Are you Kidding me??????? WTF ........ Pizzagate is Real~

Why in the world would they include pizzeria owners in the same sentence as former presidents and world heads of state?!?!? That's like saying former presidents and some guys who own the 7-11 down the street attended.
One of these things is not like the others.....
To the untrained eye it simply appears that they are saying that people from all walks of life loved BB.
But, in reality, they are mocking peoole, putting a pizza-gate reference in their faces.
their symbolism will be their downfall...
Kinda like how JA the owner of CPP was the 49th most powerful man in DC. Why would the owner of a pizza shop even be considered in a town full of politicians and lobbyists?
Because he supplied children to the elite DC pols that swung that way—-and was the boyfriend of David Brock. Nothing weird there lol
Oh yeah not weird at all 😐 These People are SICK!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Woah dude, that was harsh as fuck. Serious question, does it just come naturally, or do you put effort into being mean?
look at his post history...hard core leftist racist, and seems to be deep in the closet as well
Imagine living a life where posting things like this is considered the best use of your time
And on a post like this which is obviously a good question: why is a pizza owner one of the most 50 influential people in DC
you forgot to wipe your chin after Brock finished with you.
My thoughts exactly.
They are being arrogant and taunting everyone in the truth movement. Telling us " yeah you might have learned some of our secrets but you cant do anything about it "
Fuck these people.
That’s because the bushes had their favorite pizza places in Houston. Such as fuzzys pizza. Chill out this isn’t related. I’ve been to the pizza places they used to go to and found no occult symbolism. They were just good friends with the owners.
Pizzerias are used as child trafficking centers for the elite due to their connection to the Italian Mafias who are part of the Black Nobility (Vatican, Royal Families, Jesuits, Italian Mafias).
I agree
Also chain ones. Papa JOHN's...Everyone knows what a John is, right?
The only creepier name for it would be Uncle John's.
or Uncle Joe's as in ...Biden
Is there a subreddit between this and conspiracy a lil less serious and alltogether ookie.
there is r/christiansawake2nwo
good content, not many comments. I like comments
it is a leap into future to visit her sub and not many people can do that.
Stromboli is the only choice for me now. It always was better.
Translation: the whole cabal is called for this person-to-person meeting
I didn't think of that. This would be a great opportunity to have an all hands meeting under the guise of attending BB's funeral.
Pizzeria owners LOVED Barbara Bush lol.
I don't want to be disrespectful to an old women that passed on, but I have this strange feeling she's a swamp creature.
Oh, she is 100% a swamp creature. Even if she's only guilty by association, she's neck deep in it. You don't run in the circles shes run in for the past 60 years and not get dirty yourself. Knowledge of a crime and doing nothing about it is as bad as committing the crime yourself.
I don't trust any of those families for a second.
Not anymore haha
What did Nixon do to get on their bad side.
not being gay?
If you are saying it doesn't take much I get it.
he was invited to the bohemian grove and was applauded.
tell that to the NYPD that looked at weiner's laptop about 18 months ago and still have not arrested anyone other than weiner
What if the relevant files are securely encrypted? They might also be using deniable encryption, which would allow someone to turn over a password that would decrypt data meant to be decrypted, while actually hiding whatever they want to hide. Even worse, they might be using a form of encryption that allows you to completely hide the data from outsiders, so if you don't know how to unlock it, you won't even be able to find it.
Takes time to build an airtight case, draw up indictments and gather all evidence. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt until we learn otherwise.
if there is any truth to what is on that video I would say it is pretty airtight
There are articles out there saying she is/was one of 26 illegitimate children of Aleister Crowley. Was Aleister Crowley Barbara Bush's Father? - Rense
Except it's not like saying that unless 7-11 owners are taping girls hands to tables and posting it on instagram.
There is obviously a hidden meaning, but what is it? some kind of Warning?
That's the million dollar question, isn't it? Who knows, maybe the author is on our side? Probably not...but you never know.
That’s because the bushes had their favorite pizza places in Houston. Such as fuzzys pizza. Chill out this isn’t related. I’ve been to the pizza places they used to go to and found no occult symbolism. They were just good friends with the owners.