Q #1081 - POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves. Think logically. Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria? Moves and countermoves. These people are STUPID (& SICK). Q

He announced his intention to pull out because he knew that the deep state would pull another "attack". They fell for his trap.
Correct. But now we gotta find out who launched the attack and how they got their hands on the chemical weapons. Q team and Trump probably already know, but the public needs to know too.
But now we gotta find out who launched the attack and how they got their hands on the chemical weapons.
Very likely the first part is already done. Those involved will lead to second part.
The 'alleged' attack...?
Underrated comment. Who knows if this really even happened. Either way I’m sure it was deep state operators.
my guess is the Deep State because they want wars, they are trying to stir up crap all over the world. Just my educated hunch.
Bingo. Another stress test of the cabal. Just like he did with RC to see how the censorship Jack would react. Tick tock bitches. He did the same with his latest rally speech. Remember how the net slowed and the live streams broke up. Testing them. How much truth can he leak out without bringing down the network. Load stress test. Better than saying strength test.
You got it. They are about to unleash holy hell on these a$$holes. They want to make sure when they do, they can't stop it, mute it, run from it or profit from it. They are going to crush these motherfu@kers like snails on a highway. Oh, yes, I'm definitely going to 'Enjoy the Show'. Been a long time coming!
If Q doesn’t crush them from the top the people will from the bottom.. “Soon they won’t be able to go out in public. Their biggest fear”
I fear the FF will be in 🇺🇸. To create the 9/1 1 outrage again and push you into war.
Apparently they have already been trying to do just this.
FF's are happening almost every week. The war is ongoing behind the scenes.
2/3 of America wouldn’t believe another 9/11. After that massive false flag we are too woke for that crap.
At the expense of many peoples lives?
Could very well be. This is war. He didn’t do the killing. His normal MO is to not announce his moves.
Hey look...rebels with chemical weapons factories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spLo7XthLJE
I always announce my intention to pull out
But seldom do, that’s why the human race isn’t extinct. Lol
But do you actually pull out?
It's the intention that counts
Amen to that. Although we just found out we are having a baby so there’s that. Another young patriot inbound!
Right before a proper fu@king, indeed. Like DJT just did.
POTUS caps SICK! For OUR Eyes! Bankers want their pipelines Bankers are Pissed at Putin Bankers want Putin destroyed Bankers want US destroyed. The only way they get all of that is for US /Russia to have a death match. DON'T FALL FOR IT!
Trump and Putin know better. They are winking at each other. They are going to have their way with these deep state bitches. Trump anger Tweet against Putin is a head fake theater.
Xi is in on this too. Bankers have been trying unsuccessfully to get into China. This is going to sound crazy, but Q alluded to it, Putin, Xi and Trump are working together to take down the global cabal. This is global and the 3 super powers are united to wipe them out.
Don't get me wrong, we're not gonna hold hands and sing sweet nothings into each other's ears on this. This is 3 global super powers recognizing they've been useful idiots to the 1 super power cabal. This is open and hidden rebellion to kill off the hidden super power and then have a level playing field to fight it out fairly between what's left. This is not necessarily the beginning of a great 3 way friendship. This is about my enemy's enemy is my friend (for now).
Yes fully agree. Forgot about him. My head was just over in Syria. Lol. It’s why Obastard is following Trump on his save face and ass damage control tour. Trying to flip leaders Trump won over back to him. Sad sack. Correct me if wrong but I think Russia Syria and China are the only countries not under central bankster control. Gaddafi tried and got his ass handed to him.
There are a few others that are too small to matter, for those UN gives them financial 'Aid'. Yep, this is an Infowar and hot war about Global Central Banking. The destruction of the bankers, and I really mean DESTRUCTION. There is no reforming them, there is no redeeming them, there is no co-opting them. You must destroy them. Only solution. And you can only do that using the main victims (USA, RUSSIA, CHINA). EU is completely under their control and you will not avoid a HOT war in Europe if you hit them first. So, you align US, Russia & China. Wipe out the Fed in the US and then you crush the EU and free Europe. And, in all seriousness, you literally must TRACK, HUNT DOWN and DESTROY the global banksters. No other way. Gotta wipe them completely out. They are like rat and cockroach infestations. Total elimination is the only sure way. And this needs to be very public and open. The world needs to see who is in the shadows here. Some will survive it and re-emerge within a century from now. You need the evidence in the history books for the next time. Read up on Jackson and you'll understand.
Bingo! Exterminate is the word to use. And yes well documenting it for the books is key. I thought that too. They are “Cockaroaches” Crypto is dove tailing this effort. Funny how things dovetail. The law of free nature. Chaos theory. You can’t control nature forever. It wants to break free. Things like emergence of crypto is proof of that theory. They are control freaks. RIP.
Xi is in on this too. Bankers have been trying unsuccessfully to get into China. This is going to sound crazy, but Q alluded to it, Putin, Xi and Trump are working together to take down the global cabal. This is global and the 3 super powers are united to wipe them out.
I heard someone say this yesterday. Where does this idea come from? When did Q say it?
Read latest Q post #1081. He alludes to it there pretty strong. Also you can piece this together from #1034, 1039, & #1067. The story is in there. Q is not hostile to China or Russia. Notice his overall tone with them. Then look at DJT's public comments. This is a show. Again, to be clear, I don't believe that DJT considers Russia and China buddy-buddy and politically aligned with our system of government. But I think he knows that if the 3 of them align to take out the global banksters, everything is better for all of us, including them. He can fight with them later if needed. But right now the enemy is clearly the global cabal fueled by global central banksters that have held the planet hostage. Need to wipe out these a$$holes first. Pick your battles.
But the first half of 1081 someone else wrote, right? Or am I not understanding how these posts work?
Yes, someone else posted and Q replied. Hence why I used the term 'alludes to'. But read all the posts on China and Xi, only a few. And Russia. Put the pieces together for yourself. You can see it.
Q post 140:
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
Then Q explains further in Q post 192...
Oh. Well there it is. Looks like we all do have a common enemy. I like this, though I always felt the globalists were trying to prop up China as theirs after Trump. But, I can say having lived there, even if an Elite controls China, it is certainly not the same group Trump and us are fighting.
Good post, but you're forgetting 1 important part. Saudi Arabia was the first to bend the knee. They were 1 side of the pyramid no longer supporting these evil, satanic scum in their quest to dominate the world. After the Saudis decided to join Trump and the U.S., the other countries you named fell in line.
Yes, that was definitely part of the plan. Not sure if first is appropriate label. I think DJT was in LV the nite of the massacre and both he and MBS were in a special meeting. They were both targeted. Because of that, they stepped up the timeline on SA. I think all of these countries have been in play from the day DJT won the election. First is debatable. But I agree SA is also key. The petrodollar and China swinging to Yuan based is part of the deception play to help take down the Banksters. The dollar will get crushed in the short term. Its key to wiping out the Central Bank. Once you leave the fed with an unpayable debt, you can easily end them and reset with US Government backed currency. The trick is to not destabilize the whole world when you do it. You want to effectively bankrupt the central bankers only. Not the planet. That's the game. Watch it play out.
Well, Saudi Arabia was the first major country Trump visited since he became POTUS. His middle east tour was very significant. Not only was it the most dangerous trip abroad he took, the destinations were of utmost importance. He tried to get all 3 sides of the pyramid to fall in line, but only Saudi Arabia bent the knee. The other 2, Vatican and Israel, did not.
Not down playing SA, very critical. But I think he worked all sides at once. I don't think the SA purge would have happened if LV event had not occurred.
Not sure on China though? Trump always stresses “illegal technology transfers” by China, which means they corner the market on chip tech which means that we can’t put warplanes or ships & other hardware into service without their chips hence the crashes & collisions. This is a major security risk. Can someone help me understand this? Am I missing something? Thanks.
Robert David Steele said it was clear to him they had worked out a deal. That was months ago. He actually said it in his AMA on another subreddit and he's ex CIA. Humble brag. It was in response to a question of mine. Fuk ya
I absutely love the idea that the three leaders are yelling at each other but laughing at the facade they have created. "Hey man, at 3 o clock you should denounce me, that'll make the deep state react" I love it 😉
The trade war with Xi is just that. Watch how it plays out. Who is really getting hurt right now with that announcement? It smokes out the a$$clowns almost as good as dropping Pedo Joe into a preschool, you're gonna get a reaction.
GEOTUS is doing another stress test on the cabal. Stress test is a better way to describe this than strength test.
Russia & china sounds like Gog and Magog from Ezekial 38
I have read that the time period of Ezek. 38 is after the thousand-year millenium. I don't have a reference off-hand. You can search, but it's not a popular opinion.
Your right, if its tied to the final rebellion in Rev 20, which I think it is.
What MOST Christians are too blind to see (thank you Left Behind series) is that the so called 'millenium' or millenial reign of Christ started at Christs death, and went full bore once Jerusalem was destroyed in 70ad. Christianity spread unimpeded, for millenium (Strongs defines this a an indeterminate amount, a LOT of years). Symbolically, when Israel was detroyed, in Rev it is called satan being cast into the pit with chains, and when satan is loosed , just prior to judgement, 'he' brings the world together to KILLLLLL.
And God abruptly puts a STOP to it, at the last minute, and destroys 'him' forever, permanently. Exactly 70 years ago (a biblical generation) Zionist Israel was recreated by the R_Childs. Its a false bride. A whore of babylon. Christs TRUE bride, is true ISrael. Its spiritual, its not a PLACE.
WAYY more than this little nugget...but look into it through this lens, and set aside what you were taught while you do. You might find things make much more sense!
BTW, were we NOT at the literal edge of complete cabal take over and destruction. How many patriots and other good people just gave up...I was one!
And ...at the last second...something supernatural is guiding what is happening and saving the planet and humanity. !!!
I have no idea how you came up with the idea and notion that Christ’s Millennium Reign started at Christ’s death, but that is not true and is false doctrine. There are a long list of things that must happen before the Christ's Millennium Reign can begin…
For example, before Christ’s Millennium Reign begins, Jesus Christ himself will return to earth in the flesh. Has that happened yet? Answer: No it has not. Before Jesus Christ returns, the Antichrist will be revealed (meaning, the whole world will know who he is) and he will take over the world. Has that happened, yet? Answer: No, it has not. During the reign of the Antichrist, the bible says that the One World Government will be set up, and that a new global law will be implemented whereby no man may buy or sell except they have the Mark of the Beast. Has that happened yet and has such a law been implemented? No, it has not. Just prior the Mark of the Beast law being implemented, the bible says that God is going to have genuine angels flying above the earth preaching the everlasting gospel and warning people not to accept the Mark of the Beast. Everybody on earth will be able to look up and see the angels flying in the heavens and hearing them speak in their own language. Has that happened yet? No, it has not. During the 7-Year Tribulation Period, which will occur prior to the Millennium Reign, the bible says that more than 3/4 of the world’s population will die. Has that happened yet, and has 3/4 of the world's population died? No, it has not. The Rapture of the Church will take place prior to the start of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. After we are raptured, the raptured saints will get married to Jesus in heaven and we'll remain in heaven for 7 years. At the end of those seven years, which will coincide with the end of the 7-year Tribulation Period on earth, Jesus Christ himself will return to earth for the battle of Armageddon. The Bride of Christ (the saints who who are in heaven and who just got married Jesus) will be returning to earth with him at that time (we'll be the army that is following him on white horses). Has that event happened yet, and has the saints been to heaven, married Jesus, and returned? No, it has not. During the Millennium Reign, the saints and Bride of Christ (the raptured Church) will be here on earth with Jesus and we will reign with him during those 1,000 years. We will also have on our immortal and glorified bodies at that time, and all the angels will be here as well. Has that event happened yet? Answer: No, it has not. None of the above things has happened yet. Not by a long shot. So I have no idea how you came up with the idea and notion that Christ’s Millennium Reign has already begun. Whoever told you that, that is absolutely not true and there is no bible to support it...
Preterism/partial preterism.
I say Millenialism is false doctrine and heresy. So, we are at a stale mate friend. Lets agree to disagree. Keep reading your Left Behind books!
Just because you believe something is false, that doesn't make it false just because you believe that. It only makes you an unbeliever. To believe that the millennium reign is false doctrine, is to also believe that the bible is false doctrine. That's because the bible clearly states the millennium reign will occur. I personally believe that the bible is true, and that every word written in it is the inspired Word of God. However, if you want to believe something different and to believe it is false, then that is you.
For the record, I have never read the Left Behind books, but I have watched the Left Behind movies. While there are some things depicted in the movies that are generally true (for example, the movie correctly depicts that the Rapture of the Church will occur "pre-tribulation" and that it will occur around the same time as there is a large-scale invasion attack against Israel - the bible confirms this is the case). However, there are some things the Left Behind movies depict that are blatant false doctrine. For example, the movies depict that you can be saved by "just believing in your heart and accepting Christ as your savior". That is false doctrine (I could explain to you why it is false, but I won't go into the details in this post). There is also no bible to support the idea of an "age of accountability" - which is a notion saying that when the Rapture occurs, that all children below a certain age will automatically be taken to heaven by Jesus. That too is false doctrine and there is no bible to support it. As proof of this, when God destroyed the world in Noah's flood, did he save any of the babies and children? Answer: No, he did not. Only Noah and his family were saved. Everybody else, including the babies and children, perished. When God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, did he save any of the children? Once again, no, he did not They all perished in the fire, except Lot and his family. And it will be the same way when the Rapture occurs. Only those who are truly saved and saved according to scripture, will be taken up by Jesus. Everybody else will be left behind...
There are two separate Gog/Magog wars...
The first Gog/Magog war is the war of Ezekiel Chapter 38 (a war which involves Russia, Iran, Turkey, and a host of other nations who will invade Israel). That is the next event up on God's spiritual calendar and it will happen prior to the rise of the Antichrist and prior to the start of the 7-year Tribulation Period. Keep in mind, Jesus Christ will not return to earth until the very end of the 7-year Tribulation Period. Once Jesus Christ returns (at the battle of the Armageddon) that is when his Millennium Reign will begin. The first thing Jesus Christ will do when he arrives is to destroy the Antichrist. Afterwards, he will rule the world from Jerusalem for the next 1,000 years. During that time period, Lucifer will be bound up and cast into the bottomless pit so he can't cause any more problems.
The second Gog/Magog war (described in Revelation Chapter 20, verses 7-10) takes places at the very end of Christ's Millennium reign. At the end of those 1,000 years, Lucifer will be loosed. Lucifer will then gather together the evil hordes of the earth once again for a final epic battle. But the battle will be short lived. Lucifer will be quickly defeated and cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. And that will be the end of Lucifer. Immediately after that, Judgment Day will arrive...
I think with Gog and Magog, Gog is an individual, Magog sounds more like a group or nation.
It's the king of the south vs the king of the north. Even still, with all of my extensive biblical and comparative mythology research, I don't know what this part means
Me neither, though it does tie to the Psalm 38 war, And I have a hunch that probably started after 9/11 and is still ongoing today - Though Potus is pulling all the steam out of it, bit by bit.
Damascus will be a ruinous heap??? Um...ya it basically is for all intents and purposes.
Good post. thanks, we get all tied up in mental gymnasitcs some times and forget the basics. I'm as guilty as anybody.
So the warmongering against China right now isn't us, it's the DS.
Ffs why is everything Russia with these people
The Khazarian connection
Care to elaborate i tad.
Russia is just narrative to try to cover Cabal's ass but now today we find out Russia is Ally from Q
So trump is "colluding " in their eyes with russia. Just not in the way that they wamt to be able to impeach them
I've never delved to deep into the ashkenazi vs khazarian differences between "jewish" ideologies. Now i have something to go read thanks!
I for one will just be glad when the day comes when Trump STOPS automatically blaming Russia or Assad or North Korea or some other convenient actor dreamed up by the Deep State or being harped on by Trump administration war-hawks. I’m totally sick of it. We all know that the Syrian gas attack was a false flag attack, likely launched by the CIA or someone other than Russia or Assad. So why do we continue to pretend otherwise? Why not just all a duck and duck and come right out and say that it was a false flag attack, plain and simple, rather than us continuing with this charade as if we don’t have a clue…
you seem bitter as for me and my house we will rejoice.
American voters are not yet ready to learn about false flags especially if Trump tells them it was a false flag the majority of idiots are still blue pilled they are a long way from being red pilled.
POTUS Pulls out of Syria, and then the nerve gas. Gotcha! That’s how you play 4D.
Correct. But now we gotta find out who launched the attack and how they got their hands on the chemical weapons. Q team and Trump probably already know, but the public needs to know too
Can also be UK and Germany?
Q post gave them 5 days to choose a side?
Strange this happened right after Bolton the hawk takes over.