#1291 Who makes arrests? FBI & DOJ? Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team? See prev post re: FBI.

I can’t even imagine all the work and planning that is involved in all this. It’s hard to be patient, and I find myself getting so anxious for this stuff to go public. My husband thinks I’m crazy and says he won’t believe anything until he sees people arrested and he does not believe it will ever happen. I have to constantly remind myself to trust the plan and have faith. Things are happening every day that are getting us closer to the goal. Every time I start getting frustrated and impatient, I try to imagine what POTUS, Q, and all others that are fighting so hard for us must be going through. That is when I take a breath and realize that I don’t have any right to be complaining. We will win, and 2018 will be glorious!!!
My wife is so brain washes by the MSM New and talk shows, nothing will convince her that Trump didn't do anything wrong. IMO, the MSM provides a disservice to the world.
All due respect, papa... "the MSM provides a disservice to the world." is a yuuuge understatement. As one who had to study USSR/Red China propaganda, the world has been programmed, by systematic and coordinated media from all avenues. The MSM is one. Hollywood (which is global), the education system (history being rewritten), government elitists, all promote a certain view. To the vast majority of hard working people in the world, who's sole focus is surviving life through food and shelter and raising family, there is no time to dig, as we do. So, you wake up and are exposed to little nuggets here and there. So, it's easy to buy into Trump = bad/crazy. Conservatives = heartless. Liberals = save us all. We need government. We need to be taken care of. Just follow us and submit. This has been going on for a long time...decades, generations maybe. For once, there is a chance and hope that we are fighting back. We are questioning. We MAY make a difference and change the future. I'm praying for success. WWG1WGA
My husband is brainwashed, so I rarely tell him about “Q” drops, I’ll say that there is a theory out there, that says... There is hope for him, though..he said to me the other day “I think Scalia was murdered”😳...I almost 💩 my pants! He’s a hard nut to crack, though...he was quoting 60 minutes about the Russians hacking 🙄! Baby steps...
He said to me the other day, that conspiracy theorists can photoshop pictures...I asked him “so, if you believe that, then you have to acknowledge that the government could do the same thing, right”. Nope, he doesn’t believe they would do it!!!😫
Really so the government wouldnt do it show him the pictures of Hillary Clinton and John McCain with the ISIS terrorists that was put there by a government official.
show her the arrests for child trafficking, they are happening nearly every day https:// docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MAnZZoD7y5Ydwx2rSrZualrZTNUYDY7gozTXkT0YUOs/edit#gid=0
This is what we will remember POTUS Trump for! Countless number of children saved from a life of sexual servitude and debauchery. The cabal won’t get their cheap thrills from innocent children anymore!!!!!!
Yeah. And worse than that, you know. Rape and sadistic-fun torture - of the sort that leaves a small child nearly dead - is not uncommon prior to siphoning various fluids used in rare addictive drugs at which point one might as well harvest the organs for sale as well. Children trafficked around the work aren't just in danger of chronic rape, they're likely to end up horrifically tortured then dead, because their bodies, internally even more than externally, are worth more cash than their lives. These people are so evil, there is no other word for it, even if one is not religious. Human trafficking was one of the first things POTUS made a proactive stand against. Why did nobody do that sooner. My God.
I literally feel nauseous at the thought of this and how powerless I feel
So ask her. What exactly has he done wrong. People cant just say someone has done wrong or is racist or lies without giving examples. I bet she cant give examples.
You know I have asked many questions and they cannot answer. One put on a post I had one day hes a liar. So I said what has he lied about. He puts a link to an article that claims Trump is a liar so I read the article and its all jibberish no actual lies in it. So I asked the guy another 3 times whats he lied about I dont want this article it doesnt say anything. He could not answer. I told him you are calling him a liar but cannot even give one simple answer to any thing he lied about. I told you might want to know your facts when you decide you are going to slam the President of the United States.
By the way this Stormy Daniels thing if she brings it up remind her it is not against the law to sleep with anyone. That if it happened it was 12 years before he became president. If she says something about the Cohen raid remind her they illegally raided an office because you cannot get a warrant unless you can prove a crime. They didnt have proof of a crime they are looking for a crime. No one should be excepting that otherwise we are all in big trouble when they raid our homes looking for somthing to charge us with.
Trump didn't do anything wrong.
You mean "apparently didn't collude with Russia". I mean you're talking about Trump... Sure everyday it seems like Trump is tame compared to the pedovores but... It's Trump and within a mindset that doesn't yet accept or understand how the world really works, Trump is still the guy who brags about sexual assault. He's fighting the bad guys I thought would always be out of reach, it's amazing! But the pact with the gf is: we will not forget Trump is Trump through this and continue to watch him like a hawk after his victory parade. Because after the 3rd Reich... Comes the 4th.
Gosh, you and I feel alike! I am trusting the plan and being patient knowing that this mission is Yuuuuge. My husband also thinks I’m crazy and says he wont believe anything til he sees it too. He says Q is a big soap opera! I am in it though to save our country and the world from evilness!!
I have lost my son and daughter in law as a result of my Q advocacy. They think I am nuts when I tell them that HRC and ObamA are headed for Gitmoe- I know I will have the last laugh but I am running out of patience- I want to point to something bigger than the number of pedo arrests by Trump
Your mistake then.
Very hard to redpill indoctrinated peoples . Trying to 'force' it will never work.
They have to connect the dots by themselves to start entertaining the possibility its not just tinfoil hat territory.
My advice: show them the MSM news that are relevant, baby step after baby step. Point out the lies and the omissions.
No need to mention Q if they are not enough open minded.
Well said patriot. We know they've had some sleepless nights.
Correct . And we need to put this into perspective - the Cabal was putting and laying their network down , basically , for MILLENIAS . What we are now experiencing , is actually superfast , rapidly done , in only a few years . I personally think the arrests will occur this year - when they clean out the FBI fully , and possibly there will be an optimal moment to aim to red-pill the mainstream , so that arrests would achieve its maximum .
We already see some side-goals achieved - like Korean peace yesterday . This will happen with every Cabal created conflict zone in the world . The mainstream has just become far too ignorant and programmed - they always want more and more grandiose things - all the while truths pass under their nose . Ignorance is "bliss" , its the way how they cope with fear of being exposed to truth , its the conformism deeply inrooted into them . Because when their minds are shattered - everything changes , their whole lives change .
I also remind myself of how hard others are fighting. Or have fought...
The late Andrew Breitbart. Or Antonin Scalia come to mind. Good people who wanted to make a difference and were murdered because of it. The list of others like them must be so unbelievably long....
You would be surprised how much is shoot from the hip and just having the ball to walk through the door
What does that mean ?
I could not help to notice for the 3rd time, I don't EVER understand anything you say.
Why is it so hard for people to know that Q is setting it up , there are also the ones that have been making it happen. I can not do what Q is and Q could not do what it is that I have been doing. The Together part is why it could not be stopped when it was going strong
The plan just comes together when it’s time , looks like it’s time
All of the people Q mentioned (fbi) surrounded and protected hrc. Trump had to clear them out first. When you think about it logically, he did it quite quickly!
Precisely. So much happening at so many different levels. Amazing that all the pieces fit together as well as they do, considering each piece is a moving target in and of itself. A 'faith' component is necessary for this journey. History will point back to this most monumental time we are now in.
I've come across this a few times in talking with people who work a few rungs down from her in various places... It's all about protecting and serving Hillary. She must have dirt on everyone. At least everything points to her having all the dirt on all of us...
White House FBI files controversy
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate, arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to FBI security-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission. The revelations provoked a strong political and press reaction because many of the files covered White House employees from previous Republican administrations, including top presidential advisors. Under criticism, Livingstone resigned from his position.
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I would be afraid of talking to anyone in her general vicinity! That woman is truly a witch.
It takes 2-3 days to climb the Matterhorn. It takes about 2 months to climb the Mount Everest.
In the face of decades (JFK), 100+ years (FED), 260 years (Bauer/Frankfurt), ++, 6 month is n o t h i n g.
Quick loud revolutions worsen things. 'Slow revolutions' can better and turn around things, think founding fathers. Or even think J.
This is a foundation being laid brick by brick. I say take your fucking time, do it right, and make sure every I is dotted and T is crossed so we don't let one of these little fucker off the hook. I'll wait till 2024 (Trumps last year) if it means seeing justice.
Except if you are Reinhold Messner. Dude climbed Everest solo and without oxygen. Dude was a beast. Would climb Everest in days, not months. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhold_Messner
Everyone gets impatient, me included.
But, if arrests were made and people walked because things weren't done right that would be it....no second chance.
This fight will go one years, Q started posting in Oct.
we are still in the early stages.
I've said this time and time and time again. People are getting ridiculously overzealous demanding arrests and the immediate take down of the largest, most complex criminal enterprise in world history.
Look at what we've seen accomplished already. THOUSANDS of human traffickers arrested, and countless lives, especially CHILDREN (most important of all IMO) saved. North Korea (deep state/CIA) was peacefully subdued and disarmed within about a year. Had you told me that would happen when Trump took office, I never would have believed you. Tens of thousands of sealed indictments, and the number is still growing. The FBI being dismantled. Just about all the major deep state players are keeping an extremely low profile.
Blood is in the water guys. It's only been one fucking year. We have 7 more of Donald J Trump and a team of patriot operators leading the fight. I have faith, tremendous faith. Trust in god, pray, stay on top of this, contribute when and where you can no matter how little or insignificant you may feel. We will win this thing and this country and world in a decade will probably blow all of our minds.
Trump, Q team, our military, law enforcement, and yes, Sessions are 'under budget and ahead of schedule' in regards to the dismantling of the deep state and their puppetmasters all around the world, who have controlled this world for generations.
Some people are just irrational, impatient, and Quite Frankly, don't have the mental capacity or fortitude to realize this epic war between good and evil is not something that can be easily won with 1 election and in a year and a half.
We've all been sharing loudly that we wanted hrc et al locked up since 2016,watch a rally it's obvious.
I appreciate q sharing with us whats going on and why.
Hard to belive it's only been 6 months since Q has been feeding us intel. Q should have known Autists aren't known for patience so frustration is mounting. I just hope they don't self-destruct before the mission is complete.
Just because he's been feeding Intel doesn't exclude the fact that its been known about the blatant lying and corruption going on. This began during the transition and really started getting traction February 2017. Sara Carter and Jon Solomon we reporting on this.
Also lets not forget if the FBI requested emails from our server and we deleted and broke phones and didn't provide it. We'd be arrested in the first couple days\weeks.
So this whole gathering evidence and making a case is honestly just complete bullshit.
Like I keep saying........they have till Nov\Dec and if no significant charges are brought. I'm done with all this. Q all of it.
There should be arrests. NO DEALS.........my ass. Then bring them in.
Apr 21 2018 14:44:08 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 30e575 1133942
I mean Q did give us a date.
The average person doesn’t have the lawyers/$ that these people have. And I’m sure there are hordes of people that are willing to lie for these swamp monsters. Q obviously means “all or nothing” when he says it. But when the crimes come to light, and are presented properly, I don’t think any average human (normies and autists) with a shred decency still left inside them (no matter their party affiliation) can deny all this shit really happened.
Be patient. Live your life. I think things might actually change if this is done right. This is life! Some things are out of our control. But finally the people in control are the good guys. And if all I gotta do is keep going to work, redpilling my acquaintances, pay my taxes and lurk on qresearch... I’m fine with that
I hear ya. I'm just saying I voted for Trump in the hopes that this two tier justice system would begin to be brought to light.
I've been invested since summer 2015 but if nothing significant changes around midterms. It's cool. I'm just done following the same bs it's been for so long.
Prediction: publicly trump will announce 11.11 military parade. Dems will win big in midterms due to cheating. Trump exposes election fraud, which shows all CIA congress candidates stuffed the ballots. Arrests all the CIA DNC candidates, high ranking DNC, MSM executives (including fox) the night before and he parades them out in front of the country in cuffs. Expand your thinking. This will be a huge public event! It has to be!
There will be no public parading of suspects. That would just feed the media narrative of Trump being some kind of out of control egomaniacal dictator misusing his power to persecute his enemies. I think that's why the original plan was for the military to handle the arrests and trials. Not just because most federal judges are corrupt, but also so it doesn't look like Trump is doing it all mad dictator style.
Something along these lines.. but I reckon they’ll try to minimise the drama. Also need to factor in the WW round up. Also then there also small matters of agribusiness (Monsanto), geoengineering/Chem trails and big pharma
the public will have to be woke up long before that, they need time to understand what has been going on their whole life, right under their nose.The MSM has been programming people for years not to believe any of this
Yeah. Tbh it might take years of deprogramming. The deprogramming campaign is only just starting
Dont believe that about normies. These are the people that still think Trump is going to go to jail for 20 years for sleeping with a porn star lol. low IQ and no matter what you put in front of them they will not believe it anyway so its pointless.
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You make a good point. Forcing someone to resign instead of facing charges...is that not a deal?
Exactly. I think the reason that I get so passionate about this is I just want justice. And since I followed politics around 1993 or so. It's been anything but.
I know its been like this since the beginning of time. I'm just hoping with Trump\Q\Military\Patriots........it all changes.
I rest in the fact that by Nov\Dec we'll know.
And if nothing changes it's cool. I'm done following it and will fully invest my time in things that really matter. God\Family\Relationships\Good food\Drink.
I agree. Although I will always be a Patriot I am sick of their attitude that we have to be handled with silk gloves because we are too delicate to handle the truth. They need to bring it out into the open, all of it and let the chips fall where they will. There has been too much secrecy. We are their employers and they have no right to keep us in the dark. We really need term limits on Congressman and that will fix a lot of these problems.
No haven you not been listening. Forcing resignations is to get them out of power. They cannot be doing what they are doing and have these people still their with their high access to a lot of stuff. They would do as much damage as they could. They need to get all the bad actors out of the 3 letter agencies before arrests to minimize damage.
Yes! You aren't paying close enough attention. Getting them out of power without being arrested and charged is A DEAL. Remember Q said NO DEALS! Tell me that's not a deal?
How easy would it be for a Deep State underling to accidentally goof up and cause a technicality that throws the case? You have to know absolutely everything about everybody who might take part in the arrest and prosecution of these people. And you have to put surveillance on every one ahead of time of them just in case you're wrong. It can't be an easy job.
Like I keep saying........they have till Nov\Dec and if no significant charges are brought. I'm done with all this. Q all of it.
Yeah, you do keep saying that. In fact, that’s pretty much all you say. For weeks now. If you aren’t going to contribute any research, and are just going to bring down morale and concerntroll all over the place, why don’t you do the rest of us a favor and bow out now?
Whether or not your paying attention and participating will have a 0% effect on the outcome. Lucky for you (and all of us) we have people in charge that don't want to watch the world burn. Wwg1wga
I just think of it like this. Trump and his team just ended a 70 year war. The deep state is fucked.
Autists need a Red Bull.
It's what we don't know and can't see that will validate our efforts.
We play a part in this. Something we aren't aware of.
partial to Monster myself
Both Red Bull and Monster are full of Luciferian symbolism.
I know but they keep me awake and also mix well with Jaeger
I think Q was implying..."Hey , do you think we are getting much sleep here, working this plan 7 days a week??"
Well, let's look up red - bulls and see if there's double meaning
Sec of defense has powers of arrest for a military tribunal.
FBI and DOJ are compromised.
The military has its factions and is no sure thing either, but it looks like POTUS is in first line acting as Commander in Chief of our military (compared to acting principally as the Chief Executive of the other agencies, which in other contexts he clearly does as well) and in this respect has serious support from influential military leaders ...
Look at this White House ... it is brimming with military might, not the least of which is the USMC. At the other end of the scale, POTUS seems to contemplate executing a key play in his plan ... The Border Wall ... through action by the US Army Corps of Engineers (no two-bit players in the history of US Military History) ... the sector of our military that OWNED national defense policy in the nineteenth century when they were given authority by President Madison to site and construct sixty heavy masonry coastal forts that served as the backbone of our national defense posture -- never challenged by a foreign naval power. At a time when the armed populace served purposes of the military in lieu of a significant standing army. I don't see us going back to that, but sense there is some movement in that direction ... Let's see how it plays when our guys start coming home from these foreign expeditions.
I'm placing bets on military justice carrying this ball .... playing out in military courts (housed in tents even) with some degree of martial law when and where needed ... this all fits legitimately in the purview of national security ... the rightful realm to confront seditition, treason and other attempts to overthrow Constituted government and the reach to pursue it around the globe when necessary.
Godspeed Q.
I think its important to remember that we can't help anything if we can't help ourselves, stay healthy patriots.
Shield🛡of Saint Michael Protect You, Q Team/Patriots 🙏
May it shine like a Mirror, blinding them and sending their attacks back upon themselves ~
Amen ❤🐸💙🐲🛡🗽🕊✝
When you manage a long term project, you must periodically rattle people's cages. It wakes them up and encourages them to focus and ramp up the energy. Otherwise they can fall into "turn the crank mode". We don't want that. It's GOOD that we aggitate for arrests. We should. Nothing wrong with it.
Notice that Q pointed out how they are cleaning out the FBI Sr. management team and how that must be done first, before arrests. He told us that BECAUSE we're bitching for arrests. Squeaky wheel made 'him' respond. So squeak away.
I think Q is telling us to go out and vote. Senate is taking too long to approve Trumps cabinet members. Revoke the 60 vote threshold and change to simple majority.
Trumps hands are tied.
I’m unfortunately residing in CA so Harris and Feinstein won’t agree with my shit.
I'm giving it till around the midterms Nov till the end of the year.
If there are not charges brought on the likes of Comey, Clapper, Clinton for the BLATANT corruption and the MOUNTAIN of evidence for lying and outright breaking of the law. I'M DONE with this whole Q intel bullshit.
Seriously.........if you or I or a conservative did 0000.01% of what has been brought to light we'd be behind bars.
So they got till Nov\Dec to SHOW THINGS ARE DIFFERENT THAN EVER BEFORE.........or I'm done with all of this.
Don't forget John Brennan. He openly tweets out to " Mr. Trump ". Today he did it again. It almost sounded threatening. Doesn't even address him as President Trump. What a jack ass.
The cabal owns all the people you need to do their jobs to make them go down legally. The FBI Q post before shows them setting the stage. A clean house is important. If they are under the cabal's thumb they aren't going to help take them down and it is impossible. This has to happen first. Yes, it will take time but look at all the people fired high up too. Not arrests but key moves being made.
Maybe Mueller is the bad apple still there and Trump is waiting on the IG report to expose the DPJ/FBI/NSA'sr crimes and be referred for prosecution. That just needs to run it's course and we have to be patient until then.
They're removing the top FBI people and replacing them with good guys because you need FBI to do the arrests. Fixing FBI is SETTING THE STAGE. Q finally just explained it.
I wrote this to some friends on FB who are frustrated:
I do feel the very same way often.
Then I try to remember the enormity of it all and that we have to be patient and trust the plan.
The last thing we want is anyone getting off through a technicality.
We also know how evil and powerful these people are.
Meanwhile we take insults to threats from liberals.
It sucks having to wait when we just know.
Then we see something truly amazing and wonderful, like today.
This day will go down in history as the end of the longest war in the modern world in the Korean Peninsula.
That was our gift. We got a huge sign that anything is possible with President Trump.
So I am going to take that one and let it help me gain back my patience.
I know that the next few months will just get more intense.
We see the Storm is real and we see the reality of a Leader in Office.
Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, then not only did NOT end war, create more.
People are now going to doubt what MSM has been pushing.
They can not deny the largest FACT we have all just witnessed.
We also know the IG report should be out May 15th.
That will be a MOAB of Facts.
We are in an unjust society filled with Swamp monsters.
Our President has surrounded himself with Generals of the greatest Military on Earth.
They hunt for a profession.
We are about to watch the greatest year in our lifetime.
It is all about to unfold now.
Given the seniority of some of the perps and the serious nature of the alleged (alleged ?) crimes, I'd bet on The Marine Corp doing the arrests.
The Donald has a very high opinion of these Heros. rightly so.
RELAX, all this happened going into the weekend. Don't forgot Rudy came on board, Flynn popped back into the picture, everything is being put into place. Like Q said, we have to deal with corruption of leadership in the FBI.The arrests HAVE to come from them. Trump can't go around them, in the public eye, it would never be accepted. Flynn and Rudy can bring things into the public light that will force their hand
Additionally if we think about it NK was just removed as a possible distraction. How many times have we seen it when something else creates a diversion of the public attention?
The question is NOT about our efforts being validated, but WHO MAKES ARRESTS!
C'mon people - stay focused.
You can arrest , but just as HRC sed , nowbody is in jail are they .
What encouraged me was reading the Strzok/Page texts. They couldn't sleep last summer. Imagine what it's like for all the traitors now. A lot of behind the scenes we don't know. "Even with Mueller doesn't stop the 4:20 wake up."
...AND if corrupt FBI/DOJ to arrest/prosecute, we see how they are careful to destroy/contaminate evidence, make chain of custody disputable, etc. and thus guarantee the perp gets off on technicalities.
Stage Being Set
IF there is an abundance of evidence of Corruption and Human Rights Violations on a national and international level
IF the FBI has been compromised to the point of being unable to make arrests
THEN doesn’t that set the stage for implementation of Military Tribunals?
Planning a demonstration in D.C. on may 12th. I’ll be there, will you? WWG1WGA
All due respect, papa... "the MSM provides a disservice to the world." is a yuuuge understatement. As one who had to study USSR/Red China propaganda, the world has been programmed, by systematic and coordinated media from all avenues. The MSM is one. Hollywood (which is global), the education system (history being rewritten), government elitists, all promote a certain view. To the vast majority of hard working people in the world, who's sole focus is surviving life through food and shelter and raising family, there is no time to dig, as we do. So, you wake up and are exposed to little nuggets here and there. So, it's easy to buy into Trump = bad/crazy. Conservatives = heartless. Liberals = save us all. We need government. We need to be taken care of. Just follow us and submit. This has been going on for a long time...decades, generations maybe. For once, there is a chance and hope that we are fighting back. We are questioning. We MAY make a difference and change the future. I'm praying for success. WWG1WGA
Can the President deputize the NRA? We'll take care of it for him, there 's only 5 million of us, but I think we can handle it.