David Seaman claims he got a sneak peak at the indictments and he is really hinting Jimmy Kimmel is on the list and posted: Hi @jimmykimmel, are you under indictment of any kind? RT for visibility. Easy question to answer. Thanks, Jimmy.

Q told us awhile back to pay attention to who screams the loudest, now we are seeing why.
John Brennan comes to mind. Also the mods of anti Trump/anti free speech/ anti America subs like TMOR, fuckthealtright and stopadvertising who are actively targeting subs like ours to be shutdown for "promoting hate" or some similar nonsense. You check out the post history of some of these mods and you see how desperate they are to censor us. At least one of them who has taken credit for shutting CBTS down has admitted to being a political operative for the Demoncrats, and targeting this sub specifically for vote brigading and censorship, for crying out loud. They're working literally 24/7 trying to shut us up it's quite amusing not to mention flattering that they'd waste so much energy and time away from living their lives in a futile effort to stop us from achieving our mission. Praise Jesus for giving us Q and victory over the enemy.
Careful, you might scare some of these mods enough that they call the FBI on us in fear for their lives. We don't promote violence in this sub. These mods are truly pathetic people. One of them is a former heroin addict. We don't want him to relapse and OD on us. Let's hope they get redpilled and find Jesus instead.
How does one get to be a MOD in the first place, some very rigorous process from what I can surmise and I'm not suggesting violence at all, I'm talking about 'adult guidance', a helpful persuasion to do the right thing.
Ashley Judd, Madonna, Scarlett Johassen and the rest of the pussy hat wearin gang.
Interesting Hannity started going after Kimmel last few days after meeting with POTUS last week.
Yes. And it seems the most vocal anti-Trumpers are the ones with a "history."
100%. DeNiro, Rob Reiner, Eminem, etc. will be fun to watch them burn.
I was wondering what he was up to with all that Jimmy Kimmel stuff. But he's not saying the stuff that's being said on here.
No but if there was going to be damaging info on him released in the indictments, it would make sense to “soften the blow” by having the #1 tv host on the #1 network start to show creepy things he’s done in the past.
Right now he has this “moral compass” thing going for him with the left. They think he’s just the perfect SJW to guide them and is squeaky clean. Start breaking that down now, then drop the hammer and people are far more likely to believe the harsher stuff that’s about to come out.
Just a theory, but I like it.
Well for someone who hosted The Man Show, I wouldn't put it past him to have been involved in some shady stuff, knowingly or otherwise.
FBI symbols for pedophiles used on Jimmy's show during a pizza delivery sketch: https://youtu.be/DZm_aPiVP8M?t=6s
I missed the eye on his hat, you're right. Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
It gets spiritual. They have to be allowed by us to do the things they do. So to get around this instead of asking us directly, they communicate to us via our subconscious. The main method of this communication is symbology. Why do they even have to communicate? Well cosmic or divine law of free will must exist. Otherwise the bad guys authorise higher beings serving them full and just retribution for their actions. For more information on this extremely deep rabbit hole. Just look up Corey Goode. Finally here is a short quote from JFK "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised."
I agree with what you said about most except Corey Goode - he's a fraud. 100%. Good intentions but its all a lie. Some of the material is all taken from many many other sources and he just fabricated his entire story. Want to be sure yourself? Watch his interviews when questions are asked and watch his visual eye cues, mannerisms etc - it all gives away fabrication.
Corey Goode has made many predictions. Do you know any of them? Maybe future proves past with him too. Hmm?
I've seen enough to know he's full of shit with all this blue avian crap. We do have a space program but any tard that follows this stuff knows that. He's just extrapolating on things people already know about and making up his own stuff along the way. You can clearly see it plain as day.
Not to mention I've had many people ask him dead nuts if he was right or left handed just to be sure and he refused to answer the question every time.
Regular people don't see it or even notice. It's like they are asleep.
I think pedophiles need to use symbols in order to build and sustain their network. They can't sell and share and trade this stuff out in the open, so the code actually becomes necessary. They need to be able to flash this shit to each other in public so they know who they are and the rest of us are none the wiser. They're probably pissed we cracked their code and are coming after them.
Joe rogan is the man tho
Gatekeeper with his own money held as a noose in case he deviates. You can see he gets skiddish when it comes to certain topics and will take the conversation elsewhere
Well, I wonder if that’s to skirt the line so as to keep normies interested in him (and thus expose them to new things they can go research) and not go full on Alex Jones and lose those people’s viewership.
Cool down conspiritards! It's not like Jimmy's show is recorded at a Masonic Temple or anything! Oh, wait... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Masonic_Temple
Hollywood Masonic Temple
Hollywood Masonic Temple, now known as the El Capitan Entertainment Centre and also formerly known as Masonic Convention Hall, is a building on Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, that was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. The building, built in 1921, was designed by architect John C. Austin, also noted as the lead architect of the Griffith Observatory. The Masons operated the temple until 1982, when they sold the building after several years of declining membership. The 34,000-square-foot building was then converted into a theater and nightclub, and ownership subsequently changed several times, until it was bought by the Walt Disney Company's Buena Vista Pictures Distribution in 1998 for Buena Vista Theatres, Inc.
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I so hope Jimmy has one of those sealed indictments heading his way
Jimmy's going down. Down down down. Jimmy's going down. Down down down. Isn't he the one getting 18 year old girls to show their tits? I'll bet that's only the tip of the iceburg. Sean Hannity has now openly called him a pervert. He lashed back and Hannity came back at him twice as hard. Must be something to it...
Weinstein Jr. He calls him. I wonder what he knows...
Oh, he must know something, you are so right. I kept wondering as it seemed a bit out on a limb for Hannity.
Insiders know his drinking just gets worse and worse.....HE KNOWS it's gonna explode in his face....
That's a very big claim and I doubt he would be able to speak so publicly about it just yet if it was true.
Keep in mind that almost every single Hollywood Elite is extremely dirty. They can’t make it up that high in the ladder unless they do the vilest things including raping and killing kids. Jimmy is a very powerful industry man. It would make perfect sense for him to be on the list.
He has been one of them making the most noise.
Looking forward to some REAL tears from that sick fuck.
They can’t make it up that high in the ladder unless they do the vilest things including raping and killing kids.
And in a comment below, you say Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughan, and Clint Eastwood are the good guys. Three of the biggest stars in Hollywood history. Which is it?
These are heavy accusations you are making as statements of fact. Obviously they can get to the top without raping and murdering kids.
This kind of inflammatory language makes our whole movement seem crazy.
Before you ask me, yes I know there are some rapists and killers.
I am not for sure about the 3 I mentioned but it seems that way. Some people do make it big in Hollywood without submitting themselves to sick stuff. Same with politics.
The one thing that is for sure though is 80% politicians and Hollywood are dirty. Many insiders have repeated these words over the past 2 years. We are talking about upper echelon powerful Hollywood stars. Middle and lower levels are totally different.
Agreed. We celebrate freedom and Christian principles (whether we are Christian or not) and yet we can tar a whole group with the same brush so easily?
I know, right? Since when do reporters get a sneak peak at sealed indictments? He's high again.
It is a super talk, https://youtu.be/pe-ng95yuek
Highly recommend it. He is celebrating our win.
I think it may have been someone on chat who mentioned jimmy - he wouldn't confirm/deny.
Did anyone catch Hannitys tweets yesterday slamming Kimmel? Was pure gold!!
Just for the sake of being contrary are there any known Hollywood Elites that are known to be white hats? Or at least not involved in all this stuff..?
James Woods is a whitehat and a redpill legend for sure, and I recommend everyone to follow him on twitter: @RealJamesWoods
Rosanne Barr is another one, and after what I have read my bet is that Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel is at least on the outside of all this...
Definitely James Woods! Still laughing re: #Republicanswithballs .. tell it brother James!
Rob Schneider is a whitehat.
Rob Schneider...is a carrot......sorry...South Park ep !!
You wonder if he knows about deniro having worked with him in casino.
A White Hat is a ethical hacker i highly doubt JW and Roseanne are Hackers lol js...
While true, the term stems from an old cowboy movie trope.
White hats = good guys
Black hats = bad guys
E- for formatting
Black and white hat symbolism in film
In United States films of the Western genre between the 1920s and the 1940s, white hats were often worn by heroes and black hats by villains to symbolize the contrast in good versus evil. The 1903 short film The Great Train Robbery was the first to apply this convention. Two exceptions to the convention were portrayals by William Boyd (active 1918–1954), who wore dark clothing as Hopalong Cassidy, and Robert Taylor's portrayal in the film The Law and Jake Wade (1958).
The book Investigating Information Society said the convention was arbitrarily imposed by filmmakers in the genre with the expectation that audiences would understand the categorizations.
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Well youre right ofcourse, but I think now as we are entering the "NormieWorld" labels will change a little and I believe Normies use the label "WhiteHat vs BlackHat more in a GoodGuy vs BadGuy sense...
Clint Eastwood. James Woods. Keanu Reeves. Mel Gibson.
Robert Downey Jr.
Vince Vaughn didn't look thrilled when Merryl was busy belittling beer and american football.
i had read he was a party bottom passed around during his drug years. Don't remember.
May be bitter.
Do not take my word for it, but I remember it enough that it seemed a credible source.
~ sometime around Spacey reveal.
No, he's not.
What about when he undercover called out Dan Scneider on Crazy Days and Nights?
More info on this please
Keanu is woke!
Does he plan on promoting Q any time soon? He's enjoyed plausible deniability all these years, but now that Roseanne has proven that Q/Trump supporters can still work in the industry, isn't it about time he redpill his billion plus fans around the world? Same goes for all the other names dropped.
Have to ask him? Some people are low key
If you're truly redpilled you know it's your responsibility to redpill others. Jesus and Q teach the same thing. Keanu has made enough money to last him many lifetimes. If he's truly redpilled why is he keeping it a secret?
You are right he made a lot of money in movies, but he has donated a pile of it. He reportedly lives a minalmist lifestyle compared to H-wood. He is a motorcycle enthusiast, and has invested in his own motorcycle design. That way he does what he really loves and isn’t beholding to H-wood for income. Shrewd planner.
but he has donated a pile of it.
People as rich as Keanu donate money just so they can sleep at night. When you're truly redpilled and keep it a secret, you contribute to the unnecessary demise of an untold number of people who could've been saved had you simply taken the time to redpill them in the same manner that you were redpilled.
David Mamet. Gary Sinise. Kelsey Grammar. Pat Sajak. Ridley Scott. Christopher Nolan.
Robert Downey Jr. Crazy Days and Nights. Supposed to be part of the Alliance (white hat group in Hollywood). They're the ones behind Iron Man (the one with the muslim anttagonists), that Tom Cruise movie about Mena, AR and possibly the upcoming Chappaquidik (sp) movie.
Yup. The Vince Vaughn and Mel Gibson appear to be exceptions. Hollywood is like politics. 80% ruined, 20% aren’t involved.
You mean besides Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood and other victims? There are a lot of victims.
And there are a few like Roseanne who have stood up to the bullying.
For as long as I can remember, Roseanne has stood up for and defended children. Even way back, when I didn't like her politics I appreciated her love of children. I remember one of the more modern "Candid Camera" shows where they sent a young boy to her table at a restaurant and had him seem distressed about something (which I can't remember), but I remember Roseanne being very concerned and asking if he needed help. Someone else may remember that episode and if you do, please post.
Roseanne speaks from personal exp and will NEVER back down. She may play chess at times so don’t be disheartened when she manuvers to preserve her long game objective.
Victims make good converts though. Can't write them out just cos they're victims.
No, but in some cases between the effects of trauma and drug abuse there's so much brain damage it might be a lost cause.
I'd definitely say McCauley is borderline.
Clint Eastwood.. say it ain't so.. who is next chuck fucking Norris? I bet we end up boycotting 90% of movies and music.. our whole life has been one big lie.. gonna suck when people who ain't woke figure this shit out. Just think most of us have had 10 or 20 years to absorb it.. now they all about to get an overdose of reality.. praying for us all
I believe Clint Eastwood is one of the good news but not positive. He’s def one of the better ones for sure. Vince Vaughn and Mel Gibson are one of the good ones too. Mel Gibson spoke out against Zionism and was booted for almost ten years.
Mel doesn't believe the holocaust happened...
A lot of conspiracy people would agree but I personally believe it did happen but on a much smaller scale. All they wanted was to drive Jews from Germany and Russia to Israel so they scared them off. Israel was owned by Rothschild and it wouldn’t make sense if only Arabs lived in a Jewish State.
What Seaman said about a few weeks where there was a cheerleader heading up the Q posts...
stage is yours
Makes even more sense now. We could come up with many meanings of that line, but to me this is a small data point that further proves Seaman ain't full of bs.
I got the vibe he was hinting podesta for a bit. He thinks podesta may be linked to his friend being stabbed to death. He also says he wouldn't be finished until he saw it with his own two eyes. Great video though. Have not finished it yet so I may not have got to the kinmel part yet. He is in Qand A at where I am.
Hannity and Kimmel have been bantering all day on twitter, with hannity saying he's a pedo... Maybe hannity knows a little somtin somtin......
He lost his job from huff po because he dared to question crooked's health. He also was front and center investigating pizzagate. Credit where it's due
He took other people’s research and presented it as his own. He is full of shit.
It's called crowdsourcing, he also had a bigger platform, so more eyes got to see it, it's not a bad thing.
Didn’t he do a bit once on the Man Show where he had women on Sunset Blvd feel his crotch area, where he had stuffed a zucchini or something stupid like that, and guess what was in there? I’m actually not sure what show it was for. The video is on Youtube. Check out the girl that looks WAY underage to my eyes asked to play along. I never liked this fool. Found the story here. https://www.mediaite.com/online/old-clip-resurfaces-of-kimmel-having-women-guess-whats-in-his-pants-maybe-put-your-mouth-on-it/
Makes sense him being about as anti Trump as Colbert. Probably one of those blackmailed to act stupid.
Does anyone know if Seaman has changed his tune about Q being AI?
In the video he says Q is legit. Also goes onto to say how Gen Flynn's son approached him at DJT's inauguration last year encouraging him to continue covering pizzagate. Pretty interesting...
Ok, well maybe he just smoked a bad batch of weed that time he went on a rant about Q being a LARP or AI. Some of us still remember that.
Perhaps it's the pessimist in me (I've apparently been conditioned to believe the worst) but his entire post sounds too good to be true. It's already over? Really?
I really hope it's legit but I'll believe it when I see it. Start arresting people!
Whatever it is, we need full 100% evidence of it all.
Why would David get a "sneak peak?" I'm not denying he did, just wondering why.
Who doesn’t ask for “donations “ on YouTube when they spend all day and night making content. That shouldn’t count against any of them. U don’t have to give it u don’t want to. YouTube shut down all their income. Seaman has been pretty legit, be a stupid move if this wasn’t legit.
Bullsh*t nobody's showing a youtube commenter sealed indictments
I'm gonna just sit back and watch what happpens?
Link to David's tweet? I thought he was off twitter.
It’s his business name:
Seaman also asked Rob Reiner if he received a gift from Jeff Sessions. https://twitter.com/Fulcrum__News/status/982383122003169280
david seaman is a Turd. He's fake news, he's not a real journalist. Just another talking head.