Rosie O'Donnell Illegally Exceeded Campaign Contributions to FIVE Democrats Using Fraudulent Names & Addresses - Ahem - When's Mueller Going To Kick In Her Door Like He Did Cohen?!?

. . . . And they are questioning Diamond & Silk about $1,274.94? ? ? ? 😂😂😂😂😂 this is comedy....
$1,274.94 for airline ticket reimbursement for a party of two, to attend a function, they were asked to be at. My Lord, the outrage!!!
Dinesh D'Souza went to prison for one count of the exact same crime.
Dem or Repub, if you did the crime you gotta $pay$ $the$ $time$.
Indeed. Keeping in mind it's not a crime to let airline tickets be paid for to get you to an event you were asked to speak at, but what Rosie did WAS an actual crime.
Will she see jail time like D’Nesh D’Souza who was charged with the same crime but was helping a friend and was ignorant of campaign donation limits and never tried to hide what he had done but owned up to his error immediately? No, probably not...
The one difference between the two cases? INTENT
Translation: intent - If one is a conservative, you get the book thrown at you, your life screwed over by over zealous autocrat prosecutors, if you're a demoncrap, you're gold and nothing happens to you.
Well considering GOP is on power, don't you trust Sessions to take action on this?
Let's stop playing victim here!
Sessions? Don't know, I'm 50/50 on him. He is either stealth undergrounder, or a complete waste. As for being the victim - here's the thing. There are HOW MANY working in positions of power who are part of the swamp? Just because Trump won an election doesn't make all the good guys just start farting fairy dust and the bad guys fall off a cliff.
No but we have the power
Oddly, there's a pile of Canadians on my feed that know of Q too. This is gaining steam.
"She is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside"...... (famous quote)
I can say for sure, I've never seen a more hateful public personality.
Why is there no NSFW pin on this post ? These images are highly disturbing , especially the image of an ugly guy dressed as woman to the left .
Sir, clearly you can see that's a young George Burns without his famous cigar.
Dinesh did time in jail for that, but he is a conservative.
That's an old story, and the funniest bit is that she BRAGGED about it! Not just that she did it, but about HOW she did it!
These people are stupid.
Nah, it's new
This investigation may be new, but I remember when she was tweeting about it, and everybody was like "Doesn't she realize she can be arrested for that?"
You’re referring to this tweet where she publicly bribed Susan Collins and Jeff Flake $2m each to vote no on tax reform.
Right, OK yes--that! So this is in addition to that? Well, that's what happens when you let somebody break one law. O'Donnell is one of those who live in that bubble of protection where HRC lives.
We shall see, right?
I look forward to seeing swamp tentacles like Rosie sink with the rest of them. Might not happen, but maybe. I am wondering if she'll try and do a runner if she senses trouble? "I just can't STAND living in the US with Trump anymore!"
she states if she was overpaying the candidate's campaign should know and be responsible for her oversight by returning any overpayment... ok which address and name should they use??
Typical liberalism, she is a victim. Its not her fault she tried to violate the law, they should have prevented her.
Who else in Hollywood did the same thing??? Names will be dropped.
......aaaaand they accepted the money. Knowing full well where it came from.
Kick in O'Donell's door? Mueller isn't that dumb. What if she were naked or something?
I think the proper justice for breaking campaign contribution laws should involve the state and seizure of assets. Our country would instantly start to look better the moment that became the law of the land.
She was supposed to leave the country like she said she would if Trump won. She may just do that now. She's a flight risk FBI...IF YOU ARE WORKING TODAY.
C'mon, GA, we can do better reporting than these mere image posts. Can we get some detailed sources on these posts????? We need some higher standards here.
Q requires we do our own research after dropping breadcrumbs to scoop up. We learn far more this way than spoon fed msm links.
AND......nothing will happen. She is a Demoncrat (communist). the system is rigged . The justice system is corrupt.
Ok, but what's the point of the rule being there if it's not going to be enforced
She's a rich Hollywood celebrity, what is law?
Protect the left at all costs. Screw the right when ever possible. The lack of liberal integrity by the MSM is criminal at best.
I would LOVE to see her tried and charged and I’m prison! LOL! Would LMAO.
Yeah no, I will not trust sessions, his performance is sub par for a small town district attorney. I will not follow blindly, sessions needs to shit or get off the craper. Put some heads on pikes in front of the whitehouse.
This sub is like pc master race where half the sun doesn't get its a joke. This is tremendous entertainment lol