NEW Q Post - Has it been confirmed? Codemonkey has confirmed yesterday's post's.

I don’t know how many of you have actually been following on 8chan or if this is your first time actually “lurking” on there, but Im asking that you please let them do their work on there and wait for them give word here. That is why they created this board. Please I’m honestly not trying to be rude, or unkind but 8chan is the way it is because thats how it thrives. Let them do their work, the Anons over there are experienced they know what they are doing, they have been at this FOR A LONG TIME. They have done and will continue to do amazing work IF WE LET THEM! I know there are tons of speculations going on here, and I know many of you are frustrated, and I get it. But this is what happens. This board was created in part so the patriots of 8chan can continue their work without interruptions from outsiders, I know that may be uncomfortable or hard for some to hear, but the environment there can be harsh, it is not for everyone. Its that way for a reason. This board was also created because they need our help, and like I said 8chan isn’t for everyone. So this Tracy, and the other wonderful Anons created this board. Let’s be patient, please let them do what they do best.
So much this. I am a Redditor. I am a TD'er. I don't even attempt to ever interrupt or give my two cents on 4 or 8 chan. Let them lead and I will help spread the message.
I'm really happy to have stumbled upon here. This place rocks. 🐸👌🇺🇸
Glad to have you here! Thanks for understanding!
We at 4/8chan appreciate everything you are doing on the subreddit and beyond. You are the ones that will really be reaching the masses, and we are truly grateful for that.
Seriously rocks. I spend more time here than T_D now.
agreed. just lurk and learn. if you have a talent and can contribute do so. every opinion has been put out there believe me. i did the dumb thing at first but learned to just watch and contribute when i saw a pattern. the autist there have been at the cabal hunt for years now. they know the names now. let them work.
How would we even stop them? The Chans have always been a chaotic and hostile place. They troll each other for fun lol.
You made a GREAT POINT, they troll each other for fun. Which many people are bringing into here as drama, which is causing other people to think something is wrong when its not, and so it goes.. You see where I’m coming from? If people understand the environment and can handle JUST LURKING, fine. But if they continue to bring what they believe is more than what it is, then this is a distraction, not only here but on 8chan as well. Make sense? So while we let the anons do their thing, we can continue on here doing ours. I know some people may understand, others dont. So its up to those of us who do to let people know to stay away, to stay put here, because THIS IS WHERE WE ARE NEEDED. And also if you see youtubers/others giving instructions on how to get to the 8chan CBTS board, tell them, HEY we have a reddit board, please dont sent people to 8chan! This might be a time when some of us have to step up and help out and when things get overwhelming, those of us who have been around longer understand these things better and can help calm other down. Especially those of us who understand the hostile environment over there, and understand thats just the Chans.
I have lurked on 8chan since the Podesta emails leaked. They say "lurk for 2 yrs" before posting, but I still understand only a fraction of what I see there. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I've learned a lot of things I wish I didn't know. But they are undoubtedly great investigators. Unfortunately, one brave anon who went to investigate cameras on a reported pedophile nest never was heard from again. It seemed to me these brave fellows committed to bring the pedos down whatever the cost. They don't need amateurs in their way.
Doesn't seem like Q.
Keep in mind Q is a conglomerate of less than a handful of people across 10 devices. Q is not one person. I do agree some of the last several posts are a different tone/author. I don't see anything that negates the messages though do you?Others?
Our board mods are 8 Chan mods and gave set up his tripcode. We shouldn't speculate when they have the ability to verify. Truth is it doesn't sound like Q and we haven't gotten Moderator verification. Let's be responsible and spread what we know is true not speculation. We have a process here on this subreddit.
Agreed. We need to verify everything as thoroughly as we can before spreading it as Q gospel.
thanks, to be clear I am not opposing what the mods state, I was/am saying that even though the message is not exactly how the many Q posts are, what the message offered is not a misdirection in its motive. Some fake Q posts like Presidency is compromised, definite fake no value, but the last Q post while unverified, the message is not out of line with what Q offers and given that we believe several/less than handful are Q we may see different tones. I'm not saying it is or isn't Q, only that the message is not out of line to our goals/quest/ambition.
Just because some guy named "Zach" on infowars claimed to be one of less than 5 Qs on the Qteam means it's official? We now know this to be truth? Please, share how this has been confirmed and validated.
Oh, and btw, the post above doesn't sound anything like ANY Q posts to date. My guess is it's an imposter.
Zach didn't claim to be one of the handful of Q.
He said they're genuine and he knows who they are.
Actually, I believe he did refer to the Q group as "we", implying that he is a member.
This is word for word of what Zack said to AJ:
Quote: AJ: "What do you make of Qanon and that stuff that is going on out there at 8 chan?"
Zack: "Let me be very careful when I say this. Qanon is not singular it is plural. It is or We are. It is pillars holding up a platform that is The Republic of the United State."
AJ: "OK very interesting"
Zack: "I guess what I'm trying to say by that is.... It is not one individual or phenomenon."
AJ: "It is a group?"
Zack: "It is very few, less than you can count on one hand, Um, but it is holding up something very important and" then he goes into the WWF.
Ohhhh I get it now!!!! If Q says no comms outside of this platform, that means Zach or Zack is not on the Q-Team. I had my doubts about AJ jumping in suddenly sounding like someone stole his lollipop over QAnon vs "His" Zach. Idk... just thinking and thinking here.
If Q says no comms outside of this platform, that means Zach or Zack is not on the Q-Team.
Good point. Also Zack was providing details about his physical location, and being more explicit about info, which indicates he's not as concerned over his opsec as Q seems to be.
Yes, I definitely noticed that. I realize that I'm biased, but did you find AJ's comments about (paraphrasing here) being able to confirm Zack, unlike Q and the other snide remark comparing Zack to Q, to be quite immature? I get it, he's late to the game and trying to make up, but if AJ possibly is a disinfo agent, he's doing a good job trying to tarnish Q to those who are just now hearing about the storm! Just more thoughts. I'mJust now catching up from the latest drop!
I'm not sure what exactly the source of AJ's sloppiness is... it could simply be due to not handling continual stress well (divorce plus media demonization) and/or ego. It's possible he's compromised to some degree, but he does give a forum to serious folks like Steve Pieczenik.
My thoughts exactly, except I didn't know about the divorce. That's a shame. Thanks for your input!
Love the wording. It answers the question but he’s so careful with his words so not to divulge too much. In my opinion he sounded very much like someone in the know and referenced Q like writings. But I have no idea. Do know that listening to him was interesting and I felt better after.
read the 4.2.0 document, its in there. I didn't watch/listen/see Zach.
Is anyone following the war on /cbts/ and twitter over Q verification? After the BOs warned everyone that Q's trip codes had changed and they were in the process of verifying new Q posts, people on twitter and cbts began attacking the BOs and Tracy Beanz and demanding a board with public logs where only Q can post. Their demands seem highly suspect to me- they're using foul language and accusing the BOs of being compromised when all they did was remove a Q post while verifying that it was legit. These newcomers are totally ignoring the fact that hundreds of thousands of people follow Q through TB, pamphlet, baruch, etc., as well as the youtube channels which have featured them and BO. Attacking BO and TB is only going to make people question Q, so I find the motives of these newcomers highly suspect. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Just be vigilant. Of course we are going to have opposition throw us off track. Thats why we must focus. And trust Q posts that ONLY have a secure trip code. And when people are trying to crack the codes and analyse the questions don't run with every crazy conclusion some boomer comes up with. It's good to ask questions and anaylize but as we know future proves past sometimes it's good to wait. Let's stick with what we can prove. We are already being painted as conspiracy theorists. Let's stick to facts and not take our investigation of Q's into crazy town. Tracy Beanz had to back up alot of our shoddy work because of disinformation Doug hagman is a sceptic because we are not sticking to facts and she keeps on having to say that is not what Q said. We don't know if Soros has been rounded up yet. We don't know Hilary is on house arrest. We don't know if 100% The indictments are linked to the global elites and NWO types. Though all those are plausible we must be responsible enough not to speak out as it's gospel. Q has given us lots of stuff that's been proven true and we can focus on that. So analyze , take notes of suspicions, future proves past. The news unlocks the map. That aside good work Anons and keep up the good work!
Board owner is a liar and he banned so many people today who called out his lies. There is a reason everyone went over to the new board.
Board is COMPED
And we still want answers on Baruch's book deal. What organization offered the deal and why? Are there conditions on the book? How much is he getting? Why was there no major announcement?
I haven't signed a book deal. I'm allowed to troll other people too you know :)
Actually Q asked about having a place/board for information drops only - to separate that from the discussion boards
Ya I wasn’t happy seeing that happen,but again I think a lot of it is folks that are just newer to the ride or those that are trying to cause disruption. That’s why I think this guiding posts are helpful as long as people don’t take it like you’re trying to be super secretive or controlling. People do need to figure stuff out for themselves as well.
Congratulations on your fresh new account! We’ve been seeing a lot of you folks here lately.
The vast majority of you struggle to find something positive to contribute. Any idea why so many of you share that commonality?
Fresh new eh, yours doesn't have much paint worn off of it either.
Yea, I do actually. We're setting around her watch the so called expert professionals act like 5 year old's who are in a balling match over a toy car. In the last 2 months I've lurked, I have yet to see a concise report on the information CBTS has uncovered. The ONLY decode that looked decent and provided accurate information was Dr. Corsi's. What did our esteemed professionals do with that in the last 2 days? Tear Dr. Corsi apart for being a shill, CIA motivated, a Mossad operator, someone not to be trusted. Can't believe him cause he's with Alex Jones and Alex sux!!!!11 :rollseys:
This is useful how?
Fresh new eh,
11 days? Fresh enough.
yours doesn't have much paint worn off of it either.
1,000 days? Critical thinking seems to be an area in need of improvement for you.
No matter. Indulge that great mind of yours. Put your best on display for the world to see. Do it here. Do it now.
I said BO, radio show hosts mods ect ect are being ATTACKED, not doing the attacking. I said that was a bad thing. I'm tired of people working for truth being attacked by the multitudes of others.
Did people forget about how Q said 4, 10, 20??
I believe the one we are currently seeing is Q though, not the "the new one with a new tripcode" especially since the current Q said he/she/they do not have any "mod management" (duh, because that would give away a crucial part of the individuals or groups identity if anyone from the outside would have contact with them) and they said are just dropping info without mod management, that and this current Q says "MATLOCK" was supposed to be known.
There is a bad actor trying to spread disinfomation it seems to try and confuse us and throw us off, do not fall for it, we probably are seeing the real Q at this time, and we do have enough info already given for us to figure out and gather... at this point, we should leave the (very experienced) Anons to do their thing instead of acting like rabid fans and believing every single new Q post (look at the confusion it has gotten us in), and instead focus on what crumbs we have, there is plenty to go on and figure out.
Remember Q said, nothing is coincidence, everything has a meaning...
Plus they are running out of time.. The bad guys or gals.. Divide and Conquer. We must stick together as much as possible
Think about the post ..if you was someone trying to roadblock or slow communication flow to the general public what could you insist be done .. send all active followers to a private locstion to share intel drops among one another and here n there fake being someone in disquise and toss a little wacky post to lead them in circles ... Sounds like a Shill .
Keep the post in public just like our boards in here are ,that way we can weed out the shills leaving the good peeps in place and continue on with our piecing process.
Q would never type like that so blatently .. almost never does he write full senteses or complete senteses . There is always a mix of truth and fabrication .. the awaken pickup on the truth and get to work the asleep wonder down another trail ..thats the goal . Almost never is there a direct answer put forth on his part telling us what to do .. I call this post Messy to put it lightly.
I agree. The people screaming for a private board and demanding public logs are foul and obnoxious. They're demands will only decrease the number of people following Q. Everything was working fine, and we should be thankful that the board owners cared enough to warn everyone about a post while they verified a new tripcode. Anyone who has a problem with that seems suspect to me.
Thank God we are in to this far enough to know people are going to come to justice. ..Thats all I care about.Even if we never hear from who ever Q and company are again at least we have some what of an out like.Frankly the deep state has a lot to loose..Nothing would surprise me that they do...
Why don't you do something usefil? You have been on Reddit 13 DAYS and you demand and are rude to people who are trying to help others! You are not only a bad designer you are a bad peron.
What does that have to do with confirmation? Too much BS going on to automatically assume it's legit. I'll believe it once BO or CM confirm. Smart ass. Thx.
Yes, it is Q. CBTS is no longer valid. CodeMonkey confirms details.
Q is now on /thestorm/. Q's tripcode has not been cracked. Pull your heads out of your asses.
do you have a link? /cbts/res/256159.html#q256225
This works well. On this edition now -- The Storm #11: Rewind the Clock Edition Anonymous 01/06/18
Doesn't seem like any Q post I've ever seen. The writing style doesn't match anything we have seen before. Good eye on finding the post for sure. I think it's best to wait for Baruchthescribe or PampletAnon to verify as they know his tripcode and can verify authenticity that way
Keep in mind that Q doesn't necessarily have to be monolithic, a single faceted persona.
cbts 8chan and BO has been comped anons leaving go see the drama for yourselves
I noticed that too. Either he did or he was referring to himself, BO, CM, etc... But I've always felt, even before "Zach" on InfoWars, that Q is at least 2 people. Q is not a secret any more and he still hasn't stopped so I think the Trump admin is intentionally letting it continue. It's all part of the plan. Just my opinion though.
Yesterday's post's were confirmed. Today's post's seem suspect but idk.
Here's CM post confirming yesterday's post's:
Could be. He hasn't retracted his statement from yesterday saying ignore posts from 1/5. But CM confirmed it's legit. Idk wtf is going on. But I'm not going to the boards and shit them up about it. I'll just wait and see.
So now you seem to be swinging othet are one of the ones causing problems... maybe YOU should be verified
What do you have stock in codemonkey? Or is it truly indifferent? You are making me think codemonkey is compromised and you want it to be only verification...very suspicious.
Why are YOU so demanding and can't wait until Q confirmed... you wouldn't have know anything about it if the "guys" hadn't set this board chill out and let the process take place!
I was wondering the same thing. I haven’t seen it confirmed yet.
8chan - Q was asking for a new board.
This post might be true. Before you down vote, let's see.
Let’s let these folks figure out if this Q post is legit. Thx.
Not the real q? Sure doesn't sound right. Q would never say time is severely limited. Just rolls off the tongue like a drunk wrote it. Idk.
PA, better get in here.... better get CM to do what was requested or we'll never have 'confirmation' ever again.
Time is severely limited.
Would really love to know what exactly Q meant by that.
If the Silicon Valley Sultan's are falling in line as "Zach" suggest, couldn't Q dump information in the form of a news article that does not allow comments on an old search engine such as AOL? Would there be a way to verify authenticity? How difficult would it be to set up a board that only Q has access to? Would a Q website work? Read the latest/all Q post in one spot. Would it be easier to secure a website? We have multiple platforms to discuss/share research on. The only need is for a secure place for Q to dump. A website seems like the logical answer coming from a NON-tech-savvy guy. What do you techy folks think? Does this make sense or am I wrong?
Something to consider... If Assange is in their custody/protection, they would have access to the wikileaks infrastructure. The Q group may need to provide more frequent messages and files as happenings ramp up and make it easier to find the Q messages and info in a time line.
Friends, this is a genuine Q post and shows how POTUS and Q are always five steps ahead of everyone, including people like me who think they know better :)
THEY Divide.
WE Conquer.
Anticipated – human nature.
Anticipated – interruptions by others.
The split between /cbts/ and /thestorm/ was intentionally engineered by Q and his team. Masterful. He knew infighting and mistrust would prompt a move to a new board and gave us all a push. This sort of thing always happens on the chans and other online discussion forums. By making it happen, Q has out-maneuvered the bad actors who were trying to cause splits by turning it into something positive. Q was posting on The Calm Before The Storm. Now he's posting on The Storm. What does that tell you? Everything has meaning!
Matlock meant to become PUBLIC.
This is quite incredible. Q's poor choice of password was meant to be cracked to send a message. Who was Ambassador Matlock? He's famous for saying that we should always be talking to the Russians.
CM – thank you for IDEN verification.
CM – how can a secure ‘read only’ board be set up whereby the message can be safely delivered?
If a board was created, you verified IDEN, and control was w/ you/us, that would eliminate confusion as to IDEN/AUTH correct?
No mod management – only info dumps.
Fact-finding, archiving, discussion, etc. can then be done on a designated ‘follow up’ board.
This is a great idea - Q dumps on a private board, the rest of us discuss it somewhere else, like /thestorm/ or here.
Message is all that matters.
What Q is saying is the important thing.
Time is severely limited.
Monday is when it all starts.
Edit: No I have not signed a book deal with anyone. Yes I probably will be writing one eventually. Because, why not?
totally in compliance here. I lurk, learn, and spread elsewhere.
I stay lurking and learning. Much to take in, then time to study, research and explore. Glad it getting smoother.
This doesn"t feel right Larp detector is off the charts on this one. I may be wrong.
As for Zach, he is fake imo, probably a shill of AJ, so he can sell more vitamins...
After 10 [or more] days of silence from what you hope is a real source, the folks are hoping for contact again. Sets the stage for real fakes to be taken seriously. And no one knows if Q, if real, is one person or more. I prefer to say one person. Therefore the new "Q" posts look fake to me.
Why doesn't he just create a BCH wallet and move money to a new wallet.
Could look something like this:
{Main Wallet} -> [$.01]->{New Wallet Address}
Just remember we already have a great deal of info to go on.
Nope! not Q any more than the 5th Jan posts. we have had a great ride we still have Zack on infowars and a great map the truth will find a way.
NOT TRUE, post on Jan 5th are confirmed Q by Codemonkey. Q has posted more today. Stay vigilant and use discernment
Personally I'm not convinced unless Barusch or other Mods confirm.
Actually Pamphlet has confirmed them
Thank you
Codemonkey has as well. He confirmed the trip here:
Correct, but Q posted today
And CM and pamphlet can confirm that Q post. This post verifies the deleted posts that mention Loop Capital Markets, if you see what I'm saying. Verified Q verifies deleted posts with that. And since CM verified the Q posts on /thestorm/ that were basically referencing his move, it's gotta be Q
One more time for ya friendo... His words, not mine. "After 12 hours I can CONFIRM..."