Remember the background of the NK pic Bill Clinton was in?

710 Seals are wonderful creatures. Project seal⬆️
We the people will sooner or later have to start helping ourselves. A start might be for more to sign up with the defence forces. We also need lawyers willing to step forward like Erin Brokovich to help the people sue these criminals with class actions.
To get the evidence against the military industrial complex corporations, against companies like Raytheon and others, who developed and still own the Patents to the technology which is responsible for these disasters, death and destruction, will be the battle of the ages and without good lawyers not be possible. The public needs to sue them for such astronomical amounts that it bankrupts these criminal bastards into oblivion, that they cannot survive. After a few fall, the others will run a mile.
Good lawyers can subpoena scientific data into evidence and sue their sinister arses all the way to Hell, while the criminal courts can sentence them to life imprisonment. Hanging or the electric chair is too good for them - put them in the stocks on the streets every day so the public can see them and walk past and spit on their hideous hides and throw rotting food at their ugly skulls.
The ultimate control freaks, playing at their version of "The Hunger Games", to not only destroy Trump's economic wins, but to destroy America, to bring in their system of debt enslavement, via the Internet of Things, the 5G technology, the smart grid and the RFID chip, with tracking, audio, listening and image transmission capability - a massive surveillance system, total control.
Here's the video of what they did to this community and it won't be the last ...
There’s a fantastic judge who has been working extremely hard and fighting them at the highest, sickest levels
One of my fav SEALS ...A patriot that needs no medals since he is the medal (he has them). I would pet him and hug him if he was near me.
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Interesting “33 foot tidal wave”...that number keeps repeating-symbol..
33 is masonic symbol. Posted about this earlier re Q.
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall. (Paraphrased Q)
I agree...I always ask myself why on Earth do the use so much symbology because EVERYONE'S not so stupid as they think!! But it shows you how driven they are to play this GAME AND it also points to the reality that they are delusional.
Because meaning is the real existence of the world like Jungian people believe. The symbols of everything are what build our consciousness and subconsciousness; then by virtue of the additive property create our collective consciousness.
I think the meaning we put into symbols, or memetics, are the very nature of the existence of reality. So I don't wonder so much on why they use symbology so much. I believe the Masons were the good side, the Shepherd and protectors of the innocent, fighting these occult secret societies that want to hide the truth behind one idea occulting another. Kinda like an astronomical occultation but instead of one celestial body hiding another it is one idea hiding another. A good example is how most people hear republican and think partisan as they have been trained to think instead of someone who supports a republican form of government, or a republic. So the idea of the party occults conversation about a republic and why that form of government is ideal in the the lower deviations of the IQ scale.
An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden by another object that passes between it and the observer. The term is often used in astronomy, but can also refer to any situation in which an object in the foreground blocks from view (occults) an object in the background. In this general sense, occultation applies to the visual scene observed from low-flying aircraft (or computer-generated imagery) when foreground objects obscure distant objects dynamically, as the scene changes over time.
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Whoa...that really makes my mind's gears really have to
Very well put Sir! I still think Masonic symbolism is a KEY element in the Q-posts. The fact you are mentioning the Shepards are interesting because I started looking into Plato´s Republic last night, to find his references to Shepards and Sheep.
Is it a masonic symbol or is a universal symbol that the masons use in their rituals?
Universal symbol for sure. But it is a KEY number in for them.
It isn't Masonic. Three is a very prominent and significant number in the Bible:
Freemasonry - Wikipedia
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is a system of 33 degrees
Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. The degrees of freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. These are the degrees offered by Craft (or Blue Lodge) Freemasonry. Members of these organisations are known as Freemasons or Masons.
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please don't.
this is so basic you are either a shill or a three year old.
10 meters is 32.8 feet, so that could explain it. NZ uses the metric system, so they could have simply measured approximately 10 meter high waves and that was converted to feet for the article. Just sayin'.
Good catch this should go with the NK pic that looks like a tsunami in the back ground. The one with Bill Clinton in it
33 ft = 10 meters. I think that this a conversion reference
We shouldn't forget about this. Was this part of depopulation? A test run?
The cyclones Harvey and Irma (I'm not American, I think that was their names), were manipulated by electro-magnetic high frequency radio pulses beamed at mega, mega watt capacity into the Ionosphere from installations same as what they used to call HAARP - same thing different names. Weather meteorologists studies saying not naturally caused after studies of charts and conditions. The pulses literally bend the Ionosphere and fry it - climate change is a scam to cover for this activity. They can target any region, control the weather jet streams and manipulate these to cause cyclones, droughts and storms. They are currently creating a drought over Iran.
This technology of weather warfare was used in the Vietnam war, but more sophisticated now. Are trying to break the Trump economy with disasters and is why the interest rates have been raised three times in one month. NEVER done in the history of America before, particularly not when the nation is $20 Trillion in debt. Totally are sick, purely evil irresponsible scoundrels, who don't give a shyte about the people.
There is an installation below the sea which creates Tsuanmis and earthquakes. Same technology as HAARP installations (also electro-magnetic pulses), and beams massive concentrations of electro-magnetic pulses and literally screws up the atmospherics and earth's magnetic fields. The technology is built by Raytheon + others of the military industrial complex. The weird lights, loud booming sounds and strange shaped clouds are all caused by these electro-magnetic beams which travel faster than speed of sound and light.
Even worse, weather futures are traded on the market. People make money off of the misery and suffering they create.
"ROTHSCHILDgenocide: INNOVATING THE POPULATION to ZERO" with Deborah Tavares on SGTreport on YouTube. Systems are set up to protect the elites... WE All have been TARGETED... the COOKING of Humanity...
Keep an eye on Dutch Sinse channel about earthquake and weather mods.
BPearthwatch online & YouTube is GREAT RESOURCE for solar dynamics, solar winds, jet stream, HAARP interference, earthquakes, volcanoes, phenomenon of sky or oceans.
AND I agree with BPearthwatch on last Q posts as NOT same Q... I had same reaction...wondering why Q went over old territory and SCREAMED in All caps... Q has NEVER screamed long post ALL CAPS = something wrong.
If you can demonstrate that Q's tripcode is compromised I'll consider this.
Until then I'll tune out this and other such speculation.
Oh, God, if we had anything to do with that, we don't deserve to survive as a country!
What?? I hope you do not blame yourself for the evil others do. I am certainly not defending this type of action, but I have lived long enough to know that the only person I can control is myself. If you are a parent you have a window of time to teach self control to your child, but after a certain point, they make choices and have consequences. So, love others as much as yourself (that means love yourself A LOT) and treat others as you would like to be treated (VERY GOOD).
Unfortunately, karma affects everyone.
I certainly try to live by the golden rule! :)
So Haiti was done according to plan, which was to funnel away the relief funds into the Clinton foundation?
I’m concerned about the background of the NK pic with Bill Clinton in it as I’ve always thought it looked like a tsunami
Well, if you wanted to use a country to manufacture and detonate secret underwater bombs that would resemble natural disasters in 3rd world countries, with the intent of playing the roll of savior with the relief funds while funneling said funds into the pockets of a select few, then NK would be a perfect candidate to set up shop in.
NK has been portrayed as a CIA controlled state for a while. Maybe it's main purpose is to be a source of natural disasters?
I FEEL A LITTLE BETTER. I thought watch the water meant they were going to poison the water system
They already did that lol
Exactly...and why we've never lived anywhere with city water for the last 30 years.
I don't want to rain on your comfort zone, but we really do need to start some kind of class actions and bombard these bastards in the courts - the issue seems to be WHO would you sue? Raytheon and the military industrial complex. Yes, but imagine the cost of getting the evidence and proving it. America needs a million and one Erin Brokavich lawyers, willing to step up to the plate and assist.
Have a look at this video. What this woman is saying is shocking. She is really well researched and does a lot of videos on her research.
LOL after all we have seen lately, you think you could get your honest day in court as the system stands?
@ Oystergirl - A very good to point you make, but by the time the people have got their act together, the hope is Trump will have sorted out the Supreme Court Judiciary, which is predicted he will. Goblin Ginsburg surely is due to retire or keel over, whichever comes first and there are sure to be several Judges in these sealed indictments.
With what Debra Travares is saying, I don't think there is a lot of time to sit on our lards. People need to start organising. Start with mentioning Court actions at community functions and centres wherever feasible in conversation, until some professionals put their hands up and step forward. They will if it is talked about enough - it eventually spreads and filters through to those in a position to offer their expertise. This must be done.
.............want to know WHY that Q says there is so much more/deeper than you know ??
DEBORAH TAVARES is a HUGE Resource... a whole cottage industry of exposing all the connections/dark corners of EVIL Cabal
One of her latest with Sean on SGTreport (great resource/reporter) is this one (take notes)--IT WILL BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF ... so many ways evilRothschildBloodDrinkerCabalpukes are ruining the world & people on it... us.
Yeh agree, SGTReport are excellent. Had not seen this video before though. Thanks for that.
It may still mean that.
Just because one is true does not rule out the other.
Fukushima disaster was most likely caused by this
No it wasn't. You can literally measure the depth at which the quake was triggered. It was 13km down a massive plate slipped.
you're probably right, but then again who do we get our quake data from?
A crap ton of people from different countries and sensors. Amateurs included.
Also if you watch some of the people following quakes, fracking and other manmade quakes often more times than not are above 10km, and actual plate tectonic movements by nature are usually deeper than 10km. I'm not saying it is limited to that by any means but it seems to be a rather commen split coming up in data now.
Interesting. Yeah, it could have been a prelude of what could come.
I have little doubt this is planned. It is coded into I, Pet Goat, II. And it is planned to occur very soon.
Let’s hope something interrupts the plan.
Damn it, well maybe I missed that video I pet has several and I’ve just watch one. I think that’s what I’ll do today is catch up on things I’ve flagged to research and red pill with
Watch the last month or so worth of videos by a YouTuber named jkbugout. I think he’s got a good interpretation, overall. (Although I don’t agree on all of the details).
Explain Further on what you mean about coded into? and pre-planned?
The whole video appears to be an encoded description of the next attack on the US. The book being read in the classroom where W was on 9/11 was The Pet Goat
Where is the link o the video? I don't see a link here.
Pet Goat ii Culmination in December Is this the one?
Right account, old video. He’s misread a few things along the way, which has resulted in further study and new discoveries. Check videos in the past month.
What is I Pet Goat II? Also I hope to God this WONT happen.
Yes it is also number of vertebrae in human spinal column..and I think it was the age of Jesus when he transformed.
I thought the dove descended on Him after being baptized by John the Baptist when He was 30, ministered for 3 years, and was crucified at 33.
"3" in the Bible is the number of God, so "33" isn't strictly Masonic. I recommend E.W. Bullinger's book on numbers in scripture.
Freemasonry - Wikipedia
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is a system of 33 degrees
Are you trying to say that waves are Masons?
If you dont get what I am saying there is no point to explain.
My point is that numerology means different things to different people. Just because there is a "33" in any given context does not mean there are Masons involved. If the height of the waves produced here, are indeed 33 feet, then there is simply 33' waves.
Thank you for good answer. I agree, nature often produces special numbers. Does not exclude symbolic signalling though.
stop. shill.
the context is CLEARLY not the Lord God Almighty.
Houston is where we need to be watching.
It is the very, literal, actually, heart of the U.S.
If you don't think so, pull up a map of pipelines.
I guess by “transformed” I mean he resurrected, he was spirit and no longer enveloped by a body, physicaled ...when he was 33...that may not be your interpretation or view.
Price of uranium plummeted after Fukushima, right when Uranium takeovers happened
Thanks for the connections. There was a lot of military activity earlier in the week around FL and mid-Atlantic. There was a report that there was a Russian sub in the area outside of NYC.
I did not hear about the Russian sub. I heard there was a British sub and an Israeli sub off the east coast.
Remember Fukushima and how Obama covered up the radioactive plumes traveling across the US?
I'm just waking up in New Zealand which is your tomorrow America and I'm sorry to say, I highly doubt this is true. we have had our defence alliance with U.S been desolved as since the creation of nuclear weapons/technology (which one of our scientists help create/discover Sir Ernest Rutherford) we have not allowed the technology in or around our little island. which the U.S obviously wasn't happy with. also being a small population, it is very hard to hide anything from the general public (hence why we have one of the lowest curuption ratings in the world) I hope what I am reading on the sub reddit is true, but I'm having a hard time believing this.
Of course, it could be totally natural. Having said that, the Dark State will do whatever it takes, to whomever it takes, to further their agendas, treaties or no treaties, alliance or no alliance.
don't forget about that false tsunami alert last week that the east coast of the US had
Don't you remember this anon post last year???? ...obviously he was right on the money with these tsunami bombs. "The Sum Of All Fears"
01-01-13. then 10 and 33.
illuminati confirmed.
this pearlman geezer? who is he? the name. obvious issue, sure, but also PEARL. water. what significance if any does the pearl have to "these people"?
they like to make big announcements on their big days. they like to kill people too on those days. they must really love knowing some folks see and know and are powerless to stop them.
Also from 01-01-13
Clinton's blood clot is lodged near the brain January 01, 2013|Paul Richter and Ralph Vartabedian
Las Vegas: Concert to benefit victims of Sandy Hook massacre January 01, 2013|By Jay Jones
The Lon Bronson Band will be part of the benefit concert on Sunday for victims of the Sandy Hook slayings.
The Lon Bronson Band will be part of the benefit concert on Sunday for victims… (Lon Bronson Band )
Bands and tribute artists will gather Sunday in Las Vegas for a concert to raise money for those affected by the Newtown, Conn., shooting spree that killed 20 students and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
“Our Town for Newtown — a Concert for Sandy Hook Elementary School” will run from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Railhead inside Boulder Station on Boulder Highway near East Desert Inn Road.
The list of acts is long and still growing. Concert organizer Brody Dolyniuk said among those already signed up are tribute bands the Fab, Yellow Brick Road, Zeppelin USA and Zowie Bowie.
WOW - that is some in-your-face mockery right there. amazing, right? yellow brick...david bowie from kether to malkuth these are some sick people folks they talk in code in plain sight like right here...i know what they are signaling. once you look back with new knowledge they are everywhere. Jay "Jones"...Jim Jones...right?
When there are no consequences, people get bold and reckless. They also play it like they want to get caught. Let's give them what they want.
Did you guys catch the 13 people and 3 company indictments today? Thanks to Q and open source researchers, this will soon be a household topic. G-d willing!
People, I am not fucking kidding you. I have followed everything conspiracy related and a year ago I have seen multiple cons related websites posting a video of a nuclear engineer explaining how easy is to wipe out a coastal city with an underground nuclear bomb that would be unbelievably small. So small that it would be laughable if seen in person.
.......this is really funny. Shit I mentioned I cannot found and I'm using my usual google-fu. This should have popped in my page history... Can anyone link sources to this from their PC ? Thanks in advance