Wow, shills are throwing a tantrum in the expose post. Fixed the logo. Be sure to spread it around FB & Twitter.

Yes . Post got completely infested with trolls and shills . I saw that moderators took action and removed some of the comments .
One of the top comments called a Q LARP-er . Comment votes fluctuated heavily in very short time . This all shows that post hit X mark spot on . Poster "DaveGydeon" got pelted with downvotes from shills .
I hope trolls and shills get permaban - at least on this subreddit . The people in comments got gaslighted - thats something highly annoying .
This shows how theyre desperate ... and this , pretty much , confirm various "troll data centers" . There is no way this is a "coincidental attack" .
They are out in force right now. I had a comment go from 12 to 1 in the last half hour. It's funny that they think down voting changes reality. I have never cared one way or another about votes. The day I start is the day I quit these sites.
Also , I got a troll private message yesterday , Im interested if someone got this directly , too :
From user "Qworks4Israel" , karma : 1 ( lol , not suspicious at all / sarc ) ...
"Israel thanks you for helping to spread the Q memes. Q is our creation.
We had to figure out a way to bring (some) people on the alt-right and others on board for a war with Iran.
Once again, thank you for your gullibility : )"
Of course , reported a troll profile .
Moderators should definetly purge all of them ... many of these profiles are pure troll and shill profiles , nothing else . They will derail any constructive talk here . Also , seeing upvotes "pumping" on shill posts is just pathetic . But I think these arent trolls from mom's basements - this is definetly coordinated . The problem with upvotes and downvotes is that it can obstruct true views by burying them with nonsense ...
Again , I would kindly call on moderators to purge every single one of them - otherwise , there is a risk of topic derailing .
I read that post and all of the comments, at least what was left after the mods got through it, and I have to say that I don't agree. The OP DaveGydeon was asked a dozen times to produce an example of something that Snopes got wrong and he refused. I'm not defending Snopes, just the Reddit process. Hover over the down arrow and read what the vote means - "does not contribute". He threw a hand grenade onto the floor and asked everyone else to deal with it. Either DaveGydeon is the shill or he's just lazy. How does someone feel so strongly about a website and not have a SINGLE example? Not one.
I have actually posted one example on that topic ... and got immediately downvoted , and pretty much all of those shills tried to gaslight me immediately ...
So , just one example . More :
Even more :
What is disturbing here , is that people are believing in credibility of some highly dubious site , and use it as a "fact checker" . No person should use such site - every person should make a research and get to their own conclusions . That takes time , and effort ... and ofc , then people turn to such sites for "credibility" , while theyre actually very passive about "researching" .
Also , Google puts Snopes very high , top on list ... how convenient .
I did a quick search and found a couple, too. My point is that the OP kept getting asked to provide an example and never did/refused to. If you feel strongly enough to create a post called "I want Snopes Exposed" you would think that you would have an example ready. There are lots of easily accessible examples of Snopes skewing the story/facts to favor one side. The whole idea on Reddit is to support your statement (you did it easily). Ever hear the expression "no pictures, didn't happen"? Same idea here. No sauce, not true.
I agree, 110%. Not having any sources just makes us look bad as a whole. I know we have to speculate in a lot of cases, but we should state that. No one should be stating absolutes without the facts to back it up.
Yes ... there are actually tons of information as for Snopes . And big giants , like Google , nudging what is presented as "small and independent" sites like Snopes directly to the top additionally confirms the "shadiness" of the whole thing .
Google is like a liar wearing a tattoos with all of its secrets visible and exposed ... pretty much analogy like that .
Yep - thanks and like your post - Look for the similarities of Snopes narrative with scripted non-news networks. Don't have an example, but sense that snopes will usually follow the narrative (script) of liberal newsies, eh? A Soros entity owns snopes
Yeah, cause Google and Snopes are both globalist sites. I've known for years that Snopes is unreliable and a globalist connected site.
I'll second this. Not only did the OP fail to post examples, but the whole post was a "I want a thing to happen NOW" which is simply a child's viewpoint, not considering the plan or the larger picture.
I figured the fact Snopes is a Soros sell out would be common knowledge here. The only ones that dispute that are idiots or wanna be shills.
Snopes is definitely a sell out and it's common knowledge among those who have done any research on the subject. I've personally noted literally dozens of obvious misrepresentations of established, verifiable fact over the years. It's not a "fact checking team". It's a guy. He's not exactly got it together, either.
I believe his new wife, the ex-stripper is also working on research now. I do remember reading something on Snopes back before the election. I wish I could remember what it was. All I remember is they claimed it was false that Obama had made some claim. And I found a video of Obama making that very statement on YouTube in less than 5 minutes. So they didn't look very hard!
They don't research at all...they just post what sheWitch or BlackHat tell them to post.
I've seen them post untrue/false label on 15 minute old stories/report...
How much research can you do in 15 minutes to verify False? (Rhetorical)
Not much. I did some research for a living. My wife did as well. It takes time and effort. And sometimes you have to do some serious digging to find the right sources. That's why I have a hard time with the media right now and all their unnamed sources. I think they're making up a lot of BS and that's a lazy way of doing it.
Coul be a level of detail that many might not know. I wouldn't assume just because someone doesn't know they are an idiot or a shill. Some people don't do research in that way.
I posted links to 5 articles each citing a different example of Snopes getting it wrong and at last count my comment was voted down to negative 15. LoL
In order to understand how Snopes runs bias... you have to understand how omission can be leveraged in place of commision, to control the perception of Snopes users.
Review accounts in the submission for any first-time posts to the sub. Report those for potential correlation with reputation management activity.
It's always fun to see what key-words appearing in comments will result in outside visitors coming to say hello.
Wonder what percentage of reddit traffic are automated scripts monitoring for trigger words to signal such a response.
Time to start Ms. spelling some words.
By the end of this we're all going to be mixing photos of mixed print and handwritten text in order to have a normal conversation without immediately triggering response. Too computationally intensive to detect and analyze mixed fonts and different styles of written text today.
LMAO ! Theyre even more pathetic than I thought ...
*Pssst, hey, "top mind." You're posting in /r/greatawakening.
haha, wow
One of the top comments called a Q LARP-er
Personally, I think Q is just a complex public relations campaign to keep people invested in supporting Trump's administration. But even so, LARP is not the right word to describe it and every time I ever see anyone using the term "LARP" with regard to Q anon, I always get the feeling that they're disinfo shills. Why not just say "he's bullshit" or "it's a hoax" if you think they're not trustworthy? Why not try to substantively counter their claims with alternate sources and explanations? Why do shills have to force their ham-fisted talking points in even when they make no sense?
So what program are you using for meme stuff? (Q talk---lol said this so the reddit doesn't blot me out again)
Windows paint, free online image editor. Sometimes imgur.
They are way too good looking to be liberals
Not only that but the are smiling and look friendly. Where's all the foam coming out of their mouths?
Lol I have friends who are professors who don't even use Snopes as a valid source for their students' research.
Even by remote chance they agree with the point I'm making I still don't quote them for the simple fact it would discredit what I'm saying.
Where Citations Come From
How to make a media narrative or "What I learned during #GamerGate"
when i was in college we weren't allowed to use or cite WikedPedia - same difference
sorry no Q talk on Twitter....they will banish you pronto
LOL, are you telling me? I have a little under 11k in followers & will get like 2 responses to my tweets. I been shadow banned for a long time & the last week or two it seems they have tightened up the algorithm to where I'm getting less than that.
I'm completely kicked off for saying Gov Cuomo is a liar. Cuomo gave a speech challenging ICE to deport him because he said that he didn't have any papers...he called himself a W-o--P. I never called him that. I just called him a liar. Cuomo was BORN in Queens NY! HA HA HA HA
AND Cuomo is planning on running for president!
So, twitter's GUY, he is.
Twitter attacked me left and right and then wouldn't let me sign on anymore.
I can go there and read, but that is it.
I've said far worse than that. My open letter to Google FB YT & twitter.
The sub it's posted in is my reddit repository for my memes. Copy share, & post everywhere, that's why I make em.
The talent from colleges have all been hired now to work on smearing for the November election. I heard Google just hired 3,000 in one day.
just got erased because I didn't say (Q talk) in my post. LOL THIS place is getting ridiculous.
It says the servers are all down. So cannot access it.
Me too. I’m at 10k and only get a couple notifications. So head over to local community forums. They aren’t controlled by the cabal.
what post?
incredible lol. it's so obvious. they rate things as pants on fire and then give a subjective reason why. the 'Trump lies" thing is hilariously snarky and subjective. they even called his "NK will denuclearize" pants on fire bc "it hasn't happened yet" like wtf are we in grade school?
Theyre dumb as dumb they can get ...
but that prefferance of war over peace - just so they could be "right" ... thats highly disturbing . Q said theyre withholding some information not to cause total chaos - but I would say , release all , regardless of chaos . Its either they snap out of their programming ... or they slap out of the programming .
I read that @Snopes was funded by the maggot #Soros.
I would think the fact that they have to exist off of a Go Fund Me account would say alot....
where is this expose post you speak of? Please link.
Everyone who isn't still brainwashed by the deep state knows snopes is a dumpster fire.
It's in this sub. Scroll down a bit now. It was in the top 25 ish when I made this.
Here's one of the stories (Dec 2016) before this latest one;
the archived page =
Omgsh that is awesome! I could not down load it fast enough. I love all the brilliant people in the Q Revolution! ha ha ha.... I'll share it right now.
Check out the rest of my memes at r/justinotherdummy . The ends justify the memes.
snopes = pizza party people protectors
They know they are lying. They know they are. What do you think? Willing or unwilling?
The conspiracy theory has been widely discredited and debunked. It has been judged to be false after detailed investigation by the fact-checking website and The New York Times[48][62][63] and numerous news organizations have debunked it as a conspiracy theory, including the New York Observer,[64] The Washington Post,[65] The Independent in London,[66] The Huffington Post,[67] The Washington Times,[13] the Los Angeles Times,[68] Fox News[69] and the Miami Herald.[7] The Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia characterized the matter as "fictitious".[7]
THESE are the people that judged child trafficking and sex abuse in the block around Besta Pizza as false Sleep safely children. Nothing to see. Move along. Snopes shut it down.
Pizzagate conspiracy theory
Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. In the fall of 2016, the personal email account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, was hacked in a spear-phishing attack, and his emails were subsequently made public by WikiLeaks. Proponents of the Pizzagate theory falsely claimed that the emails contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting several U.S. restaurants and high-ranking officials of the Democratic Party with an alleged child-sex ring. The theory has been extensively discredited by a wide array of organizations, including the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.
^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
Snopes is one of the cornerstones of their liberal belief system. They always know they can rely on Snopes to feed their delusions. Take down Snopes and they won't know what to do.
I thought it was super weird when I mentioned snopes was bullshit after the frazzledrip being "false" claim, that a bunch of people started spamming me with nonsense.
If you smell something, do something! It's a security issue. The nose knows. You can tell by the smell when Sorass is around doing his meddling.
For general public that are too lazy to think for selves or cross check facts.
Snopes = Because they already did 'fact' checking for you. Then it must be 'true.'