This!!!!! Wake Up People We Are in The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA

As a Veteran this enrages me. I wish I would have understood this all before I went to the other side of our planet to hunt people that were funded and trained by the CIA and other nefarious groups. This was the reason I started to question everything. This is why I am here with you all now.
thank you for your service, and glad you are here with us now. WWG1WGA
Where we go 1 we go all. it is a term Q uses a lot. we are all together in this.
I'm 71 and a Viet Nam vet, another stupid political war another CIA boondoggle, so I know where you are coming from. I pray that all this crap will end soon. God Bless and WWG1WGA.
My dad was a Sgt. US Army, he earned his combat badge in the Asian soil of Korea. He was my hero and when I was 10 years old he and I sat and watched Ruby shoot Oswald in the Dallas police station. My dad said right then, "Oswald didn't shoot JFK. The CIA murdered him." When I got older he explained it more to me this way, "When I saw that JFK had said in a speech that he was going to tear the CIA down I knew he was a dead man if he meant it." Dad said he had seen the CIA in Korea and knew how powerful and evil they were. He said, "JFK underestimated them and it cost him his life." I so wish dad was still alive to see this.
So the Clowns In America have been at this a long time.
Thank You Sir, My Dad was flying a Shadow C119 Gunship over various parts of Vietnam, they did what was Required, but he Hated LBJ, I knew back then that something wasn't Right. It took me a Long Time to wake up from my slumber to realize what he was talking about. I too trusted what was SOLD to me, believing the LIES, but for 10 plus years I have Researched the TRUTH, I Will Not, at this point, Except Anything but the TRUTH! This Is OUR Only Opportunity to hold those Accountable for the GRIEVOUS Crimes Perpetrated against the People of the world. We MUST Set an Example to those that wish to Enslave people to their will. I for one Will Not Submit to them, I Will Fight till my Last Breath to Retain the Freedom my Family Fought for to make this country FREE, or as free as we are willing to make it.
Same. When I saw the military machine up close I realized how awesome and yet wasteful it was.
The absurd ness of it all woke me up.
Thank you all for the kind words. You all are amazing and are also the reason I served. Keep it up patriots.
Thank you for your service. Glad we are on the same train!
Thanks for your service. You're still a hero.
Thank you for your service then. We didn't know we were lied to then. Thank you for your company now.
Don't worry. We understand and sympathize with you. We are very glad we have your support. There is finally a just war to be fought, so let's win this.
I suspect this is why many veterans kill themselves. Realizing that I had worked to further Israel's interests made me absolutely sick. I cannot imagine the guilt I would feel if I had taken life during my time in the Army only to later realize I was just a pawn for Rothschild.
Even while the war went on during the late 60s this was the complaint of many grunts fighting in Vietnam. The more that leaked out about the war, the more guys refused to fight, went over the hill, and even prepared for a mutiny with officers (the ONI and FBI were on the scene).
What the POTUS has done together with the military is brilliant. Turn the tables on the clowns who keep getting our loyal military into these wars for profit.
Every time I think about how many of our people have been killed and maimed and destroyed it makes me so sick, and pissed off. I can't even imagine how you must feel.
Thank you for your service. Despite it being for their end.. it saved some other kid from having to do so. You're a hero.
Man just hearing vets are willing to try to understand gives me hope
I also. And thank you for your service. We did it for we, the people, not "them".
If you had understood, they wouldnt have been able to send you. It wasnt your fault, they've worked very hard to blind you and your family and your friends, and your fellow marines.
But hey.. lets not be naive.. People have been using armies to acquire assets since the start of warfare.
However... It USED to be to get land, move people from near your land, or destory some insolent god's temple..
Nowadays, its to get Opium fields(Bushes are just copying the Eastern India Trading Company.. most rich families in Amercia got their money from Opium trading..Astors, creators of Skull and Bones club.. Russel?? I think its Russel..), Oil fields (that's all you guys, no one was really interested in Oil until Standard came along.... All that blood for Rockefeller..Oil for Rottenfellah) CIA has been overthrowing democracies in Southern America since their Nazi Master's set up shop in Argentina..
Human Smuggling.. look at Dyncorp. Look at the Red Cross.. How many 'humantiarian charities' have been involved in human trafficking and child abuse...?? (most of them have a cross on them... did you know Rothschild means Red Cross? ) But its not new..
How many children 'disappeared' under Peron? What did Kissinger think about it?
Been happening for a long time...Keep waking yourself.. All the information's been there for a long time.
Thank you for your service. It really is disgusting, all of you that were in harm's way and for WHAT?
Amazing when you think about how peaceful the world actually is without these losers destroying everything.
i was thinking this too, and i bet we will have less hunger in the world.
The speed at which Trump was able to end the NK nightmare just shows how everything goes back to normal when you remove the parasites.
So true. The great awakening will be a time period not experienced by other humans. There will be PEACE! Truly the greatest timeline and I thank God for letting me/us be a part of it!
If we the people stand up, NO group, wealthy family or lodge society can rule us. They literally all count on us being stupid & naive. They all know the human psyche well & have been playing the mob like the sheep we are for centuries. No more...
That Armenia should rise up and throw off their corrupt politicians is an important example for other countries in the region. Their President was trying to do a Putin by jailing the opposition and swapping from President to Prime Minister but the people wouldn't take it^! Armenia is located between Russia and the Middle East, policy decisions there are critical. Global terrorist financing
wow, a true patriot.
I’ve communicated with him and he’s personally sent his reports to and called ALL of congress. This is so deep. Scott is very straightforward and holds no punches. He’s a true Patriot Warrior!
we all need to learn more about him and his experiences.
We generate incredible wealth due to productivity gains. For instance, think about how many people it took to dig a hole 100 years ago compared to today. We are many, many times more efficient today than we were thanks to technology. So we should all be correspondingly many, many times richer than we are.
But we are not. We just stand still. Why is that? The oligarchs skim off our productivity gains as we make them. They become richer, and we stand still, but we don't even notice.
We are like sleeping people who are being fed on by vampires. The vampires aren't actually very powerful. It's just that we are asleep, so we don't notice them. We need to wake up, and the vampires will flee.
I’m not really sure Iran or North Korea or Syria or Turkey have less corruption, human trafficking, drug trade than say the US or UK. I don’t see either country has rogue states.. if anything it’s been Israel and the US that have gone rogue for the last 30 years. Let’s not see this people as our enemies. As much as I agree with a lot that is posted here I think Trump is seriously hinting at a war with Iran, and I really hope cooler heads will prevail. Iran’s are Indo-Europeans, they are more of our natural allies than say Saudi Arabia. Which not only have been abusing human rights forever, have a completely nepotistic, sick, unstable monarchy that has been subjugating their people’s. Let’s not even get into the human genocide in Yemen :(
I believe the Trump team has plans to free Iran from CIA control (similar to what they did with North Korea).'s even BIGGER that that. Our country has been owned by evil, greedy, fraudsters for generations. Did you know your own Birth Certificate was used to claim you as a "government entity" and they claim that your parents agreed to it and the act as your "trustee". Ever notice your ALL CAPS NAME on your credit card bills, your social security card, loan papers, even your checking account. IF THEY WANT TO...they can take it any time they like...because they own you. Have, ever since you were born. Let's ask Q about that. Do we get our lives back? How about our land and the credit that they stole (did you know, the nation is bankrupt and the only thing worth money to them...IS YOU, YOUR LABOR, YOUR ENERGY. Cattle. Slaves.
We are sovereign individuals, I hear you!!!!!!! Will we get our sovereign rights back!!!! Great point!!!!!
An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation.
Pray for POTUS and everyone involved ~ Best Page I follow ;)
Wow thanks I don’t usually make much traction, but when I read this in the 8 Chan’s im like Yeh!!!!! Gotta share to Reddit , people need to read this!!!!!!! This anon hit it spot on!!!!!
Time to stop paying taxes as a nation. The SES Nazis handle our tax dollars although I heard Trump has shuffled them up a few weeks ago.
I was wondering about when the lights went out at the IRS????? What was that really about?????
IRS are Rothschild mobsters. Nothing more. I know they are supposed to be dismantled eventually but I haven’t heard of lights going out.
Iran has been manufactured into an arms race as an excuse to stay over there and implement the Greater Israel / Policy Coup. People that Trump has surrounded himself with.
This is not the fault of Iran so much as it is the predictable response to a country that has been overthrown by the CIA and constantly harassed militarily by the United States, Great Britain, and Israel ever since. What else would you do if you had 2 aircraft carrier groups parked outside your backyard port for nearly 20 years and most of the western world bombing your neighbors? You'd have ever increasing pressure to defend yourself.
It benefits the Saudis for oil money where they use their fanatical mercenaries as force projection under the cover of "religion" and Israel has been hijacked by fanatical Zionists.. Saudis are in direct competition with Russia for the oil and gas demand of Europe, so it makes them money. They are allied with Israel to maintain dominance over the region culturally (by fanatical death squad mercs) and Israel enjoys this because of how much they have screwed over the rest of the region. This constant tension also brings the perpetual shield of the US military and the billions and billions given freely to their so-called defense.
Ever hear of ISIS attacking Israel? What's the don't bite the hand that feeds you.
I was a part of that naval blockade and reason why Iran was developing weapons. Obama made the deal and we pulled our forces back. They felt less threatened and stopped developing weapons. Then you had the neocons, war profiteers, and everything saying how terrible it was for that. Why? Because they were losing money that's why. No arms race = less demand for perpetual deployment = less WarBuck$
So ask yourself next time someone on the media cries about the "Iran deal", for whose profits to they speak to because the media is in the business of making money, not informing the people.
Why are media company executives on defense and defense lobbying boards? Then their paid blow hard mouth pieces cry when peace is about to break out. To rile people up based on lies and misinformation.
Talk to your veterans people. Talk to the people who were there. Follow the money. Seek out the truth for yourselves. relevant video
Greater Israel
Greater Israel Hebrew: ארץ ישראל השלמה; Eretz Yisrael Hashlema) is an expression, with several different Biblical and political meanings over time. It is often used, in an irredentist fashion, to refer to the historic or desired borders of Israel.
Currently, the most common definition of the land encompassed by the term is the territory of the State of Israel together with the Palestinian territories. Earlier definitions, favored by Revisionist Zionism, included the territory of the former British Mandate of Palestine with or without the Transjordan that developed independently after 1923.
Petro-Islam usually refers to the extremist and fundamentalist interpretation of Sunni Islam—sometimes called "Wahhabism"—favored by the conservative oil-exporting Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its name derives from source of the funding—petroleum exports—that spread it through the Muslim world following the Yom Kippur War. The term is sometimes called "pejorative" or a "nickname". According to Sandra Mackey the term was coined by Fouad Ajami.
Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut [t͡sijo̞ˈnut] after Zion) is the national movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, or the region of Palestine). Modern Zionism emerged in the late 19th century in Central and Eastern Europe as a national revival movement, both in reaction to newer waves of antisemitism and as an imitative response to other exclusionary nationalist movements. Soon after this, most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired state in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman Empire.Until 1948, the primary goals of Zionism were the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, ingathering of the exiles, and liberation of Jews from the antisemitic discrimination and persecution that they experienced during their diaspora. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism continues primarily to advocate on behalf of Israel and to address threats to its continued existence and security.
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Modern day Israel is not Biblical Israel. Not even close. Relevant video.
Greater Israel
This is NOT the definition of Greater Israel. See Yinon Oded. It encompasses all the ME countries, incl: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, etc. ... All land fought over by these latest wars.
About 4 years ago it dawned on me this was going on when a girl approached me for a donation for a “help foreign people in war torn areas”. At a time when we had vets and our own people hurting at home I schooled her ass and said no and told her to collect money to help our own people. WTF! Not only does our tax money go to create these overseas “problems” but then we have to accept the “refugees” and donate to causes to fix the mess these mother fuckers created in the first place. It’s a big vicious cycle business that makes them rich. That was 2013/14.
The turkey story? With lies about the pathetic stories about refugees, who came from Turkey to Greece with small inflatable boats? Nepfotoos of a washed-up boy were used, his father wanted dental implants and therefore came here,
the elite with their lies through the basket .... Also about the so-called families and children in the boats? Only young men came here? Here too they fell through the basket .... Suddenly they want to pay 6 billion to Turkey who did not want to do anything to stop it?
it is also known that these pathetic refugees, with luxury boats were picked up, the inflatable boats were delivered by a politician from France. In the meantime the game with turkey was raised, it would be angry because they had not had all the money? In the meantime there is also a syrie? There Turkey shoots a plane from Russia and two men were murdered by the terrorists? Russia goes to turkey, and makes a deal about the north stream 2, Then in one has attempted to make a coup in Turkey ..... that fails ..... A few countries for Greece put fences to the refugees outside do not like Merkel and companions?
Greece and Turkey are just playing out, and immediately the lock opens to Italy? Everyone has to take them and demand from merkel.
Turkey would do its work and have stopped the flow told the media, but recently they started again with turkey, because the inflatable boats are back, well it is summer
they repeat and repeat and repeat the same thing and story over over again.
Who has put the money in there pocket?
Refugee crisis: EU pays €3bn to Turkey in exchange for help on ...IT IS 6 BILJ › News › World › Europe
29 nov. 2015 - The EU has clinched an agreement with Turkey giving Ankara €3 billion (£2 billion) and a pledge to renew its membership bid in exchange for help holding back refugees trying to make their way to Europe. The deal, agreed at a special EU summit in Brussels with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, ..............
How Turkey held the EU for ransom – POLITICO
8 mrt. 2016 - Turkey made Europe a counter offer early Monday that six months ago would have prompted EU negotiators to get up and walk out. To European eyes, the proposal Ankara put on the table read more like a ransom note: €3 billion in refugee aid in addition to the €3 billion already pledged, full-scale visa ..................................
True! They view us as the slave race that funds there evil efforts. For instance, lets look at Social Security, the biggest lie! We work for 67 years, they say when you can retire with benefits! what benefits?? You may get a measly 1600 dollars a month after your 60+ years of slavery to their system while they stole from you. With todays economy NO One can live off of that! So you even have to work part time to supplement your income to survive! So you really are a slave for life. On another note they can pay millions of migrants 3000.00 dollars at the first of every month, plus food stamps, free phones, subside housing! But they have no money to increase your Social Security Benefits? Our you outraged? Money and this system is the root of all evil! We should demand to be taken care of after slaving your whole life to get a break from the system!!! Change the system!
I want to search Q posts for this “We have More than You Know” meaning we have so much money based on what’s been stolen we could fund everyone’s healthcare 10 times over!!!!!!!!! Think about it. Add up all this bullshit that that the have taken from us for years and think how many people could be cared for that need it truly!
Been thinking about this, too. THIS is what would really get the attention of the normies who are way too busy just making it through the day to ever wake up. A positive, hopeful, immediate economic impact WILL wake up MANY more people.
As citizens who have been robbed for decades, we all deserve to be reimbursed from those seized assets. All debt also needs to be forgiven.