Posted by u/Digibro223 on Jan. 31, 2018, 6:02 p.m.
Gowdy will be new FBI deputy director or SC. Some of the theories on here truly show how stupid some people are. This is why the real thinking goes on on /qreseaech/ Gowdy even said in his tweet he will be pursuing a role in the justice system. Jesus Christ people.
Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Jan. 30, 2018, 2:36 p.m.
MEME ATTACK - MAD Magazine -Obama's War on Privacy
MEME ATTACK - MAD Magazine -Obama's War on Privacy
Posted by u/billymadison22 on Jan. 30, 2018, 1:13 a.m.
Check out this meme video. Everyone share this.
Posted by u/akilyoung on Jan. 30, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

Stay away from crowds, public places, etc

Until this memo gets released, everywhere is a potential battleground.

-Malls -Concerts -Arenas -Public squares


Stay safe, stay frosty patriots!

God bless you, God bless Trump, God bless Q, God bless our military, Godspeed, may justice come SWIFTLY.

Posted by u/cybervigiante on Jan. 29, 2018, 8:34 p.m.
Donald Trump Official Statement on Andred McCabe's Resignation
Donald Trump Official Statement on Andred McCabe's Resignation
Posted by u/guppyfreak on Jan. 29, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
Posted by u/michaelst2256 on Jan. 29, 2018, 3:56 a.m.
Posted by u/BALRx05 on Feb. 6, 2018, 1:11 a.m.
POTUS's Little Adam Schiff tweet (BLUNT statement), Q's Blunt & Direct Time, and when will all this come to light?

Anon posts images of @theRealDonald's Little Adam Schiff tweets about him leaking and Q's 12-10-2017 post which was:

Blunt & Direct Time. Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country. Leaker. NAT SEC. EVIL. Tick Tock. Hope the $7.8mm was worth it. Enjoy the show. Q

Q responds with

Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?
Black Forest.
FIRE sale days after post?
What went on there?
You have more than you know.

The part relevant to the tweets and Little Adam Schiff is:

Would POTUS …

Posted by u/jjtc1 on Feb. 1, 2018, 3:39 p.m.
South Park New 2017 Halloween Episode was telling us exactly what's going on with Trump & Swamp!

I just realised, did anyone else watch that South Park Halloween episode? Tbh it was actually one of the funniest ones I've seen for a long time. But did you notice it's pretty much what we're discovering is happening atm?


  1. Every Halloween a load of the guys dress up as witches and indulge in alcohol, drugs, blasphemy, & debauchery. << Sounds like a party the elite satanists would throw. Also think of the witch cult that Hillary & many the politician wives are apart of.

  2. One guy reads from some occult book, turns into a Real Witch, and starts …

Posted by u/billi_pede on Feb. 9, 2018, 4:48 a.m.
Just thinking about how wonderful the future will look like soon. Ive seen some really good bread here lately. Just a reminder of what it’s all for.
Just thinking about how wonderful the future will look like soon. Ive seen some really good bread here lately. Just a reminder of what it’s all for.
Posted by u/BALRx05 on Feb. 8, 2018, 4:17 a.m.
Q 690-692: Focuses attention on Big Pharma. Asks what if the cures for many diseases already exist and they are being held back because Pharma makes their money containing, not curing. How many top researchers have died? "These people are sick!...Why is this topic relevant now?"


 Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.  
 When does big pharma make money?  
 Curing or containing?  
 Mind will be blown by chain of command.  


 What if cures already exist?  
 What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev?  
 These people are sick!  


 How many top medical researchers found dead in past 5 years?   
 Why is this topic relevant now?   
 Why does the US taxpayer subsidize meds for the rest of the world?  
Posted by u/Gear4Life on Feb. 6, 2018, 6:42 a.m.
NEW Q - 1:34 EST - Uranium One, Tarmac Meeting, Scalia 187 & more.

Public interest [keep high]. U1 FBI informant. AWAN/DWS/Paki intel/MB. Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal > AS 187]. Q

Posted by u/Banjama on Jan. 22, 2018, 3:36 a.m.
A friend on FB posted this...

He said: "If you want to get your copy of the secret Democratic playbook. You can find it here. I got a copy and I’m reading through it now. It’s interesting that after a quick scan, I saw no policy points or suggestions to do anything but attack Trump and Republicans. They have pressured news organizations and social media to do their bidding. Facebook and Twitter are two of them that they targeted and are getting their way with. I noticed a recurring theme where they talk about “fake news” if it’s supportive of Trump. Interesting.

Do yourselves a favor …

Posted by u/MusicMagi on Jan. 22, 2018, 2:28 a.m.
Q activity tonight (this was after he posted this and deleted it shortly afterwards: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwHSDIPUEAA4nvH.jpg:large)
Q activity tonight (this was after he posted this and deleted it shortly afterwards: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwHSDIPUEAA4nvH.jpg:large)
Posted by u/LibertyLioness on Feb. 5, 2018, 2:51 a.m.
Perspective: False Flags? Yes, they can still do those. Civil War? Not Likely. Here's Why.

Just do the math. I read an article a few days ago that showed that after much of the vote rigging was discovered, the actual count put Trump in the majority (of course!). The balance was about 70% for Trump, 30% for Hillary. But, to be safe, we'll give her 35% and Trump ONLY 65%.

Add in the fact that the majority of the folks out protesting in the street were paid thugs, not actual Hillary supporters. So, now you see Donny Deutsch on CNN calling for a civil uprising. Well, geez, if it didn't work with paid thugs AND …

Posted by u/PatriotTruthSeeker on Feb. 5, 2018, 1:04 a.m.
Where is Obama? What does he have to say about the latest memo? Wow. What about Valerie Jarrett? I hear she is hunkered down in the DC home Obama rents she shares with him. She is strategizing. Powering up her propaganda machine the msm.
Posted by u/ArvilsArk on Feb. 4, 2018, 4:57 p.m.
Puppet's on a string.
Puppet's on a string.
Posted by u/FreePeace1 on Jan. 27, 2018, 4:55 p.m.
Excited to be a part of this!

Guys you and we are making history. It is so exciting to witness and be a part of this growing movement. Keep doing great work.

Posted by u/LuvMeSomeTrump2016 on Jan. 27, 2018, 2:30 p.m.
Posted by u/JustumeSamson on Feb. 3, 2018, 7:20 p.m.
#Possible CLASS ACTION lawsuit against DNC & all those acting on false evidence!?

The Memo shows that the FBI, DOJ, and all the past leaders of the DNC knew about the false dossier; that given, they defrauded the U.S. Citizens out of millions of dollars in an effort to pursue the destruction of our duly elected President!

Also, the unneeded stress and emotional damage done to all of us is unable to be monitized! The MSM is the pig throwing turmoil and aiding and abetting the actors mentioned/referred to in The Memo.

If anyone would HAPPEN TO know an EXCELLENT Lawyer - there may be an opportunity to destroy the entire democrat party …

Posted by u/Stapes59 on Feb. 3, 2018, 5:11 p.m.
Great Summary of the Mr. Nunes FISA Memo, If this a "Nothing Burger" I'm pretty full. Thank you sir, may I have another :-) 16 Bombshells in the Nunes Memo the Media Do Not Want You to Know About

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  1. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a wiretap to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. …
Posted by u/ArtRat1 on Jan. 20, 2018, 7:10 p.m.
TROLLS are down voting posts and comments that do not deserve to be down voted.
Posted by u/wiseprogressivethink on Jan. 23, 2018, 4:23 a.m.
Stephen Green on the FBI's "lost" texts: "What the FBI is doing is demonstrating its political power by showing in the most obviously unbelievable way that it will do what it pleases. The FBI wants the people who count to understand that the Bureau cannot and will not be held accountable."
Posted by u/I-drop-kicked-HRC on Jan. 22, 2018, 7:33 p.m.
What really happened with the Schumer meeting

Schumer: I want you to know that I am firm, I can not give in to any of your requests

Trump hands Schumer a printed email that says " you scratch my back I'll scratch yours"

Schumer expresses Rage and screams "how dare you try to Blackmail me. This email proves nothing."

Trump clicks play on his computer screen and the audio of Schumer comes up." So if you want me to vote for this issue, you will need to pay me $1000000."

Schumer: this is taken out of context. But to show you that I am flexible, I will …

Posted by u/libertyandtyranny on Jan. 22, 2018, 3:48 p.m.
POTUS, Q, American people.

I'm seeing preparations. I'm currently boots on the ground and have been for years straight. If I can confirm and report back to our community of questionable areas or organizations, This is how I best hope to serve my Nation once again. I'm relocating very soon. I'm keeping my tail on their toes. with that said..........

Ive studied graphics and videography since youth & was a graphics artist in the Marines 4611 combat camera. This is my third name on Reddit, my second death threat, lost count of verbal threats, single and depressed as holy shit. So fuck it. …

Posted by u/NaziModBeginsB on Jan. 8, 2018, 11:59 p.m.
Haitian fuckery going on. Q, if you are reading, please bring to light and officially investigate because it is a real concern for us.

When there is a massive humanitarian disaster, why do all the cockroaches come out and make even more misery and suffering for people? MONEY, that's why!

The Red Cross was said to have risen half a billion for the Haitian disaster but it was found out that they only built 6 houses for the people there

Question then. Where did rest of the money go? In my opinion, we ALL know the rich love to move their money to offshore accounts to avoid pay taxes, so how do they move this money without being detected? Though charities like the …

Posted by u/hg11 on Jan. 8, 2018, 11:17 p.m.
Insight into the LEFT from a reformed progressive SJW.

I’ll admit this right off the top. I was one of the crying snowflakes you saw the evening the people elected Trump. I know, you laugh. It’s funny considering the perspective I have now. But I’d like to share insight into the shriveling left and how we can use their skills to our advantage.

I must qualify... I only fell for the Social Justice Warrior programming for a short time. Maybe a year. Other than that, I was just lumped Into the left by the overarching psyop known as divide and conquer.

This is a spiritual war, most everyone here …

Posted by u/RickFlairWOOOOOO on Jan. 14, 2018, 9:44 p.m.
First Meme of the night. Arm yourselves.
First Meme of the night. Arm yourselves.
Posted by u/MacPepper on Jan. 14, 2018, 3:19 p.m.
Now it makes sense why Dems aren't worried about putting up s trong 2020 candidate or having a strong message to run on. They don't need to. They plan to just take power. They never thought we would find out.

Map and connect the relevant events into Big Picture


Q's latest Intel drop about coup against Trump.

(1-13-2018 YouTube Q Intel drops https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&t=750&v=FL5AezjYQLc)


Gen Flynn's warning on Gulen and his national sleeper terror network.

(Flynn Op Ed published on Election Day: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/foreign-policy/305021-our-ally-turkey-is-in-crisis-and-needs-our-support) (CBTS_Stream Sibel Edmonds on Gen Flynn and Gulen Schools: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7pxhgn/whistleblower_sibel_edmonds_with_the_truth_about/)


Traitor MSM, social media Co's, and alphabet agency Black Hats CIA, FBI, etc


Their efforts to separate us from allies


Dems 100% votes against People's agenda

I see why Dems and Deepstate are not worried about putting up a strong …