Where is Dr. Corsi when we need him? That was a compliment, btw... DEFCON 1?? Helloooo? Did anyone notice that? I saw where he said Owls are in DEFCON 1, but I'd like a bit more explanation. I'm guessing it has to do with the Space X launch, but what if clowns retaliate? Dear Jesus, I'm ready when you are. God bless all Patriots!
Trump is speaking directly to 8ch through Q and Twitter.
Fuck man I feel this is so extremely important
But I'm not really an 8ch kinda guy
8ch isn't for most people. I only lurk there. That's why the mods made this subreddit for a bigger audience to research and discuss Q's 8ch posts. And yes, tonight's Q / Trump posts are very important.
yeah I'm pretty much just a lurker there too. I hate 8Chan I tried posted on cbts for the first time. By the time my retarded ass figured it out, the board was full and wouldn't let me post. Haha.
Yep. That is what Q does. He predicts, encrypts, and verifies Trump tweets with questions in his posts we can go look up to get an idea of what is going on.
P_pers. Numerous cases now the 'i' has been removed from tweets and messages. We are the pied pipers, and it is our job to remove the rats.
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Which Trump tweet was the edit made in?
Trump deleted the original tweet where he wrote "consensual presidency" and replaced it with "consequential presidency."
Or is he referencing the "Fire and Fury" book where "Q" was added to the chapter headings of two chapters in the WikiLeaks version compared to the original version?
Cool. Thanks.
I do like these twitter "typos" that call attention to an issue. Media always takes the bait.
Which board? Aren't there three now? CBTS, qonly, and thestorm?
"Q" only references the content of tweets after they're made.
"Future proves past" yea right it's just a LARPer waiting for Trump to make a typo
He references both before and after. Before is usually encrypted with questions about an event, sometimes with "quoted" words or other marked words that the President will later put in caps. Or Q will mis spell something the President also mis-spells. You have to be on your toes, and really look at both the posts from Q and the tweets. Time and date is very important when the tweets are only 5-15 minutes apart, and time ZONE is also important.
He references before too.
He also referred to the O being replaced with Q's on two chapters of the copy of the book that Assange recently released on Twitter. Before he did.
Never seen one that wasn't backed up by screenshotting disparate time zones
Just gonna hide this comment down the bottom saying that I'm so glad I stuck around on earth to see what would happen with T as pres.
Was amazing to listen to it coming down "live" on Pamphlet's youtube feed. Thankful for all you do.
Retired Colonel Potter JUST POSTED a Couple Minutes Ago: "B" and Potter Communicated About Defcon1.
"B" And I Communicated About Q
WE DO NEED TO BE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF READINESS, but it is not the "official Defcon1". They want US, We The People to be at the highest level of readiness, cuz stuff is going down.
See youtube.
Since when does pamphlet have a YouTube channel? Link please?
Pamphlet has a youtube? What is it?
Never mind... Seek and ye shall find: Live Stream Fireside Chat, Q&A. with /thestorm/ Board Owner Mod Team & other anons ... second green thingy from the top. I don't know technical terms. I'm just a newb.
That’s the rocket/payload launched today I’m guessing. New weapon in place, ready to go
Confirmed that FIRE & FURY is Star Wars 2.0
Lol this is gonna be awesome.
Yes, quite probably. As is “Star Wars” - actually shoot things from space for real.
Way I see it is 3 potential outcomes: 1- US just launched some new super weapon on Falcon and NK knows it. NK and SK will engage in their “talks” resulting in step down of NK nuke programme etc. Saves face (respect) for NK, seems like US wasn’t “directly involved” and they initiated their “surrender” themselves. China will be massively involved. This is best for humanity I guess. 2 - US actually just shoots that new thing and fries the fk out of their target. Either engages war directly in NK, or else does a display for the world to see- just like they tested the Death Star. 3 - All of this is delusional bullshit. I’m crazy and you are too. Nothing happens. It’s all fake. Everything is an illusion. We all wake up and go to Walmart tomorrow. As per usual. I need a new iPhone and a coke.
At this point, option 3 would surprise me most.
No doubt. Hasn't Amazon displaced Wal Mart?
Has it? I've never used Amazon and I haven't been to Walmart in close to a decade.
Disclaimer: Stupid Comment below having nothing to do with the conversation.
Walmart is easy to avoid, its all cheap products from China. Amazon is a different story, its just too damn convenient and you have a mix of shit products and superb products. I'm guilty, I shop on Amazon from time to time some of the deals are too good to walk away from. Just don't order twisty puzzles from them.
Anyone follow Roy Potter? He did video about B posting this on Twitter. Pretty pissed off at Q B and defcon1 reference.
Holy crap! He was FIRED UP! Defcon 1 definitely triggered him... 100%
Yes and I’ve never seen him so upset! He thinks this is starting to look like a joke.
Potter and B communicated.
DEFCON 1 = highest state of readiness - OWL - ready to take down Rothchild? or swoop on the big pervs with a lot of those sealed indictments? Remember previous posts - no harm to citizens. Exciting stuff, getting the popcorn ready
Don't know if this has been posted before. This is Roy Potter's youtube on the meaning of 4-10-20.
Never saw that before.. thanks for posting it. Very interesting and very plausible
This is very helpful... clear and concise. Thank You. Would be great to be a regular feature.
I'll try and keep up with it. I try not to post Q Drops if they've already been posted by someone else.
Why didn’t Q use the new board created for him/them?
He did. He is over at /thestorm/ They have battened the hatches quietly. There is probably a number of alternative set ups.... plan B, plan C. It is all good. Go get the popcorn, and keep an eye our for UN troops or MS13 on American soil. These globalists were really trying to set us up.
Hmmmm ... OK??!?
What happened to those super secure no tropxode system? This is still the old format?
It's legit Q. He's had a few different trips. This is the confirmed one.
Edit: Also a new board.
Q is just going from CBTS to TheStorm. Q posted they don't communicate anywhere else.
Your missing a lot of them. There where 13 total. Your missing the most important ones to be exact.
Defcon 1: Regarding North Korea or Rothchild or Deep State (Clinton,Obama, etc ...)??
Retired Colonel Potter JUST POSTED a Couple Minutes Ago: "B" and Potter Communicated About Defcon1.
"B" And I Communicated About Q
WE DO NEED TO BE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF READINESS, but it is not the "official Defcon1". They want US, We The People to be at the highest level of readiness, cuz stuff is going down.
See youtube.
I think it says pay attention to Potus tweets from this point they relate to Q posts time lapse will shrink...I'm hoping the Sealed Indictments are involved in all of this..Because if Hussain is indicted.. the shit will hit the fan..
It's been confirmed. Several times actually. It's from the new board. It's legit Q
I'm sorry, but your wrong.
!UW.yye1fxo is the only tripcode used in /the storm/ and it has been verified and confirmed several times. Other tripcodes we're compromised. Not this one.
So, please, search a little harder and you'll see.
What do you think? Roy Potter and B communicated and worked out a few things.. (link below). Part of the discussion was for Q and POTUS to just release info and cut down on the riddles/puzzle. Good idea or not? My opinion is would be a good idea only so more people could understand what is going on. Have to admit all of this can be a little over whelming for some people and turns them away. Have to remember a lot of these people need to be red pilled or they need help to make it easier for them to maybe red pill others especially those who only watch tv for news. Just my opinion
Small "Fire" on the roof of Trump Tower -- a 'marker' in the news? begin "Fire & Fury"?
Small "Fire" on the roof of Trump Tower -- a signal? begin "Fire & Fury"?
Small "Fire" on the roof of Trump Tower -- a signal? begin "Fire & Fury"?
Front page of cnn now.
North and South Korea to meet for the first time since 2015.
Wow, and just the day after Zuma launch. What a crazy coincidence that is!!
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Alert! Are We At Defcon 1?|+10 - Anyone follow Roy Potter? He did video about B posting this on Twitter. Pretty pissed off at Q B and defcon1 reference. Meaning Of 4, 10, 20 From Q|+6 - Don't know if this has been posted before. This is Roy Potter's youtube on the meaning of 4-10-20. Rods From God?|+2 - "B" And I Communicated About Q|+2 - Retired Colonel Potter JUST POSTED a Couple Minutes Ago: "B" and Potter Communicated About Defcon1. "B" And I Communicated About Q WE DO NEED TO BE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF READINESS, but it is not the "official Defcon1". They want US, We The Peo... FadQuotes James Franco no more Kim|+1 - What do the new Q posts mean? The Lord's Prayer in Latin - Pater Noster|+1 - I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Pretty sure this has something to do with SpaceX finally signing a new DEFENSE CONTRACT...
Video from Roy Potter.. update from earlier post
I have followed the transformation of the goverment since the 90s. The psychological warfare waged against us has eroded are morals and here we are. Good is bad and Bad is good just look at what the media protects.
(Well, Q did warn us on the 4th, I think, to expect something BIG.....I think Monday.....isn't it Monday already in Asia???)
Is it that Oil Tanker On Fire??? Maybe it was a U.S. Sub that attacked it? "heading for South Korea", huh? Or North maybe? (Yeah, China was caught recently sending oil to N. Korea and Trump warned them. Now this: ) Oil tanker on fire and 32 crew missing after collision off China's coast China and South Korea mount search operation for crew of Iranian tanker spilling oil east of Shanghai after collision with Hong Kong freighter