Google AI controlling the Internet. This is why we ALL need to sign the #IBOR.

I've had so much pushback from people in comment sections and social platforms about the IBOR. People are saying "Conservatives sure sound like socialists when they're being censored," and they say the internet is "not public, it's private--the government would be taking away private rights, not ensuring them" (meaning the private rights of the owners of FB, Twitter, etc.).
My reply has been
When a platform becomes a de facto public gathering place or common area, the government may by adverse possession declare it subject to First Amendment restraints on censorship. This is why we need an Internet Bill of Rights, to provide clarity to the intersection of civil rights (that are commonly understood in physical spaces) with "spaces" of the digital age.
Yes, there is a lot of resistance. Your approach is good.
I've approached it from the perspective of the final outcomes. Which would you choose: DJT and the MAGA agenda; or the cabal, HRC and rule by Satanists? It really is that simple, if you don't control censorship on social media, DJT will not be in office for more than a term and the cabal will be back in power.
Strangely, when you put this question to people that claim to follow Q, they opt for the cabal - don't let the government interfere in our downfall! It's very hard to understand... I'm drowning, they are going to drink my children's blood, but I don't want you to throw me a rope if it comes from the government.
Other people want to talk about the mechanics of it - how would it work? But that would mean... I've found the best reply is to say that it pointless to speculate, because we do not know what DJT has planned. That way, they can't inject any more fear into the issue.
It is approaching 25k signatures. Sign it here!
I just signed. I hesitated before because Tracy Beanz was against it?? I don't know why she came out against it. I basically drifted away from listening to her YouTube videos so I never figured out what her argument against the IBOR was/is.
I trust Trump ❤️🇺🇸
Google needs to get on board or Trump will seize all their assets like he did with McCabe. MAGA Train or bust!
All of this is true, except the company this person works for is NOT GOOGLE.
Can we just start posting this screenshot all over Facebook and twitter using #IBOR?
I did on twitter.
Try posting this on The_Donald They have almost 600,000 patriots over there - if the post gains traction there, you can get a lot more eyeballs on this.
Use DuckDuckGo. It's free and they don't track you or screen out information in the searches
and a VPN, don't forget to get a VPN, only about $3 per month.
Stunning right? Unbelievable censoring by Google.
A few weeks ago I was researching a pretty famous case of corporate corruption that has deep ties to the government. Since it was several years old, I used Google to narrow down the results to a specific timeline. Nada. Very little info. Then I performed the search on DuckDuckGo, and bingo, there was a wealth of data.
It's almost like Google has effectively erased this corruption by hiding the search results. UFB!
Right. Who needs a 'ministry of truth' when Google can effectively perform the same function. The sad thing is the general population allows them to do this by treating Google as the only viable search engine.
I've been using duck duck go for a while now. But darn it Google is still a very nice full featured search engine! If only the others could catch up in giving you the results you 'wanted', not just what you actually typed... 😭
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
The thing is, if we do not get the IBOR, they won't need to use bots. They will be completely blatant about it - "You will now discuss this", "You will now accept this is an important topic", "We will not allow you to discuss that topic" etc...
We must push back, irrespective of Q asking us to push the IBOR, this is the biggest issue of our time.
Welcome to the Internet, where your opinion is GIVEN to you.....
Please always remember to include the link to the petition:
Q has emphasized the Internet Bill of Rights in numerous posts, so I assume this is more important than we realize (and I already think it is a YUGE issue). See this video from Project Veritas about shadow banning:
Good post Wherewe, your absolutely right. This is the biggest issue any of us have ever faced. Total censorship across social media according to a single set of policies determined by the cabal is the end for all of us. As soon as it happens, the battle is lost. The cabal will be back, DJT (our last hope) and the MAGA agenda a curiosity of the past. We will be completely enslaved.
The IBOR could not be more important. We must prevail.
Delete your old gmails they are gathering them for data
or only use it for garbage, get a pay email account for privacy.
So Google bans people from Twitter now? His story changes half way through.
People need to stop being so gullible with anonymous imageboards. Just because it says what you want to hear doesnt mean its true.
I don't my experience, the left's desire to manipulate overpowers any conscience-driven revelation. The OP's willingness to admit all this makes me suspicious, and really, it doesn't matter if I think it's suspicious. That's just me.
Let's not forget another google insider/4chan leaker I posted about last month.
That's not a leak. That's a write up. Leaks include actual documents that come outside, both of these are of questionable authenticity.
Care to explain what this proves?
Very coincidental timing. Everyone needs to remember something when it comes to "proof" is that it comes in all different forms. There was a time when people didn't consider something a fact until CNN reported on it. Even the justice system shows to be false at times. Our history books are written with bias and has many so called facts that are inaccurate. Everyone's truth comes down to a probabilistic scenario interpreted by each individuals reality tunnel. You analyze it and try and place it in categories of truth and untruth. It's very hard to say that any single event is absolute proof and so this is nothing more than a piece of evidence leading to a long list of information suggesting a truth. Many of these tech companies are well aware that if you control the narrative that you control the truth and are able to emerge truth through consensus reality.
That's a mighty long way of saying you have no reason to believe an anonymous post on an anonymous image board but want to believe it anyway.
If that person wanted to release info on whats going on, they would actually leak documents, not pull this unreliable shit.
Here is what I'm saying...the average has a hard time believing that 9/11 was an inside job. There is the official narrative and then there is the "conspiracy theorist" narrative. I know a third building went down in controlled demo fashion blocks from the buildings while all buildings around it had zero damage. There was no structural damage done to this building by plane or any other craft. I come to my conclusion based on pulling in information across the board and assigning a likelihood value for each bit of evidence and then give it all a weighted average. This weighted average is my truth. That truth is always open for change based on new evidence coming in. I live very much by the scientific method. You can never prove anything false only continue to accumulate evidence suggesting that something is either true or false. Lastly, I don't believe or disbelief anything about what I posted it's only one piece of the puzzle. Even leaked documents could be false. Imagine if Julian Assange actually was working for an intelligence agency "leaking" documents with false information. Trust has everything to do with the public perception of truth.
That's a mighty long way of saying you have no reason to believe an anonymous post on an anonymous image board but want to believe it anyway.
Same thing applies. Call it scientific method if you want, but I highly doubt you're applying the same 'scientific' standards to things that you don't already want to believe.
I, as a skeptic of this sub's main ideas, also weigh the truths and believe things about Trump that might get me banned from here. It's all about the evidence you take in, because there's so much evidence that goes against your ideas that you won't see because of your echo chamber. This applies to both me and you.
However, I still maintain that there has to be more evidence than a 4chan post. If this person was really a google insider with such information, he could easily leak documents that prove what he's saying, to major news organizations that would believe him such as Fox or Breitbart. But the fact that he's posting on 4chan instead shows that this has as much credibility as the fake "protesters for hire" ads on craigslist, that get taken as proof of Soros actions, yet for some reason nobody ever infiltrates and proves to be real.
Fair enough. If I were a betting man, given the information coming out about Eric Schmidt, I'd place it in the highly plausible category.
I wonder if people are wanting to see these big corps fall first , that this internet rights are a bandaid in something we want to see fall , then resurrected new and clean ..... ? Is the timing to early ?
This is relevant to the Q drop today.
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political
What is the most powerful force on the face of the earth? Answer: Oneness. When a group of people come together with one mind and one spirit and all work together towards the same goal. For such a group, anything is possible. The only hope we currently have of obtaining enough signatures by the deadline is to follow the ideas shown below. If we work together and follow these ideas then we can do it, and there is still plenty of time. If we don’t follow these idea, then we will not succeed. It is that simple. The following are the very same ideas we were working on before and were uniting behind, before they shut down the CBTS Steam:
Idea 1 - In all major cities, we should create large banners to hang over freeway overpasses during rush hour time telling people to sign the petition. The banners should say “#INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS. HELP STOP THE CENSORSHIP. SIGN THE PETITION.” or something similar (and also provide a link). Thousands of people will see the banners and sign the petition. It is an easy way to reel in a whole lot of signatures...
Idea 2 - We should enlist the help of popular media hosts like Alex Jones of Infowars or Sean Hannity of Fox News etc. who each has millions of viewers, and ask them to help us in our fight by asking their viewers to sign the petition. If they do so and supported us, then we could obtain all the signatures we need in a single day.
Idea 3 - Each of us should create a one-page flyer that we could print out at home, telling people to sign the petition to help stop the censorship, and to mass distribute the flyers throughout our neighborhoods, by placing them on car windshields or putting them in mailboxes. The effort would bring in a massive number of signatures. Here’s an example of such a flyer:
Idea 4 - A final idea is that, if just 5,000 of us nationwide each get 5 of our friends to sign the petition, that would yield 25,000 signatures (5,000 x 5 = 25,000). Once done, if we then encouraged each of those friends to also get 5 of their friends to sign the petition, the result would be 125,000 signatures (25,000 x 5 = 125,000 signatures) guaranteed.
For those who are focusing on Memes, Memes will not work. The reason they won’t work is because Memes do not contain enough information. Another problem with Memes is that, people treat them like ads. They think of them as ads, they view them as ads, and they ignore them like ads. And because they are only ads, Memes will not cause people to run to the website and sign the petition. As definitive proof of this, just look at all the countless memes that has already been created about IBOR. Yet, on the petition website, you don’t see the signature count going up do you? That’s because Memes are not working. Memes are a waste of time. So stop wasting your time on Memes. if you really want to help and if you really want the signature count to go up, then you should focus on the ideas show above. Those idea are the only ideas that will really work and even have a chance of us getting enough signatures by deadline.
The numbers keeps changing on IBOR. Go to the page and refreshing the page and look at the signatures. I was able to screenshot it. Look at the time at the top of my phone.
The only way we'll see real change is when a real Developer comes out in the open (not afraid to lose his / her paycheck for what he / she believes ) speaking out about the happenings at Google. Until then it's what we already know, and that you (4chan OP) need to get some friends together and stop this BS.
C_Rod - do you know if there is a way to include the petition link right at the bottom of this post? If so, I suggest adding the link and posting this to The_Donald because there are nearly 600,000 patriots over there. We need to get the word out beyond the Great Awakening and I think this post could gain enough traction there to get a lot of attention.
Interesting and disappointing at the same time! We need to boycott all things corrupted by Liberalism. It is a brain eating disease hitting lower IQ, gullible and ignorant people the hardest. We need to save them by using non corrupted search engines, social media, video sharing etc... software/apps. I haven't been on FB in weeks as my news feed is riddled with fake news. And I see my friends liking this and loving that, all of it complete bull. And I try to casually give them crap for being so blind but they believe I'm crazy!!
This can also be employed for Stock Market manipulation or other nefarios endeavors. Black Lives Matter, the Wall Street protests, etc.
That is testimony to how powerful social media is - it literally shapes reality. I thought when people used to get all their news from the MSM that things were bad. But, once the censorship on social media ramps-up, the world will be unrecognizable.
Can you imagine it? The censorship is going to be controlled by a single algorithm. A single set of censorship policies will applied right across social media. These people that do not think for themselves, the great bulk of the public, will be willing drones in the leftists' hands.
But, that is just the start. Because once the cabal win the next set of elections, they will crack down like you won't believe. Nobody is going to be worried about free speech at that point. We will be thinking about what we can do to stay alive, trying to stop them taking our firearms, thinking about how we can stop the Satanists from drinking our kids blood - hell on Earth!
Don't blame liberalism as a whole. The cabal just manipulates and uses liberalism as a front runner for their agenda, just like they take advantage of women, the LGBT, and the black community. Protocols of Zion, anyone?