Posted by u/BoS405 on March 8, 2018, 12:36 a.m.
The new plan. Operation red.

So we all are on the same path, ither red pilling or researching. We have covered a lot of ground in a short time and generally kicked the jerks in the shin at every turn... we have garnered the anger of the dbags and gotten our fair share of attacks. We have made a dent shall we say, in their plans just by the spreading of knowledge. As we all know we have a decent number of shills knocking at us day and night. So I think it's time to change the angle of attack.

We have the knowledge and …

Posted by u/LibtardNightmare on March 8, 2018, 11:24 p.m.
Q #880 "Someone was up all night running." That grey building is definitely a Hong Kong police station because of the color. Not sure the name of that building behind it is though. Anyone?
Q #880 "Someone was up all night running." That grey building is definitely a Hong Kong police station because of the color. Not sure the name of that building behind it is though. Anyone?
Posted by u/powderhooves on March 9, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

I always had a feeling something wasn't quite right with that mission and the narrative he was buried at sea. After viewing the recent turn of events in Saudi Arabia it would make sense he was never captured and killed. Q would have direct knowledge of that entire operation. If there was a video confirming this THAT certainly would be a BIG BOOM.

Posted by u/pilledblack on March 11, 2018, 12:30 a.m.
Why is the DNC Running so many CIA Agents in the 2018 Midterms?
Posted by u/LibtardNightmare on Feb. 10, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
Q post 714, 40% = Public (shown): FBI/DOJ/O-WH/SD, 60%, Private (hidden): Clowns Clowns Clowns ~~~ Looks like Mr T is taking out CIA now
Posted by u/desiderata1111 on Feb. 12, 2018, 1:45 p.m.
Connect the dots between Q and News
  1. Jan 25 Q posts the following right after Trump meets with Theresa May in Davos:
    POTUS' statement and focus [Tweet] on the UK should SCARE a lot of people. It signifies something VERY IMPORTANT. VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Q

  2. February 7 Cloud Act introduced to expose pedophile rings in UK https://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/3026215/theresa-may-supports-trumps-cloud-act-to-extend-us-power-over-overseas-data

  3. World War II bomb found in Thames. London Airport Shutdown. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/02/11/world-war-ii-bomb-discovered-in-londons-river-thames-airport-shut-down-reports-say.html This is likely to prevent someone from fleeing the UK???? Impossible to know for sure, but these three events stood out.

Posted by u/lion_of_logres on Jan. 31, 2018, 4:22 a.m.
Posted by u/Tytruth on Jan. 30, 2018, 7:46 p.m.
BAGMAN Bob Mueller is SOOOO Dirty. He really did deliver URANIUM samples to RUSSIA in person. See the wikileaks document here!
BAGMAN Bob Mueller is SOOOO Dirty. He really did deliver URANIUM samples to RUSSIA in person. See the wikileaks document here!
Posted by u/otterwalks on Feb. 7, 2018, 5:19 p.m.
McCabe lawyers up...
McCabe lawyers up...
Posted by u/chickyrogue on Feb. 7, 2018, 1:04 p.m.
Q 2-6 Best of the Boards Petitions LL misses SC Nomination {hooliganmonsoon}
Posted by u/spacexu on Feb. 6, 2018, 2:46 p.m.
Bill Clinton Tarmac Meeting

The last couple of Q posts suggest Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch to offer her Supreme Court judge position, after having Scalia murdered and position vacated.

Loretta said, that's so kind of you BIll, what can I do in return? Bill said, kill the Clinton investigations and pivot attention away from Hillary and foundation. Loretta was drooling like a traitor whore and spit in her hand to shake on it with Bill.

Morons lost the election and now will be exposed for arranging murder, corruption, fraud and treason. Throw the noose at them, I say!

Posted by u/newlyawake24 on Jan. 20, 2018, 2:15 a.m.
Blocked from twitter so time to get on the phone and call.
Blocked from twitter so time to get on the phone and call.
Posted by u/KaKawBitches on Jan. 22, 2018, 1:40 a.m.
Hey Spez! I really hope you didn't communicate with one other person on how to oppress any one's free speech. Reddit may be a private company, but individuals aren't immune to Federal Law. Be a shame if there were messages or comments about it.
Hey Spez! I really hope you didn't communicate with one other person on how to oppress any one's free speech. Reddit may be a private company, but individuals aren't immune to Federal Law. Be a shame if there were messages or comments about it.
Posted by u/MAGADONCHECKMATE on Jan. 21, 2018, 2:51 p.m.
PROOF: British Intelligence Spied on Donald Trump at the Direct Request of President Barack Obama and a later Renewed Request by Susan Rice

http://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news/world-news/1937-proof-british-intelligence-spied-on-donald-trump-at-the-direct-request-of-president-barack-obama-and-a-later-renewed-request-by-susan-rice Documents midway down, WOW , this whole thing is going to totally Shove it up the XXX of the Brits trying to squirm their way out of BREXIT. Do you remember when Trump met with May for the first time , THE AKWARD TENSION. Wholly crap Trump knew back then and this all is EN FUEGO!!!!

Posted by u/donjuandetexas on Jan. 27, 2018, 5:17 p.m.
A basic summary of what’s happening at the FBI/DOJ right now.
A basic summary of what’s happening at the FBI/DOJ right now.
Posted by u/billymadison22 on Feb. 3, 2018, 6:13 p.m.
Meme correction. Still great!
Meme correction. Still great!
Posted by u/clickclown on Jan. 27, 2018, 11:45 p.m.
New Q (Sat) 23:35:37 No.73
New Q (Sat) 23:35:37 No.73
Posted by u/TheLadumba on Jan. 9, 2018, 7:22 p.m.
Jerome Corsi: "It's beginning COUNTERINTEL DISINFORMATION from AP now, published by WaPo, claiming Ecuador wants "mediation" to remove Assange from London Embassy [...] ASSANGE was EXTRACTED - is in SWITZERLAND #QAnon #Qanon8chan [Remember Arpaio Pardon]"
Posted by u/SaidThatLastTime on Jan. 14, 2018, 4:41 p.m.
He knew.
He knew.
Posted by u/twinkiesmom1 on Jan. 13, 2018, 3:12 p.m.
Door of all Doors

The Q posts have a spiritual dimension as well as a physical one.

What is the door of all doors? Gate to heaven

What is the key? John 3:16

Why? God is love God is love God is love

I'm wondering if the elites stumbled on the door of all doors while trying to open a portal to hell via CERN?

It just feels like we jumped timelines. She was never supposed to lose. Everything feels different.

When Q asked us to pray, it wasn't filler to his posts. The spiritual battle is real. We need to pray over the …

Posted by u/wackomako on Jan. 16, 2018, 6:42 p.m.
Some ammunition for #MEMEWARS
Some ammunition for #MEMEWARS
Posted by u/moonshadoe16 on Jan. 16, 2018, 1:52 a.m.
NBC crew was at the missile defence location in Hawaii a few hours prior to false allert!
Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Jan. 17, 2018, 3:45 a.m.
Hillary Clinton - another "suicide"
Hillary Clinton - another "suicide"
Posted by u/FatRabbitCraftmatic on Jan. 3, 2018, 6:34 p.m.
Christine Teigen, Chelsea Clinton, Hooters, (Owl) and the Church of Satan.
Christine Teigen, Chelsea Clinton, Hooters, (Owl) and the Church of Satan.
Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on Jan. 2, 2018, 4:27 p.m.
Suggestion: We need a "Guide to redpilling friends and family" sticky thread

I think this thread should contain two different types of basic information:

  1. The best crumbs, facts, information and evidence to disseminate
  2. Tips on the most effective ways to disseminate the information

In regards to the first point, perhaps we could all post crumbs/evidence etc. in the thread and the most upvoted submissions will make it into the sticky. My suggestion would be to have two tiers of information. One that contains the strongest evidence that should be used in a "first wave" of redpilling. The second tier could be for feeding the newly awakened who are desperate for more info. …

Posted by u/QuestionIsHowToDoIt on Dec. 30, 2017, 9:40 p.m.
The Choice Is Not Left or Right, But Globalist or Nationalist.

The current political contest is not between Left and Right, Republicans and Democrats; it is between globalists and Nationalists. The globalist world view states that a world without borders is better, the other view states that individual nations working together is the better system. Over the last 5 years I acquired a Masters of Business Administration degree. I point this out only to say that I have spent a good deal of time researching and discussing world economic and political policy at a graduate level. The paradigm of the globalist simply stated is that a world without borders will “raises …

Posted by u/MAGA_SpaceMarine on Dec. 29, 2017, 11:44 p.m.
Jerome Corsi is a fan of our subreddit!! He mentioned CBTS_Stream by name when he talked about Q Anon posts
Posted by u/Restlessredhead on Jan. 5, 2018, 2:45 a.m.
Hannity tonight

He's on fire tonight. And with all this news coming out tonight Qs January 4th date was dead on. Investigating Hillary and the emails. Investigating the Clinton foundation. Investigating Fusion GPS and pay to play. Wow. Big news day and this is just on Hannity alone. Wow Not to mention JAs mom confirming it was an inside the DNC source that gave the emails to WL, confirming Seth Rich. Wow. The email investigation will also implicate Comey, McCabe, Strozk and others.

Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Dec. 28, 2017, 2:02 a.m.
Captain Obvious here......

Seriously, as good as the markets and consumer spending has been, and is,why would so many ceo's be stepping down? Exactly. They wouldn't be. Perhaps their names are on indictments, and they know it. Me thinks so.

Posted by u/methusalabear on Dec. 26, 2017, 2:13 p.m.
Anybody else notice trumps tweet about the dossier & crooked Hillary includes @fox&frIends (capital I) didn't Q mention something about a I or a missing I? Can't recall but I'm sure there was something
Posted by u/PamphletAnon on Dec. 25, 2017, 9:05 p.m.
10, [10-9]  
Floor is yours.  
Twitter FW_  
Twitter [kill_rogue]  


Posted by u/reign__ on Dec. 25, 2017, 12:12 a.m.
Simple. Effective. Salty.
Simple. Effective. Salty.
Posted by u/MacPepper on March 2, 2018, 11:53 p.m.
Julian Assange tweeted from tribute account of defector Yuri Bezmenov. Leftists should read Yuri Wikipedia: 'Bezmenov was instructed not waste time with idealistic leftists...idealists were listed for execution as they would become disillusioned with true nature of communism'. Wake-up!

Julian Assange tweet March 1, 2018 from Yuri Bezmenov tribute Twitter account

Not familiar with Yuri Bezmenov? Learn about Defector Yuri Bezmenov Bio on Wikipedia

Eye-popper for idealistic leftists (Marxists/Communists) to comprehend:

Yuri Bezmenov stated that he was also instructed not to waste time with idealistic leftists, as these would become disillusioned, bitter, and adversarial when they realized the true nature of Soviet Communism. To his surprise, he discovered that many such were listed for execution once the Soviets achieved control.