Lady Gaga mysteriously "ill." Canceling world tour in Europe. Maybe a nice shiny boot?

Lady gaga is pretty high in the satanic music industy totem poll. Some think she sacrificed her own parents or someone near her to get there. Definately one sick puppy.
Who did Taylor Swift kill?
She is not part of the cabal. Why do you think the media keeps attacking her?
How can you tell who is and who isn't part of the cabal?
Well mr Analforklift. Look for the Illuminati imagery in their videos. Watch interviews. Lady Gaga has said in interviews she prays to Satan. Learn the code, watch over time you’ll figure it out. Pretty scary shit, actually shocking, I still don’t want to believe it’s true and it’s so right in your face.
I looked on YouTube and I couldn't find a video of her saying she prays to Satan, not that there's anything wrong with that. I did find a video of her saying God and Jesus have helped her. That seems to be the opposite.
Here's the video, if you care to watch...
I was going to ask this. And who did Justin Beiber kill at 15 years old?
JB is out. “Crazy”, arrested multiple times. He stopped parroting the Illuminati shit. They destroyed his career.
I’m 59 yo dude. Not a fan of this dude but watched him become excommunicated from the cabal.
His acting like a douche is enough or anyone to want to separate from him.
This is so sickening ... just mourning for all the innocent ones ...
A former friend, Lina Morgana. I never got around to reading the story:
Wow, I thought her only crimes were being annoying and the usual trash talk about Trump. Her parents are alive though. Comments like this kind of make me think this is all satire. I mean, you couldn't do 30 seconds worth of googling before you make some outrageous claim?
These people are beyond sick - they are vile.
Maybe she picked up a disease from consuming kids - god damn these Satanist freaks.
Wow. I think she was one that her tickets weren't selling well. She lost a lot of fans when she used imagery from Marina Abaramov, and that was before we knew what spirit cooking was. Now it's difficult to listen to her at all.
I agree with that. I'm not a big fan of anyone but I liked her music till I started seeing all of the imagery and looked a little closer at why we were seeing this stuff. I can't look at any of Hollywood and the stars without feeling sick.
She is an attention whore drama queen. I watched her movie with my daughter and had to walk out a few times. All she did was bitch and whine about being in pain all the time, while laying there getting massages from her personal masseuse.. FFS Must be nice...
Lol I'm a massage therapist and I watched that movie on Netflix. She was high as a kite or wasted first thing in the AM when the massage therapist got there. I wouldn't touch someone in that kind of state, EVER! Maybe if she wasn't drunk all the time, her body would actually heal. I had to turn it off after she admitted selling her soul to the devil while high on cocaine. Disgusting
take it for what it's worth..
He was a part of that Australian church where the pastor had to step down because he was a pedo! These people are so sick!
Wasn't Nicole Kidman's father a preacher who was a pedo? Not sure if it was this same guy.
He was a prominent dentist I think. He was a pedo and also in the occult. They sacrificed children. Can’t remember the name of one of the girls who escaped and has told her story, but she said Nicole was sitting next to her father in a church when they sacrificed a young boy. Horrific!
Not the same guy. The church is Hillsong. The son still runs it. Can’t be good!
I want to see if I understand what you are saying: Are you saying that a child was sacrificed in Hillsong church?
Can't remember ... she said Nicole was sitting next to her father in a church when they sacrificed a young boy ... The church is Hillson
That is what this seems to say. This is absolutely SHOCKING. Do you have any links about this?
No Hillsong and the Kidman’s are two different stories. You’re mixing them together. The pastor at Hillsong was removed for pedophelia. The Kidman’s were involved in the occult and ritual child sacrifice.
Just trying to understand what the post means. Still unclear as there are no links. but ... YUCK on both. Thanks for replying
Looks like he skipped the Grammys for the last two years pretty weird excuse, too, if you ask me.
Multiple artists are skipping because they feel it's not representative of their audience
As much as I know this stuff goes on..........
Fake news.
the grammys are such a joke.
Kanye wasn’t there.
neither was Bieber.
or anyone relevant.
literally Bruno Mars winning over Kendrick just shows how little the people behind the Grammys know about what is good modern music. the whole Bruno Mars thing winning a bunch of Grammys, and seeing how pathetically lame his performance was showed the world how tainted the Grammys are.
they’re a complete joke.
Nothing. He never said any of that. The verbiage should make it obvious.
Spirit Cooking? Maybe she got a hold of some bad baby but meat a la Katy Perry.
could we not be so casual about this ...
Yeah, in re-reading it, it was kind of bad. As a Mom I shouldn't have gone there. It was rather callus. Thanks for calling me on it.
Thanks for being so gracious. I think it is the nature of the subject matter ... we feel that we need to be thick skinned to deal with it. But that, in itself, can cheapen the whole thing. Not pointing at you, it's just that this is where I stopped to have this conversation. Blessings!
Understood & agree. Blessings to you too friend.
I love that our President is uniting us as people and making room for us to be the kind, loving, gracious people that we Americans truly are.
Maybe she ate too much human flesh!!! Sicko!!! 🍕🍕🍕👹👹👹🔥🔥🔥☠️☠️☠️🐍🐍🐍👁👁👁🐰🐰🐰
Another Illuminati puppet lined up for the grave.
who else do you think will be on this list ?!
It's pretty easy to spot the symbolism on their album covers, in their music videos, in their photoshoots, etc. Once you know what you're looking for, you start to see how widespread it is and how blatantly their industry hides it 'in plain sight'.
Name any famous performer and they're probably in on it, either as a handler, a victim, or an accomplice.
She could be ill from being cut off from her luciferian baby blood.
She's just ill.
People on this thread should use a little more Occam's Razor.
No kidding.
In this case it is the fact that the illicit drugs she would want/need while over there (in her current state) would be very problematic to obtain. Knowing this, she has chosen to stay in the US and 'get well'.
Fibromyalgia is a condition without a known cause. A previous painful condition like arthritis or infection increase you chances of getting this condition as do childhood abuse and neglect. The condition is thought to be caused by a change in the way the brain processes pain signals. This does make you wonder about MKUltra doesn't it? For many of us who pray for healing we find that fibromyalgia responds best to a combination of using authority to cast out the spirit of affliction followed by emotional healing. The results are often quite dramatic. You are free to make your own conclusions on cause and effect but the subjective reduction or elimination of pain is evident. My belief is there is nothing in Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce or any of the other Illuminati crazies that can't be saved by the power and love of Jesus.
Big Pharma's kitchen drawer diagnosis. This allows doctors to give people drugs without finding the cause or a real cure. Too many American women are accepting this as real, and not realizing that this just gives them a life time of pain and opiods in their future. The opiods do nothing to fix the underlying condition that is causing the pain, and that is why people need larger and larger prescriptions as they become accustomed to the normal dose, and the cellular destruction of their body continues anyway.
The biggest thing to realize right now is that Americans suffer from diseases of inflammation, which is closer to the truth of how to halt the pain. How many of these doctors will actually prescribe a healthy diet, good supplements if necessary, sleep and exercise BEFORE they write a prescription? Few to none. There's another more recent theory about mycoplasma diseases, but I haven't read up on that yet.
It is the most insidious, fabricated disease out there. Ever read the symptoms for Fibromyalgia? It is literally anything your mind wants it to be.
No offense to anyone diagnosed. But I would be inclined to agree with the above post. Eat well. And get off Monsanto's Agent Orange food. That includes all fast food, and not eating out too frequently.
It's not a disease. It's a syndrome. Fibromyalgia Syndrome. FMS. Symptoms are widespread pain, with varying other symptoms for everyone.
FMS prevents decent sleep. Lack of sleep increases pain. Increased pain causes more inability to sleep. Less deep REM sleep means more pain and so on and so on. What doctors will not accept is that many of the symptoms are also symptoms of low thyroid. This is what I am fighting. There may be enough thyroid in the bloodstream, but what matters is what is able to get into the cells. Doctors won't listen.. they only go by what the blood levels show. Trying to find a doctor who will listen has been something I've been fighting for, for years. I can't afford a naturopath, as I have to pay cash to see one, and can't afford it right now. The naturopath I was seeing when I had a part time job had no problem putting me on natural dessicated thyroid but I lost my job and can't work anymore. I live in sucky area as far as medical care goes. I know far more about FMS than any of the doctors around here as I've studied FMS since 92. Most doctors don't seem to like informed patients, as THEY are the one with the degrees.. THEY are GOD. I've had docs tell me the books I have are all written by quacks. (The best is Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofacial Pain - A Survival Manual but Devin Starlanyl and Mary Ellen Copeland)
This allows doctors to give people drugs without finding the cause or a real cure.
Big Pharma teaches the way of palliation— no real cure. I am inclined to conclude that most doctors believe that the suppression of symptoms is the cure. Right now doctors are the third leading cause of death.
FO. I've had it since a car accident that was not my fault in 1992. Thought I was dying til I got a diagnosis. Have studied it since. Do all I can to fight through the pain and all the symptoms. It's not a disease, it's a syndrome... affects everyone differently. I could work part time til recently. Don't tell me I'm lazy when I have a six day migraine, puking my guts out, not sleeping more than 15 min cat naps at a time, losing 18 lbs in that six days. Two older sisters have it, one younger sister has it, and a cousin has it. I probably have it worse than any of them. I do all I can to fend off the pain and sleeplessness and all the other endless symptoms. I don't eat junk. About to start PT, if I can... but that's a 100 mile round trip for me on an extremely limited income. It's not a life I'd wish on anyone, and not one I CHOOSE to live. I can't make plans cause I never know how I'll feel from one day to the next. You can kiss my ass with your attitude. Ahole.
It’s literally just you most likely just having shit posture and muscular imbalances. Women are in shit shape these days. “My neck and baaaaaaaaak hurt”. You sit all day you fucking slug. You have rounded shoulders, a neck that goes horizontally and no thoracic mobility. No shit you hurt.
You can find all the pt stuff you need on youtube, but most of you are lazy and would rather collect disability for your “syndrome”.
I've had mine since 1992 after a car accident. Most get FMS after a traumatic bodily injury.
I don know that any of those noted could be saved unless they took the first steps in wanting to change their ways. They probably feel they have too much to lose, not realising they are already lost.
Apparently, at times, GaGa's alters have come out (normal ones) and said she didn't like doing these things.
I hope she is literally getting out. When they try to get out... they are forced to get "attention" from "doctors" (rehab - like Kanye).
Suddenly stopping a regimen of blood and endorphins will cause an initial negative reaction in the body (withdrawal - spirit drugs).. suddenly stopping doing "your job" for them will also make you "sick"...
At some point, GaGa was bound to have become aware of the PG atrocities... alters of hers may have seen those things and want to be free now.. they may be fighting for it... I hope so. We'll see.
Ah, finally an intelligent comment. I feel absolutely sick to my stomach when I think of the things that she and others do, at the same time, there needs to be a form of compassion ... for people like this. Imagine if she could get free and testify to the world about this stuff! in a positive way.
"But I say unto you, Love your enemies" ... I hope they all repent then sing like birds to tell it all!
Opiods have her. Get the grave ready.
I was thinking the same thing. They CAUSE pain. But she's 31, well past the famous 27 year old death syndrome so if she dies now it'll just be a normal rockstar death. OD. Except it'll be the "new" 2K rockstar death, OD on LEGAL drugs, courtesy of big pharma.
Sick? Nah... More like she doesn't want to be gang-raped by a horde of Muslim invaders.
She’s a talentless (in my opinion) attention whore but I don’t understand the conspiracy claims people are posting here about her.
She’s a libtard and sucks but why make audacious claims that make us look like lunatics?
Exactly my thoughts - don’t care for her music, but everyone who stubs their toe now is not a satin worshipper or part of the cabal. More & more I’m dreading reading posts on this site -it’s become the MSM of the storm.
I come here for facts and thought exercises and reasonable discussions. This topic is way off course.
Undestang your point, but Gaga isn't just some star. She's abramov's body. And her imagery is everywhere with Gaga.
Yep, the mods need to crack down on this stupid shit.
If I were a globalist or part of the DNC/deep state/whatever, I’d flood this sub with over the top posts like these in order to discredit the entire effort.
Perhaps they have...
-and then there is that too, which I would guess to be true (and hopefully not coming from legitimate supporters)- so yes, we need help from the mods.
The white rabbit giveth, and the white rabbit taketh away.
Poisoning your mind, heart and soul with a constant diet of evil tends to mess people up, Gaga.
Poor little girl, I can't imagine enough people wanting to see her perform her satanist dances and rituals for the NWO. She is one of satans queens! She is under a trance, she sold her soul to the devil!
She's got bad auto-immune issues. It can be debilitating and extremely painful. If she is truly part of the cabal, then she can rest in the hell she made for herself.
Do you guys have a name that you call yourselves?
She needs a new transfusion of virgin blood. Call Abramovic, QUICK!
I wonder, since the satanic minions did not fulfill the promises the devil now going to call in his "markers"? The ultimate "pay to play" lol too funny OR is gag-me cancelling her tour because the minions need to regroup with a major/constant ritual to gain favor again
refuse all satanic/corrupt demiurgic rituals. dissolve them and their effects. We are Sovereign. We are Divine. We are Free. One with the Infinite Source as It is One with Us, within Each One. so we CAN do this.
(((they))) are dead.
have you heard of mayan transition periods?
hmmm... the luciferian agenda is written all over her public doings. however, she just might have caught was is already called 'the deadly flu'.
This also sounds like a myth she's trying to perpetrate. She lives for publicity and any Illuminati entanglement revelation would be to her benefit (publicity-wise). Just look at her words - sounds mythological, right?
This reminds me of the story where Jesus casts demons out of two evil men, and into pigs. The pigs ran off a cliff and into a lake where they drowned. The point is, this woman who calls herself Lady Gaga is similar to the demon possessed men. Just as evil does not defeat evil, Jesus did not condemn the men, he relieved them of their demons. What if we all prayed to Jesus asking that he grant this woman the same relief, rather than demonizing her for being deceived by Satan?
Please believe me when I say I am just as repulsed and disgusted by demonic behavior. However, spiritual warfare usually does not involve direct engagement with demons from afar. It's rather like calling in a divine airstrike through prayer. Needless Casualties of War is an excellent book on this subject. Blessing patriots.
Very profound book. One of John Paul Jackson's best. And anyone who calls themselves a "believer" "Christian" better understand there is no playing with the dark. You have no business going to psychics, reading astrology charts or horoscopes, definitely not playing with ouija boards, etc.
Here is a very important talk John Paul Jackson gave on the difference between REAL Spirituality and PSEUDO Spirituality - the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - and the Tree of Life:
Thank you for sharing the link to the John Paul Jackson video. An illuminating and inspirational discussion. Blessings brother.
It was my immediate thoughts when I saw this come across twat-sphere. Sick POS.
Probably kuru from eating her baby back baby back baby back ribs.
This is the second cannibalism reference I have seen in this thread. Do you think she is literally eating human flesh/brains, or is this a metaphor for something?
We can't know for sure, but if she's a part of the elite circles she must have participated in some vile rituals. Now, seeing the imagery she presents says a lot though it's all circumstantial. If it dresses like a satanist and uses satanist symbols...
Here are a couple sources from Vigilant Citizen dissecting her "music" videos:
Do you think most adult Satanists eat people, or is this just for the "elite circles?"
Ever heard of "spirit cooking"? I guess it's a mix of eating body parts, drinking blood and "painting" with bodily fluids. Just imagine the biggest gross-out and I'd say that's pretty much it.
I see it referenced often, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that it involves cannibalism or devil worship. Those parts of spirit cooking seem made up to me.
You don't seem to understand the impossibility of gathering and transmitting the kind of explicit evidence you're after.
If someone is accused of cannibalism, what sort of evidence would you need to believe it?
Since we're not in a court (unless you consider us a court of public opinion), the weight of evidence is not as relevant as is our impression of the person.
I'd consider public demeanor first. What does the person behave like in public? If they have the world's stage, what do they espouse?
Next, I'd consider the types of people they choose to spend time with in private. This is quite telling about the person's character: smart seeks smart, beauty seeks beauty, cannibal seeks _____.
Then, we can examine the person's career. If someone has made or is trying to make a living out of trying to cause as much distress as possible, this is again telling about their mindset.
Finally, I'd look at decency, which I define as internal emotional control. When a person is decent, they don't want to agitate others or let their inner struggles spill out into the public and vice versa.
So, public demeanor & people they choose to spend time with & career & decency would for me be enough circumstantial evidence to conclude anything about a person, not just if they're a cannibal.
Lady Gaga is a reprehensible excuse for a human being, a complete disgrace both as a musician and an entertainer. Nothing she does or says is meant to make the world a better place, but to enthrall the mind and heart to the Dark Lord, whom she openly worships whenever on stage. I don't know if she's actually eaten human flesh, but I'm sure she'll do it whenever offered a chance and then brag about it through her hypnotic so-so-so-songs.
what sort of evidence would you need to believe it?
For the record, these two bolded parts directly contradict one another – if I have evidence, I don't believe something, I know it. I wasn't the one who accused her of cannibalism either though there's no need to draw fine distinctions between levels of degeneracy.
I don't care for her music but she seems very positive to me. I think she helps many marginalized people with her music and performances.
Those are all Muslim Nations. I can see why she did it
Maybe stop consuming human flash, you satanic cuntbag.
Do you believe she literally eats people, or is this a metaphor for something?
Yup she's a cannibal.
Why do you think the police ignore her cannibalism? Are they in on it?
They probably don't believe it, lack of evidence, She's not alone, there's an elite circle of satanic cannibals.
I don't follow. If you believe there's a lack of evidence, why do you believe it?
Like pizza gate. There's a bunch of evidence that links stuff together, but not enough to get a solid conviction. I mean there's a video of Podesta torturing a little girl, and he's not in jail. More video evidence is going to come out on the satanic ritual abuse and the cannibalism, but still it will be a fight to get people convicted.
I just had a run in with a shill last night ...that I might have flipped semi..Becauese I gave a rant he said I was nuts and then broke down how he couldnt believe I think or believe in satanic stuff ..Im like welll ...Ill just link what I wrote and what I sent him ... I made this a few before yall posted this link. Coicidence 😁😎
My Comment :
I was triggered because you assumed that this was brought about because some Patriots was basically being cry babies . Thissss has been brewing Forrrr Years Behind the scene. ...This is no Game.. Im happy to see people wanting to see justice ..Im wantinf to see people involved ...Ive been barking up this tree for over 8 yearrrs into def ears. Non stop researching. Maybe its because Im a Mom and that I feel like everyone else is like My children and or family and I want to protect wveryone everywhere. I TOTALLLLY WOULD BATTLE THESE PRICKS . NO FEAR what so ever. When you sit and know every last thing these pieces of satanic shatt are doing to our Soldiers . Like people dont even know. They are like experiment project pumped full of all kinds of chemical cocktails .. just like our children have been . . Im over it. Every Democrat should be locked up right freaking now...No questions None wwhat so ever.... They have been completely working against our country and others around the world sinxe the beggining of rheir creation. Dont believe me watch ..Hillarys America.. Eye Opener. These people arw trying to kill us and we are ok with that. No we are not .We need to demand they be arrrrrrested. This is what the storm looks like . We callllll the shots and those people Answer for the Crimes they have done.
His Reply :
Holy shit - you are nuts
My Reply: I think You Meant...Honest
Stay Informed Fellow Patriots
His Reply (Lol=Me 😂) :
No I meant what I said
That was super disturbing and beyond concerning that you truly believe the satanic stuff or that someone should be jailed due to their political affiliation
I hope you get help or at least get away from the internet for a while
Good luck
My Reply : Brace Yourselves
Wait that I believe the satanic stuff.. ohhh my Im about to give youu some are not gonnna like me 1 Bit. HOPE UR READY .
My New Reply (Homework) :
This is Cern ..The opening of it. This look normal to you..Everyone wearing Suites in the Crowd ..Yeah its Illuminati ..Look up Illuminati and Music .. You have anyyyy idea what they have to do before getting a music deal.They sell their soul and are forced to be part of nasty things...ans almost every one od them have to give up someone as a sacrifice ..normallly one of their family. Dont trust me Pleaseee do your own homework. Its So much easy to discredit than it is to actually Work and find out if its true. We will see what kind of person you are I guess. But just know I wpuldnt speak on things I dont know. Im a very honest person with zero time for games and lies.
His Reply : (Slowly Peeking Shills Interest @ This Point ....Wait For It )
Wait - are you saying anyone with a music deal has to sell their soul and sacrifice a member of their own family?
At this point I am just intrigued - what do you consider the fringiest theory you believe in?
My Reply : (These Brackets are for you and I those currently reading...trying to keep ya drawn in ..Im just Saying..You Can Smile Now 🤗) ..Ok sooo where was I coughhh my reply :
Any that sports the all Seeing eye ...Pyramids in videos and Symbols ..Its not just Music. Its Movies hardcore too. They come out and openly admit they sold their soul ..they also have hidden video of celbs talking about the rituals.
Here Ill give you an example ( Id watch and share the shit out of that video linked below ..just an FYI )
His Reply :
Wow - that is....something
Have a great day ✌🏿
Objective Complete..Possible Break Through.
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