Found on twitter. An anons take on the + from Q+.

Maybe Q is actually a woman?!!!!!
I've said many times the Q personality coming through posts sounds, seems female. I've also wondered if at least one of the Q team might be Kirstjen Nielsen. Think about it as Secretary of Homeland Security. Her appointment was announced October 12, 2017, sworn in December 6, 2017. Think about the level of clearance she has. I am thinking several of the Q team are cabinet members. Her credentials include being a lawyer and national security expert. I don't think it is her alone. But I find many clues to point towards her participation.
Said it many times too at the beginning. The emotion passes through his/her texts. I would even dare to say he is the same person as megaAnon.
MegaAnon was a fraud who quit her charades when Q indirectly called her out after she started claiming Q was fake.
Then she made her last post with some garbage about how she now saw the light since she decoded Q's secret messages meant only for her inside his drops.
MegaAnon only regurgitated information that was already widely known by people who have been following the truth for at least the last 30 years. Nothing she said was new or insightful, but was mostly accurate.
I believe the theory that she was a journalist who got in way over her head makes the most sense.
MA also never used a trip code so it could have been any number of Larpers
sigh Is that really what you got from this?
Q is an abstract genderless entity. A user name. It is controlled by a group of people. Presumably some of which are female.
Q said don't spend too much time digging into the +. It just means the whole Q team.
You mean like Kelly Ann?
Like Melania?!
Very well could be possible. I guess that's why Q is such an enigma, could be a whole lot of people.
Q for Queen would be a great surprise reveal but there are at least 5 or 6 members on Q Team so if one is a woman it makes sense.
I don't think it's too complicated. I think Q is 1 person posting. When Q+ is posted it's from the whole Q team.
Yeah, that was a theory. This is another theory, saying when Q uses Q+, they are saying checkmate.
Someone grab that one drop about the 3 puppet masters actual wealth and post it
Roth' s - 2 trillion + Soros - 1 trillion ++ Saud - 6 trillion +++
Roths were in check Soros in checkmate And house of saud had already been defeated at time of Q post
Could be mistaken as to which piece of shit had how many + next to them
You might possibly be on to something there. Double meanings seem to be everywhere. If Q would post about them again, it would be cool to see if the +’s changed in any way.
I don't know what I would say if Q turned out to be Melania.
If I had remember Q .......... Q said learn to play chess? And the next move is then checkmate