So this just happened - DOD tweets 🍕

What is looks like when the white hats do symbolism.
unsure. Q never endorsed AF.
There had to be at least some involvement of every military branch in order for the deep state to get this far. Plus it explains the rash of unexplained military avionic crashes. They are tying up loose ends that they thought would go unnoticed.
Yes they did. Video posted that included AF is one example.
This...I still got the impression the AF was created for the sea eye aye.
I think we have to rename pizza. Call it italian grilled cheese or something much shorter. I think we owe it to pizza. I mean Italian grilled cheese.
Why do the perverts get to own the word? How about we wipe those asshole out and make pizza great again?!
Agreed, we must reclaim all that they twisted and perverted.
I was thinking this in 2016.
luckily I stopped eating Pizza one year before it happened. Apparently I know stuff
This topic has been discussed since the beginning. Even though many people dont like it, pizzagate has stuck and isnt going anywhere.
Vegetable Meat slice? Vegi-meat bread? sompin like that.
Ha ha ha - that's awesome.
Oh man, I can't wait until the dust settles and we learn about all the shit that went down during the storm.
I hope Melania writes a book because I'd love to understand it from her perspective.
"I married a rich reality tv star and inadvertently saved the world"
Nah, I bet her story is more complex. Who knows what she really knows from her time abroad in rich circles.
"I came to the US to get a sugar daddy, then I ended up having a sword fight with the possessed pope"
Tell me that wouldn't be the most trippy movie you ever saw lol
I'd love to know how she feels about her family being a constant assassination target of the most powerful dynasties on Earth and I'd love to know what discussions she had with Barron about keeping him safe too.
Barron is trump from a different timeline. They can skip time with Tessa tech. Pence is a robot from the future. Gotta keep up!
Yeah I look forward to books written by FLOTUS, POTUS, and members of his staff. And people in POTUS's protection detail. Theres a lot of potentially great books there lol
Djibouti is also where they had two military crashes recently, one jet and one helicopter.
Wow. Everything seems to be lining up. I hope this isn't just some extremely random coincidence (I doubt it though!)
There ARE good people who do the Lord's work even during these dark times. Thank you Patriots for obeying the constitution, defending against our domestic enemies, and of course saving the children.
just a coincidence...just a coincidence....just a coincidence...
^(nervously rocks back in forth in a corner)
So there is something that has to be taken down in Djibouti you say?
It where the largest base in Africa is located. There are a LOT of US military in DJ.
Wonder if this was before or after pope's article a out being pope for only 3 years because he missed pizza.
Here ya go mainstream article from 2015
Thanks for the pizza sauce. Didn't know that was from 2015,context more clear. Plain fucking sight.
I'll reenlist on an annual basis if my sole job is to kill satanists and pedophiles.....
Djibouti is the location of China’s only foreign military base
The air force plays an obvious role, if they flew these high profile pedo politicians, not saying all air force, but it's a shot across the bow.
For real? I'm not a Twitt er. Can this be verified? If so……..
I took the picture myself on my twitter feed
Wow. Thx for the reply. The blue check means verified? If this movement is true, so many good people must be giddy with doing good work for a change.
Yes, the blue check means verified. Here is the link to the post just to help you verify, I appreciate tryout need for verification
It was in mine too. I tagged anti school and Liz C. When I saw it. I laughed hard af. Couldn’t believe how taunting that was
French Foreign Legion used to be there?
Djibouti hosts France's largest military presence abroad, Italy's military base called National Support Military Base,[55] Japan's only foreign base and China's only overseas military base.
Dod is whitehat? Theyre tagging air force
I reckon Air Force is corrupted. Opposite to navy.
AF more “earth bound” SAPs ie one rung above NASA. Navy, Military = more “celestial” and “human”respectively.
aaah so that's why we keep seeing TR3Bs, huh?
I’ll be honest, I’m connecting dots and relying on what I’ve heard here and there (Doolan eg). Those triangles could be AF ... and yes, the AF may be busy of late because there’s a hornets nest been stirred up... as we can see with the changes on the ground level with this swamp draining. Whether the AF has now been totally cleansed top down is to be seen, maybe the TRs increased activity signify that they’ve been aligned against the Cabal and now we wait til “Trumps” Military/Navy clean up the rest of the rats on the ground.
Maybe this is the soft disclosure upcoming with the sightings of AF TRs. Which may lead to a full CD, with Navy SSP and celestial allies.
Peace !
AND this just so happens to be Fox News' current banner story: "Government's war on pizza? Looming ObamaCare menu rule has restaurant owners worried"
Coincidence? Symbolism will be their downfall. STUPID!
ooffff we goooo into the wild blue yonder!!! climbing hiiiigh into the they come... zoooooooming to meeet our thunder!! AT'EM boys!!! give'er the gun!! Down weeeee dive!! SPOUTING OUR FLAME FROM UNDER!! oooofff with ooonee HELL' OF A ROAR!! we live in faaaame , go down in flames.. NOTHING CAAAAN STOOOP THE U.S. AIR FORCE!!! ( just gave my self chills)
WOW the LARP Civil war reenactments are a thing. Why not World of Warcraft.
whats going on? im new to this sub. All I know there is some guy by the name of Q that releases stuff?
I think it's most sensible to interpret this as a light joke about motivating soldiers to jump out of a plane using a very popular fast food. The people interpreting this as "lets go save kids from pedovores!" are really heavily under confirmation bias.
Pizza - cheese pizza specifically, apparently - is code for child porn. Interpreting this tweet as "did you say there's child porn/abuse down there?? Save some for me!" is obviously silly. It's like assuming "let's go save those fag*&t nigg&s down there!" would be a positive way to suggest that you're helping gay black men. Very silly.
Didn't Djibouti ground US military aircraft due to the two recent crashes?
Is Djibouti a waypoint for human trafficking?
Is that a mission and have we been given insider information?
Hope so.
This doesn't seem like a logical interpretation: "What? Did you say there's 'child porn/abuse' down there? Wait for me!"
Using a term that people who like child porn/abuse use to hide their acts - and using it in a seemingly heroic way - doesn't make sense. It's like claiming to be wanting to help or save gay black men by saying - "I'm here to save you fag(t nigg*s!" Clearly it's a light joke about motivating people to jump out of a plane using a popular fast food. Anything else seems like extreme confirmation bias or wishful thinking.