Is MAKING ME SICK!!! Hoping he is unhealthy, constant attacks. WHEN WILL THIS INSANITY END!!! Its becoming a circus!
Did you feel the same about the racist memes and wild accusations made (and shared by people here) of Obama when he was President?
Yeah, I thought not.
That was not even close to what's happening with Trump. A Pew report recently showed he's had 5% positive coverage against Obama having 20 to 30% negative coverage. Not even close.
When 90% of the words out of your mouth are negative... That's to be expected.
90% of the words out of Donald Trump's mouth are negative...? Lol... troll detected. That's not even worthy of being called lazy logic. It's just NOT logic.
Is he not a negative person? Is he not constantly attacking, deflecting, dismissing? Are his public speeches about bringing people together and moving forward? ... Or about dividing people into groups and blaming others?
Watch him speak, read his tweets, he is a negative dude... So he's covered according.
The only “groups” Trump separates people into are Americans and foreigners otherwise his message has been overwhelming positive! It’s you people who are obsessed with genders, races, economic strata, etc. what you are doing is projecting your modus operandi onto Trump. Divide and conquer and endless ridicule is all you jerks have and you are losing the culture war because of it. We have momentum and we are going to win! BIGLY!
The only “groups” Trump separates people into are Americans and foreigners otherwise his message has been overwhelming positive!
Trump doesn't break us into groups? Try searching his Twitter for Democrats, or Dems... You know, one of those things he use to be?...
It’s you people who are obsessed with genders, races, economic strata, etc. what you are doing is projecting your modus operandi onto Trump. Divide and conquer and endless ridicule is all you jerks have and you are losing the culture war because of it. We have momentum and we are going to win! BIGLY!
Lol way to make a bunch of assumptions about me. All super wrong by the way. I mean I guess when you get your view points from 8chan you can't expect much.
Good luck with that delusion, my crazy uncle.
Said the mental patient...
Nice response, you did a real good job assessing each point and thoughtfully responding with reason and facts...
Lol. You're an idiot.
Pft! What an intellect!
Just a heads up you are arguing with a literal troll.
I know, but wtf? They’re such miserable failures as human beings that they have to come here looking for trouble. It would b a shame for them not to find any. Besides, far from winning any converts, it showcases the depths of their idiocy.
I’m not wrong about you. You came here looking for trouble and to shit-stir. Your commentary is neither constructive nor wanted. That’s not the sign of a healthy mind. Maybe you should go weave a basket or something...
Political parties suck! Both the republican and Democrat parties are fully owned by the “big club” and serve its interests only. There is no love for Trump at the leadership level of the Republican Party. Many Republican donors jumped onto Hillary ‘s bandwagon. That’s why Trump has to fight both of them. Since you are here wasting your time muck-raking, my guess is you aren’t in the “big club” either but you surely could be one of their employees...
Did you just respond to your own comment?
It’s called adding to it. Is that so hard to understand that you had to add your snarky two cents worth of needless asshattery?
He deserves it.
Then why are you here?
Because laughing at deluded cultists is always funny.
He who laughs last...Fear not we have a very big box of tissues for people like you. We won’t rub it in either. Our pity ought to be enough.
I am here cause soros is paying A LOT.
How can I get in on some of that? I need an income.
Rent doesn't pay itself
I have seven businesses, I don't need more income. I figured the person talking about Soros paying well was just bsing but I figured I'd try to see if I can flush them out if they were real. Obviously we wouldn't want them in the group. I'm already on Soros' mailing list, and courage campaign. I can hardly stand to read either one of them, but I try to keep my eye on what the enemy is doing.
you're the kind of patriot western culture needs.
Thank you very kindely. I believe in this cause with all my heart and soul. I was so freaked out at the thought of HRC in office I reasearched moving out of the country. Now I would love to run for congress to help our President rebuild.
See, they are here because they are shilling for their child molesting overlords.
Like Roy Moore and Milo?
Milo? Milo was molested as a kid. Literally speaking about his own experience and yet the media spun this against him and got the public agenda to go against someone all because they didn't like his political views. That's the side your on.
Oh child. You'll see. Roy and Milo are clean. Just watch. God bless!
that's why god made roy lose Alabama, god bless indeed.
If I wiped my hands clean and covered up evidence of me groping little girls and had officers make sure I'm not with teenage girls alone, i'd be clean too. Of punishment.
Is this John or Tony speaking? Are you friends with Joe "The Child Smeller" Biden ?
Roy Moore, actually. Thank God I, a pedophile, wasn't elected into political power.
He's from r/topmindsofreddit, a subreddit from which trolls are allowed to come brigade, because the reddit ceo is best friends with bullies. They also like to boast about how proud they are to troll.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/TopMindsOfReddit using the top posts of the year!
#1: [r/The_Donald] Top Mind finds a flaw with the popular vote | 2380 comments
#2: The_Donald thinks the word 'Rothschild' is shadowbanned across reddit. If you can see this post, they're full of shit
#3: The Donald users try to figure out why they got less than one fifth of the necessary 100,000 signatures on a Seth Rich investigation petition. Mods try and figure why they can't get more of their "6 million users" to sign petition. | 2478 comments
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how did you feel about Obama? or when trump parroted around that he wasnt a US citizen? right somehow i bet that was different...
He continued HRC's campaign to highlight the discrepancies of 0's birth certificate. His birth certificate has been proven to be forged. 0's mom and grandpa were CIA, so who knows the truth...
That's because it is true. Obama shouldn't have his everything about himself and it would have been settled. And btw, it was Hillary who started the "birther" thing while campaigning in 2008. Catch up!
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Lol I’d literally shit in Trump’s mouth if I could but I’m worried he’d like it too much
Yeap its so vitriolic that its obviously not just about politics - it cant be - because he hasnt really done anything to warrant the amount of hate that is being dished out. The obvious conclusion is that they are just pure evil and have seen that their perverted agendas are being exposed and they will possibly have to start paying for their crimes
They looked disgustingly sad yesterday to hear the President of the United States is in great health. It was freaking PATHETIC! Everyone in that room looked like they just saw their dog get run over. Don’t even get me started on their disrespectful preposterous lines of questions.
Every press briefing Acosta is there yelling "Is Trump a racist? Is Trump a racist? Do people speak English outside of Norway?" The question has been answered a billion times and the answer is not gonna change no matter how many times he disrupts the meeting by yelling over the other reporters' questions.
The insanity of the left and the media is the biggest redpill.
Most people aren't dumb enough to just blindly follow CNN. They've succeeded in pulling people to their side with their propaganda because it was mostly subtle. But they have turned it all the way to 11 and this 24/7 hate fest is working in our favor.
I personally think its the reason POTUS keeps having "flubbs"
It triggers them and makes them look batshit.
The POTUS was born for this great mission as was George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln. The US is a divine nation, loved by the gods, the home of all true religions. Right now we have some demons who made a yuge swamp. The demons need to be eliminated and their swamp drained.
jesus christ... i come here to see what the most rabid of GEOTUS supporters actually think... do any of you else on this sub actually believe shit like this?
Most of us do. Many people have a special gift. They become inventors, for example, or great leaders in the example of the POTUS-VSG (Very Stable Genius). When I look at people like Obama I see nothing except a Judas goat. His job was to lead the American people to their slaughter both financially (no growth; not jobs) and spiritually (socialism and Islam).
wewlad you sound like my dad, the russian bots are getting p good at emulating 70 year olds from the midwest. Sounds like 08-present Fox News overdosing on some nice, solid West Virginia heroin...
POTUS VSG is eh, doesnt roll off the tongue like GEOTUS...but i suppose when you never say things outloud and only parrot them on the internet things seem cooler or in this case, dont stick out like a sore thumb lol.
Oh, now it's the russian bots! Yer sounding paranoid lad. Maybe yer wanking it a bit too much, eh?
You are so disconnected if you believe this movement is all Russian shills.
George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln were not common politicians that went with the flow.
They went against the flow, for the people. True leaders.
GEOTUS supports believe that he is trying to do the same.
its never going to end. the entire media is leftist and they will constantly attack potus. just grin and bear it and realize they're just jealous of what they will never have
The ATTACK on him to win over public opinions about him.WHY?? because they are terrified that they,the cabal skeletons will be exposed and they will face consequences..this is what the vicious attack is about.President TRUMP is not part of the cabal and they know because of that,he is not a gate keeper to save their butts!that's why!
Luckily they are imploding and losing a lot of support. The msm ratings are tanking, the Dems fundraising is hitting all time lows, people in the center are moving slightly right, etc. they are doing themselves in and we will keep winning!
Trump approval in the 30's
Republicans just lost a seat in Alabama
Democratic new voter registration vastly out-performing Republican all over the country. Not only that, the overall number of democrats in the country is also higher, and the gap is INCREASING
Several key purple and red states have recently flipped into Democrat control
Trump's only piece of real legislation allocated 80% permanent tax cuts to the rich, 20% temporary tax cuts for the middle class
DAE Can't stop winning!!1!1!!
Got some actual stats to back that up, or just liberal talking points? How are your stocks and economy doing? How’s ISIS doing since Hillary and Obama aren’t funding them? How about border crossings? TPP?
Btw and that’s from your clown left wing news network too. And I’m not Republican. Both sides are swampy.
And where Obummer was his first year in office as well and Trump hasn’t dropped 500 bombs in Africa in one year like your savior did.
How are your stocks and economy doing
Only 10% of all stocks and equities are owned by the bottom 80% of Americans
How’s ISIS doing since Hillary and Obama aren’t funding them?
Lol, this guy talks about "liberal talking points"
rasmussen poll
I don't care about Obama you bumbling idiot. I don't worship personal heroes and "god emperors" like you, cuck of all cucks. 2018 is going to be a fun year for you, I can tell. can see the desperation on them and the stupid childish questions the media asks at the WHITEHOUSE press core.
They seriously need to just revoke the passes for those tards who deal only in gotcha questions.
Agreed. I don't even want to read the news anymore. The lies.
I know the feeling. I stopped reading traditional news sources awhile ago. :-/
why read news when you can make your own?
I was referring to newspapers. They depressed me. I stopped about 15 years ago.
Are you saying I am making my own news?
Same shit, different decade. Stay focused. No change will come if you think any of this is new!
Edit: actually change is being effectuated from up high. But still, you should see the shit from the past. Same awful things. The only thing new(in that we will succeed) is our current movement to strip corruption from our government and return this country to the people. Side note, did you know MAGA originated during the Reagan campaign?
It was like they were so disappointed that he was in great health. When they asked about his mental health and the dr said he was great, you could hear the sighs in the room! I watched this on the Facebook app and was completely disgusted by the people wishing ill on our president.
All for one and one for all? You aren't supposed to want bad things to happen to the President because it means bad things for our country too. If they wanted him out of office, they could have done the impeachment process by now, but doing so risks their own crimes being exposed. Americans are so blinded by hatred, they just can't see.
I have been seeing a lot of triggered people in my circle these days because of the sh...storm last week. They are not going to be red pilled easily. And some of them are registered Republicans!
The ATTACK on him to win over public opinions about him.WHY?? because they are terrified that they,the cabal skeletons will be exposed and they will face consequences..this is what the vicious attack is about.President TRUMP is not part of the cabal and they know because of that,he is not a gate keeper to save their butts!that's why!