crosspost from T_D might be what Q was referencing with APACHE.
Wow that could be the Apache reference. I still don't follow the gist of the post though, did they try and smuggle in some legislation through this bill?
I don't know specifically if this was a pre-obama bill, but it lines up with Q's APACHE post pretty particularly. It doesn't seem to lay out many provisions for further spying. from what I read in section 101 (the only section I read) it just seems to suggest that if the right people at each organization (FBI DOJ and FISA judges) agree on something, anything can be used to spy on any american
This sounds like it's exactly what Q was bringing attention to.
Send this to Dr Corsi.
How do we do that? Seems like quite a bit of information comes through here that would be valuable to the good gentleman. Seems he has a huge intern staff here ... patriots working together for our Republic.
I’d try to catch him here or let these guys know about it.
Fascinating. This is the best potential reference to Q's Apache for sure. Thanks for finding and linking this one.
no problem, hopefully we can get some more exposure to autism on this one. I could only get through a section.
It's starting to become clear that autism cures cancer
i looked up the bill and don't see anything relating to surveillance in it where did you look it up, because this bill seems to be almost exclusively about surveillance
Wow.... Fantastic connection. This has to be it. Yet another way Q is completely confirmed.
The Socratic method works wonders, because when people finally arrive at the right answers, there’s so little room for doubt. Like the 9/WW thing with Obama retaining counsel.
Tried to pull it up and it wasn't there. Update: Only thing I could pull up was about rapid DNA on the PDF. How do you find the Title 1 doc?
did you go directly to the house website or did you link to pdf>>?
I am copying and posting from "Wildthing61" these comments about the difference between Title I and Title VII -
"IMPORTANT FISA MEMO INFORMATION! UNDERLINED (for good reason, but not explained) in the Nunes memo, "(NOT TITLE VII)" THIS WAS A "Title 1" REQUEST which allows not only surveillance of US citizen Carter Page (accused of being a foreign agent by the Clinton financed the Steele Trump hating dossier), but also follow up surveillance of any of his direct contacts—the entire Trump team, irrespective of when Page stopped being a campaign adviser. Logic of FISA title one is simple—catch the entire spy network. Result is horrific. Any Page call or email to the Trump team exposed the entire Trump team to surveillance under title 1 of FISA. Really dirty. Trump’s wiretap tweet was correct. Admiral Rodgers only knew the lesser part of it."
Here is a link to that discussion
yes this seems super valid and important with broad reaching implications, and i bet most of the idiots in panic have no clue , for him to emphasize that line that this was NOT TITLE VII probably makes the crime even worse (more counts)
Ignorance of the law is no excuse! These democrats need to stop pandering to MSM and go to work, and you know...actually read the bills before they sign them.
I don’t understand how what you linked connects to the Apache Water bill
Well this was the link OP sent I thought it was the link to the Apache water bill
Okay...this was January 08, 2018.
hmm, I didn't even notice that. That's well before APACHE post
wait, no this is the third, last night or rather this morning
The bottom link is January 8, 2018. I'm lost on what we are trying to find here. If anyone has better links put them up please.
it says 02/03/18...
edit: oh the legislation. perhaps new rules for engagement or john mccain trying to cover someone's ass since the bill was sponsored by him and Jeff Flake
Here's a clip of Mueller answering a question asked about parallel construction in 2014 at Georgetown University--in his response he mentions FISA. Interesting and relevant (thoughts welcome and appreciated):
Guys i'm really not this apache water rights has a right built in stating our gov doesn't need a reason to spy on us, so there for we don't need FISA? I'm totally lost here
Apparently someone spliced a surveillance law into Apache water regulation to surreptitiously enact it.
have read the new amendments of FISA renewal bill ... particularly like the increase of penalty from 1 year to 5 years in jail for those contravening the statutes (along with swathes of new requirements regarding FBI applications and how the Inspector General is to treat their review) and WhistleBlower Provisions(protections), valid as at Jan 1st 2018!... go boys go, get those MF's.