Anonymous ID: e7d99f Q Research General #11729: The Six Ways From Sunday - #ObamaGate! Edition May 13, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.9163367   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Wednesday 05.13.2020

>>9162213 ————————————–——– Panic? Facebook Announces 'Hateful Memes Challenge' (Cap: >>9162230)

>>9161693 ————————————–——– They [knowingly] unmasked [attached names to] AFTER POTUS won the election of 2016.

>>9159976 ————————————–——– AC-130 gunship lights up the night

>>9159315 ————————————–——– Criminal referrals coming for Mueller Team (Cap: >>9159331)

>>9158650 rt >>9158507 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” WHO WAS DIRECTING AMB. KISLYAK TO MAKE CONTACT [MEETING + PHONE]? (Cap: >>9158751)

>>9158421 ————————————–——– Dates are important. WHO ASKED AMB. KISLYAK TO CALL FLYNN [SET UP _FBI entrap + FISA [late] justify]?

>>9157795 rt >>9157248 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” This is only the start.

>>9156795 rt >>9156649 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” A lot more coming [soon]. (Cap: >>9156649)

>>9156416 ————————————–——– Board under heavy attack. (Cap: >>9156594)

>>9154434 ————————————–——– [Russia] narrative ALL FAKE? (Cap: >>9154455, >>9154510)

>>9154125 ————————————–——– Judge Rudolph Contreras current member of FISC? WHO SIGNED THE FLYNN FISA? (Cap: >>9154456, >>9154504)


Tuesday 05.12.2020

>>9147213 ————————————–——– Article: HCQ – Number Of Prescriptions Explodes In France (Cap: >>9147262)

>>9146122 rt >>9145804 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Subject: Flynn (Cap: >>9147347)

>>9145001 ————————————–——– "The overwhelming majority of people recover from this virus." -Dr. Fauci (Cap: >>9145013)

>>9144649 ————————————–——– Cameras on = masks on. Cameras off - masks off (Cap: >>9145226)

>>9143859 ————————————–——– God Bless America: We are being attacked from within (Cap: >>9143884)

>>9143328 ————————————–——– Coordinated or coincidence re: CA 3-mo extension? (Cap: >>9143436)

>>9143201 ————————————–——– Is this about the virus OR ELECTIONS / STATE BAILOUT? (Caps: >>9143333)

>>9136816 ————————————–——– twatterer - "Explain to me why the media takes their masks off when they think the cameras are off?" (Cap + Vid: >>9136828)

>>9136170 ————————————–——– Punisher meme.

>>9135151 ————————————–——– They have officially retained lawyers. (Cap: >>9135512)

>>9134665 ————————————–——– Listen very carefully. (Video of Gowdy grilling Comey re: unmasking) (Caps: >>9134733, >>9134721, >>9135221, >>9135205)


Monday 05.11.2020 >>9162615

Sunday 05.10.2020 >>9158923

Saturday 05.09.2020 >>9129694


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Anonymous ID: e7d99f May 13, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.9163375   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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>>8986535 Codemonkey announces new standards on obscene loli

>>8971620 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts


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>>9162799 Anon: Q's saying Twitter can't mess with it right now, so... #OBABAGATE

>>9163296 Admiral Rogers: "This is not about politics, this is not about party."

>>9163191 CoronaVirus Aid Act (HR 748 CARES) introduced Jan 19? WTF?

>>9163122 Justice Clarence Thomas invokes Frodo Baggins during SC oral arguments

>>9163046 , >>9162953 @Jim_Jordan: β€œSix ways from Sunday” Here's the list of six

>>9162959 Target Chairman/CEO sold: $13.20m-May 11

>>9162970 Senator Pauls Amendment, vote tomorrow. "Should never happen again"

>>9162939 Judge Sullivan: β€œThe Flynn Case Isn’t Over Until the Judge Says Its Over”

>>9162927 All FISA Court Judges were appointed by SC Chief Justice John Roberts

>>9162807 Marsha Blackburn: The FBI needs to investigate which Obama official unmasked

>>9162812 , >>9162878 Anne Conway leads FISA Court Judges with Obama White House visits

>>9162832 , >>9163225 Planefag Reports

>>9162791 Waters: We found more on Obama in 3 weeks than the Dems did on DJT in 3 years

>>9162787 "My Job Is To Make Syria A Quagmire For The Russians": CIA Doctrine

>>9162756 Decode of Palpatine’s Revenge from May 17, 2017

>>9162717 Trump on Unmasking: β€˜This Was All Obama, This Was All Biden’

>>9162705 GOP lawmakers request info about Chinese-owned drones used to enforce lockdowns

>>9162675 Scavino tweets ObamaGate meme

>>9163357 #11728



>>9162509 Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announces compulsory mask wearing in New Mexico

>>9162520 For Keks: ObamaGate video

>>9162404 , >>9162447 FB created more than 10,000 'hateful memes' to train researchers

>>9162334 Navy MQ-4 Triton Flying Operational Missions From Guam

>>9162297 On Samantha Power's unmasking request

>>9162292 , >>9162341, >>9162368, >>9162377 Fresh DJT, 3m delta with Q & "OBAMAGATE!"

>>9162201 Former Monahans police officer sentenced to 87 months on CP charge

>>9162200 Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot: "swear allegiance to the NEW WORLD ORDER"

>>9162162 POTUS Schedule for Thursday, May 14, 2020

>>9162139 Yates testimony

>>9162110 Anon on why the US Treasury was monitoring General Flynn

>>9162046 Bongino: How come Hussein mentioned perjury and shazam...

>>9162040 Criminal Referrals from Congress that have (seemingly) gone no where

>>9162035 , >>9162093 Fitton re the retired judge appointed in General Flynn's case

>>9162031 Video: Devin Nunes discusses unmasking: β€œIt’s Much Worse Than This”

>>9162016 , >>9162081 Part IV of 'The Deep State Dinner' FOIA

>>9161980 Allentown man arrested for distribution of CP and weapons charges

>>9161959 Video: POTUS 'totally' disagrees with Fauci on his lockdown comments

>>9161946 Republicans Win First Democrat-Held California House Seat Since 1998

>>9161926 Judge Says Facebook Not Immune For Role In Human Trafficking

>>9162593 #11727

Anonymous ID: e7d99f May 13, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.9163379   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>9161116 'Even worse than this': Devin Nunes says 'a whole lot' of Trump associates unmasked

>>9161176 Late 2016 Obama: "There's no way to rig an American election" while secretly abusing powers

>>9161156, >>9161184 Senate panel moves to issue subpoena in probe of Hunter Biden in Ukraine

>>9161180 Sen. Rick Scott: "We are bailing out out liberal politicians who cannot live within their means"

>>9161224, >>9161374, >>9161603 planefagging and boatfagging

>>9161223 All of Joe Biden's WH appointments and VP residence visitors for 10/2014 - 9/2016

>>9161251 New Hussein twat: Despite all the time that’s been lost, we can still...

>>9161282 War Room Plan: Help #ObamaGate on Twitter!

>>9161147 Don Jr set up began June 3rd 2016, the date Goldstone reached out to Jr

>>9161270 Moar diggs on unmask list, Page-Strzok texts, Gowdy/Comey interview

>>9161314, >>9161321, >>9161330, >>9161372, >>9161442 Continuing diggs and Q Proof on Flynn: perjury WTF?

>>9161369 CNN downplays Michael Flynn 'unmasking' bombshell after years of wall-to-wall Russia-Trump coverage

>>9161340 DJT on Fox: "Look, he [FAUCI] wants to play all sides of the equation."

>>9161316 Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc sold by CEO: $20.66m-May 11-12

>>9161385 US Fighter Pilot Association Reveals β€˜Astonishing’ Rate of Cancer Diagnoses

>>9161402 Justice Department Sues Atlanta-Based Property Owners and Management Company for Housing Discrimination Against African Americans

>>9161520, >>9161719 Gateway Pundit: Samantha Power Caught Lying Under Oath, Testified She Had β€˜No Recollection’ of Making Unmasking Request Related to General Flynn

>>9161615, >>9161716 October 18, 2016: Hunter Biden had dinner with Obamas, Fauci, and others

>>9161642 Sen. @RandPaul: "Biden accessed the identity and the private conversation of a political opponent"

>>9161674 How Wrong Were the Coronavirus Models and Why?

>>9161690 ZeroHedge: 992 Billion Reasons Why The Fed Needs Another Market Crash In The Next Few Weeks

>>9161863 #11726



>>9160374, >>9160491, >>9160511, >>9160517, >>9160530, >>9160889, >>9161027 BREAKING WTF: Judge SULLIVAN has appointed retired judge to argue against the government's motion to dismiss the charge against Flynn, and/or for PERJURY charges?

>>9160450 Watergate prosecutors' request to file opinion in Flynn case

>>9160397 Don Jr twat: The Wisconsin Supreme Court just NUKED the lockdowns

>>9160449 Clapper lied under oath?

>>9160445, >>9160518, >>9160548 Why did Obama change the rules on sharing signals intelligence within the intelligence community?

>>9160501 The Senate just voted to let the government keep surveilling your online life without a warrant

>>9160560 NY Times Panics After Instagram Influencers With Millions Of Followers Start Going Down The "Plandemic" Rabbit Hole

>>9160577 Democrats, Jerome Powell Push Spending Big To Avoid Depression

>>9160622 The 11-step globalist SCHEME to destroy America: Avoid the insanity by guarding your immune system, exercising, and reading independent, reliable news

>>9160661 Three male Tennessee judges all rule it's OK to film clothed women without their consent if they're in public

>>9160739, >>9160852 Paul Manafort released from prison Wednesday due to the coronavirus pandemic

>>9160419 Samantha Power testimony re. Flynn vs unmasking list

>>9160759 Papadopolous: "Get Ready for a Ride with Evidence Coming Out on CIA!"

>>9160807 @Jim_Jordan twat: IC has "six ways from Sunday" to get back at you

>>9160811 Rand Paul: Biden β€˜Caught Red-Handed’ Using Govt. Spy Powers Against β€˜Political Opponent’

>>9160901 @DevinNunes says no one wants to see these bastards put in jail more than me

>>9160914 Trump vid clip on unmasking

>>9160924 CM twat: Our CDN had issues earlier and there was under an hour of downtime

>>9160608, >>9160974 Anon posts accompanying letters to unmaskers list?

>>9160722, >>9160926 D5/May 4 graphics

>>9161080 #11725


Previously Collected Notables

>>9158869 #11722, >>9159515 #11723, >>9160393 #11724

>>9160261 #11718, >>9160261 #11719, >>9160261 #11720, >>9157981 #11721

>>9152526 #11714, >>9153364 #11715, >>9154232 #11716, >>9154899 #11717

>>9149440 #11710, >>9150203 #11711, >>9150961 #11712, >>9151691 #11713


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Anonymous ID: e7d99f May 13, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.9163383   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: e7d99f May 13, 2020, 7:04 p.m. No.9163387   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: e7d99f May 13, 2020, 7:44 p.m. No.9163964   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4023 >>4114 >>4140

Lateish Notables

Any missing?


>>9163932 Who We Are:

>>9163890 New Malik: What's this chatter about #ObamaGate?

>>9163856 Chinese Communist Party is making open threats now

>>9163653 CM: New posting upgrade complete

>>9163630, >>9163673, >>9163676, >>9163584 Q decoded D5 today: 4 May = 4/5 = D5

>>9163617 DOD awards $138m contract enabling syringes for future CV vaccine

>>9163612 , >>9163821 Who in the NSA Approved the Flynn Unmasking? Digg

>>9163527 , >>9163731 Kislyak diggz

>>9163526 MP4: Yates, Clapper deny every being anonymous source

>>9163517 , >>9163535 On CV Act: The Bill changed name. PB >>9163191

>>9163510 Ingraham Unmasking timeline segment notes

>>9163495 Poll ---- Let's flip this bitch β€” DELETED >>9163898

>>9163476 TechnoFog: Flynn amicus John Gleeson once worked with Andrew Weissmann

>>9163448 , >>9163452 Warrant served on Sen. Burr in stock investigation

>>9163447 Mayor of LA announces compulsory mask-wearing

>>9163440 For keks and Wizard - POTUS: Lord of The Memes

Anonymous ID: e7d99f May 13, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.9164136   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4181


>>9164005 Report: Over 100 Inmates Freed from Rikers Island Rearrested for Crimes

>>9163984 Fitton: Schiff caught spying on POTUS team and now trying to hide the evidence

>>9163981 Planefag Updates

>>9163948 , >>9163986 Cruz tweets a Q acct & video of Cryin' Shuck cryin' 'bout it

>>9163932 Who We Are:

>>9163890 New Malik: What's this chatter about #ObamaGate?

>>9163856 Chinese Communist Party is making open threats now

>>9163653 CM: New posting upgrade complete

>>9163630, >>9163673, >>9163676, >>9163584 Q decoded D5 today: 4 May = 4/5 = D5

>>9163617 DOD awards $138m contract enabling syringes for future CV vaccine

>>9163612 , >>9163821 Who in the NSA Approved the Flynn Unmasking? Digg

>>9163527 , >>9163731 Kislyak diggz

>>9163526 MP4: Yates, Clapper deny every being anonymous source

>>9163517 , >>9163535 On CV Act: The Bill changed name. Re pb >>9163191

>>9163510 Ingraham Unmasking timeline segment notes

>>9163495 Poll ---- Let's flip this bitch --- DELETED >>9163898

>>9163476 TechnoFog: Flynn amicus John Gleeson once worked with Andrew Weissmann

>>9163448 , >>9163452 Warrant served on Sen. Burr in stock investigation

>>9163447 Mayor of LA announces compulsory mask-wearing

>>9163440 For keks and Wizard - POTUS: Lord of The Memes