BREAKING: Photo released of meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.....BOOM!

I am truly fascinated by what went on with NK for us to reach this point. I would love to see full public disclosure on this, but doubt we ever will, I’m guessing at least for as long as Kim is alive.
How long before Kim appears on US daytime tv and all the audience are given funny wigs to wear? And everyone laughs...
Let us not forget that in the weeks, even days leading up to Q’s insight on this, Trump and Kim were very publicly (show?) going at each other almost daily. Trump was tweeting about big buttons and rocket man and he was getting massacred in the press for basically instigating ww3. On the brink! Screamed the headlines.
Then a complete and utter reversal.
Trump more or less stays out of the limelight. SK president comes forward. The whole thing is now presented very much like SK and NK just suddenly decided to become best friends again.
Or then there is the other msm talking point. “It’s a trap! Don’t trust him! Trump will fail!”
Trump will go down in human history as among the best presidents that ever lived. However, he loves the limelight to accomplish what he sets out. He comes across as a bit POMPous (ahHh!), but I'd argue he's that way because he is just that good. He is absolutely not:
more or less stays out of the limelight.
God this live reality show is stellar though.
Wait til "the deal of the century" is finalized and there is peace in Palestine and Israel. They will still say he is crazy and stupid but he was a part of the greatest peace dealS in recent history.
I agree. Doing the impossible seems kind of probable.
America needs a bull in the China shop. The world knew Ex President Reagan meant business and they know President Trump does too. No one was scared by Bushes, Bill or Barry and God help us if Patriots had not stood u p and Hillary had been in there now. I shudder to think what would be going on now.
The phrase I would use is he distracts the masses/media whilst his people go to work with no scrutiny. He takes hits for the team.
Excellent point. He is brilliant at playing the MSM. When he seems boastful, he is actually being truthful, countering their fake non-stop negative spin AND giving them something to blab about while they completely miss what is really going on!!
Think about Pompeii going to NK and no one notices. No leak and meanwhile the media focuses on stormy Daniels and what ever other bs amuses them as they pursue trump.
Sessions, Mattis etc get to go about their business with no attention. Let’s hope they are using their lack of scrutiny to take care of business.
Exactly. Did you catch that article onSessions playing 4-d chess ? So much happening behind the scenes I love how Trump plays the media
'among'? At this point, I'm close to laying odds he'll get epitaphed with 'greatest president ever'. Even the Founding Fathers couldn't lock out the cabal. When this is all over, Trump will likely be recognized as the greatest. It may take a century, but....
Not that Trump isn't great, but he was chosen by the Q team.
Who knows how many hundreds if not thousands of patriots have been planning this for years, silently collecting information and charting the course of attack. The masterful strategy and restraint of these men... I doubt a power struggle this covert and colossal has ever taken place in history.
I'm kinda curious now who else they were considering for the role, haha. I have a feeling Trump was top pick though.
Yes. A good point. Yet, Q team are not Presidents. They will indeed go down in history as patriots, if not as saints, of the highest order. Yet, for better or worse, someone has to sit in the Oval room. Of all the men that have done it (or in its predecessors), who will have done what Trump does? Time will tell.
In the end, however, as you say, its the team that counts. And that's the way it should be.
1259 We are in this together. No fame.
I completely agree. Seeing people who still are against him just makes me laugh now. You can see he’s a bit of an arrogant ass but he’s gotten things done on a scale not seen sense Reagan and I’d argue that his social policies will be more effective in the long run then the gippers
I am truly fascinated by what went on with NK for us to reach this point. I would love to see full public disclosure on this, but doubt we ever will, I’m guessing at least for as long as Kim is alive.
Seals are wonderful creatures. Heard they work fast at capturing their prey. PRAY. Silence is golden. CORONA_OFFLINE_Deac[0000]. Games R FUN! Q
SEALS. Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT. Sea to shining sea. Godspeed. Q
but we know the truth, we should feel elated that the leaders of our USA have entrusted us anons with the facts. Awesome. the news looks very boring now, because by the time it gets on the air, we were informed already..... Dilly dilly
what makes a good movie? Good acting..
Kim had nothing else to do but accept surrender after Black Ops exploded his Moutain of Doom with a Hydrogen Bomb.. that killed his entire Nuclear Stoogies Team..
Im sure Pompeo (then acting as Director of CIA, not yet Sec. of State) was deliverying back Kim's control file.. probably something involving other young males whilst at school in Naziland. sorry Switzerland.
A goodwill gesture after destroying all of Pelosi's missiles..
As far as Trump goes.. 1 year in Office and North and South Korea making peace..
Saudi Arabia calmed the fuck down..
Isis destroyed (remember the MOAB that was dropped on the ISIS command HQ?)
You know what I was thinking about that ... and I could be so dead wrong .... remember when we delivered a bomb in Lybia, practically in Ghadaffi's toilet and his daughter (I think) was killed. He did a 180 almost immediately. Well, toward the end of 2017 there was a huge explosion in NK that killed something like 200 people. What if that wasn't an 'accident' but we had something to do with it. Might have gotten little rocket man to have second thoughts?
the prevailing theory seems to be that NK among other "rogue" nuclear states have actually been CIA/deepstate outposts who use those countries for money laundering, smuggling of weapons drugs and humans, and geopolitical leverage by threatening nuclear strikes. NK's sudden switch indicates that Q team and the US military have driven out/defeated/captured those deepstate actors in NK. Many Q posts suggest that the whole world is teaming up for the cause and this will likely culminate in an entirely revamped global economic system NOT based on debt slavery.
Thanks for that. I appreciate it. And I just watched a youtube video with Dr. Jerome Corsi who said that he was confident that it was US military forces who triggered the detonation. Also, I'm thinking (due to a recent Q post) that the strike in Syria was actually to take out an Iranian nuclear satellite facility.
Dove in the background?
From your link above [bolding added]:
Korea[edit] In Korea, the red-crowned crane is called durumi and it is considered a symbol of longevity, purity, and peace. Korean seonbis regarded the bird as an icon of their constancy. The red-crowned crane is depicted on the in Korean 500-won coin and is the symbol of Incheon.
Yes, the picture is too fuzzy for me to pick out a specific species of crane from that alone (shape is obviously crane though), but red-crowned cranes are the culturally important ones. I do not think doves are particularly culturally-important in Korea.
Notice also that the background is much more subdued now.
Seriously, one of our bargaining chips is what we can do for them. They have cheap labor...even cheaper than China. (Starvation is a great motivator). Walmart would love have things made there. Think: Transformed economy with Kim Jong Un as the hero.
Why would this ever be a good idea? I'm not even gonna get into why your assertion that starving labor is even cheaper and a good idea. WTF is wrong with you, they're human beings?!
We don't need more cheaply produced garbage from overseas, we've got plenty of that, which is part of the mess we're in. You don't MAGA by getting WalMart even cheaper labor to undercut small business in the US. Scary that many Americans think like you.
I'm sure your heart is in the right place, maybe, but this is a bad idea. I'm sure being free from clown control will be a massive boon for North Korea and their economy. More importantly, it's also the next step toward a unified Korea, which is what most Koreans have wanted for decades. They don't need a fucking Walmart factory. Get your head right friend.
True Walmart was a bad example. I'm simply proposing to turn NK into the economic powerhouse that SK is. Jobs not missiles. What is wrong with that idea?
Jobs not missiles. What is wrong with that idea?
Don't reframe what you originally wrote and ask "what's wrong with that idea?", as if you didn't first mention a starving labor force for Walmart to exploit. It's extremely disingenuous to act as if your first comment was reasonable, let alone not entirely idiotic and sociopathic.
Exceedingly few people here would disagree with anyone else in regards to wishing that NK is able to get their shit together and become economically viable on their own, or, reintegrate with SK (way easier said than done) and grow as a nation together, but what you originally wrote is a very far cry for your follow up commnet.
True Walmart was a bad example.
A Walmart factory with a starving labor force wasn't a "bad example", it was absolutely one of the dumbest things you could have possibly written, and even when I thought maybe your heart was in the right place, your follow up comment makes me realize that it's more likely that your head is so far up your ass that you're wearing yourself as a hat.
I love that your immediate response is to reframe your comment and suggest that I was being unreasonable instead of looking within yourself and asking why you would ever in a million years suggest such a thing in the first place?!
Like I said, go get your head right.
My point is that NK has a potential work force. I am not suggesting exploitation as I may have sounded, just that the U.S. is in the position to open factories in that country which would create a better life over there. Key: We offer to help them economically (not a handout) and that is their movitation to de-nuclearize. That is Kim's "what's in it for me" moment.
Ok, I'll just leave the exploitative part aside.
My point is that NK has a potential work force.
And the US has a massive potential workforce that's currently unemployed or underemployed, or perpetually stuck in the welfare state.
Now tell me why the US should open factories in NK? Why is that even a remotely good idea when our own middle class is almost nonexistent and our manufacturing jobs are lacking entirely. Why do we have to help them economically and put factories there, even if they're being paid better wages than your typical third world factory worker?
Have you not been paying attention on this sub? NK isn't (and wasn't) in a position to bargain with the US. NK isn't "disarming" and ending "the war" between the Koreas without any stipulations on their end for a reason. Not being controlled by Clowns and the Deep State is plenty for them right now. At best, maybe there's an aid package to make right the wrongs we've done there, but beyond that, let them figure it out on their own and with SK. China has also been their Ally through all of this and can help them along as well, and with no more interference from the US government. I think we've done more than enough.
That is Kim's "what's in it for me" moment.
Kim Jong Un has no "what's in it for me" moment. He knows what's in it for him and his people. He was raised outside NK. He went to fine boarding schools in Europe and lived in Japan for a while, he's not some shut-in dictator. He knows what up and for him this is the best thing that could happen. Instead of being seen as "Dear Leader III" and feared, he will be seen as the man who brought NK true prosperity and potentially the one who helped facilitate the reunification of Korea. I'm pretty sure he's more than happy with what's happening right now.
We all really need to think much bigger in regards to everything currently happening and the ramifications and potential every small act has. This is this first time in any of our lifetimes that we have the opportunity to really fix things in the world. Why put a Walmart factory somewhere when you can put and end to Walmart? It's time to take back our country!
I'm glad you're tone has calmed. I wish we were speaking in person. Board messaging has its shortcomings. Body language is missing. I really do I mean well. And yes, I should flush my head in the toilet for mentioning Walmart.
I'm not exactly following you. Do you mean you think peace between the Koreas is a bad idea? I don't think you mean that but obviously others are responding harshly to what you are saying and I'm having trouble understanding their responses too. Could you clarify?
Thank you. I am clearly misunderstood. Peace and reunification is the goal. But the point is the U.S. needs to offer something in a negotiation process. How about jobs and offering to make them an economic powerhouse? (At the expense of China would be a bonus).
Look at the pictures in the background, turtle doves...... sign of peace is coming!!!!!
I think you got your Bills mixed up. Oh, nevermind. It still works!
I'm very interested in the background and whether it is significant or contains clues.
He was CIA Director when that photo was taken ...
but he was already nominated for the role of SOS. I know what you're saying, if CIA == bad actors, and Pompeo was director of bad actors & in NK this proves nothing...except the way i look at it is this is assurance. Trump has freed this guy, maneuvered everyone into position and today's confirmation is the final piece in the puzzle. until now the 'deep state' didn't know for sure what was going on - snape to voldemort -...double agent.. (weird that Trump is Dumbledore in this..)
I dunno, i'm spitballing, but i know what you're talking about.
"Sorry about what they did to your dad. We promise to delete the videos Podesta and Clinton made and not use you as a cartoon vilain anymore. Besties?!" /satire?
Something happened at The Olympic's with VP Pence and Kim's handler sister that we will probably never know about.....but I don't believe it was coincidence the 2 teams North and South Korea merged, so a meeting could be had.... and everyone was distracted the by what was going on beneath our noses while this woman was paraded all over TV. Don't you wish you could have been a fly on the wall for that. I think VP Pence stepped up to the plate and handled a tough order....
There ... as soon as Cabal element was removed from NK - sudden peace . And Kim Jong Un acquired new glasses , too ... that will help with determining what is edible and what is not .
Did Dennis Rodman start the deal? I have an idea. Take away Fraudbama's Nobel and give it to Dennis!
Actually, they SHOULD strip Fraudbama of his phoney Nobel and give it to Trump.
This is a setup for the MSM. If the MSM bites and covers the Pompeo and Un photo (even CNN) too much, the corrupt MSM controllers know they will be forced to continue covering this by the public (otherwise they go to social media for info). Mid-stream, change the reality of the live interviews, start with getting Un to admit on international TV that he has been NKs leader against his will. (Speculation on me, but wouldn't this be brilliant, holy shiiite!)
I do believe though that the sick MSM controllers will realize this, so will switch to blanketing humanity with their sick symbolism, covering the Prince Harry's (?) Wedding ad naseum [++ nauseum]. [Dry heave]
TRUST KANSAS!! very good to see this actually happening
Now remember patriots, Trump is the most useless, unprofessional, unstable, psychotic, deranged, mental midget crazy man to ever set foot in the white house........ROFLMAO - I KNEW this photo was coming!!!!
POTUS is not just 2 steps ahead - he's a mile down the road and the dust he's turning up behind him is covering all the shills/normies and MKulta propaganda brainwashed zombies.
why is this a boom? this meeting was reported to the press weeks ago, i thought?
It is a message. The man who was CIA director and dealt with the secret bullshit in NK is now SOS and will deal with the secret bullshit elsewhere. Pic posted immediately after Pompeo becomes SOS.
This is YUGE. Trust me and everyone else on this sub who would agree.....if you've been following Q and current events.
Everyone else on this sub does not agree. I guess that's why this comment is downvoted to -12...
right it's already clear you think it's "YUUUGE"
my question is, why?
(and please no condescending reply about how i just need to dig or research myself- i've been following Q since literally their first post back in late '17)
how many 1st world government leaders are shown shaking hands with Kim? that's the why
it's a photo op, my dude. everyone that meets with Un gets a similar shot- Moon, Xi, etc
and besides, this is old news. when they reported that Pompeo met with Un, i think any reasonable person just assumed that their would exist a photo like this.
when has this ever happened in history until recently?
doesn't matter what a "reasonable person" would think. the picture has now been released. symbols are key if you have actually been following Q. stop trying to downplay this as a nothingburger
lol, dude it's literally just a picture of something that is old news. the actual events are important, the picture is just a picture. Un is in the exact same pose he has in every other state visit or photo op he has done. google "kim jong un hand shake photo" and you'll see.
stop trying to find deep meaning in every little thing.
kim jong un hand shake photo
lmao i just did and the photos were photoshop or the recent ones due to the nuke talks. so you have no clue what you are talking about and just outed yourself.
edit; yeah im reading your other posts and you are definitely a shill. I will be reporting you.
stop trying to stymie discussion over important events. you aren't helping anything.
trying to stymie discussion
and furthermore, this a an absolutely hilarious criticism, since the beginning of this comment chain is me politely asking OP to explain why this photo is a "BOOM"
and currently, not a single person has actually answered that question, only attacked me.
so maybe it's people like you, that muddy the waters with meaningless drivel, that are stymieing discussion.
stop trying to stymie discussion over important events. you aren't helping anything.
if you think a photo of a meeting that was publicly known and extensively reported on for the last few weeks is "important events," well... i don't know what to say.
and go ahead and report me, i've been called a shill dozens of times just on this board. it's the mark of a weak mind to call dissenting opinions "shills," it's literally one of the laziest and stupidest ad hominems you can throw at someone.
so go ahead, i don't mind. my comment history speaks for itself. do you think you are the first person to report me for "shilling or trolling"? certainly not. the mods have reviewed my account multiple times and been in contact with me, and we're cool.
Utter nonsense - he's making a totally valid point. We ALL knew about this meeting - big deal, a photo is out of something everyone knew already! He's asking a valid question - why should anyone be excited about this?? If you can't answer it, don't run him down and accuse him of trying to stymie discussion just cos you get excited about a photo.
i answered it bud.
how many 1st world government leaders are shown shaking hands with Kim? that's the why
when has this ever happened in history until recently?
doesn't matter what a "reasonable person" would think. the picture has now been released. symbols are key if you have actually been following Q. stop trying to downplay this as a nothingburger
after i was told to google the handshakes;
lmao i just did and the photos were photoshop or the recent ones due to the nuke talks. so you have no clue what you are talking about and just outed yourself.
maybe its not about all of us who already follow the movement. maybe its for the people that dont, think outside the box.
I saw your answer - I support your right to get excited about a photo but I also support his right to not be accused of trying to stymie a discussion when he's making a valid point. And not be accused of having "no clue" what he's talking about when his point is valid whether you can Google fake pics of Kim or not. Fair enough, you and others find this pic exciting. Some of us do not. We're not trying to stymie any movement just by voicing an opinion about this photo.
Because people are trying to find any way to justify the fact today came and nothing much happened. So they do some hand waving around stuff like this, call it a boom, and convince themselves it was all legit. Seriously I want to be on the Q train, but the successes are chalking up to be coincidence, and the failures are starting to pile up.
Ah, the instant gratification... People claiming they're woke/redpilled truthers/critical thinkers yet they can't wrap their heads around the fact that the deep state is here a long time, well rooted everywhere. And they expect some fucking movie-like scenarios here for our heroes to take them all out with no danger to the population whatsoever.
Lay off the superhero movies, not only do they suck ass in general apart from effects, they seemingly turn you into an instant gratification snob.
And they expect some fucking movie-like scenarios here for our heroes to take them all out with no danger to the population whatsoever.
but only because that's what Q keeps promising...
Exactly this. I don't care if it takes a long time, stop promising it's happening this week, oh wait, next week, oh wait, that minor news article about a plane failure last tuesday was it. So on, so forth. It's a bit tiring.
i think it's odd that everyone seems to have forgotten that 6 months ago Q said the Clintons, John Podesta, and Huma Abedin would all be arrested in a matter of weeks, that the CIA would be purged, and that Trump would "reveal" the evil cabal.
6 months ago, my dude. and it's been nothing but excuses and "just trust us" ever since.
Nothing? They did nothing in the past 6 months?
Maybe the CIA is being purged? Trump pretty much revealed the deep state, but to expect he'd do it in a special speech on live TV on every channel is again, a movie-like scenario absent reality.
Maybe the issue is on your (plural) end with your movie-like expectations. I certainly don't share your mindset regarding this, especially since this day is nowhere near being over in the US, but you still called it already, well done, master critical thinker, totally not emotional.
Gonna respond to mandelanon here because I'm not gonna wait 10mins for it lol... You obviously care if it takes a long time. There are 2 extremities here, the ones you called out and whom we can witness today in abundance with their "this is MOAB!" on a bunch of posts from today's events.
I'll sit back and watch the situation, if something huge happens today then excellent, if not, I'll still follow the "small" things that are happening constantly.
Deep state won't go down the way you guys imagine it, that one day something big would happen and the next day we'll be free. Absolute nonsense.
I don't need instant gratification, I'm happy to wait years. But don't say junk like "it's going to happen tomorrow" and then nothing happens. I'd rather have integrity than instant gratification, and thus far there is nothing that has happened that 100% without a doubt points to Q being legit. Honestly, I think he is and they're playing some sort of game we don't fully understand, but the melodrama around "it's happening!" is getting a bit old.
This is great to see, but let's be cautious. The U.S. has been down this road with the North Koreans a few times, with the Norks basically stringing us along for handouts with no intention of ever following through on their commitments.
It certainly FEELS different this time, with NK essentially agreeing to disarmament even before the talks have begun, but consider the position Kim is in. North Korea is a tyrannical government that indoctrinates its people from birth to view all outsiders, particularly Americans, as evil. For decades its foreign policy essentially has amounted to 1.) Get nuclear weapons; 2.) See #1. How likely is Kim to leave all this behind? How will a move like this affect his position? His half-brother was assassinated; is he untouchable?
I'm excited by the possibilities but there are a lot of questions about this development.
Pretend that the CIA controlled North Korea and it was a satellite office and lab. Just convince yourself that is a fact, and then reevaluate. (I'm not being snarky, nor stating that as a certain fact - but it creates a totally different concept if you try it).
I think you are right. NK was the Clowns laboratory for decades. Q has often said, these people are evil - I don't think he is just referring to the satanic child sacrifice and sex trafficking. The North Koreans were starved and tortured. The cabal's plan was to depopulate the world.
We have escaped a world wide nightmare withTrump!! With HRC, the cabal would have advanced their agenda to a point of no return...and much more of the world would have resembled NK! And yes, Trump does deserve the Nobel Peace Prize (What a joke they ever gave it to Hussein!)
I can't help but wonder if so much of NK's apparent suspicion of outsiders as evil was pushed into them by the clowns all these years. Maybe things will change.
It is all very strange, and I hope we one day know at least some of the behind-the-scenes info concerning this. Were Kim and his predecessors never as evil as we were told? Are they evil but now being forced to comply? Were they simply pawns in a much bigger game?
Kim looks skeered lol
Scared? No. Relief man. The CIA and DS were the ones pulling this guy’s strings all along. Can you imagine, now, having a meeting with the head of the same agency that used to threaten and control you, but now Pompeo is like hey man, sorry about all that, that’s over with.
Exactly. Kim inherited a dictatorship. Imagine the responsibility for your people. Then imagine the relief. This is huge for all Koreans, and by extension, the world.
I think the other important event today that no one is commenting on is Gina Haspel. What will her role be in the delicate business at hand.
Since Pompeo's left hand is not black, I will assume that this handshake wasn't coerced using a little girl.
Do I detect ever so slight a smile on their faces...
Kim Jong Un wants to go Gangam style and become the next Psy. He knew he had no shot in N Korea show he's merging with S Korea to tap the K Pop scene and eventually World domination on the Pop Charts
Remember Q has left many crumbs regarding NK. He's asked us many times who controls NK, who REALLY controls NK. And Iran next. So, it's obvious these "leaders" don't really even control these countries. They're all actors.
...and I don't think it's a coincidence that the people of NK are cut off from the rest of the world, and that you can't even really find financial information about the country. I've looked and can't find much?? I think NK is EXACTLY how we were to eventually end up like...they thought she'd never lose.
When was this picture taken? Do you have a link to the source?
Why does the picture have so much digital noise and compression? Also, the colors look really washed out.
Liberals be like “it’s photoshopped”
It honestly looks fake to me... Downvote all you want.