and protect our constitutional rights. Judge Engoron must recuse from this case.”


Last month, the American Civil Liberties Union argued that the federal judge presiding over Trump’s criminal case over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election had violated his First Amendment rights when issuing a gag order.


Stefanik was the first member of Republican leadership to endorse Trump’s bid for another run at the White House and is a close ally of the former president. The top New York Republican in the House, Stefanik is also suing Gov. Kathy Hochul over a mail-in voting expansion.


Trump faces a demanding trial schedule in his civil and criminal cases, with the lawsuit in New York and indictments in Georgia, Florida, Manhattan and Washington, D.C. Four members of the Trump family, including Trump, have testified in the New York case, which could cripple their business.


Overnight, Trump lashed out at the judge in New York on social media, accusing Engoron and James of judicial and prosecutorial misconduct by using “Valuations so LOW that they are Fraudulent.” James has charged Trump with allegedly overstating his family business’s real estate assets

Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19894495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4516

7th Fleet


Nov 3


Seabees assigned to Amphibious Construction Battalion 1, restore Rita Elementary School in Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands, during Pacific Partnership 2024-1 Nov. 1, 2023.


#InternationalByDesign | #7thFleetBestFleet


Nov 3, 2023 · 10:00 PM UTC




Anonymous ID: ea44ae Nov. 10, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19894496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4546


if responadants refers to Admins of the State, they're either not being paid OR know the whole case is going belly-up and would rather not have their reputations sullied by the fall-out

if "Respondants" refers to the people suing the Election Board and State for fraud (if you can even do that?) Or the ones standing up for a fair vote, then they were threatened .

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19894497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nov 02, 2017 12:54:52 AM EDT 36

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No. 147581302

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the UNTHINKABLE (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19894501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Taylor Swift Pushes Leftist Voter Registration Group, Remains Silent About Hamas Murdering Jews

By michaelNovember 10, 2023

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.19894502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522 >>4815

Nov 03, 2017 5:33:30 PM EDT 67

Anonymous ID: GVUvg1M7 No. 147816901

Where is John Podesta?

Where is Tony Podesta?

Did one or both escape the country and was let out?



What is the difference between commercial and private re: security clearance for departure?

Who is the TSA head?

Which party did he contribute to?

What is of particular interest when researching?

How does HS interact w/ TSA?

What updated post 9-11 protocols were put in place to prevent/stop inbound/outbound C-level targets?

What local airports are in close proximity to DC?

What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)?

Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.

Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this?

What airport did the departure take place at?

Why is this relevant?

How does it tie together?

Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down).

Short delay.

This will be leaked.

Watch the news.

Have faith.

What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?

Why is this relevant?

What was stated in the past?

Where did the $18b from Soros go?


Can it be used by bad actors (escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc.)?

Slush fund?

Did the US gov't seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or create risk to operate?

Why did JK travel to SA recently?

What is SA known for?

Where do the biggest donations originate from?

Why is this relevant?

What else is relevant w/ SA?

Safe harbor?

Port of transfer?

Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?

Why is the timing important?

Who released the article?

The council of WIZARDS & Warlocks cannot be defeated.

Nice view up here.


Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:52 a.m. No.19894504   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nov 05, 2017 12:44:18 AM EDT 80

Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No. 148019575

We need to get organized.

Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

Snow White.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.




Nov 05, 2017 12:47:38 AM EDT 81

Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No. 148019905

When big news drops please re-read entire graphic.

This is so critical and why information is provided in a certain order and why some topics are continually emphasized more than others as those will be the recent happenings.

This is the purpose of this new thread (re-organize).

Snow White

WIZARDS & Warlocks.


Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:52 a.m. No.19894505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4518 >>4533 >>4604

MEP Breaks ‘Very Bad News’ About Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies.


The European Parliament and Member States have just reached an agreement on the introduction of digital identity. “I just left the room where we had negotiations about the digital identity—and I have bad news,” announced Dutch Member of the European Parliament Rob Roos on Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19894510   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nov 12, 2017 2:52:34 PM EST #144

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /jAm9Qi+ No. 149140639

Patriots don’t sleep.

40,000ft. v. necessary to understand[US]/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

Higher the altitude greater the[risk]of conspiracy ST.

Many cannot/will not swallow.

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

Who has clearance to full picture?


SIS is good.

+++Adm R+++

What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

How does POTUS shift narrative?

(New) Age of Enlightenment.

80% covert.

20% public.

What has occurred over[th]e last several months?

C-info leaks?

Operations (think SA + ???)?

CNN sale?

What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?


Who does[i]t hurt?

Who control[s]the MSM?

Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM.

[W]hy is this relevant?

How is information transmitted?

How are people inform[e]d?

Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)?

Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?

Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

Think social media platforms.

Who are the WIZARDS & Warloc[k]s?

What council do the WIZARDS & Warlocks control?

Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

Alice & Wonderland – understood.

Snow White – understood.

Iron Eagle?

Godfather III?


Everything has meaning.

Disney is a distraction.

Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).





Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19894511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4552

Donald J. Trump



Judge Engoron should end the ridiculous Political Witch Hunt against me. I have TOTALLY WON THIS CASE, which should never have been brought. The only Fraud was committed by A.G. Letitia James in convincing the Judge that Mar-a-Lago was only worth $18,000,000 (in order to make my “numbers” look bad), when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. She campaigned on “getting Trump.” She should be prosecuted!


Nov 10, 2023, 10:42 AM

Anonymous ID: ac97f1 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19894514   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Christ, these people never stop. Always the fucking victim. Do they not realize that everything BiBi and Israel are doing in Gaza to Palestinians and their own people is being watched by the entire world?


I hope this faggot ends up part of suicide weekend. He's always been a fence sitting shill.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:54 a.m. No.19894515   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On November 10, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) opened fire at the remaining hospitals and refuge centers in the northern Gaza Strip as well as civilians attempting to evacuate towards the south.


Gaza Health Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra said that the IDF has bombed al-Shifa Hospital buildings five times since last night. One civilian was killed and several others were wounded in one of the latest attacks, according to the spokesman.


IDF snipers also opened fire at al-Quds Hospital, killing one and wounding 20 others, according to the Palestine Red Crescent Society. Another fire attack targeted civilians attempting to evacuate al-Nasr Hospital.


8 videos in link

Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19894516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4539 >>4557



Oct 28


The United States signed a new 20-year agreement on Monday on economic assistance to the Marshall Islands worth $2.3 billion to the strategic Pacific island nation, chief U.S. negotiator Joseph Yun told Reuters.


Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:54 a.m. No.19894519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EndGameWW3 🇺🇸


Al Arabiya correspondent: Israeli forces are 500 meters from Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.






: 500 #_

1:49 PM · Nov 10, 2023


Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:54 a.m. No.19894520   🗄️.is 🔗kun


muh titles though!


Nov 20, 2017 7:42:50 PM EST 173

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: S2g2/YEM No. 150257653

Good will always defeat evil.

No rigging / blackmail this time.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.




Dec 22, 2017 11:44:18 AM EST 435

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 42a0eb No. 148994

‘Yellow Brick Road'.

F-I speech - history.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.

Alice & Wonderland.



Anonymous ID: 13373f Nov. 10, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19894524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4556



Respondents in the case had retained Donald Samuel and Amanda Clark, two top criminal defense lawyers, in the civil case that was attempting to review the physical paper ballots in the county. The pair of attorneys were representing Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections’ Teresa Crawford and Aaron Johnson, the two Democratic Members.


My guess is that the case is not defensible and they don't want to go down with a sinking ship, or quite probable imo they were concealing evidence or somehow obstructing the case and had to stand down rather like a judge recusing themselves.

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19894528   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jan 27, 2018 4:01:40 PM EST 636

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 71

Why would D's have MW conduct the follow up to the SOTU?

What is MW used for?

Re-read past drops.


Carefully crafted 'out there' statements w/ falsified/fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest.


What do they expect is coming?

What must be said to provide a counter-narrative?

What might be said to attempt to discredit factual proofs coming?

How do you keep people BLIND?

What must you FEED them?









WIZARDS & [WAR]locks.

These people are really DUMB.


Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19894533   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The European Parliament and Member States have just reached an agreement on the introduction of digital identity. “I just left the room where we had negotiations about the digital identity—and I have bad news,” announced Dutch Member of the European Parliament Rob Roos on Wednesday.


Originally Published on Vigilant News


On X, in a post attached with a video, he wrote:


BREAKING: Very bad news. The European Parliament and Member States just reached an agreement on introducing the Digital Identity, #eID. Directly afterwards, #EU Commissioner Breton said: “Now that we have a Digital Identity Wallet, we have to put something in it…”, suggesting a connection between #CBDC and eID. They ignored all the privacy experts and security specialists. They’re pushing it all through. I am not optimistic. But it is not too late yet. Parliament still has to vote about this. Let your MEP know that you oppose the Digital Identity and that you want your MEP to vote against it!


The following is MEP Roos’ video statement:

🚨 BREAKING: Very bad news. The European Parliament and Member States just reached an agreement on introducing the Digital Identity, #eID.


Directly afterwards, #EU Commissioner Breton said: "Now that we have a Digital Identity Wallet, we have to put something in it…",…


— Rob Roos MEP 🇳🇱 (@Rob_Roos) November 8, 2023

I just left the room where we had negotiations about the digital identity—and I have bad news. The member states and the European Parliament came to an agreement. That means that probably not far from now, the digital identity will be [in] effect in the European Union. Right after this agreement, Commissioner Breton said, “Now, we have the digital identity wallet; we have to put something in it.” And what he meant was the digital Euro, also known as a central bank digital currency.


And this is a very bad development. They always promise us not to make this connection. And even a lot of experts, privacy experts, and security experts, warned also last week [that] this is a very bad idea for our privacy and our freedom. And still, this digital identity is pushed through.


MEP Roos offered a glimmer of hope in a call to action, urging voters to write their representatives:


But it’s not too late because we still have to vote on this in the plenary (meeting). So what you can do: send your MEP from your member state an email and tell him or tell her that you are against this tool.


Total Control

Catherine Austin Fitts, financial expert and Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Bush (H.W.) administration, has long warned about the dangers of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies).


Access Denied: Implementing Complete Control Through Centralized Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)


Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine. Your financial transaction ability can be turned off; your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you’re told.


Do Not Comply

As George Orwell, Author of 1984, once said, “Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.”


If this doesn’t end now, what you know as freedom will be turned into privileges that can be turned on and off in an instant. Look to China; that’s what they intend to bring to the West. And digital IDs + CBDCs are the exact tools needed to make it a reality.


As Catherine Austin Fitts said, “Your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you’re told.” So rather than waiting for complete tyranny to hit you upside the head, it’s more important than ever to start resisting now.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19894534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4587

Donald J. Trump



Fake News CNN just did a story, leaked by Deranged Prosecutor Jack Smith and his massive team of Radical Left Lunatics, that various people saw papers and boxes at Mar-a-Lago. Of course they did! They may have been the boxes etc. that were openly and plainly brought from the White House, as is my right under the Presidential Records Act. I even supplied, upon request, Security Tapes to these Election Interfering Thugs. Is this really “Breaking News?” No, it’s “Breaking Fake News.” But what about all of the papers, boxes, and documents found at NUMEROUS Crooked Joe Biden places, like his garage floor by his cherished Corvette, or CHINATOWN where it was just learned that boxes moved freely in and out. He doesn’t come under the Presidential Records Act because he wasn’t President at the time. Deranged Jack Smith has spent over $100,000,000 investigating me on this phony Russia, Russia, Russia, type Scam. How much $’s have they spent investigating Crooked Joe on his much bigger boxes deal?


Nov 10, 2023, 8:18 AM

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19894535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815


shhhhhh! bottin!



Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



Anonymous ID: ac97f1 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19894537   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, these lawyers recusing themselves, is a gambit, but it allows the defense to move the goalpost. This is one of the most effective forms of Lawfare. I could take "months" for the state to find "adequate representation."


They're trying to drag out the trial.

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.19894540   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Dec 12, 2018 7:19:33 PM EST 2624

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No. 4282020

Dec 12, 2018 7:13:52 PM EST

Anonymous ID: a51b93 No. 4281684

Dec 12, 2018 7:08:53 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No. 4281410


Assumption correct.

10k YE.

2019 1 + 2 should be closely evaluated.

Help will be provided.

Senate to investigate 2019.



Q, please tell us who or what the WIZARDS and Warlocks are.


'Guardians' of intelligence.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 1 Feb 2020 - 12:41:11 PM 3821

Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?📁


Anonymous ID: 2116d5 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.19894541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19892481 pb

>Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election Offices In Georgia And Washington

even if true, SO WHAT?

the MYTH that you can absorb a lethal dose thru contact with the skin is a LIE told by junkie cops to hide the fact that they're junkies

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.19894543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enemy Within: Declassified U.S. Documents Show Russian Oligarchs Supported NATO Expansion


Documents from the Clinton administration confirm the slavishly pro-Western policies of the post-Soviet criminal oligarchy


Fifteen years after the then unknown Vladimir Putin took over the Russian presidency, analysts still puzzle over how he arrived in the position. Newly declassified documents from President Bill Clinton’s administration, released to bne IntelliNews, show how Putin's candidacy was a compromise after a fierce battle for power in Russia between pro-US oligarchs and pro-state conservatives. At stake was not just power in Russia, but the crucial question of Russia's relationship with the West.


Russia's 'oligarchy' took power during Yeltsin’s re-election in 1996, when they used his reliance on funding from Russia's leading seven bankers to acquire the cream of the country's resource-producing assets.


According to the documents from the Clinton administration, which were released under a mandatory declassification review, one of the chief ideologists of Russia's freshly minted oligarch system was Russian-Israeli banker and media magnate, Vladimir Gusinsky, owner of Most Bank and TV channel NTV.

Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.19894545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4575



Sep 28


To celebrate the @USNRL Centennial NRO announced the declassification of PARCAE, an electronic satellite program developed in the 1970s by the NRL.


PDDNRO Dr. Meink delivered remarks, offering insights into our historic partnership.


Press release ➡️ bit ly /3thjrvq

Anonymous ID: 6dd537 Nov. 10, 2023, 11:59 a.m. No.19894546   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reputation defense not found in quitting imho.

Stay the course and let timeline show time of awareness. To abandon client does greater reputation harm.

Threatened? Would not surprise one bit.

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, noon No.19894550   🗄️.is 🔗kun








[STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags. Anon bun

>>19818094 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. I

>>19818098 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. II

>>19818107 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. III

>>19818116 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. IV

There is no step 5…


[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part I

Sloppy, cries and begs bad like a dog that has lost it's fucking mind, Steve Bannon and associates defrauded Patriots out of Millions via the We Build The Wall Scandal.

Bannon personally received $1 million from the "Charity".

A "charity" that collected funds from Patriots to finish building the border wall which the Founder promised would be used only to build the wall.

The founder and two other associates have been sentenced to 4-6 years for their roles in the scam.

For some odd reason, POTUS pardoned Bannon on the Federal level, yet POTUS must have known that charges would be coming on the State level that would be unstoppable.

Bannon is seen as a main facilitator in the We Build The Wall fraud and his trial is set for May 2024. Trump comments on arrest of former strategist Steve Bannon | ABC News Aug 20, 2020 Steve Bannon charged in border wall fundraising scheme CNBC Television Sept 8 2022 Founder of the We Build The Wall group linked to Steve Bannon is sentenced to 4 years April 26, 2023 Bannon associate sentenced to 4-1/4 years for Trump border wall fraud April 26, 2023 Steve Bannon’s ‘We Build the Wall’ scheme trial set for May 2024 May 25, 2023

Other Relevant Bannon News Bannon-allied businessman arrested in $1 billion fraud conspiracy Mar 15, 2023

Anonymous ID: d36444 Nov. 10, 2023, noon No.19894551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's a crazy thought. It's probably not true, how would I know.

You know those faerie barrows in Old Angleterre, what if there are ancient knights templar slumbering in there, deep asleep, sequestering our genetic potential for a thousand years or more, waiting for the right conditions to awaken and lead us home to heaven?

Wild theory, huh?

Anonymous ID: fe4385 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19894553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gaza is getting levelled anons.


Non stop bombing !

Anonymous ID: 6dd537 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19894556   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>or quite probable imo they were concealing evidence or somehow obstructing the case and had to stand down rather like a judge recusing themselves.


Intriguing hypothesis.


Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19894557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The baby-selling scheme: poor pregnant Marshall Islands women lured to the US

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19894558   🗄️.is 🔗kun








[STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags. Anon bun

>>19818094 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. I

>>19818098 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. II

>>19818107 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. III

>>19818116 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. IV

There is no step 5…


[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part II

Steve Bannon received the nicknames and attributes "Sloppy Steve", "Begs Bad" and "Cries like a dog" directly from POTUS.


"President Donald Trump savaged his former chief strategist Steve Bannon on Wednesday, contending that “he not only lost his job” but also “lost his mind” when he left the White House."

“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency,”Trump said in a statement.

"Earlier Wednesday, excerpts from an upcoming Michael Wolff book quoted Bannon, who did not join the Trump campaign until August 2016, also was quoted as saying."

In his statement, the president said Bannon — the nationalist firebrand —“had very little to do” with his electoral victory in 2016. Trump added that “Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look.”

“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” Trump said.

“It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books,” Trump comments on arrest of former strategist Steve Bannon | ABC News

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.19894565   🗄️.is 🔗kun








[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part III

While Steve Bannon certainly appears to be a Traitor caught in a Trap. What of his Associates? Who are they? Are they Maga or [MAGA]?

Alex Jones is one Associate and what do the drops say concerning Alex Jones, Infowars and Associates?

What did Alex say concerning POTUS' COVID WARP SPEED plan? POTUS is Stupid or Evil?

What did Alex and Flynn say concerning POTUS' actions on Jan 06? POTUS is Careless and/or even attempted to incite Violence on Jan 06?

The Alex Jones Show (03/24/23) FULL SHOW Former Head of Defense Intelligence Agency General Michael Flynn Joins Alex Jones to Lay Out CRITICAL Information Concerning Future of Humanity & How to Stop WW3 and here:

Did Steve Bannon call Alex Jones one of the Greatest Political Thinkers of this Generation?

Did Steve Bannon promote and strongly support Archbishop Maria Vigano? and Vigano's minion and fellow Catholic Crusader Taylor Marshall?

Did Archbishop Vigano disown POTUS over POTUS' support of LGBTQ?

Did Vigano say that POTUS was deep state also?

Did Taylor Marshall use veiled Biblical Death threats aimed at POTUS? "WORTHY OF DEATH". < Youtube Url Link NOW MARKED AS PRIVATE

Did Vigano, Taylor Marshall and the now deceased George Neumayer all turn on POTUS at exactly the same time, December 22 2022?

Did Taylor Marshall say that the only cure for the U.S. Political problems is a Catholic Monarchy?!

Did a prominent Catholic that was allowed to join POTUS re election team in order to bridge the divide between POTUS and U.S. Catholics say that the only way forward for the U.S. was a Catholic Monarchy?

Steve Bannon also promotes RNC Strategist Caroline Wren, Jack Posobiec, former employee Ben Shapiro, MG SHOW INTHEMATRIXXX employee Karli Bonne aka Karli Q aka Poissant and a slew of other Clowns.

The list of people who look like Clowns which swirl about Steve Bannon is long… and while some of them might not be Traitors… it sure looks that way to any astute anon.

Why does Dan Scavino keep Retruthing these Clowns? Unless the Plan wants anons to light them up each and every time?

If they are Patriots simply holding their Positions as Fake Clowns then it is in the interest of the Plan to Light them up as such.

As far as Bannon goes… Anon gets the funny feeling that the only true confirmation Anons will receive is if/when Sloppy Steve is writing Love Letters to POTUS from his state prison cell.


Anonymous ID: 618bf9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.19894566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4578 >>4582 >>4600 >>4625 >>4632

They thought you would follow the stars…


Half of us? Bahahahahahahahaha


"BREAKING REPORT: Dwayne Johnson, 51, says he has been approached about running for office: 'I do have that goal to unite our country..'




Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has disclosed that he's been in discussions with political parties regarding the possibility of running in a future US election.


The former wrestler turned actor has expressed his interest in entering politics previously and has now confirmed that political parties have reached out to him with regard to a potential White House run.


During his appearance on the inaugural episode of the podcast "What Now? with Trevor Noah," Dwayne revealed, "At the end of the year in 2022, I got a visit from the parties asking me if I was going to run, and if I could run."


Notably, in 2021,a poll indicated that nearly half of Americans would be supportiveif Dwayne decided to embark on a presidential campaign."

Anonymous ID: 20a676 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.19894569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

STAGE 1. THE “CRISIS”: Some situation exists, whose negative

aspects the anointed propose to eliminate. Such a situation is

routinely characterized as a “crisis,” even though all human

situations have negative aspects, and even though evidence is

seldom asked or given to show how the situation at hand is either

uniquely bad or threatening to get worse. Sometimes the

situation described as a “crisis” has in fact already been getting

better for years.

STAGE 2. THE “SOLUTION”: Policies to end the “crisis” are

advocated by the anointed, who say that these policies will lead

to beneficial result A. Critics say that these policies will lead to

detrimental result Z. The anointed dismiss these latter claims as

absurd and “simplistic,” if not dishonest.

STAGE 3. THE RESULTS: The policies are instituted and lead to

detrimental result Z.

STAGE 4. THE RESPONSE: Those who attribute detrimental result

Z to the policies instituted are dismissed as “simplistic” for

ignoring the “complexities” involved, as “many factors” went into

determining the outcome. The burden of proof is put on the

critics to demonstrate to a certainty that these policies alone

were the only possible cause of the worsening that occurred. No

burden of proof whatever is put on those who had so confidently

predicted improvement. Indeed, it is often asserted that things

would have been even worse, were it not for the wonderful

programs that mitigated the inevitable damage from other


—The vision of the anointed: Self-congratulation as a basis for social

policy / Thomas Sowell.


Compare to CV19 reaction, Ukraine war, Isreal V. Hamas. In fact pretty much pick your favorite from the last 50+ years.


This really struck me re: CV19 because it played out on such a compressed timeline. We're all gonna die -two weeks to flatten the curve -> wear a mask etc. -> wear two masks -> vaccines for everyone


I do not claim to be in Sowell's league but would add three additional observations:

  1. The elites believe if what you are doing isn't working then you aren't doing enough of it.

  2. If there is no readily available crisis the elites have no problem with manufacturing one.

  3. Never confuse an ideologue with reality, it just makes them grumpy.

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.19894572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4577







[STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags. Anon bun

>>19818094 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. I

>>19818098 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. II

>>19818107 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. III

>>19818116 STEVE BANNON A Primer for NewFags. IV

There is no step 5…


[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part IV

When POTUS last went on Bannon's Warroom Show, the Scene was set to reveal this albeit in a very subtle way.

POTUS chose to talk about Ron Desantis yet while using the exact same wording that applied to Bannon.

POTUS told Bannon that Ron Desantis "Begged" and "Cried" for POTUS' support only to later turn on POTUS which is exactly what Steve did.

POTUS was talking directly to Bannon by indirectly using Desantis and Astute anons picked up on this.

Notice the Painting behind Bannon in the Interview. Please look very closely…


Video link: on Steve Bannon's Warroom Coded Messages - Hidden Skull Image 04/28/2023


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book.

He used 'Sloppy Steve Bannon', who cried when he got fired and 'begged' for his job.

Now 'Sloppy Steve' has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too 'bad'!

11:32 PM · Jan 5, 2018


Timestamp 1:39POTUS talking to Steve Bannon about French President MacronPOTUS"Macron is a great guy. He's like… you know he's a 'Wise Guy' and all that stuff. You'd like him."

The Code: POTUS reminds Sloppy Steve that he is a Criminal or Wise guy. "You'd like him".


Timestamp: 6:23POTUS talking to Steve Bannon about disloyal Ron DesanctimoniousPOTUS"You know it's always 'bad'. You endorse somebody, he's dead, he's, he's over, his political career… he's lucky to get a job, comes to me and 'begs me' for an endorsement…"

The Code: Sloppy Steve 'Begged Bad' and Ron Desanctimonious 'Begged Bad' just like Steve Bannon did.

POTUS reminds Sloppy Steve of his own history and betrayal of POTUS and the PLAN by using very similar wording when explaining Ron Desantis.


WISE GUY/WISEGUY definitions: 1: chiefly US : a person who says or does things that are funny but also annoying or somewhat rude 2: US usually wiseguy : someone who is part of a secret organized group of criminals : mobster 2 : usually wiseguy ˈwīz-ˌgī : mobster 2. A mobster.–guy noun Informal. a cocksure, conceited, and often insolent person; smart aleck: Words related to wise guy know-it-all, mobster, bigmouth, smart-ass, smarty-pants, wiseacre, wiseass, wisenheimer, mafioso, criminal, crook, hood (US, slang) A member of the Mafia; a mobster.

Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19894575   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>NRO announced the declassification of PARCAE, an electronic satellite program developed in the 1970s by the NRL.

Anonymous ID: b742d2 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:06 p.m. No.19894584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>same black eyes

Cops Rescue 23-Year-Old Kidnapped Woman Held Captive in Shed

Inside Edition

12.5M subscribers

6 days ago

Anonymous ID: ec50c1 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:07 p.m. No.19894590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas's Abbott Signs Bill Banning Businesses From Imposing Vaccine Mandates On Employees


Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) signs legislation banning private employers from imposing vaccine mandates on employees.

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 12:07 p.m. No.19894593   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oct 17, 2020 2:16:46 PM EDT 4884

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b755f No. 11120402

Enjoy the show!



Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking 3565

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM

Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19894594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624 >>4709 >>4830




Did you know there is an ongoing court case in Fulton County, Georgia (where Atlanta is) since 2021 whose only aim is to inspect 150,000+ mail-in ballots alleged to be fraudulent (no creases from being sent in the mail, perfect black circles, etc)


The judge dismissed it but the appeals court allowed the case to go forward


The judge has illegally delayed proceedings since then


Now we find out defense attorneys for GA have resigned and there is speculation these ballots may have illegally been destroyed


Want to know why nobody believes in our elections anymore?


Because of this Banana Republic degeneracy occurring in Georgia and other states


If the ballots are legitimate, what is there to hide?


We all know what’s going on here


Justice delayed is justice denied!


Nov 10, 2023, 11:31 AM

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19894599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4615 >>4626 >>4629


of course!

the jungle baby!,


weird to anon how people claim jews, yet don't even care to spell it right. muh joos vs. my jews.

bruh, no one gonna fight you for them, all yours. Kek!


'Jesus' is 'My Jew'. The rest claiming 'jew' are the SOS, the very same ones that set him up to be taken down by Rome, so…

Anonymous ID: b742d2 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:09 p.m. No.19894600   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>a poll indicated that nearly half of Americans would be supportiveif Dwayne decided to embark on a presidential campaign."

until Trump showed everyone how stupid rockhead is at the first debate

Anonymous ID: ea44ae Nov. 10, 2023, 12:09 p.m. No.19894602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663


staged, (but not a total simulation)

simulation was the Patsy, like with JFK

(I know shill Mathis claim JFK wasn't killed

but he's wrong. He's a Brit.)

real gunfire.

real injuries.

real Coup by H.W.

Hinkley was Patsy.


HW Bush crime family really tried to kill Reagan (FAIL?) and Reagan was injured and under HW's control from then on.

Reagan loved American

and the Bushes were and are Royalist NAZI "Anglophiles" and likely German

Remember Royal Brits are German


Reagan knew it wasn't little Hinkley and called Marines from the coast to come and protect him in the hospital.

Often if an attempt fails they will finish you off at the hospital (cf Seth Rich and Diana)

Hinckley even looks like a Bush.

Likely didn't spend all his alleged allocated time at St. Elizabeth's either. Two tier "justice"

Anyway though after all somebody or somebodies were shooters. And it wasn't Hinckley

See how they made up the story about him and Jody Foster to try to create a (fake) motive; to make it more plausible?

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:09 p.m. No.19894603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Video shared Friday morning on social media shows Israeli Defense Forces soldiers allegedly using a handcuffed, blindfolded Palestinian prisoner as a human shield during an operation in the occupied West Bank.


The prisoner was identified by Al Jazeera as Alaa Abu Hashhash.


"Hashhash was seen in the video being handcuffed, blindfolded and kneeling on a street, as an Israeli soldier took cover behind him, while aiming his rifle towards an unseen enemy," Al Jazeera reported.


The use of human shields is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions.

Anonymous ID: 5bad42 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19894613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NY Times, CNN, Reuters and AP Had Contract Reporters Embedded with Hamas Terrorists Taking Photos During Their Mass Slaughter of 1,400 Jews

Anonymous ID: 3e39fb Nov. 10, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19894615   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430, >>19737197 SPAM will be removed BECAUSE IT IS HARMFUL NEW

>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X

>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto



>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed

Please sign out clearly when ebaking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


'''Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan 8kun'''

Former Board Owner Fast Jack is a Neo Nazi

Former Board Volunteer and Baker OSS is a Neo Nazi

Former Baker and OSS acolyte Animefagbaker is a Neo Nazi

OSS and Animefag were open about their Nazi tendencies yet one had to lurk into admin boards to find Fast Jack expressing his Nazi hatred of The Jewish Race via muh joo "kike, fucking kikes, all kikes should die" etc etc.

Neither Jim nor Codemonkey ever expressed having any Problems or Concerns with this Fact. In fact, Laughter was the common response.

Notable: most of the time Annie nom'med most of this anons shit so Annie may have been a friendly plant. It's hard to tell so guess we will find out in the end.

Notable: Little shill bitches just love to pretend that their muh joo shilling is why SPAM now… kek



Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.

Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.

Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.

Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.

Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.

Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.

Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!

Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.

Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.

Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.

Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes orders from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.



MUH JOO bots ran on 50-75 posts per bread.

MUH JOO shill team 6 ran the Kitchen most of the time.

MUH JOO bakers loved P = Payseur, Inthematrixxx MG SHOW > Karli Bonne > Steve Bannon > Alex Jones > Jack Posobiec > Flynn et al.

MUH JOO bakers would let anything ANTI POPE FRANCIS in notes but they would fight fiercly to keep out any true criticism of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. Francis must be the Fall Guy.

MUH JOO bakers had to be pinned down in order for them to note the Vatican atrocities that were being exposed daily.

Q had to step in and Q these hard articles as these "Bakers" would flatly refuse. Split the bread, delete notes et al. they did everything in their power to stop the flow of Information.

Q Drop #4799 is one of these Drops. Read it. Anon was fighting with OSS late one night when Q Q'ed anon. MJ Fakers refused to note Pompeo's trip to the Vatican. Q saw it. Q knows…

Right when POTUS was blaming "CHINA WUHAN" daily for the Virus, these clowns were trying to hide and obscure the Fact that the Vatican had and was renewing a Condordat with China.


What does MUH JOO mean?

A MUH JOO shill is someone who believes or pretends to believe that the Jewish race and/or religion is responsible for most if not all atrocities ever committed.

A MUH JOO shill believes Hitler was a pretty cool dude.

A MUH JOO shill believes Palestine is the good guy in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill does not like to consider radical islam Iran as the potential main agitator in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill desires to believe that no matter all the power in Europe that the Bauer Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) subdued Europe via Banking. No really.

A MUH JOO shill believes that it was easy to see that it was the JOO this whole time and that does not bother them at all… that it was "easy to see".

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19894619   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Tragic Victimhood of "Disinformation Experts"


Racket News, by Matt Taibbi



Posted By: Moritz55, 11/10/2023 11:41:05 AM


On June 8th, the Washington Post ran, “These academics studied falsehoods spread by Trump. Now the GOP wants answers,” a story about how “records requests, subpoenas and lawsuits” were wielded as “tools of harassment” against “scholars” in the “field of disinformation.” In photo portraits, Kate Starbird of the University of Washington stared plaintively in the distance, a caption under one: “The political part is intimidating — to have people with a lot of power in this world making… false accusations about our work.” Starbird sits on an advisory committee for the 245,000-person, $185 billion Department of Homeland Security, but perhaps she meant “a lot of power” in a different sense?

Anonymous ID: d36444 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19894621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7 deadly sins.

Pride (vainglory)

Greed (covetousness)

Lust (excessive or inappropriate sexual desire)


Gluttony (includes drunkenness)

Wrath (anger)


They're called deadly for a reason.

Be upstanding & righteous in heart.

Be dignified.

Be patient.

Be wise.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19894622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kash Patel



The Kash Foundation is humbled to be launching a scholarship after our dear friend Josh Cremeans, aka "The Dirty Truth"- who tragically passed this year. Josh did more for the America First movement than most will ever accomplish in a lifetime… with just his brilliant mind and fingertips. I hope we make you proud my friend.


Come on @truthsocial, blast this out to everyone you know, post everywhere, and support us as we honor @RealDirty 🇺🇸


Nov 08, 2023, 12:18 PM

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19894623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Indiana State Representative Agrees to Plead Guilty to Federal Corruption Charge

Anonymous ID: b742d2 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19894625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4654


'dwayne, do you support palestine/hamas?'

'of course'

'do you support Jews?'


'should America support israel or palestine?'

'umm, hmm, thas a tough one cuz if i say palestine the Jews will cancel me; if i say israel then the dem voters will cancel me'


Anonymous ID: ad973d Nov. 10, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19894626   🗄️.is 🔗kun




PATER noster, qui es in cœlis; sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra.

Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris: et ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv #154

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.


Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.




Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae#306

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.




Dec 09, 2017 1:16:56 PM EST#307

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60172

Dec 09, 2017 1:13:29 PM EST

Anonymous ID: e60938 No. 60150

Dec 09, 2017 1:12:19 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's PRAYER posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's PRAYER?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.



Tues Nov 4th,


Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.



Dec 09, 2017 1:21:38 PM EST#308

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60201


Expand your thinking.


Anonymous ID: 27c804 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19894629   🗄️.is 🔗kun




PATER noster, qui es in cœlis; sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra.

Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris: et ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv #154

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.


Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.




Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae#306

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.




Dec 09, 2017 1:16:56 PM EST#307

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60172

Dec 09, 2017 1:13:29 PM EST

Anonymous ID: e60938 No. 60150

Dec 09, 2017 1:12:19 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's PRAYER posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's PRAYER?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.



Tues Nov 4th,


Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.



Dec 09, 2017 1:21:38 PM EST#308

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60201


Expand your thinking.


Anonymous ID: ec50c1 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.19894632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Notably, in 2021,a poll indicated that nearly half of Americans would be supportiveif Dwayne decided to embark on a presidential campaign.


He disclosed that following a 2021 poll of 30,000 American adults, "the parties" reached out to him to explore his interest in a potential run at the end of 2022.


In actual fact 46% of 30,000 or 13,800 Americans said they would be supportive.



Anonymous ID: c00d05 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.19894635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4758

Dig and decode on the Eye of Providence - Q drop #133 version 7.0 "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. The Eye of Providence."

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops@USCCBThe all-seeing eye is not a Masonic symbol but represents God's omnipresence. When surrounded by a triangle, it symbolizes the Trinity. 11:02 AM · Dec 18, 2019


Nov 11, 2017 11:29:35 PM EST DROP #133 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB No. 149063235

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?If Saud, Roths and Soros are the Puppet Masters, why does Q repeat this Question again below?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above(3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has(3)sides.

Eye of Providence.==The EYE OF PROVIDENCE is an ancient symbol most commonly associated with Christianity, Catholicism Holy Trinity. The Eye of God is in the Middle of the Triangle.==

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?SATAN is the keystone? Double meanings exist? (keystone)

Does Satan exist?No.

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?Yes and it is the Thought that Counts.

Who worships Satan?==All Religions which require a Satan, Devil, Negative archetype excuse for evil to exist.==

What is a cult?Noun: cult; plural noun: cults a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

Epstein island.

What is a temple?Church, Cathedral, building dedicated to a figure or object.

What occurs in a temple?Worship and sacrifice.


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?Represents the Mouth of the Diety

How many levels might exist below?Many, arranged like a body

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?Symbology of the Puppet Masters

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?Why is Q asking this question again? This means that the above 3 are not the Puppet Masters but the Puppets.

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


Here are the 3 Keys to the 3 Lock Box that is the Eye of Providence Decode

6+++ Saudi Arabia removed via Purge described in Drops #87, #88 and #95

6++ Roths removed in too many drops to list here

6+ Soros removed in too many drops to list here

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:14 p.m. No.19894639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4762


David DePape, man accused of attacking

Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer,

was 'caught up in conspiracies' about

the wealthy elite, but had 'no intention

of harming' the 82-year-old, defense says


Daily Mail (UK), by Harriet Alexander



Posted By: Imright, 11/10/2023 9:15:16 AM


The man accused of bludgeoning former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer was caught up in conspiracies when he broke into her San Francisco home last year, his defense attorney said, as his trial opened on Thursday. David DePape, a former nudist from British Columbia, entered the Pelosi home through a back door in the early hours of October 28, 2022, and attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer. Nancy was not home at the time. Paul Pelosi, then 82, had called the police, speaking carefully so as not to enrage DePape, who was in the house. Police arrived in time to see DePape smash a hammer into Pelosi's head,

Anonymous ID: c00d05 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:14 p.m. No.19894641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jim Watkins says Q is a major psyop run by traitor faggots

Key QAnon booster admitted conspiracy isn’t real in January 6 testimony and blames George Soros

Congressional inquiry released transcript of interview with alleged QAnon founder - Wednesday 04 January 2023 20:02


The internet forum operator many believe to be behind the QAnon movement admitted to the January 6 congressional committee that the conspiracy isn’t real – while spreading a different conspiracy theory at the same time.

“QAnon is manufactured by the left-wing media, and it’s probably put out mostly by a company called Media Matters, which is, I believe, funded by a man named George Soros,”

Jim Watkins, founder of the 8kun messageboard where Q first took off, told the Capitol riot inquiry, according to interview transcripts of a June 2022 conversation released on Tuesday.

“It’s manufactured,” he added. “It’s not anything to do with my website. I’ve used the term a couple times, and that’s before I realized what it even was.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Mr Watkins offered a revisionist take on January 6 itself, calling the Capitol riot a “beautiful, wonderful, peaceful and patriotic” gathering.


"Who controls Soros?" using only two drops.

Only two drops and Anon invites any Anon to attempt to disprove this very simple decode.

Yet these drops and the decodes were just too hard for the likes of Jim Watkins.

'''These drops are so hard to understand that INTHEMATRIXXX MG SHOW claim to fame is P = Payseur!'''

A book, written by an Alex Jones Associate, Author for several White Supremicist Neo Nazi Groups, Multiple Felon, uses an Alias "Fritz Springmeier", actual name Viktor Schoof, titled "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

A book that "C_A TEAM 6" found in OBL/UBL Cave and then went on a C_A MSM Media blitz to make sure as many people as possible saw that "Don't you dare read this top secret book that OBL was reading!" piece of disinformation.


Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.



Anonymous ID: c00d05 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.19894647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jim Watkins says Q is a major psyop run by Media Matters and George Soros!

Of Course the QAnon Guy Blamed QAnon on George Soros

In sworn testimony before the Jan. 6 committee, Jim Watkins claimed QAnon was invented by George Soros and Media Matters. 04 January 2023, 11:05am


Jim Watkins, who helped facilitate the rise of QAnon to become a violent conspiracy movement that has infected large parts of the Republican Party, told the Jan. 6 committee that in fact,QAnon was invented by George Soros.

The transcript of Watkins’ June 2022 interview with the committee was published on Tuesday evening and reveals that the founder of 8kun, the platform where the anonymous leader of QAnon posted thousands of messages,

not only denied being behind QAnon but went one step further and claimed it was nothing more than a fiction created by the left to stifle independent thought.

“QAnon is manufactured by the left-wing media, and it’s probably put out mostly by a company called Media Matters, which is, I believe, funded by a man named George Soros,”

Watkins said in testimony that was given under the penalty of perjury. “It’s manufactured. It’s not anything to do with my website. I’ve used the term a couple times, and that’s before I realized what it even was.”

Watkins claimed to the committee’s investigators that Soros and Media Matters colluded to invent the QAnon movement in order to ”make it a boogeyman” because “they don’t like people thinking for themselves.”


"Who controls Soros?" using only two drops.

Only two drops and Anon invites any Anon to attempt to disprove this very simple decode.

Yet these drops and the decodes were just too hard for the likes of Jim Watkins.

'''These drops are so hard to understand that INTHEMATRIXXX MG SHOW claim to fame is P = Payseur!'''

A book, written by an Alex Jones Associate, Author for several White Supremicist Neo Nazi Groups, Multiple Felon, uses an Alias "Fritz Springmeier", actual name Viktor Schoof, titled "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

A book that "C_A TEAM 6" found in OBL/UBL Cave and then went on a C_A MSM Media blitz to make sure as many people as possible saw that "Don't you dare read this top secret book that OBL was reading!" piece of disinformation.


Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.



Anonymous ID: c64f04 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.19894650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Microsoft lays hands on login data: Beware of the new Outlook


The free new Outlook replaces Mail in Windows, and later also the classic Outlook. It sends secret credentials to Microsoft servers.


The new Outlook is not what it seems at first glance: a replacement for Microsoft Office Outlook - at least not yet. What it definitely is, however: way too curious.


Microsoft is singing the praises of the new Outlook and wants to persuade users to switch. But beware: if you try out the new Outlook, you risk transferring your IMAP and SMTP credentials of mail accounts and all your emails to Microsoft servers. Although Microsoft explains that it is possible to switch back to the previous apps at any time, the data will already be stored by the company. This allows Microsoft to read the emails.


The new Outlook now appears as a recommended app in the Windows Start menu of Windows 11 devices with the 2023 update. The Outlook client itself also offers to test the new Outlook version with a "The new Outlook" switch. This is still under development, but is set to replace the mail program and the calendar included in Windows in 2024. In a recent tech community article, Microsoft employee Caitlin Hart also explains that it will also replace the classic Outlook. However, unlike the Windows Mail and Calendar apps, the timetable for this has not yet been set.


New Outlook: Warning about data transfers

When adding a mail account in the new Outlook that is not hosted by Microsoft but is located on company mail servers, for example, the program displays a message. It links to a support article that simply states that non-Microsoft accounts are synchronized with the Microsoft cloud, whereby Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud and IMAP accounts are currently supported. The new Outlook also does this in the versions for Android, iOS and Mac. This means that copies "of your email, calendar, and contacts will be synchronized between your email provider and Microsoft data center". This gives the company full access to all emails and allows it to read and analyze them. Microsoft wants to provide functions that way that Gmail and IMAP do not offer.

Anonymous ID: c00d05 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.19894652   🗄️.is 🔗kun



General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots


A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22 and asked for my opinion.

I don’t see anyone else talking about this, so I will.

First, General Flynn is 100% correct:

• Our military abides by the US Constitution

• Our military acts on the…

Oct 17


General Mike Flynn@GenFlynn

Here’s my take on Q…

I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice.

What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION).

The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense.

I wasn’t belittling Dave (he’s a big boy), I was being brutally honest (like it or not or believe it or not).

Rome is burning Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water.

And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process…note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred).

Lastly, I so respect your smart statement and most definitely appreciate your support as well as Dave’s (I’m a big fan of X22).

I also appreciate the support by many of the digital soldiers who did and do support me.

Thank you will never be enough. However, I want us to face reality for what it is and it is staring us in the face currently and it is ugly.

But never ever give up and trust me, there will always be silver linings, we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible.

God bless



1:13 AM · Oct 19, 2023

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:16 p.m. No.19894656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’


Judicial Watch announced today it received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of DHS, communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was created to flag online election content for censorship and suppression.


The records show that Twitter participated in discussions with the Cybersecurity Agency and EIP through the software system Jira, contrary to what former Twitter head of trust and safety Yoel Roth claimed in congressional testimony.


The CISA records show government involvement in the EIP pressure on Google, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit and other platforms to censor “disinformation.”


Judicial Watch obtained the records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after DHS failed to respond to an October 5, 2022, request (Judicial Watch Inc. vs. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:22-cv-03560 )). Judicial Watch asked for:


  1. All records of communication between the CISA and the EIP. This includes all “tickets” or notifications to the Partnership regarding election-related disinformation on any social media platform.


  1. All records regarding the July 9, 2020, meeting between DHS officials and representatives of the EIP.


  1. All records of communication between the CISA and the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public and/or Stanford University’s Internet Observatory regarding any of the following:


The Election Integrity Partnership

The 2020 U.S. election

Online misinformation and disinformation

Any social media platform

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) was created in July 2020, just before the presidential election. According to Just the News:


The consortium is comprised of four member organizations: Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and social media analytics firm Graphika. It set up a concierge-like service in 2020 that allowed federal agencies like Homeland’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and State’s Global Engagement Center to file “tickets” requesting that online story links and social media posts be censored or flagged by Big Tech.


Three liberal groups — the Democratic National Committee, Common Cause and the NAACP — were also empowered like the federal agencies to file tickets seeking censorship of content. A Homeland-funded collaboration, the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center, also had access.

Anonymous ID: 3977e7 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:16 p.m. No.19894658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After failing to condemn Hamas terror group, UN adopts eight resolutions condemning Jewish state

All eight resolutions will be rubber-stamped by the General Assembly in December


By Peter Aitken Fox News Published November 10, 2023 2:46pm EST


A United Nations watchdog has criticized the organization for passing multiple resolutions this week condemning Israel for various alleged human rights violations, but making no condemnation of Hamas or other groups or nations, at a time when antisemitism is on the rise.


"The U.N.’s assault on Israel with a torrent of one-sided resolutions, just one month after the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, is surreal," Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, said in a press release.


"The only purpose of these eight lopsided condemnations is to demonize the Jewish state," Neuer said. "The world should not be deceived that these annual resolutions advance the cause of peace or human rights in any way."


The U.N.’s Second Committee, which focuses on Economic and Financial issues, announced the passage of three such resolutions, including one demanding that Israel cease the "exploitation, damage, cause of loss or depletion and endangerment" in the Golan Heights region of Syria…

Anonymous ID: c00d05 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.19894660   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

Nov 05, 2017 1:12:48 AM EDT 87

Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No. 148022342

My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on.

Snow White




Nov 05, 2017 1:31:00 AM EDT 88

Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No. 148023976

Ten days.


Scare tactics (MSM).

D's falling.

R's walk-away/removed.

SA US > Asia → EU

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).


POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).


Why is this relevant?

What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?

Why is this relevant?

SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).

Where is POTUS?

Why is this relevant?

Military operations.

Operators in US.

Snow White

The Great Awakening




Nov 05, 2017 2:17:24 AM EST 95

Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No. 148033178

What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).

God bless.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia

Snow White




Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM 3565

Godfather III

It's going to beBIBLICAL.



Oct 17, 2020 2:16:46 PM EDT 4884

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b755f No. 11120402

Enjoy the show!



Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking3565

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM

Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


Anonymous ID: c00d05 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.19894664   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.




May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.




China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:18 p.m. No.19894672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BREAKING: J6 Fugitive Gregory Yetman Surrenders to Police After 3-Day Manhunt with Hounds


Follow @gatewaypunditofficial

Anonymous ID: ad973d Nov. 10, 2023, 12:18 p.m. No.19894673   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every Idea is a Rough Draft until blood is being shed over it… Some Anon

Q research proudly presentsThe Global Notables Project Version 1.0

A collection of Q team, POTUS and Anon's greatest hits, best digs, hardest hitting decodes and other crazy coincidences from 2017 to 2023.


Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The '''"Nazi C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654'''.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.



Top 10 List"Friend or Foe?"

1: Alex Jones

2: General Flynn

3: Steve Bannon

4: Roger Stone

5: Jim Watkins

6: Tucker Carlson

7: Elon Musk

8: Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and minion Taylor Marshall

9: Jack Posobiec

10: Jeffey Pederson MG Show INTHEMATRIXXX

Disclaimer: Being on the above list does not mean that this player is a [Foe].

Being on the above list means that these players have made moves on the stage which make them appear and seem like Foes at least in the eyes of some Anons and/or Q per the drops.

If a player on the above list is actually a ]Friend[ attempting to appear as a [Foe], or is an actual [Foe], it is in the Interest of the Plan to highlight their actions either way.

Only Concernfags are concerned about Friendly Fire from Anons. Just like the MSM was terribly concerned about Patriots having "crazy theories" concerning 9-11.



Board History2018 to 2021

This section might not materialize as it is fairly damning to Past Board Owner, BV's, Bakers, Bakers Union, Midnight Riders, Grifters and Shills in general.

The 3 year timeline from 2018 to 2021 is an eye opening revelation for most seasoned Anons as well as for New Eyes.

It is difficult for Anon to truly "Tell the Tale" without the information learned from this segment of Board History yet when considering the first 3 years of Q research, everything makes sense.


Many Anons may have seen this information already yet per Q and the drops, and this is where Anon Wins bigly over the current defintion of SPAM and the CENSORSHIP going on here and now, New Eyes are joining the Fight ALL THE TIME.

And these New Eyes have not seen it. And again, per the drops, paraphrasing… '''"New Eyes, Be Ready. Those who seek to silence have an agenda PAIN."'''


More great subjects depending on you!

Anonymous ID: 2116d5 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.19894677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>if you google reducing inflation, or completely paying off debt, or going back to gold standard, jewish-owned websites tell you this is all bad.


>anon never found a shortage of "get back on gold standard" information.

your statement does NOT contradict nor invalidate with first anon said

first anon pointed out that major search engines TRY to bury results "they" don't approve of

and push the results that "they" do appove of


no one said there aren't people advocationg for the gold standard, end of inflation and deficit spending

just that those voices are SYSTEMATICALLY marginalized and discredited

YOUR sleazy bait and switch arguments reveal YOUR agenda, heeb

Anonymous ID: ad973d Nov. 10, 2023, 12:20 p.m. No.19894682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4690


It's great to be back at Q Shaped Gardens in the great state of Kekistan!

Anon's next piece is called "Nothing".


Nov 12, 2020 9:32:39 PM EST 4950

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 53ce5e No. 11617856


NOTHING can stop what is coming.




Oct 31, 2020 6:44:04 PM EDT 4944

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a19e8d No. 11379902

Are you ready to finish what we started?

'NOTHING can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.



Oct 15, 2020 2:11:46 PM EDT 4874

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 07ac09 No. 11086408

Would you like to send anything else on over during the House Intel Committee hearing?

NOTHING can stop this.



Oct 09, 2020 7:03:33 PM EDT 4845

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 67e0eb No. 11004505

Roger that, Madam Secretary.

[C] = classified [State]

Clinton Foundation [+Soros, journalist(s) dir, Africa, SA, SAPs, China, Russia, U1, Hussein dir, Benghazi, MB, CIA assets, crimes against humanity, ……] [route _Huma cc Weiner backup]?

NOTHING is ever truly deleted.

Threats, blackmail, and bribes.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/06/2018 16:16:21 ID:8chan/patriotsfight: 422 2442

History is being made.

You are the saviors of mankind.

Nothing will stop what is coming.




POTUS is our savior. Q #111

US Military = savior of mankind. Q #114

You are the saviors of mankind. Q #2442

Anonymous ID: f3cba7 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:20 p.m. No.19894684   🗄️.is 🔗kun



-As in, put your oxygen mask on first before helping the person next to you.

-Walk away from here for a few hours and take a break.Come backrefreshed.


You do you. But remember we need Anons for the cause.

Stay healthy fren.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:20 p.m. No.19894686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trending: Israeli Soldiers Document and Proudly Post Their Own Abuse of Palestinians


In social media videos, Israeli soldiers show themselves beating and humiliating Palestinian detainees, some of whom were released shortly after being abused. For its part, the IDF punished the perpetrators in some of the cases, saying such conduct is in violation of army values


Since the outbreak of the Gaza war, more and more soldiers have filmed themselves beating and humiliating Palestinian detainees and then posted the videos on their social media accounts. The phenomenon existed before the war but has grown a lot since the Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7.

Anonymous ID: ad973d Nov. 10, 2023, 12:20 p.m. No.19894690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No. 130638 Jan 22, 2018 9:47:32 PM EST 586

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you arereligious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.19894694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4724 >>4732

Chief Nerd



New BMJ Investigation Raises Serious Concerns That VAERS is Missing Safety Signals


“The BMJ has spoken to more than a dozen people, including physicians & a state medical examiner, who have filed VAERS reports of a serious nature on behalf of themselves or patients & were never contacted by clinical reviewers or were contacted months later.


The BMJ has found that the FDA and CDC essentially maintain two separate VAERS databases: a public facing database, containing only initial reports; and a private, back end system containing all updates and corrections—such as a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death.


While other countries have acknowledged deaths that were ‘likely’ or ‘probably’ related to mRNA vaccination, the CDC—which says that it has reviewed nearly 20,000 preliminary reports of death using VAERS (far more than other countries)—has not acknowledged a single death linked to mRNA vaccines.”


Nov 10, 2023, 3:09 PM

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.19894695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The National Independent


#BREAKING #Ukraine #Russia Multiple explosions in Odessa.

2:15 PM · Nov 10, 2023

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:24 p.m. No.19894712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4717 >>4725 >>4726



House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., issued four additional subpoenas to Hunter Biden’s business associates, as well as four additional interview requests Thursday “leaving no stone unturned” as the investigation continues.


“Today…[Comer] issued additional subpoenas to Hunter Biden’s business associates, Eric Schwerin and Mervyn Yan, his gallerist, George Bergès, and art patron, Elizabeth Naftali, to appear for depositions. In addition, Chairman Comer requested a transcribed interview with the Americore Holdings, LLC trustee regarding “loans” the Bidens received,” the press release stated.


🚨 BREAKING 🚨@RepJamesComer issued additional subpoenas to:


Hunter Biden's Business Associates

◾️ Eric Schwerin

◾️ Mervyn Yan


Hunter's Art Gallerist

◾️ George Bergès


Hunter’s Art Patron & Major Dem Donor

◾️ Elizabeth Naftali


In addition, Chairman Comer requested a…


— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) November 9, 2023

Comer’s move comes only a day after the committee notably subpoenaed Hunter Biden, James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, as well as several other family members, according to The Hill.


Hunter Biden reportedly had worked in close relations with Schwerin at Rosemont Seneca Partners and on a separate occasion with Chinese energy company CEFC official Yan over expense reimbursements, according to the outlet.


Comer’s additional subpoenas also included Bergès, the gallerist who showcased and sold Hunter’s paintings for up to $500,000 and Naftali who bought Hunter’s paintings as well as reportedly visited the White House numerous times.


“A plethora of bank records, texts, emails, and a transcribed interview with Biden family associate Devon Archer all show the Bidens and their business partners sold access to the highest levels of our government, including Joe Biden himself, to the detriment of America’s interests,” Comer stated in the press release.


Three of the four additional interview requests by the committee bore connections mainly to James Biden. All three notably are being asked about donations and payments to James dating back to as early as 2016, according to The Hill.


“Americans across this country have made it clear to President Joe Biden, the Biden family, and their associates that the gig is up,” Comer stated.


“The House Oversight Committee, along with the Committees on Judiciary and Ways and Means, are determined to follow the facts, and deliver the transparency and accountability that the American people demand, deserve, and expect,” he continued.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19894721   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Survivor Jeanette Archer Speaks Out About Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children [VIDEO]


Reader–"I remember watching this a couple of years ago but it's a good reminder of what we're really up against."

Anonymous ID: 2e5de9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.19894731   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Protect your time.

The administrators will take until you’ve nothing left to give, and kick you for moar after they make you into a burned-out charcoal head.

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.19894732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is no way to codify Vaccine or Vaccine-related injury/complication as COD (Cause of Death) in the ICD-10. Thus no one can technically be recorded as having died from a vaxx, as the systems cannot intake such data.

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:27 p.m. No.19894736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Cabalist Jewish agenda


If you don't want to be a penniless slave you're an antisemite!


WEF by 2030 You'll own nothing And you'll be happy

Anonymous ID: 2116d5 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.19894738   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ex-CIA Analyst: West Preparing for Military Coup Against Zelensky


The writing is on the wall for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as the Western elite seemingly seek someone else to fill his shoes, retired CIA intelligence officer and State Department official Larry Johnson told Sputnik's New Rules podcast.

Signs of a behind-the-scenes struggle in Ukraine have recently manifested themselves in Commander-in-Chief Gen. Valery Zaluzhny's open defiance of Volodymyr Zelensky's non-stop war plans; a mysterious death of Zaluzhny's close aide; and the Ukrainian president's refusal to hold elections next year.

CIA veteran Larry Johnson believes that the "invisible hand" of the West is orchestrating what may end up in regime change in Ukraine. Per him, Zaluzhny's extensive "stalemate" interview to the British press, which prompted so much ire on Bankovaya Street – a Ukrainian presidential residence – was by no means coincidental.

"It's always important to pay close attention to what's going on in the media because these stories don't just appear out of nowhere," Johnson told Sputnik. "It's not like some intrepid Economist's reporter is saying, 'Hey, you know, I think it'd be a pretty nifty if I could go interview General Zaluzhny.' Because I think that that entire arrangement was made possible through the intervention of MI6 to get Zaluzhny's profile raised in the West. And remember in that Economist magazine, he was interviewed, he then wrote an op-ed and they gave him a longer piece online, the 'Economist online'. So Zaluzhny got three hits. And he was seen as undermining the message that had been coming out of Ukraine."

Likewise, the death of Gennady Chastyakov, an assistant to the commander-in-chief, reeks of a potential sabotage from the Ukrainian infamous security service, according to the former CIA analyst.

"This grenade that went off… I've seen in a couple of different accounts that someone gave him a live grenade and then his son was playing with it and accidentally pulled the pin and it went off. But it sure seems like sabotage. And Zelensky still has support within the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and it would not be at all beyond the SBU for Zelensky to think it's a good idea to send a message like this to try to intimidate Zaluzhny."

However, it's not Zaluzhny who is Zelensky's major problem, but the Ukrainian president's fading support in the West, both in the UK and the US, according to Johnson:

"Remember a week ago, Time magazine - who had featured Zelensky on its front cover in 2022 as Man of the Year, they described him as like 'the reincarnation of Winston Churchill', and 'this great military strategist'. He now was put on the front cover of Time and decried as basically like Adolf Hitler in his last days, delusional, out of touch with reality, crazy. So when I see those kinds of articles appear from both British sources and American sources, it's telling me that the political establishments in both places are preparing the exit ramp for Zelensky. And Zaluzhny may be seen as someone that they want to replace Zelensky with. So we're at the stage now in this entire affair where the infighting is now becoming lethal. It's not just calling each other names and maybe hurting someone's feelings. This is becoming a blood match."

Larry Johnson

retired CIA intelligence officer and State Department official

Johnson drew attention to the fact that in addition, NBC News broke on November 4 that US and European officials have begun "quietly talking" to the Kiev regime about possible "peace negotiations with Russia" to end the stalemate.

It seems Western decision-makers have zero illusions about Zelensky: they know that he had zero qualifications to take on the presidency, but was "a comedian notorious for his ability to use his genitalia to play the piano," per the CIA veteran.


[read moar]

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.19894744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"We own the Science and the World should know it": UN & WEF admit they CENSOR Search Results & pay Big Tech & Influencers to shape Public Opinion on Climate Change & COVID etc…

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.19894748   🗄️.is 🔗kun


​ ( FDA Officials Accepted Jobs with Moderna After Playing Key Roles in the Licensure of COVID-19 Vaccines





Anonymous ID: 5ab242 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19894755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Board of Trustees

critizing Big Tech because they "let" potus win in 2016 so the Knight foundation got all butthurt



John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

James L. Knight portrait (link) by Knight Foundation is licensed CC BY-SA 2.0 (link)




Miami, FL

Tax ID:



Tax-Exempt Status:



Budget (2020):


Revenue: $183,144,507

Expenses: $117,868,918

Assets: $2,530,104,679






Alberto Ibarguen

Recent Filings:


2020 Form 990

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

Fields marked with an * are required


Email *

Reason for Contacting *

Message *


The Knight Foundation is aleft-leaning private foundation that sets a primary emphasis on funding media-related projects. The foundation, which was seeded by the estate of economically conservative newspaper publisher John S. “Jack” Knight, began by endowing chairs in journalism atuniversities. In the past decade, the foundation has funded non-profit news sites, backed paying the salaries of individual reporters at newspapers, and supported many research projects about how newspapers can remain viable enterprises. In addition, the Knight Foundation gives grants to newspapers such as the Salt Lake City Tribune that have become nonprofits.


The Knight Foundation has three major grant areas. In eight cities where the Knight Ridder newspaper chain had newspapers, most notably in Detroit, Miami, and Philadelphia, the foundation has a branch office and funds community-based grants. In eighteen smaller cities, including Ft. Wayne, Indiana and Wichita, Kansas, the foundation has a donor-advised fund operated by a local community foundation. The foundation is also a major funder of arts programs, chiefly based in museums.


More recently, as an extension of its media grantmaking, the Knight Foundation supports organizations critical of the dominance of large technology companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google.


Criticisms of Technology Companies


In July 2019, the Knight Foundation announced it would give $50 million to support what it called organizations that would analyze “technology’s role in our democracy.” The foundation allotted $39 million to creating eleven centers at universities affiliated with schools of journalism or communications that would study “the rules that should govern social media and technology companies.” The foundation noted that other foundations had also made grants to these newly created centers, including the Charles Koch Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, and the Omidyar Network. 25


In August 2019, the Knight Foundation announced that $6 million of the $50 million would go to three think tanks. The Center for Technology and Society received $3 million for research on “how online platforms moderate content.” The Open Markets Institute was awarded $2 million to examine the “negative effects” of “corporate concentration of internet companies.” The R Street Institute’s $1 million grant would be used to study “a multi-stakeholder approach to the management of online content.” 26


In November 2019, the Knight Foundation awarded $3.5 million to21 organizations for short-term projects designed to aid members of Congress, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Department of Justice in their efforts to revise the laws and regulations overseeing technology. Among the organizations receiving grants of between $100,000 and $400,000 were the center-right American Enterprise Institute, the centrist German Marshall Fund, the left-of-center Public Knowledge, and 16 universities, mostly for projects affiliated with law schools. 27

Anonymous ID: 618bf9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19894758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4768


nice decode…agree on your point about the masters and they are NOT Saud/Roth/Soros…those folks are FRONT MEN…


Who are the puppet masters? I am sure we all have gnashed that one over a time or two. Some thoughts along those lines…


-There is THE GOD and then there is the god of this realm or earth named yaldaboath. Yaldaboath apparently is the creator of "yahweh" and yahweh had an evil brother called Elohim.


Elohim demanded human sacrifice. The worshippers of Elohim hid among the worshipper of yahweh. We know the worshippers of Yahweh to be the Jews.


The Elohim/yahweh group lived in the caucus and have an institutional hatred for Russia


Prussia has an interesting history…


I think you have two things…you have a service to self alien group who gets something from our negative emotions = the more scared we are - the more they benefit. They are working with a generational family or groups of families here. This structure would sit atop the illuminati, the queen, the pope/church, etc…these are just the public face of whomever these choads are.


Greenland, Netherlands, Belgium, Swiss seem to come up a lot in the discussions of these folks…check out the Dutriox affair sometime…

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19894759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4764 >>4787 >>4821


Lara Logan


Taking your tax dollars to slit your throat.






"Americans are the biggest slaves in their own Country"

6:29 AM · Nov 10, 2023




Anonymous ID: 0d7a9a Nov. 10, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19894761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4799 >>4814

U.S. Department of Energy


Nov 9


✨Fresh on Instagram—a NEW account representing all 17 National Labs under DOE.


Our Labs tackle the critical scientific challenges of our time & possess unique instruments that are found nowhere in the world.


Follow to get weekly doses of science 👉


I see you Q.


Anonymous ID: b742d2 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19894767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




We’ve been told COVID-19 vaccines are “safe & effective” while thousands of Americans have died and suffer severe complications.


This Monday, I’ll be pulling back the curtain at my Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines with special guest witnesses.


You won’t want to miss this!


REGISTER NOW for your special access link:

Anonymous ID: 618bf9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19894768   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Yaldabaoth raped Eve.

She bore two sons.


[Elohim was the name of the first.

Yahweh was the name of the second.

Elohim has a bear’s face.

Yahweh has a cat’s face.

One is righteous;

One is not.

Yahweh is righteous;

Elohim is not.

Yahweh would command fire and wind

Elohim would command water and earth.]


Yaldabaoth deceptively named the two: Cain and Abel. "

Anonymous ID: 2c050b Nov. 10, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19894769   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yup same here. That's why I destroy famefaggot glownigger shills waiting for booms and when Trump gets back in and Q starts posting again. By then I'll have all the shills so demoralized they'll commit suicide. Suicide weekend is coming for them and I'm comfy AF.


Anonymous ID: edaa9c Nov. 10, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.19894771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4773 >>4798 >>4870

Bongino talks about the Service that Veterans have given up, on Veterans Day!


He reads an email sent to him by a Marine leader in Afghanistan: starts at about 3:40 to 4:11 to 9:11


It’s brutal and not easy to listen to but we need to know what they went through. All for wars that should have never happened.


Can an anon clip this and post, please?


Fuck Joe Bidan!

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.19894772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nicaragua Experiencing 'Massive Move of God' as Events Draw 650,000 so Far, Tens of Thousands Accept Christ


People all around the world need God. You can feel it.


According to CBN News, Christian missionaries have witnessed a “massive move of God” in troubled Nicaragua, thousands of miles south of the U.S. border in the heart of Central America.


Missionary Britt Hancock reported thousands of miracles and tens of thousands of conversions to Christ among the roughly 650,000 people who have attended evangelism events in that country so far this year.

Anonymous ID: f58b7f Nov. 10, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.19894774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4803



Send the money to Ukraine and Israel


>BREAKING: UK Appeals Court rejects plea to save Baby Indi Gregory]


>Monday, November 13 has been set as the new date for the removal of the 8-month-old Indi's life-sustaining treatment, against her parents' wishes.



Anonymous ID: bd1fb6 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19894778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4818

SpaceX Countersues Hiring Discrimination Lawsuit By DOJ


Elon Musk-owned company SpaceX succeeded in a court order that stopped the Department of Justice’s hiring discrimination lawsuit from proceeding.


On Wednesday, SpaceX won a court arrangement that would block the United States Department of Justice’s (DOJ) lawsuit. According to the report, the lawsuit claimed that the rocket company discriminated against “immigrants and asylum seekers” throughout its employment hiring process.


U.S. District Judge Rolando Olvera in Brownsville, Texas, rejected the DOJ from proceeding with its case, declaring that the administrative judges who work on anti-immigration bias cases at the DOJ were not “properly appointed.”

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19894779   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.


— John Perry Barlow, "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace"


#bitcoin is the ultimate weapon of independence against the globalists! Join the fight @bullionbitcoinbs

Anonymous ID: 1266ba Nov. 10, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.19894789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4811

HUNDREDS of secret reports show how DHSgov, CISAgov, The GEC (StateDept), Stanford and others worked together to censor AMERICANS before the 2020 election


According to one EIP member, the EIP was created “at the request of CISA.” The head of the EIP also said that EIP was created after “working on some monitoring ideas with CISA.”

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.19894791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4795 >>4863



South Africa has turned into a land of zombies.. this dude got beheaded and then his stomach cut open - the guy then proceeded to eat from his victims stomach - Westonaria area.


9:40 AM · Nov 10, 2023

Anonymous ID: 4dfc69 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.19894794   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The FBI has seized the phones of NYC mayor Eric Adams.


“F.B.I. agents seized Mayor Eric Adams’s electronic devices early this week in what appeared to be a dramatic escalation of a federal corruption investigation into whether his 2021 campaign conspired with the Turkish government and others to funnel money into its coffers, two people with knowledge of the matter said.”

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.19894802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4813

End Wokeness


White guy: “When you come to America, you need to act like a Westerner”


Palestinian: “America isn’t your country. Go back to Europe if you don’t like it. Take your parents with you.”


1:38 PM · Nov 9, 2023


"Might makes right"

"Ya herd?"

Anonymous ID: d36444 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.19894806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Booker T. Washington - Up From Slavery

A blueprint for recovery.

I found a lot of excellent ideas in there.

Check it out and see what you think, if you want to.

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.19894817   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Friday, November 10, 2023

2 hours ago

Jack Montgomery



Trump: Big Pharma is ‘A Villain’ in ‘Many Different Ways’.

Anonymous ID: cc9697 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:40 p.m. No.19894824   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Q Not even gonna wish the marines a Happy 248th Birthday?

Q is dark for a reason & you nor any of the whinney shills will drag them out until they are ready to re-surface.

Why didn't you post this one from Q+

Anonymous ID: eb7664 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:40 p.m. No.19894825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4836



> >>19893256 (pb) The Supreme Court dismantled Roe. States are restoring it one by one.

Trouble with this is, it's often said "we can't vote for someone to be killed."

Legalizing "abortion" is exactly,voting for someone to be killed.

Anonymous ID: 86eb8e Nov. 10, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19894826   🗄️.is 🔗kun




2:01 PM · Nov 9, 2023

Anonymous ID: d36444 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19894827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.

I'm going out for a walk. It's good to get out and breathe the fresh air.

Be back to pray later.

God bless you all.

Anonymous ID: 2c050b Nov. 10, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19894829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4861

You know it's really fun glowniggering as the highest ranking glowniggers only the board. Sometimes you gotta become the shill to defeat the shill. Really pisses them off when you use their memes and filenames and threaten their precious board identities. Love walking in, stirring shit up and walking out. Trolling is fun.


Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19894831   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The US economy may be reliving the 'roaring '20s' – and that means growth, inflation, and rates will all stay high, UBS says

George Glover

Nov 9, 2023, 11:14 PM GMT-11

Anonymous ID: b742d2 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:42 p.m. No.19894832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




We’ve been told COVID-19 vaccines are “safe & effective” while thousands of Americans have died and suffer severe complications.


This Monday, I’ll be pulling back the curtain at my Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines with special guest witnesses.


You won’t want to miss this!


REGISTER NOW for your special access link:



Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:42 p.m. No.19894834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4837

Donald J. Trump



Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird: “President Trump is the one who will fire Joe Biden and win our country back. We were all a lot better off when he was President—strong economy, strong country, our border was secure, he fought for farmers…”


Nov 10, 2023, 3:20 PM

Anonymous ID: b742d2 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:42 p.m. No.19894835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>for Tucker fans

Tucker Carlson | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #468

Theo Von

2.15M subscribers

10 days ago

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.19894839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


T. Rowe Warns Clients Will Withdraw More Than $26 Billion in Quarter


The T. Rowe Price building in New York.Photographer: Bing Guan/Bloomberg

Have a confidential tip for our reporters? Get in Touch

Before it’s here, it’s on the Bloomberg Terminal


By Silla Brush

November 10, 2023 at 5:31 AM GMT-11

Anonymous ID: 2c050b Nov. 10, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.19894841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4854

BTW BO, Dart and all BVs; you are traitors to Q and the great awakening. You censor everything now that falls outside the lines of your echo chamber. Sorry I had to expose you and all your gatekeepers at every turn.

Smoking pepe


Muh Dick






Vatican shill

Finkelstein shit kid

MAGA riot Patriots

"Another day at the office" ass licker son of Sam




Dart the crybaby deleter

Comic book shill

Fist of the north star tard


Mr. Pig



Anjel G

Jesus cartoon LARPer

Ascension Pleiadian copy pasta

Muhjoo shill

P is for Payseur shill

Tits and porn slide shill

Gore shill

CP shill

Pilot Orb

Black Dick

Not_Toilet shill

Touch my cock shill



Anonymous ID: aa58ea Nov. 10, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19894843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4844

Watch the water


Symbolism downfall




llll llll

llll llll

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llll llll

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llll llll

llll llll

llll llll

llll llll

Anonymous ID: 84b925 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19894847   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nope, the votes that were thrown out saved our democracy. It was on the brink. It was the right thing to do and besides, those votes were for a guy who had a "R" next to his name.

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19894849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857


Ezra A. Cohen


Some @apple

employees now think that kidnapping and beheading Jewish children is part of the company’s brand. Interesting choice.


Visegrád 24




People working at the @Apple store in Orange County in California seem very happy to show that they are anti-Israel to the clients.


Via @YaariCohen and @sivanhakolkalul

6:34 AM · Nov 10, 2023




Anonymous ID: dbd779 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19894851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4860 >>4866

FBI considers veterans and Trump supports “disloyal to the United States of America.” Maybe because now the USA is run by communists

Anonymous ID: 618bf9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:47 p.m. No.19894858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel using phosphorus shells on the Sifa hospital…


This is called a war crime…

Israel is hitting the area around Şifa Hospital with phosphorus bombs, the use of which is prohibited under international law.

Anonymous ID: 2c050b Nov. 10, 2023, 12:47 p.m. No.19894859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4871

It's only a free speech board if you love famefaggot board personalities or zionists.

Change my mind before my posts are deleted and I'm banned for free speak.

Anonymous ID: dbd779 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:48 p.m. No.19894866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>FBI considers veterans and Trump supports “disloyal to the United States of America.” Maybe because now the USA is run by communists


An Islamist, a Communist, and a Traitor walk into a bar, and the bartender says, "You're usual, Mr. Brennan?"



Anonymous ID: 9c2045 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:48 p.m. No.19894867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That this latest blackmail ring was so prominently revealed to the public is interdasting af…almost like the feds busted it years ago and just held the blackmail for whatever whenever.

Anonymous ID: 6172b9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:49 p.m. No.19894869   🗄️.is 🔗kun




President - Donald Trump

Vice President - Tucker Carlson

FBI - Kash Patel

SecDef - General Flynn

RNC Chair - Charlie Kirk

Attorney General - Harmeet Dhillon


CIA - Ric Grenell

State Dept - Sarah Huckabee Sanders

DHS - Byron Donalds

FDA - Dr. Malone

Education - (abolish it)

ATF - (abolish it)

IRS - (abolish it)

Treasury - Dr. Peter Navarro

Press Secretary - Jenn Pellegrino


Nov 10, 2023, 2:50 PM

Anonymous ID: 2e5de9 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:49 p.m. No.19894870   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“In service for nothing.” That was THE POINT from Marine leader’s email. Fuckin Bongino war mongers right past that point. Fuck Dan Bongino. He’s all to happy to hype atrocity propaganda of Hamas from Israel without giving any thought to how preposterous the October 7 attack actually is.

Anonymous ID: a8eae0 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:51 p.m. No.19894883   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ezra A. Cohen


This is why @YaleLawSch

is no longer considered to be a serious academic institution. Clown faculty have attracted clown students, who engage in clown-like activity. Only a matter of time before their residual reputation runs out.


Eliana Johnson




Yale Law School’s Schell Center for Human Rights hosted an event on Israeli apartheid. Pressed to host an event on the atrocities of Oct. 7, it demurred, citing the complexity of the situation, via ⁦@aaronsibarium⁩ ⁦@FreeBeacon⁩ -

5:54 AM · Nov 10, 2023




Anonymous ID: a6fd39 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:51 p.m. No.19894890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No. It's not a nude photo of the Judge Engoron.


It's actually Tom Noonan as serial killer Francis Dollarhyde (aka the Toothfairy) in Manhunter. But every time of see a pic of the judge, this comes to mind.

Anonymous ID: d509b7 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:51 p.m. No.19894891   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well… yes i AM loyal to the Constitution and BoRs…


The current “USA Government” is DISloyal to the Constitution and BoRs. So, bring a triple-SWAT team and dogs and helicopters and snipers … whateverthefuck you say, purty moof Wray.

Anonymous ID: 84b925 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.19894893   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Based as fuck. What to do? Vote moar harder? Why bother? We all know exactly what the fuck is going on here and unfortunately, there ain't one damn thing we can do about it.