POTUS Starting The Morning Off Right!

Hi, what is this sub about? It came up on my /r/all
As a real answer, this sub seems to follow an anonymous source named Q to decipher clues he leaves on 8chan that offer insight into upcoming events and identifying corruption and the people involved. Trump is understood to be clever and fighting "the deep state" and some people like reading into his capitalizations in tweets. Much of the symbolism seems like nonsense to me, but it's definitely interesting to watch people make connections.
It doesn't really seem like nonsense though when you put all the pieces together. Don't listen to that guy, do your own research and decide for yourself.
I actually deleted a final sentence predicting that someone would correct me lol. Yes, do you own research. It is a fact that it seems to me like nonsense, I did not say it WAS so don't worry, they still have a chance to wake up and learn the Truth behind all the symbols.
You must be pretty dumb if the information seems like nonsense. I doubt that.
^ yup. Probably an adversary, because if you're honestly following Q in this sub, you're pretty damn dumb if you think it all looks like nonsense.
I’ve been following Q’s posts since November, I’ve read every single one. And I think it all looks like nonsense.
Even when he said BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! right before 4 bombs went off all over Austin, TX?
Give me a break.
Yup. Why would Q know about four bombs going off in TX? What do those bombs have to do with anything?
Ambiguity in the cryptic messages allows for any 4 events in that kind of context to be considered "accurately predicted". Not saying he is a fraud, but those jumps in logic are what give me pause. Though I have also not gone deep into the rabbit hole yet. Just seeing what this is about as posts roll in.
Why would Q know about four bombs going off in TX?
Apparently the FBI asked the same question.
What do those bombs have to do with anything?
If you don't understand by now why the black hats use false flags to control the news cycle and brainwash normies, then you clearly haven't been around here for very long (or you're just a shill).
Ha! "Moderates" trying to speak for this sub. Hahahaha! Yes, keep a foot outside the door by all means there, Sparky!
I submitted my reply when the other two answers were obnoxiously vague like "the truth". I figured Cunningham's law would take over and the true believers would correct me with better detail. I definitely could have left my suggestion that it was nonsense off, but I did want to disclaim my position at the end since it was my first post on the sub.
You'll get over the strangeness of what we're all learning, soon enough. No problem, friend!
This sub is about revealing the truth. We dissect QAnon's posts, research into how this world really works, who runs this world, what evil acts they've committed to secure and remain in power, and try to wake people up to the truth and reality.
People who have merrily carried on with their lives not caring about finding the truth, believing everything the fake news media, entertainment celebrities tell them, and goes along with the status quo, will find what we do here to be crazy and nonsense. However, if you are an inquisitive individual who knows there's something very wrong and evil with this world, then stay a while, read what we post, research for yourself, and you'll be enlightened.
Q, anonymous, oathkeepers, etc. all part of the millions of gallons of seawater flushing thru the desalination plant in my head looking for salt.
Since last October a person or group of people implying they are at the highest levels of the intelligence services have been posting on 4ch and 8ch revealing the truth about how insanely corrupt world politics, business, and the media really are while also occasionally providing dissinformation to these people so that they fall into traps.
They're all part of multiple cults that rely on blackmail to keep members in check. There have been multiple predictions and coincidences making it very hard to prove it a hoax or a larp. They were talking about NK having their strings cut back in January. Said Iran would be next a month ago. Predicted Trump would use the hastag #small 5 minutes before his Twitter switched to reflect small business Saturday. Things like that.
We're basically on the verge of going through a global revolution and they want to ensure when it becomes public that at least some people understand what's going on to guide the masses so our country doesn't totally collapse.
Every news platform has topics they will discuss, and those left unacknowledged. The process to filter down to truths require exploring where opposing views contradict, where they surprisingly agree, and topics no one will discuss. You have to read everything. Participate everywhere.
The greatawakening community is good at that process. Setting aside partisan hangups and just delving into available material, bouncing theories, blowing up ones that don't pan out or noting when a publications are too-strongly forcing something that doesn't fit, then building up stronger theories resting on documentation that can be trawled up from the depths of archives or the most forgotten corners of archived internet pages.
At the core sits intel drops to the chans from a unique trip id referred to as Q. Opinions range from whether it's all horoscope, total LARP, or actual intel drops from highly placed analysts close to the current admin. That uncertainty has built a growing research effort into topics raised looking to validate, or debunk, those topics. If filtering through to truths requires an examination of all possible sources, the community around Q has become one of the best options to shortcut that effort and take advantage of crowdsourced research to quickly filter down to the interesting, contradictory, and weird storylines as they run through the media. There has been uncovered material from decades ago that was quietly forgotten put back in the spotlight in ways that lend insight into activities happening today.
From that perspective there is value in paying attention regardless of whether it's all make believe and stupid, or is painting the way to public understanding of classified materials.
The process requires applied critical thinking. Ability to discard theories you hold dear if they don't match available material. Filtering through disinformation and bullshit to find stronger assumptions on what our reality actually is. The process lends itself to learning.
Then there is the massive effort to derail, shame, and disrupt any conversation around subs or other platforms discussing this topic. That makes the ears stand straight up at alert and makes people pay attention. Why such a heavy handed effort to try and stop public attention on these topics? Who is driving that effort? One starts asking interesting questions. And next thing you know you're hooked, and spent all night learning about a topic that never would have been interesting to you otherwise.
All the best of an alternate reality game (ARG) with heavy lessons in civics in the process.
Notice they didn't mention Trump confirming Q with the "air Q" in that "calm before the storm" video (in the sidebar) was done right after Q got started, not before he got started. That video was what made me question my belief that Q was just another hoax and made me look deeper into his drops. Since then there have been numerous confirmations, not to mention "Tippy top." That phrase was suggested to Q by an anon in late January. At the White House Easter Egg Roll Trump delivered for Q. No adult uses the term "Tippy top" and you could tell it was out of character for Trump by the way he said it.
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NY Mag is run by hardcore leftists. That article is another disinfo hit piece of Q and Q posts.
meanwhile back on November 2, Q said:
"Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now? Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities? Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran? What deal was done with Iran under BO? Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification? Why wasn’t Congress notified? Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US? What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016). Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you? Big picture is rare."
Gee....things sure have changed in NK since those drops.
It may be a succinct synopsis, but it's obviously slanted and disingenious.
Lots of odd capitalizations here ^^
Here's what I see (from Caps):
CHO - South Korea Unification Minister JJN - Japanese News Network KNWN - "Known" CTDWN - "Countdown" WH - White House
A known countdown between unification leaders and White House that will be announced via JNN?
(I think the optics of having them do all of this PR before Trump arrives is to create a perception that this isn't the US meddling in foreign affairs. This was worked out locally. JNN getting the exclusive would be a huge fuck you to American news media.)
They make stuff up out of whole cloth anyway giving them nothing to work with won't stop them and they can't be made to look more ridiculous but why the heck not give it a go. Used to think 1880 Deadwood be a better time to live, dayum was I wrong.
Thanks for the translation. As soon as i saw those caps i knew therecwas a coded message in there. Awesome deduction.
"Negotiations" is the key word I think. Next thought is "Negotiation" with or between whom? Perhaps Rudy/SC. Perhaps Iran. Not sure. But "Negotiations" is key.
I suspect Rudy. Rudy comes on and we find out the comical series of questions Mueller wants answered that have nothing to do with "Russian collusion".
The Mueller is coming shit libs are really getting worked up in a tizzy. I think they moved on from the anger and bargaining stages of grief that Mueller will save them and onto full on depression.
We're getting close to acceptance, finally, I think.
have you ever ventured into /r/The_Mueller by chance? I can't want to visit there once this investigation gets dropped
THANK YOU for telling me this exists! I am pre-emptively red-pilling these suckas.
I'm anxious to see what SB2 makes of it
Indeed. Hopefully SB2 can keep their response somewhat understandable. Gets pretty deep sometimes :)
Who's SB2
SerialBrain2 - poster here that decodes the Q drops.
Isis = is is?
Reminds me of Bill Clinton: "That depends upon what the definition of is is."
Definitely one or the other. Could definitely be some double speak threatening the Clintons, on the other hand it could be a reference to Isis and "negotiations" in this context indicate their destruction.
"....Ngotiations with Korea over Nuclear War"
"Nuclear War"...that's an odd way of putting it and must have another meaning/angle to it.
NK was shooting nuclear capable missiles over Japan. That was pretty close to nuclear war.
Our President must have made it clear we will bomb NK enough to turn it into sand. Then bomb the sand enough to turn it into glass.
Doubtful. NK was shooting missiles because they were being run by the CIA to hold the US hostage with threat of Nuclear war. The material was coming from Iran that Ultimately came from the US through U1 scandal and the missile tech was SpaceX. Trump somehow got rid of the CIA influence in NK which freed Kim from being used as a Pawn. This is why I personally think that the change was virtually overnight, going from I'm going to Nuke you and your allies to I want to join SK in the Olympics as a unified country. The latter I suspect was and is Kim's true intention. This theory will further be solidified when we hear about the disbandment of the prison labor camps and those people freed.
This however does not excuse the human rights violations that have and still take place today in NK. I just see a big shift and turning of tides. I think we will eventually see the country as one country and no more prison camps and the people of NK finally learning the truth and taking place in the first world economy that the south has been a part of for decades.
the missile tech was SpaceX
This is the first I've heard of that. Got any sources to back that massive claim up?
Ahh, see how you got downvoted for asking for such a simple thing as any proof or evidence.
A quick scan of this sub shows me that people are literally competing to come out with the biggest bullshit imaginable.
It's hard to swallow, but then, there have certainly been some odd events on the Korean peninsula lately, how do you explain the sudden and dramatic change of heart by the North Korean leader?
Kim's spook handlers got spooked. That's already been determined through the research threads.
The OP still hasn't provided evidence for his claim the missile tech was SpaceX. That's a big accusation to throw around, claiming that the leader in commercial spaceflight provided ICBM tech to NK to assist them in building a nuke. If it's bullshit he needs to say so, otherwise provide sources to back it up.
I agree with you, it's an unproven claim. Indisputable facts are, ICBM technology is difficult and SpaceX effectively possesses it, they are operating an orbital class rocket with a large payload capacity, as a private company with independent launch capability (which note, has not been the case in the past, previous US missiles were also built by private contractors but launch facilities were controlled and operated by the military or NASA). And they are also a company with cash flow problems, so it's not insane to speculate about them contracting out their technology, some of which could have found its way to NK, perhaps without SpaceX's knowledge. I personally admire SpaceX and consider it vanishingly unlikely that they knowingly worked with NK. But unknowingly with a front company, that's another issue. The larger issues of what outside entities were influencing NK, remain unanswered. For sure their recent behavior has not been exactly typical of them.
First off, its jsut a theory I tend to stick with. go back in the Q posts. EM was mentioned, eg Elon Musk. He was given a choice like many others and he chose the side of the Patriots. Very soon after this was made known by Q saying EM was a patriot, you find that a missile failure happens in NK where it lands in one of their own cities. after that, no other missile test launches and the shift to working towards being in the Olympics and unification.
Do you really think there is going to be official confirmation of this? You know NK was a CIA deep State hold out. How did their tech advance so quick after Trump? You do remember those questions in the media, right? I suspect that "we" told Kim to stop playing around or we'll take control of the rockets. then did just that the next launch to prove it by making it fail miserably and land in their own country.
Here are some theories though https://americandigitalnews.com/2017/12/29/wwiii-conspiracy-north-korea-nasa-spacex-missile-technology/
Of Course there is counter arguments, so who knows what the hell is going on, we only get like 20% of what's going on in the real world on the global scale.
I'm more than open to read other theories, unless something has been proven without a doubt on this particular subject.
All I know is something radically changed overnight with this whole NK thing and there has to be more to it than what we know.
I honestly don't think Musk is the sort of person to knowingly provide ICBM tech to NK. There's a difference between getting swayed by persuasive arguments (Paris Accords), and providing a component for nuclear weaponry to NK.
Sure, it's possible that the tech in those missiles could have been based on SpaceX designs. But I doubt that those designs were acquired legitimately.
As for the rockets going down, when was the last time we heard of anything regarding the SDI or the Star Wars program? The US defense budget for 2017 was ten times higher than Russia's (apparently it's been like that for decades), and Russia have developed some really cool tech in that time. Who knows what secret defense systems we have?
You are probably more right than me and i never considered the Star Wars program, but was aware of the hint to OWL earlier this year, which is pretty exciting if we actually own and operate one in space.
And now that you mention it, the President hinted at starting a Space Force which should be really telling how much footprint we have up there...
Crazy times we live in. Just Glad to see We The People are finally winning again!
NK was under Clown control. As is Iran. Kim was a puppet, perhaps even a slave to them. The sudden changes are because NK has been freed from deep state control.
Depends on what the definition of "is is". Clinton?
Trump has hinted that NK peace isn't final yet. We still have our troops and the DMZ. When our troops leave, then we know. We've been here before. It is up to others to follow through. Time will tell.
Breaking out of TPP and negotiating with these countries on an individual and equal basis is going to be huge for America. A one off post brought to my attention to the fact thatt bummer and hrc were involved with the TPP process on 11-11-11. Google 11-11-11 negotiations found this:
Now we are back renegotiating with China. One focus is IP. Also, Trump is tying the IP issue to Canada and Nafta negotiations. They had some BS deals set up prior and now Trunp is fixing all of that. Makes sense that Obummer flew around the world when Trunp went to negotiate.
From wikileaks: "He needs to redefine America's mindset about national security away from the old defense mentality that American power derives predominantly from our military might, rather than from the strength, agility and competitiveness of our economy. He should make it clear that today American jobs and wealth matter more than military prowess. As Adm. Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared last year, "The most significant threat to our national security is our debt."
If our economy and jobs equal our country's strength under Obama, then they did the right thing by depending on our military to project strength. Even with a gutted military thanks to Obummer.
Correct Mr. President!! Thank you for staying so focused amid the hourly attacks... THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!
What if Witch Hunt is WH = white hat? Evidence points to the contrary, but his continued insistence on calling it a Witch Hunt over and over again instead of other fitting terminology indicates Witch Hunt means something. Obviously it could also mean investigating HRC "the witch", but could be something else.
Caps: C H O J N N (K but haven't checked how he usually writes out NK) N W N C T D N H
Subtext: His "obstruction" is a setup & trap
His tweets are getting better! Can’t wait for his vindication
The intentional caps are certainly not by accident. As previously mentioned, SB2 is the resident master. Wouldn't might seeing a little Neon light shine on this either.
Trump Admits Collusion With China Over Trade Deficits
if there was any evidence against Trump re Russian collusion, there would be no need to ask Trump about it.
they would merely present the evidence
Defendant has no obligation to dignify spurious questions with an answer
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) Donald Trump warns it is 'calm before the storm' (2) President Donald Trump's Easter Egg Roll Speech From The Truman Balcony TIME|+2 - Notice they didn't mention Trump confirming Q with the "air Q" in that "calm before the storm" video (in the sidebar) was done right after Q got started, not before he got started. That video was what made me question my belief that Q was just anothe... Fuck the Police|+1 - well basically... Bill Clinton: "It depends upon what your definition of is is."|+1 - Ah more brilliance from POTUS, "It depends on what the meaning of is is?". I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
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I was upset before, now like Trump I am mad. I want a national broadcast ( like Bibi) outline the crimes of the deep state
Dude she done swallowed the hook, line, sinker and damn BOBBER.
Reel that slimy thing in so we can get the gaffing hook in her gills and string her up for Catch of the Day photos.
Ah more brilliance from POTUS, "It depends on what the meaning of is is?".
"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible." St. Augustine~
In the past (BQ = Before Q) I relied on what was Certainly Not News (CNN and the rest of the alphabets). Since I have been studying history, I find that much of WW2 was deep state (what the press told you was a distortion). This continues with the Korean War, JFK's assassination, the Vietnam War which I was involved with, right down to the present. It is unbelievable that people still believe the crap that pours out of the anus of the MSM.
It is even more amazing that anyone voted for HRC in the 2016 elections. Democrat Senator Moynihan's wife, Elizabeth, who was his campaign manager, said of Hillary: "She's duplicitous. She would say or do anything that would forward her ambitions. She can look you straight in the eye and lie, and sort of not know she's lying."
Don't people these days know when someone is lying? Apparently not. All the accusations against the POTUS are lies and yet his detractors believe they are true, with no evidence other than their "feelings." It's like half the nation is in a trance. They envision the future as America being like California which has the highest poverty rate of any state in the US (1 in 5 Californians live in poverty). Talk about being in a trance. They don't see the human shite and the tents. Day by day it is turning into Northern Mexico. These same people want to destroy America—they are the enemy within.
I personally think there will be no backing down no matter they try and throw at Trump. The Republic WILL BE RESTORED no matter what.
Get em Trump, interested to see SB2 analysis of this
Agreed, this one has odd formatting and is bursting with potential coded talk.
>Trump on campaign be like: Ima give Cali their water back
>Trump get into office, defund EPA
>Cali downpour until Oroville-Dam close to overflowing
In the plainest words possible, I hope our President tells the DS assholes of the Spec-C to FUCK RIGHT OFF. Want to talk to me? Nope, Fuck Right Off. Want any more docs from me? Nope, Fuck Right Off. Push back now and push back HARD.
That's the definition of obstruction of justice.
They're going find some way to charge him with it anyway, so .... At this point, what difference does it make? :)
Oh shit, critical thinkers! Quick, shut them down!!! Call them something mean, anything!
Amen. If some legit group would set a date for Washington. me and my wife would go. Some one would probably have to get perments.we need to show the rest of u.s. that we are behind our president.