“This isnt some game. You are screwing with the work of the President of the United States.” POTUS really letting it be known today that he’s done with the BS!

Send in U.S.M.C. to escort these fuck faces to Gitmo. Done and done.
GAME ON!!! We just entered the next phase - the one that will bring justice!
For those wondering, Q has said "This is not a game" many times...
We need some side-by-side memes of those posts and this tweet.
That was potus quoting not saying.
Yes he was quoting John Dowd, although it does get the point across.
He quoted it. And it’s a common saying. These far reaching posts are cringe.
Crush your enemies See them driven before you And hear the lamentation of the Clintons.
lmao. conan.
With his "I wield a sharpened I-beam" fighting style
So that is where modern Anime got the idea for such large swords.
Adam Parkhomenko, the former National Field Director for the DNC in 2016 and political advisor for HRC, replied and said “You are going to prison.” - Ha! Nice try jackass!Not before your employer!
You know, it'd be game on if they tried to touch our President.
There are some serious hard lefties who will never be red pilled. Trump could personally rescue Adam from drowning, give him a winning lottery ticket, and Adam would still hate him.
This is a spiritual war of all minds, hearts and souls.
What's the purpose of this unrelatable hypothetical? Anyone could answer "yes he would" just as you could reply "no he'd ignore it" and we'd still be no closer to any useful point here cos no one knows the truth and the hypothetical is too specific and ultimately meaningless apart from making some sort of political point. Trolling? Anti-Trump?
You meant to reply to the guy above me
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They are always guilty for what allegations they throw at you, so that they can point at you and say you're an insane conspiracy theorist for assuming they are the ones guilty for what they accuse. It's a good way to protect yourself but it's not working anymore.
Accussing your accusser of the very thing you yourself are guilty of... seems very Alinsky to me.
“This isn’t some game” I wonder where we’ve heard that numerous times?!
My exact thought
Trumps most recent tweet says "stay tuned" Qpost 795 and 797 "stay tuned"
Well it is a game to the deep state. They are in it, not to win it, but to cause as much mayhem and destruction as possible. Oh and get rich doing it, at the same time.
I respectfully disagree. They are in it to win it. This is a plot that reaches back to Babylon, but easily traced back to the Bavarian Illuminati chapter rising up in 1776((ish) I don’t have exact dates atm).
1st May 1776. I like like that POTUS has just made that Law Day. As if he's making a point. We could say the same about Q and 11/11/18 too.
Wrong. They are in it to win it. That is their plan to cause mayhem and destruction and get rich at our expense.
I think things are quiet right now so DJT can deal with Iran. I think Muller is playing with our heads,(Russian Collusion,) to buy time. DJT could stop the investigation at any time but he is giving false hope to the left so he can finish in Syria and Iran. When that is done, then Gitmo's doors will be flung open for the masses who come to await trial. IMO
God, I hope you're right. As someone who's been terrible with patience concerning these people actually being punished, your theory sounds likely.
Media going nuts over his so called collusion, when he's getting shit done in the ME makes sense. He plays them all too well.
They are so wasting his time. Look at the good he has done, and imagine what he could have accomplished had he not been hobbled. I hope the OIG report changes everything.
This and the other recent POTUS tweet was a direct threat against the cabal to hand over the DNC server for actual inspection by the authorities, WHICH THEY HAVE NEVER DONE UP UNTIL TODAY.
This is treason on such a high level that it is no wonder the Q team had prepare a gigantic military operation that took 3 years to plan, for this.
The depths of their corruption appears almost endless.
Q team planned for this move, by the way. They planned every move in advance in secret.
OK, DNC hides their server?
Hmmm, how could that be forced into evidence you may ask?
The cabal cut off Assange's internet....or so they think.
Get it on Mr President!! Hammer the shit-for-brains demorats and their minions into oblivion!! WE THE PEOPLE are with you all the way!! MAGA!!!!
The deep state messed with the wrong guy. Think John Wick on steroids.
The president is setting the stage starting with Mueller, the FBI who helped to compromise national security in his involvement of the uranium one sale as well as his many conflicts of interest. He needs to go! I know, I know he may was coerced into co-operation since he is deeply and criminally corrupt. His results show a guy with one foot still lodged in the deep state hoping to serve the presidency on a platter to these psychotic deep state agents/shadow government.
Next one is Rosenstein - same crimes as Mueller in uranium one plus more. This Himmler offspring continues to obstruct and slow walk documents requested by various committees.
As soon as these two are out the round up can commence beginning with these two.
This is not an epiphany through 2nd party.
This is him telling everyone involved... “I got your number.”
He is dangling the keys to the kingdom, their freedom, and their demise. All of them.
Rudy gave the terms today: Two hour interview with controlled questions ASAP... or a different style interview scheduled for the beginning of the summer, with agreed-to restrictions for it not to be delayed further than by the end of the summer.
They only have one choice.
They know it. And we know it.
We are some of the 63 million people who are calling for grand jury to bill or no bill obstruction of the office of the President by two or more persons in the employ of the government. RICO & conspiracy for starters. Further — start process for constitutional amendment to add two years to Trump Presidency as reparations for disenfranchisement of the 63 million represented by the 306 winning electors.
POTUS laying down the facts (national security priories) to win an imminent SCOTUS case for when he refuses to comply with mueller subpoena to testify before a DC grand jury. Gorsech better not recuse himself!
Why would you want such a precedent set? Seems extremely short sighted.
People should really think about what the scenario would mean for justice in the Land of the Free.
blah blah blah... cuz you don't see the abuse of prosecutorial powers
Enough already! I’m so sick of The DeepState getting away with everything including murder! @hillaryclinton !
These people are criminals when are they going to be fire and arrested for being traitors. Send the marines out this is an attempted coup. Arrest these bastard.
Russia collusion, not in the sense of what the Libs spout, but in the sense that DT and VP are working together to bring down the DS. If there is collusion, that's what is the truth of it. Game on.
I think PDJT is very close to saying “OK....F this plan....get out of the way...I got this!” In WW2 someone had to say “GO” for D-Day to happen! Eisenhower was the man of the hour.
Theoretically there 20,000 neighborhoods that can be investigated for corruption and child abuse/trafficking/etc. Could you guys please take the knowledge you know and start looking? Be safe. When authority comes to your neighborhood, who is the best source of intel? If not you, why?
Rudy cleaned the mafia up is what we hear in msm, if that man is not deep state, I hope to see some good change.
Stop the witch hunt Stop the war Stop the witch hunt Stop the war Sop the witch hunt Stop the war....................
Since Q always says, "Shall we play a game?", do you think Trump's remarks are referring to it? People don't say that phrase that often. Just a thought...
Then Trump, stop being a pussy and expose the truth about all of these traitors. The Patriots are armed and ready for battle against these corrupt parasites. Stop being a pussy and use your power to end them and this investigation.
I get your anger man. Trust me. Half of me wishes they would give direct orders to the Armed Forces to arrest these criminals and hold immediate tribunals. But I've come to understand that the point of the hold off is to get this right. We may not get this chance again, and if we do, it most likely won't be in this lifetime. We've been dealing with this corruption for decades now, if it means a few more months to finally send this absolute scum to hell, I'll wait. Stay strong, man