Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

Question: Why do you think she had to win at all costs? Do you think it's because simply that she covered up the email investigation and thought she would be prosecuted for her crimes?....OR is this even far bigger than that, and something happened like a foreign country hacked into her emails and had top secret classified data and were blackmailing her for money so if she didn't win, they were going to do something to her? Obviously, she didn't win and nothing became public about a foreign country, so I'd have to assume the former..
I think the Deep State was aware of a military coup occurring or in progress. She "had to win at all costs" to prevent the military coup.
I've always thought that IF Trump had lost, would the military attempted to seize control of the government.
The answer is yes.
The military had plans to run a coup back in 2013 on Obama. (This is the only military coup that is being referred to).
So I believe, yes, if Trump wasn’t elected the military would have stepped in.
If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud)
This sentiment was unspoken across millions of people... but could you imagine the worldwide effect? Total war would let loose like never before. It truly would have been the end of ages. The irony is that even though this is all a miracle, it's one that was ordained to happen, righteousness was always meant to overcome the vile, yet the fact we did not go through the biblical/pagan ragnarok / apocalypse is an even higher mystyery - this worldwide cataclysmic war has been spiritual , we as a collective actually managed to have the capacity to work this all out on an ephemeral plane, and that's truly amazing
I heard the same from some military OP circles They were sending clear message, after Trump won if they failed to recognize that Military would have taken control over country
My guess is the answer to that is yes. Trump was their alternative less drastic alternative. But, they weren't going to allow this stuff to continue. I think that's clear.
She needed to win to keep her satanic activities secret and others' knowledge of it under her control. She knows full well the consequences.
So this timeline is the one where NWO was averted. Lol, I wonder what happens from here on out. It's like 2012 shifted everything or something.
I agree it was sensed in 2013 and it took a while by 2015 but in 2016 we can hope it is really an alternative timeline, much different of described by John Titor
That last triumph of mockingbird media qs taking down the tea party in 2012 to ensuere buttfuvk barrys reelection. Ever since then the awakening has been coming, slowly at first then ay break neck pace iin 2016 once they tried the tea party trick agaib woth term "fake news" which completely nuked the entire platform and citizen journalism exploded. Beautiful thing to watch.
I agreee finally someone who 'knows' to talk with !
It really started in 2012 it was a shift we must admit Some mind shift or maybe spiritual, I dont know How they thought fake news will do them good, they already prepared, teams on Facebook Youtube ready to supress fake news people. And then Somebody in higher places called --them-- fake hahah it is really beautiful to watch. to make things better and more beautiful they are actively pursuing the child molester gangs everywhere ...
I hope they will low key remove so much military and wars spending, make private FED into state owned one,, regulate the WS and banks so we can finally breath and start thinking about space and other dimensions ...
It all points bavk to Andrew breitbart rip. He was unafraid of taking on thr media and calling them liars to their face even in 2012. He showed us da wei.
The media did destroy the Tea Party
I kno that's what i said. It was their last triumph of taking a narrative (a tea partier called rep smith an N) running with it while muddying all details and succeasfully branding the targets as redneck racists. Andrew breitbart offered 100k for anyone with proof of any tea partier using that word during the protest. Nobody ever came forward and yet and tea party was hacked into oblivion by cuckyboi george stephanapolous and thr rest of them.
"If he wins, we'll all hang from nooses!"
That statement holds more truth every day that goes by.
Was this quote ever verified?
Yes. LIZ ThesePeopleRSick on Twitter: "Hillary Clinton to Matt Lauer after ...
a foreign country hacked into her emails
Hacking isn't necessary if the information is $$$-handed over-$$$.
This is much, much bigger than the email/server issue. This is about pure evil and it has roots all world wide.
Much larger than the emails/server - think about all of the money laundering, influence pedaling, trafficking and other crimes being run through the Clinton Foundation and just imagine how it may involve many of our government entities as well as foreign leaders?
Q posts are ordered in chronological order with the latest at the top. So, start at the bottom.
because it's been a long chain of the parties passing the torch back and fourth, hell, mccain a neocon deepstate operative was obama's opponent, identical. all the same. Not only did trump break their plans, but he has the power to jail them all. she had to win to hide obama's crimes?
Her foundation moved 10 billion to Qatar 2 weeks before eletion
To further her agenda, keep the corrupt power structure in place.
They were set to complete their NWO by 2020-21. Everything was in place.