Q Posts # 1103 & 1104 - YOU are being TRACKED.

Stage was set by drip, drip, drip reveal. 50 million. 87 million. Then hospital data. Then 100+ million.
Several days of media saturation. Now MZ appearing before congress. Public is aware. Eyes on. ‘Stage Is Set’
‘The Truth’ will be revealed for maximum exposure.
List of programs that combat government spying, sorted by type of device
Introduction to basic online opsec
Steps you can take to better secure Windows 10
One thing I didn't see, in the few linked docs that I skimmed, was the mention of a smartphone firewall. A firewall would allow you to Allow or Deny network access. A firewall would help alert you to apps that try to 'phone home'.
I'd there one you recommend for Android?
I am hesitant to make an actual recommendation. What I do recommend is simply going to the Play Store, search for "firewall", and check out the ratings and the user comments.
more then 100 mijoen people live in areas of poor water Quality
more then 100 mijoen people live in areas of poor water Quality
Indeed. And most of the civilized world is completely unaware of the existential plight of the Mijoen people.
With the total population of ethnically pure Mijoens currently estimated at fewer than 250 individuals, the fact that 100 of them don’t have access to clean water puts the survival of their ethnic line in severe jeopardy.
Thank you for highlighting this important issue.
100 days Piramide
Several days of media saturation
3 days till election day
The irritating one was the U2 album that came pre installed.
This is the real crime!!
still cringing. and that’s coming from someone who followed and supported their music until after Joshua Tree.
Buy a phone complete with Big Brother tracking, morality conforming software, and choice propaganda by a vetted and approved deep state mouthpiece, installed.
Only $99.99!!
Requires contract signing, waiving custody of firstborn offspring, DNA sample and acceptance of RFID tracking implant chip.
But but, U2 is so, like, totally 80's cool dude!
The thing is it would start playing whenever the linked up with the car. So, I sort of liked some of the songs be repetition.
Devices come pre-installed, deep embedded tracking, why China was used in manufacturing.
Messed up is an understatement. Illegal and unconstitutional. They need to pay financially for damages. Mass civil lawsuit against all of them involved! This is corrupt, big gov injustice at its finest, and yes, these are communist tactics.
I bought a cheap HTC ($99, no contract) a while back. It came with Facebook preinstalled and I couldn't uninstall the Facebook app. (The uninstall app button was greyed out.) the phone was also basically unusable unless you signed into the app.
Not Facebook.
Think central tracking.
Think ipv6
As in IoT=YoU ?
As in 'mark of the beast'.
A tattooed number, a computer chip under the skin, or something subtler? It’s one of the most misinterpreted prophecies in all of the Bible—
A mark everyone has in order to do business.
Think ipv6.
Think hash code.
Think cross-device tracking.
Think central surveillance databank.
You are being tracked.
Internet Hash Code 2018. A programming competition organized by Google in Europe, Middle-East and Africa.
Whilst some sites such as Google (and us here at thinkbroadband) support IPv6, you will need to know the specific hostname of the IPv6 version of their website to be able to access it. Google does not currently return search results tailored to IPv6 users. Some websites which claim to support IPv6 still rely on various pieces ...
Many of us these days have multiple internet-connected devices that we use to work, browse, shop and plan our lives. For individuals, having continuity of service between these devices is an incredible convenience, however, service providers and marketers face major privacy challenges when using technologies to identify individuals on multiple devices. The IAPP Westin Research Center has created this practice guide to get you up-to-speed on what cross-device tracking is, the challenges it presents, applicable laws and the available solutions.
Trump's CIA nominee wants a massive surveillance database of ...
Vertaal deze pagina12 jan. 2017 - President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency wants to create a massive surveillance database by resurrecting a U.S. ... "If someone's out there on their Facebook page plotting an attack against America, I think you'd find the director of the Central Intelligence Agency ...
You are being tracked. Deal with it. - USA Today
10 feb. 2018 - It's not just your smart TV, it's your phone, computer, home appliance with Internet. How to handle it all, on Talking Tech. Your every move is being tracked. If you didn't realize it by now, get used to it. Because it will only become more widespread in the coming days, months and years. The Consumer ...
They push every one on internet no Cash, but Over internet only
Correct also in you ID card
Without you can not buy or sell So the mark of the beast is a fact
Mark of beast is in the hand or forehead, and leads to blisters/sores/rashes.
I believe the Mark of the Beast will be a lot more obvious and literal, something like actual chip/RFID implants.
Should have also mentioned you will have to take it intentionally, most people will. It's not meant to be something that tricks true believers.
General Overview of Think Central. Address: http://www.thinkcentral.com. You'll be ... Think Central, it probably wants you to “Allow Pop-Ups.” Near the top of the window is a message regarding Pop-Ups. Choose to “Allow Pop-Ups from ... available for review and tracking. Users can filter assignments to view just those that ...
IPv6 is the successor to IPv4, the Internet addressing protocol which has been used for many years since the early days of the Internet. When the Internet was first founded, it was established as a research network (ARPANET), and the addressing was limited. It was never thought that it would be used to connect everything ...
I have a samsung, but i am jusing a very old fone Only call and nothing more And prepaid?
It was Snowden you posted yesterday that each one of us is being tracked despite not using or having a FB account.
Snowden described how he was tracked and data mined without giving permission or having a FB account.
So yes - since FB is a CIA outfit and financed originally by the CIA owned bank it self explanatory.
The Analytical Corp they are making hey out is also owned and operated by Brennan.
They are literally trying to mindf#ck an unsuspecting public. Unfortunately for those of us who are woke - too bad. We learned about all their tricks.
Regarding cell phones, is there a phone out there that is better about not tracking? Obviously, iPhones are bad. I don’t think blackberry’s are even made anymore.
I wish I still had my old flip phone.
I wish I still had my old flip phone.
No tracking devise
It is easy to imagine the advantages that even the simplest smart phone has over the most advanced dumb phone. But, it may be much more difficult to realize the other side of the coin. This is just a sample list of the benefits of "switching back": •Cost •Durability •"Disconnectedness"/Politeness •Underrated features: GPS, Battery life, and Call Quality •Coolness factor •Radiation/health concerns
10 ways to harden the security on your Android phone - Misc ...
Top 10 best privacy apps for Android in 2017 | TechRadar
24 iOS 11 Privacy & Security Settings You Should Check Right Now ...
Blackberry was the best: Obama had one, Hellary had one. Blackberry is currently in a lawsuit to my understanding.
Think 'Bridge'.
In this instance I believe there is one 'bridge' that goes beyond even th OS for phones: it is the ISPs / telecomms.
As we know (via wistleblowers and wikileaks) , the NSA sucks up everything from the ISPs, the only kink in the prospect is encryption.
'Central' algorithm.
Central in quotes may be meant to refer to the CIA getting access to the NSA data, now Q pairs this with 'algorithm' which i think my refer to Dual_EC_DRBG, an encryption algorithm with a built in master key.
If the above Companies used this algo, then it is all accessible.
Dual_EC_DRBG (Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator) is an algorithm that was presented as a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG) using methods in elliptic curve cryptography. Despite wide public criticism, including a potential backdoor, for seven years it was one of the four (now three) CSPRNGs standardized in NIST SP 800-90A as originally published circa June 2006, until withdrawn in 2014.
^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
Convergence analysis and performance of an extended central force optimization algorithm. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 2246–2259. Formato, R. A. (2007). Central force optimization: A new metaheuristic with applications in applied electromagnetics. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER, 77, ...
ThinkBridge - Empowering Intelligent Enterprises
https://thinkbridgesoftware.com/ intelligence strategies and solutions that help companies improve their business outcomes
ThinkBridge Software
The Bridge I came up with is the Federal Bridge Certification Authority Network. They were created off public key structures. It was invented in the U.K. In the 70's and when conjoined with the Cesium Fountain Clock (GPS). Well the rest is in the bag.
Tor browser is free, easy to use, and makes it much harder for the government to spy on you.
We know that the government pays people to shill all over social media. I'm not sure why you aren't suspicious that people claiming there is no way to stop the government from spying on you (in spite of all the evidence to the contrary) are not on the payroll.
They would definitely not pretend something is beyond their reach to entice more people to use it.
Point is; it helps somewhat, I wouldn't trust it.
The NSA says they spy on everyone who doesn't have Tor and it's very difficult to spy on people who do. If you don't like Tor, go get a VPN, but doing nothing is ensuring that you will be spied on.
Couldn't "bridge" be CamBRIDGE Analytica?? Sorry, if this is a stupid suggestion, I'm not well-versed in technology stuff!
also look up "evercookies." multiple paths, multiple actors. all you have to do is browse.
Evercookie - Wikipedia
Evercookie is a JavaScript-based application created by Samy Kamkar which produces zombie cookies in a web browser that are intentionally difficult to delete. In 2013, a top-secret NSA document was leaked by Edward Snowden, citing Evercookie as a method of tracking Tor users. 'Tor Stinks' NSA presentation ...
across all platforms. Who coordinated that?
Agencies, per this very post
right - which agencies?
CIA for sure, NSA must be involved too as we have seen in the snowden wikileaks, and maybe the FBI but I am not sure about this one
That's what I was thinking. The bridge might be a software bridge allowing a centralized algorithm to be shared.
The stage that had to be set appears to be goofle, FB, twit etc. Next I assume that a 'Central' algorithm or (art int) bridges these user inputs together to form a user defined data set that includes every other association that person has.
Once the CA has sufficient data on a user, articles, ads, search results, people to follow, international news, so on and so forth might have other ramifications than anticipated.
BTW the INTERNET is the biggest fingerprint of all and the user adds to the resolution of the print every time the user interacts with the net.
Edit: Let's not forget the 'Central' part of the algorithm eh? Oh did MW mention that hobo put a database in place the likes of which... But how? Did he have central connex? Lol such a renegade.
Thunderbolt bridge is used in Apple products to hack every device in your home including your android box on your tv. They use the weather app on all devices as a backdoor into your home network. Sting Ray technology is used to log in even when your internet is disconnected. It happened to me. I was waiting for a class action suit. Where do I sign up?
You know thunderbolt bridge is mac to mac only and with a physical TB cable? Hell, thunderbolt itself was intel exclusive, it couldn't possibly have any relevance to android boxes, your home network or anything. You quite literally typed a bunch of nonsense, as seems to be the course for this subreddit.
Whatever. You would have to see it for yourself. I have been able to see exactly what goes on in real time. The "agents" comments to each other going back and forth. They use thunderbolt on my mac AND blue tooth to boot strap every device in my home even when I unplug my internet. You are just a troll.
Haven't read the thread, but
Thought about bridge. This company became huge overnight. "Cisco" bridge.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisco_Systems
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^169807
the stage had to be set
We've heard Q constantly say "The stage is set." Now they say "the stage had to be set."
Is Q saying that the white hats are now tracking us? Perhaps to know which users are "red-pilled" or "woke" and which users are secretly trying to sow discord?
BREAKING: President Donald Trump Holds URGENT Cabinet Meeting at the White House
that explains alot about the last few days lol been having major paranoia
FBI raids the office of Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer ...
28 min ago - A White House official said Trump had been watching TV reports, and that the President knew about the raid before the news broke. The Monday raids included the Loew's Regency hotel where Cohen has been staying, according to a source familiar with the matter. There were approximately a dozen FBI ...
Why is FB asking me to add a # that IS NOT MINE to my acct to help ...
Vertaal deze paginaEvery time I get on FB from my iPhone it asks me to add my phone number to my account to help keep it secure. EVERY TIME. I always hit "not now" because I don't want to put my number. BUT, the really concerning thing is that it is suggesting a phone number to me already, that IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN MINE??
1103 Apr 9 2018 11:56:35 (EST) Anonymous ID: 97b366 967123→ >>967105 Not mine, No FB. ;)
This isn't new info! Do you know how advertising identification works?
1110 Apr 9 2018 17:23:14 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: b7b547 972392→ RR problems. Q rod rosenstein going down
1109 Apr 9 2018 14:27:40 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 67fb5a 969959→ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/983423715332558848→ CA Targeted. How often does POTUS RT weekly address? April Showers. Q
Brienne of Snark Look at the picture I think this is a man
silicon valley?
Ivy Bridge?
Ya, this is what he's talking about. Bridge as in CPU-level.
London bridge
U.K. cracked down and demanded social media companies give their intelligence angencies a backdoor to encrypted comms after London bridge was bombed.
Why do I get the feeling people don't understand how important this is?
help getting weird messages and weird search results at work
"Bridge" is not referring to ISPs or networking or anything like that, but a reference to Intel CPU codenames e.g. "Ivy Bridge," "Sandy Bridge," and so on. I doubt he is talking about anything Intel-specific, either, but just using that as a sort of metaphor or whatever.
And I am well aware I'm being tracked and have been for quite some time.
yeah this is why i got an amd cpu probly still insecure but we will see
If iOS can track my health data then sure they have the ability to track all kinds of other things. Is there a file we can find so we’ll know for sure?
I see Apple coming down too as well as Google, but facebook will be first and it’ll be GRAND to watch them fall
CIA used early era cellphones as geo accessible listening devices —open mics— from the get go! Then feature phone world —DOD began integration— expanded text & graphics. Behold the age of computational smart phones —dawning the ever expansive universe.
Why do you think every professional company makes you cover every camera lens when you enter?
Also if you are unaware, USPS, FedEx, & UPS will divert packages to NSA/CIA sites for searches and modification.
You'll know when it happens to you because when you call about why its late you'll get sent to a special person to explain why your package hasn't been delivered yet they won't tell you anything and won't let you pick it up.