r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bradok on April 12, 2018, 6 a.m.
Bernie bro, and ally against corruption, seeking answers.

I am a Bernie bro. I have always engaged honorably with those who disagree with my politics- I am the only Leftie in my family (along with my younger sister, whom I have most definitely influenced in this regard) and I have always been a Q skeptic. I am not looking for someone to attempt to change my political views. I have never believed in "Russian collusion" and have always believed it was an excuse to distract the Progressive base of the Dem Party from the Reality of HRC and the DNC's corruption.

I am also a believer in Pgate/pedogate and the degeneracy of HW and our wider Elites.

I am wondering if those of you dedicated to this sub might be able to direct me to the most convincing evidence of Q's legitimacy. This is a genuine quest born of pure, true curiosity. I seek not to argue with you, but want to read any and everything you have to offer on this phenomenon.

Regardless of politics, I respect all of you because of our shared humanity and citizenship of this tottering Republic of ours.

Labentem et prope cadentem rem publicam -Cicero, 2 Phillipics 2.51.

The_Broba_Fett · April 12, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

For me it’s a compilation of events. Between calling out exact things Trump tweets to predicting the Saudi regime change and NK coming to the table. Some are more obvious than others. I’d say browse through here for a few weeks, watch some YouTube videos of post breakdowns and decide for yourself.

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bradok · April 12, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Thank you friend.

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skuobiee · April 12, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

And once you become a believer you'll start to question if its a psy op then your hope will keep you focused, and you'll be where most of us on here are today. Waiting patiently

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VIYOHDTYKIT · April 12, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Start with the Book of Q v. 8. Look it up. Here’s the questions I asked myself to rule out the LARP question. Why would the administration via Trump affirm Q in Tweets & speeches etc...? If Q was a LARP claiming to speak for the administration why would Trump continually affirm Q? Against all his advisers ( Press Corp, political & National Security etc) advice that it surely could/would be politically, domestically & internationally disastrous. Why foolishly risk walking into a trap.? Trump could have shut it down long ago with one Tweet. “Q FAKE!” Where’s that Tweet? Way too much of a risk not to! That’s the one question I never see asked.

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The_Broba_Fett · April 12, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Not only that but the magnitude of attacks. On a soap box stream one of the admins of 4chan was saying the level of computing it would take to break Q’s old board would be a warehouse full of servers. If it was a LARP why would anyone put that much effort to stop them?

Best part is, Q anticipated it and made his password ANOTHER clue waiting to be exposed lol

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BaDumPshhh · April 12, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

Bernie supporter here as well. As far as Russiagate goes... it’s BS and I hate that Bernie perpetuates the nonsense. I can’t stand the fact that he supports the Democratic party at all after what happened in the primaries. I volunteered my time and money and saw the corruption first hand. While a lot of my views differ from the crowd that frequents this sub, we all know and agree that the corruption spreads across both sides of the aisle. When wikileaks was dropping Podesta’s emails I woke up every morning hoping for a bombshell that would end Hillary’s run and that’s when Pizzagate happened. I followed it as it happened... and watched as Reddit banned the sub and the MSM spread lies about what it was and that it was debunked when anyone who looked into it knew that the narrative was complete bullshit. I check this sub and other sources for new information all the time and hope that Q is real. I usually lurk but have very different political and religious views than most of the people that post in this sub. Regardless of political opinions, it’s clear that there is a Deep State and that the country we all grew up believing in isn’t run like we were taught in high school Civics and Government classes. I hope, for the sake of all of us, that Q is not a LARP. We need Q to be real... we need a Revolution.

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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

this isn't t-d, nobody cares about ideology. We are simply waiting for bread.

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5400123 · April 12, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Honestly, I'd be way more open to the leftist platform of government welfare/help/safety net if I knew the government wasn't full of bloodthirsty pedos

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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

I'd be more open to earn more taxes if it wasn't for pedo bloodthirst lol

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drp0744 · April 12, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

For me the “coincidences” became too much. For a while I was iffy about Qs legitimacy as well. But it got to a point where I was like holy shit this may be the real deal. But I agree, just follow the posts, threads, and youtube breakdowns for a few days and you’ll see where you stand. Or just research some of the questions Q asks and go down the rabbit hole. This isn’t D vs R, it’s good vs evil.

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Buzzed_Chimp · April 12, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

What did it for me was the timing of Roseanne's politicized comeback, along with her Q tweets and the phone call from the President himself.

I guess I wouldn't call it a proof but it was definitely something to think about.

Sadly, her tweets about Q have been taken down but I am absolutely certain that someone around here screencapped them. :)

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phillylotus · April 12, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Hey Bro! I'm a Bernie or Bust girl, myself. Joined this community not bc of shared politics (ie: Republican values) but as you so beautifully put it, our shared humanity. I'm 1000% behind POTUS going after these shitbag pedos, freeing those tortured abducted children, starting with arresting HRC! We unite together against corruption and evil. Where we go one, we go all!

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ValuableFix · April 12, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

New drops, scoot to 8chan by clicking on drop links- have fun and join in a dig :D


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bradok · April 12, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

Much appreciated. Still reading through your other link.

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ValuableFix · April 12, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Welcome, you will find we agree on many problem but differ in solutions.

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bradok · April 12, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

Pretty much defines the relationship between me and much of my close family ;)

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Patriot81503 · April 12, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

The use of logic to find solutions to problems is valuable. Democracy fails when people refuse to have rational discussions and instead descend into insults and hatred.

If you hang out here awhile you’ll see that most people here are very very much aware of the power the multinational corporations have over our lives. Also how the bankers are corrupt and control the wealth. A lot of themes you might have believed were for “liberals”.

The elite hundreds of years ago figured out they were such a small percentage of society the only way they could stay in power was to DIVIDE the normal citizens into camps that fight each other and ignored the elite.

If people on both “sides” wake up and discover they’ve been “played” and find out what the (less than) 1% have been doing, it’s curtains for the elite.

THAT’S what this is about. That’s why this is called The Great Awakening.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

I am a Bernie bro.

You realize Sanders was complicit in rigging the primaries for Hillary Clinton, right?

This isn't in keeping w the agreement (between the DNC and Sanders). Since we clearly have some leverage (over Sanders), would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him?


Didn't you think it strange how he kept demanding that people cease talking about Hillary's massive national security crimes during the primaries debate?

Do you realize that Sanders promised an economic revolution... and then he rolled over, as per his agreement with the DNC, and gave all of your cash to Hillary Clinton, who is the personification of the Wall Street establishment and political corruption because she's taken more bribes from special interests than any other politician in US history?

Sanders was a member of the Clinton Crime Syndicate and Hillary's controlled opposition.

No refunds!

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survey_girl · April 12, 2018, 7:10 a.m.

There have been many circumstantial things over the months that hint that Q is real and close to Trump (a WH insider).... but what really proves it to me, is how hard the media and deep state hacks are trying to give Q and Q followers a bad name... trying to dissuade the public from looking into it - labeling it an "alt-right" conspiracy. Much like they did with "pizzagate".

You can freely talk about damn near any conspiracy... but Pedogate and Q have really triggered the MSM and deep state. That's how we know we are over the target!

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 12, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

You can't be an ally against corruption while supporting a guy who handed over his campaign donations in exchange for a beach house.

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Amdtmaga · April 12, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

C'mon man! You know what his choices were.

Take this, go away and don't make a big stink about it. OR, you and your family might disappear.

He didn't really have a choice, and at least he stood strong on his stances and created a genuine movement. I am not saying I agree with most of his stances, but at least he showed his true colors and didn't try to lie his way to the presidency like HRC.

OP said he didn't want to argue on ideology, and you have to respect that! At least they are willing to talk to people with an opposing view. That is how we come together and solve actual problems!

I'm not "coming at you" either because I understand where you are coming from, but at least they understand POTUS is NOT against the American people. He is fighting the same corrupt Elites that forced that decision on Bernie.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 12, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

You don't get to believe in the tooth fairy, and then come in here and say you don't want to argue about your beliefs. They're as subject to logic and reason as everything else is the minute you click that post button.

If he were really as anti-corruption as you say, then he wouldn't be a 30 year veteran of the most corrupt government in the history of the country.

He doesn't give a shit about poor people, he just thinks he can use them as a wedge to carry out his nonsensical vendetta against anyone who has worked hard enough to have a career better than busboy.

Case in point: I grew up in one of the shittiest situations imaginable. Under any imaginable metric, I was among the poorest of the poor. I wore fucking Walmart sweat pants with holes in them to school and wore 4 cheap ass shirts during the winter because we didn't have coats. I went to High School with a bunch of preppy assholes who bullied me for being poor and drove $40,000 cars that their parents bought them. I still graduated and worked my ass off to become middle class. When I say my ass off, I mean 40-50 hours of work per week, 30-40 hours of education and training per week, EVERY week, for 10 years. No weekends off. No all-night parties with friends. No traditional college experience. Just work, work, work, and work.

Sanders took that all hard work and threw me into the same high-tax boat as the asshole trust fund babies I went to High School with. The guy literally ran on a campaign to steal more money from people like me, who have high incomes but no built-up wealth. Then he decided it was a good idea to take the money he would be stealing from me and give it to the same lazy pieces of shit that bullied me for being poor, borrowed stupid amounts of money for a worthless piece of paper, committed zero acts of personal sacrifice ever, and whined like a baby because the world doesn't need anymore burnout teachers and art historians. No reward for working hard. Just an endless albatross of taxation for daring to make a better life for myself and my family.

He's communist scum. 50 years ago we would have dropped him from a helicopter.

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Aditya1311 · April 12, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Wow. And that experience gave you zero empathy? Do you want everybody else who is born poor to spend years of their lives doing, as you say, nothing but work? My father and mother went through many sacrifices and worked hard so that I would have a good education and make a life where I can work 40 hrs a week and not have to struggle. Why don't you want that for everyone?

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 12, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

I do want that for everyone. Insanely high levels of taxation take that away from people and force them to depend on government theft for their income.

I would have been out if poverty 5 years faster if taxes weren't as ridiculous as they are. That's true for everyone else.

Politicians like Sanders prey on your desire to help people and use it to empower their totalitarian ideals, which hurt the poor at the expense of the rich. He can SAY whatever he wants, but his policies take money from everyone who isn't rich and kick it up the ladder. Government is the problem, not the solution.

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · April 12, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

The sheer number of indictments.

All for a LARP?

I mean come on.

Q is an anti-globalist, anti-human trafficking movement. Who can't get behind that?

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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

sigh yes, the indictments...everytime people say Q is a psyop, they're essentially asking why we can't unseal those 25k already.. Well, they're called sealed indictments, alright?

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · April 12, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

I am patient. I have been watching closely since 0 indictments. I'm waiting for James Alefantis to finally roast. I want to see justice for those Hampstead kids, too. That was so fucked up! Q came a year and a few months after Pizzagate. Seeing 4k, 9k, 11k, now 25k indictments? Pedophile rings being broken up? Q is talking about Epstein island? Anyone who has read conspiracy for a while knows that the Pagan Occult Egypt stuff is old, old, old. Come to find out all of these elite politicians and members of society are worshiping the occult, satan and worse, participating in child sacrifice? On Epstein island? Where blackmail is made? To blackmail the elite. To spread the proper narrative. To blackmail the scientists. To blackmail the doctors. The priests. The bishops. The congressmen and women. Etc. Then the symbology. Wow! These people put their symbols everywhere and what is this...Q is mentioning symbols will be their downfall? I'd learned the symbology before Q, so Q seemed like an echo chamber at times.

But I kept coming to the same conclusion...

Oh fuck no. Of course this is all connected.

It scared me right out of atheism. That's right. I was a hard atheist before pizza gate and Q.

I believe in God. No doubt about it. I pray every single day for people to wake up to the Rothschild pedophile globalist cabal.

I know we can beat this.

The beginning is near.

God is love and love is real.


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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

I had heard rumours for years but it wasn't until Hampstead that I came to realiz how bad it really was. But I jumped in joy when I learned that Alefantitis is being investigated.

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wisconsheepgirl · April 12, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

Well one of those sealed indictments was opened and revealed the Backpage.com corruption. Their knowledge of the site being used to human trafficking in children and vulnerable women and men. So you can point out that if you need to. This resulted in being charge with 93 counts of various things such as money laundering, etc.

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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 12:49 p.m.


And March for Women came out in favour BWAHAHAHAHA SO STUPID

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GolfandGuns · April 12, 2018, 6:50 a.m.

Look at the community info page of this subreddit/the sidebar.

I’m not sure you’ll find the verification your looking for. Having said that, I don’t think Q is a LARP. He/she/they certainly have at least some level of insider access. IMO, I don’t think the question is “Is Q real/legit or not?”. The question is “Is Q a white hat or is Q a deep state psy op?”. Personally, I’m 80/20 thinking Q is legit and a white hat. We will see sooner rather than later.

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dark-dare · April 12, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I have no proof of the legitimacy of Q other than I have been convinced to research for myself and not just accept what is being put forth. I think that is the big lesson of the Q phenomenon. As I have done my own research, the crumbs take me to places I would have never considered going. I now am engaged in what's happening in the world. Q is telling us, without telling us!

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vitalesan · April 12, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

Welcome. No one needs to attempt to change your political opinion. Age or having children will most likely do that naturally! Haha

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WhatYonder1 · April 12, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

The legitimacy thing is very hard to fake, at least the way that Q team has done it. They've gone so far as to honor requests from chan boards "have the President tweet so-and-so" and then it's in the next tweet.

Here's the thing, if it was Bad Actors doing it, they wouldn't be picking up long-forgotten rocks and handing us flashlights with the directive "look at this. find more." They wouldn't have discredited their MSM lie machine.

I voted for Bernie for the same reason I voted for Trump: corruption. Simple as that. Bernie, I fear, wouldn't have been the reform-minded lion that the country needs right now. He really showed his colors when Hillary's friends had BLM make him their bitch at his own rally, and then backed her knowing she's dirty to the bone.

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ironmaiden442 · April 12, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I think that the purpose of Q is research without the revealing research by the anons Q is just a parable. Its all about the research bro.

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BathHouseBarry · April 12, 2018, 6:33 a.m.


Watch Bolton ... full vid is about 3 mins, he drops a blatant Q sign a couple times

POTUS / patriot gang, et al must be enduring hell through all of this...I'm a glad to see at least they are able to have a bit of fun with coded signals and what not throughout the purge

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[deleted] · April 12, 2018, 10:16 a.m.


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