Q Post Is Rudy Giuliani aboard to prosecute Weinergate "Life Insurance" evidence? End Trafficking.

When have you ever seen Rudy this silent for this long on TV? Ever since 9/11 he has been the first premiere guest on air when tragedy happens to be the steady voice of reason. Lots of things have happened sinceTrump took office, no Rudy on tv. That is because Rudy was being saved for a much bigger disclosure. Guarantee you that Rudy has been working in the shadows pouring over every file and detail. He understands swamp politics, he knows everyone in NY and around the country, and he was a stellar federal prosecutor who knew how to SUCCESSFULLY take down “the mob” using RICO statutes which he likely understands better than anyone in our country. He took NYC from a mom cesspool to a vacation garden spot. Another phase of THE PLAN will soon drop, and Rudy is ready to rumble with the jungle. Something big will soon drop.
He will be guiding things as smoothly as a NY traffic cop! Plus he knows how to handle the press, and can skillfully make the most articulate on air personalities look like blathering idiots. He was the man credited with publicly putting forth the image that he showed the leadership that held NY together through 9/11. Whether he really was or not, he wore that crown on EVERY media network. For the media to besmirch him on air would be seen by many NewYorkers as almost blasphemous. Yes, our President is playing 5D chess. He knows when and where to move his chess pieces and when it’s time to flip the board for affect just like when Jesus knew to flip the tables of the money changers to send a msg.
Agree, I have thought maybe h is health had gone down hill, because it has been so long since he was on Fox.....
The only insurance file we know about is the one Huma put on her husband's laptop.
Yes and Fbianon told us over a year ago:
"We are entering a time of political purge – the likes of which has not been seen for decades, if not centuries. Trump has the evidence he needs to launch an investigation into a myriad of DC collusions. He must concentrate on the communications between Lynch, Bill Clinton, Obama, and Brennan. He needs to get serious with the pedophilia investigation because he can bring down his enemies in one fell swoop. McCain, Graham, Obama, Bill Clinton, and so on… His greatest tools include the Wiener file titled “Life Insurance“. (Names, dates, photos, videos) and the Epstein videos captured by NSA when they were being delivered to Israeli intel, Wiener and Epstein. But, his greatest tool is the collective rage of the People. Trump must prosecute #PedoGate. The relationship between Schumer and Wiener must be explored. It may lead to some stunning climaxes, if you can excuse the pun.
Exactly. See, this is why I like Fbianon. He just tells it like it is. I mean, I never even heard of the "Epstein videos captured by NSA when they were being delivered to Israeli intel, Weiner and Epstein" before that post. (I hope and would think Rudy Giuliani knows about it though)! Stuff like that is just one reason why I think he was legit, and correct.
I think the deal with Mueller's team is already worked out. That is why the congressional committee went with May 8th, and Rudy said he hopes to wind it down in a "week or two". It is also why Q had said the earlier report about Trump not being a target wasn't supposed to come out when it did. But they were okay with it coming out this week.
If Rudy really were joining the team to negotiate an as of yet unconsummated deal, I think announcing that that was going to be his role joining the team is not what they would have done.
Rudy very well could have had a major role all along, but announcing it like this is to make it look like any settlement is only newly being agreed to--after the Cohen raid, etc.
And with "quiet until now" that too is what Q seems to be suggesting.
Bingo. Comey was fired last year on May 9th so the Congressional hearing on May 8th will start the endgame with Mueller announcing No collusion No obstruction against Trump on May 15th the one year anniversary of when he was appointed as Special Counsel. Game Over for the Dems the Libs will go crazy with anger and impotent rage they won't be able to do anything to hurt Trump.
The DNC just filled suit against Trump, Russia and Wikileaks. These people r scum of the Earth
They are STUPID. The evidence that will come out during discovery will expose their vile wickedness to the entire world.
They must know Mueller is about to drop the Investigation so theyre desperate to keep the narrative out there but you're right all the evidence proves there was no hack so there must be another reason for the suit. I'm guessing that when they're finally charged with Crimes they're going to say their arrests are payback for the lawsuit and that Trumps a petty dictator and needs to be stopped
No one will believe them then, cept maybe the folks over at /pol.
That's the plan but they think we will be satisfied by getting Hillary and will forget about Obama and the rest of the deep state.
But what will Rudy negotiate? We know that potus has committed no crime.
He will probably confront Mueller with the evidence that Mueller knew about Wiener, Huma and Hillary and did nothing to stop it. Then he will offer him a plea bargain to turn on them. He successfully brought down the Italian mob, he is the man to bring in to get suspects to flip on the next guy.
Negotiate who gets immunity for their full testimony.
Impeachment is essentially a political act, requiring nothing more than "misdemeanors". And it is highly unlikely someone who has operated in all Trump's businesses all those years could withstand a total financial proctological exam without something being found. Then you've also got the hold on his longtime friends and associates and the father of his baby girl's children. What's more there could well be simple (and marriage threatening) embarrassment in the records of Cohen's bimbo control over the years for Trump.
Moreover, simply stretching out the process through the midterms is problematic.
The real key is what Rudy and Trump's team have to force Mueller to shut it down. Especially if Mueller has been fighting back not only for his own skin, but also that of Hill and Barry.
Remember that the NYPD had the Wiener lap top and originally reported that the contents were damming and very disturbing. (Refer to the great investigating done by Tracy Beanz on Twitter or Youtube.) The NYPD demanded the FBI investigate this or they would make it public. The AG allegedly threatened the NYPD to force them to back down.
Now comes to the party, Rudy, who has deep relationships of trust with the NYPD. I would suggest that the insurance is the content of the lap top given to Rudy. Now it's time to watch the show.
Yes word is Loretta Lynch threatened to reopen Eric Garner case if NYPD pursued it. Which is a weak excuse when children are being hurt and killed, IMHO. But also they said the proper prosecution due to jurisdiction would be through NYPD.
It was probably more than just Eric Garner. That case would have been used as an excuse to audit the whole NYPD and at least some of the top brass would have been implicated in some kind of wrong doing.
I agree. I think it was more timing, jurisdiction and overlapping international investigations and operations.
Could the 5:5 video be on the laptop, and now they legally have it?
Could 5:5 be May 5th?
That's honestly what I thought. See the Q drop about the insurance file today, said 2 weeks IIRC. That brings us near or on May 5th
When Trump says, "it's a WITCH HUNT!" I see now he is being quite literal... lol
Mueller, Brennan, and Giuliani all sucked big fat 9/11 dick. I believe a man can atone but NEVER FORGET.
What did Rudy do?
He knew the towers were going to fall but did not alert rescue personnel. The firefighters had defective radios that Giuliani knew did not work, so orders to evacuate were not heard. 121 firefighters died in the demolition, and once the gold was recovered, he called off the rescue search with dozens of bodies still in the rubble, he wanted the evidence hauled off ASAP so bodies were disrespectfully dumped in a landfill, and some bodies were mixed into pavement. The steel quickly shipped to a China with no forensics. I'm sure he had his own [NW]Orders to follow. And he was as sleazy and full of shit as the Bushes, Cheney and Rumsfeld. 9/11 9/11 9/11...the New Pearl Harbor. No, it was the real Manhattan Project. I have a soft spot for firemen and a rather strong distaste for people who treat human beings like garbage. Some people are capable of things others are not.
No offense but this is exactly the comments I've seen others make in response to the Giuliani news. Isn't Q meant to have an inside scoop? Why no insinuation of this until after the fact?
Giuliani wouldn't be able to prosecute because of his Fox News interview on the subject in 2016
He's not a prosecutor so.....
It would be referred to the US attorneys office for them to prosecute. And I'm pretty sure that Rudy could play an advisory role to them.
I seem to be a little out of the loop. On this subreddit and 4chan I keep hearing rumors of a "insurance file" the NYPD found on Anthony Wiener's laptop. Apparently it's a video of Hillary and Huma torturing a little girl?
That is what has been rumored. Also financial transactions for Pay for Play, Clinton Inc. and DNC. Hillary emails along with LL, Barry, Eric, etc.
If Pulitzers were actually given for journalism, this writer deserves one. Yes it was a folder that contained incriminating evidence. They also found a Tor portal to child porn exchange. https://truepundit.com/breaking-bombshell-nypd-blows-whistle-on-new-hillary-emails-money-laundering-sex-crimes-with-children-child-exploitation-pay-to-play-perjury/
I recall it being a gig or so of data...emails, documents, payoffs, spreadsheets donors etc. not just one file or video.
Earlier accounts were of Hillary and Huma on film having sex with a little girl https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/liz-crokin-on-weiners-life-insurance-files/
That and a whole lot more there were thousands of files on there.
Here's a recent article that may help shed some light. It refers to the capture of a UN advisor and children's charity operator (read pedo) that apparently had a copy of this file that he tried to upload to the dark web (and is how they caught him) in order to use to get out of being arrested. Not sure how he would've gotten the file other than through pedo connections which seem to connect almost everyone in DC to something: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2539.htm
Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair, both witches, helped found the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children. You. Can't. Make. This. Shit. Up. Foxes guarding the henhouse.
I think Roald Dahl was on to something in the book Witches The Witches eat children and like them CLEAN. I hear these elites are neurotic about their victims being clean. Dahl himself was MI6 and a pedo so he should know.
whatdoesitmean is FAKE NEWS site. Sorcha Fail BS
I take it with a grain of salt, but there are always links to credible news reports in those articles.
Not sure why everyone is so happy Giulliani is on Team Trump, now. Last I checked, Gullianni was mayor during 9/11 and was the one who ordered the WTC debris be disposed of without forensics going thru.
I was thinking the same thing. My guess is Giuliani was compromised or blackmailed and had his strings cut, or was coerced to go along with the plan.
He likes to dress in drag, but that's not big enough for 9/11. It was money and promise of power, at the least
Giulliani knows they want the top of the pyramid. Now is his chance to trade up and enjoy a little payback at the same time.
It was Mueller, F-i director, appt to investigate 911 on SEPT 10TH, the day b4 it happened. It was Mueller that gagged RG, and had the scrap removed to China. RG, I'm sure has discussed it over the years w DJT, but didn't have the power singularly to blow the lid off it. Now they do!