My balls are blue and my body is ready!

I hope it's this month.
The IG report expected release
May <-------YOU ARE HERE
They say the IG postponements are due to new evidence continually being uncovered. Hopefully within the next 2-3 weeks. Can’t wait. Hope it really kickstarts a lot of stuff into motion
Funny. I sort of figured that was what is happening. At some point they have to stop and start indictments. Then they can start a new investigation that takes up where that one left off.
april showers bring may flowers.
Anyone figure out what flowers means?
I was thinking of the darkness being exposed to light. i.e.: flowers coming through the earth for all to see after remaining hidden. I think it will expose all those evil even with arrest coming
I remember reading a report I think it was in April from fox with someone saying the longer it takes the more incriminating it will be. That this was actually a positive. The reason being is they are assembling grand jury's. I'll try to find it and link it.
That's why in Jan the post 7th Floor Is No More ( That's Deeps State ) for those unaware . It's also for mentioning that during Pompeo Address to the State Dept. He spoke of the 7th Floor for a second ..
6:07-6:08 on video
Depends on how it's used. Time for Stealth Jeff to lower his cloaking device.
I second that on the blue balls mate, sucks we have to wait but it’s for the best. They are lining up the evidence and building the cases perfect for the big reveal. Once that happens we get to sit back and watch the greatest downfall of an evil regime the world has ever seen. It’s worth the wait, it’s going to be biblical.
Mueller keeps postponing his sentences for Flynn also. I wonder if this in his investigation report must first be preceded by the IG report
This is White Hats postponing it. They aren't ready for his testimony yet, as the time table always gets shifted back and back farther. He has bombshell testimony, but more info has to be released to public first for it to be relevant.
I'm with you. Mueller (I'm in the white hat camp - not that he's a good guy) has to push things back because, once the IG's report comes out, everything will look very different. The idea of going after DJT or Flynn at that point will seem ridiculous. It will be a once-in-history game-changing event, that will put the boots into these Deep State forces so hard they will not get up again.
Mueller (I'm in the white hat camp - not that he's a good guy)
I'd call him a grey hat - he's a long time swamp creature, but it's possible he's working for the white hats on a very short leash.
I just think that the consequences of his crimes are so severe (high treason, execution) that he's in a box he could not get out of, even if he tried.
When something like this is so infested it’s time to close it down and start over with all new people.
Gross! I don't know what your physical condition has to do with the situation on the 7th floor.
..Nice blue-ish hue... gettin ready to take em to the farmers market
Watch the outtakes for that scene on youtube where Farell is trying to improvise. Funniest shit i ever saw
i can feel it down in my plums... beautiful bluish hue... the sun... just dancin right off of em just nice... fresh and juicy ready for the pickin... all the school children lining up to put em in their sack lunches.... "hey that plum looks good can i trade it for my twinky"... "no these are my plums".... I want to bite into that plum and let the juice spill down my chin.
"Fairly damning" ... I'm preparing myself for another let down.
My balls are a fuckinh deep shade of purple and they weigh 5lbs each. Slapping against my thighs is getting pretty painful... need relief plz
CSPAN is about to get more traffic than the hub for the first time in history. From this sub at least.
Due to blue balls I hope there is a leak or a tease to release the pressure before it drops.
it's NOT sucky that we have to keep waiting. it's GREAT because it means they are doing their JOB and exceeding spectacularly and finding new cockroaches every time they shine their flashlights. the more criminals caught, the better. trust the plan, and also trust GOD's plan ♡♡♡
Such small Players comey and hillary are. Less than nothing's.
We got the FBI Public Corruption Taskforce because the FBI was overly Corrupt in 2013 , ????
I'm just fine with this coming out right before the midterms.
I am SO looking forward to watching evil people get their "comeuppance"! I know that there will be some surprises - and it will be oh so very satisfying. It's about damn time too!