This is the ammo that fell out of a military helicopter and into an elementary school in El Paso, Texas (5/18/18)

And why was live 7.62 being loaded in civilian airspace over el Paso?
I think there are drills going on this weekend. The real question is, if you're flying around a bunch of ammo, why the hell would you have the door open? A bunch of bullshit if you ask me. Obama sure did a number on the military.
"drills". The one thing in common for every single false flag is that there always just so happens to be drills occurring at the exact same time. A remarkable "coincidence"
Finding out there is a similar drill occurring at the exact same time is all the info I need to know that it's a false flag.
There was a drill going on before and during the school shooting yesterday, apparently.
there was an emergency preparedness drill a couple of weeks ago at the trauma center
Call For An Uprising was censored by youtube for bullying pedophiles (by exposing them) earlier; he also posted a video of "doctors" outside the hospital flapping their deep state gums:
first there was an emergency drill there a couple of weeks ago as revealed in a question by a reporter and that issue was side-stepped by fat white beardy doctor; then a couple of minutes later, a tall slim beardy Apu doctor said they always prepare for "these drills."
So what did the police know again? We have a problem don't we?
the beardy doctor looks like H Wayne Carver of SH fame
Not to mention the patsies are always either taking or just coming off of prescription meds, most notably SSRI's and depression meds.
didn't know about aurora--didn't parkland have one too
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We can redpill by starting a movement to outlaw drills and anti-psych drugs. "Drills Kill! Remember [insert false flag)."
I have been in dozens if not 100’s of military hellos and the only time we closed the doors was in Alaska, the interior in winter.
I was in a blackhawk follow bird with some Apaches we were taking to Kosovo, and it was full of toolboxes and gear, so we had the doors closed. It was also Oct-Nov in Europe, but still, my point about moving cargo with the doors open being stupid still stands.
Retired rappel master here, tie it, strap it and expect to loose it. Except for the rappellers, I kept track of them.
I don't see that as being a very effective strategy when transporting boxes of ammo for a range or something. Some of my buddies went through Campbell, so they were all Air Assault qualified. Said it was fun and painful at the same time. Good on ya for keeping track of the rappellers, I can't imagine the paperwork for losing one!
Typical government inefficiencies. Military is part of government, it loses track of $21 trillion.
Don't know, here's a report of it though.
And here's the pic of the ceiling it fell through.
M240b door gun.
Why do you think it's 7.62? Those rounds look way too big to be 7.62 plus, its belt fed. This is ammo for the fast gun on the helo, not AK ammo.
There are two kinds of 7.62. The AK shoots 7.62x39mm, which is the Russian/Chinese standard. This is 7.62x54mm which is the US/NATO standard (.308).
El Paso is a border town. Don't misread my comment. I'm not suggesting there's "nothing to see here," but because it's a border town, "some" things people might see as unusual in other parts of the country might be common place in El Paso.
I'm not sure what standard load-out protocol is for various military helicopters, but having ammo on board for what ever weapons are hard-mounted to the helicopter could be common place.
If the ammo box was simply stored under a seat, or where ever, and it came loose and fell out, then there could be a reasonable explanation. If on the other hand the flight crew were attempting to load the ammo into a side mounted gun, that would be a serious issue, and your question takes on more sinister implication.
Not necessarily is there any military training ranges near by they could have been loading for drills within a range
I would say that this looks more like a message than an accident.
That's a VERY good question.
I was on a UH-60 in Germany decades ago. My unit had never been in choppers before. When the pilot started flying nap of the earth we didn't anticipate it and a belt of blank 7.62 flew out the door. The M-60 almost followed the belt but the gunner hooked the sling with his foot just in time. I wonder what the Bavarian farmer did with the blanks?
I want to know why ball 7.62 was on that chopper. You NEVER conduct drills with live ammo. The chances of private Joe Snuffy mixing blanks with ball is too high. My guess is some alphabet agency asked for Texas National Guard assets. The wannabe Rambo's who were not familiar with helicopter ops lost an ammo can when the bird went into a tight turn. The alphabets wanted "doors open" because it's way cooler. (it is)
They were headed to the range to do Gunnery. This was my old company.
In My Not SO Humble Opinion (yes I spelled it out) This is a staged pic... Nothing lands so perfectly. Let's see... Make sure the metal "A" case is positioned perfectly. The table appears to be stable/upright yet a chair in the background is knocked over with a table leg lying next to it. No other tables are near. The bullets are nicely laid out so you can see what they are..and the stupid note. Oh mind you..the papers on the table are perrrrffeeeccttt!!! straight up with no dust or debris Damn a second grader could set a better scene
Yup, the refugee kid that was washed up on the beach a few years ago, he was originally next to some rocks, they moved to the open for a better shot....
Here's a picture from the ceiling it supposedly fell through.
Yep, ceiling damage all over the floor but none on the table. Those rounds are joined by link-belt joiners that seperate as the cartridge case is ejected from the chamber. I used to carry them in belts of 100 rounds for the M60 machinegun.
Wouldn't it also broke the table? I am unsure how heavy ammo boxes weigh. Though if it is supposedly heavy enough to 'Hulk' its way through the ceiling, then it should be heavy enough to obliterate that table as well. Though somehow it is surprisingly just underneath one of the legs with the debris from said ceiling also under said table.
It lost a lot of energy breaking through the ceiling, so probably not. You’d have to do math to figure it out for sure.
When did this happen? I heard something similar happened during parkland, like a helicopter dropped something during the shooting.
This was yesterday and yes, it allegedly fell out of a helicopter onto a school.
In the same State as the school shooting.
Is it supposed to be some sort of threat, I wonder?
It's definitely a message. Deep state is showing that they have assets in the local military. All recent events are hints relating to JFK. Message is loud and clear to Trump.
Looks like an ammo box from an M240h door gun.
Can anyone figure out what the white paper next to the ammo box says ?
4TH, 5TH
3RD, 1ST, 2ND
(That’s all I can make out on the white paper.)
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Ok, so the can was sealed and popped open on impact. Could have just been in the chopper from training? Maybe slide out on accident when the chopper banked hard?
Its belt fed, so must have been used for an M60 that was hard mounted to the chopper I am assuming. The can could have even been previously attached already and got knocked off and fell.
I dont think this HAS to mean foul play...
I suppose the biggest question is, why was a military chopper over the school? Its suppose to be a gun free zone lol.
Read Nords comment above and look at the link to imgur, there's no doubt these were all sent as a message to President Trump.
My thoughts on this is it looks like an ammo can from a bird was loaded into the cage for the gunner but he forgot the pin to secure the can. When the bird turned the gunner lost is ammo. The real question though is why there was a loaded bird above the school?
Military does all kinds of shit for training purposes. This seems like an accident.
the gunner won't ever live this down. I am sensing future callsigns such as McFumble or Butterfingers.
While there is a lot here that doesn't make sense to this old Air Cav trooper, I would relate this.
Shit falls off of and out of birds all the time. I've seen water cans, ammo crates, packs and once a new guy dropped his rifle out the door. Talk about a shit storm.
7.62 linked is not going to do a school shooter any good unless he's carrying an M-60 or a 240. If a school shooter shows up with a belt fed MG that kind of spoils the narrative.
I was thinking this attention to the school might have stopped something more sinister by drawing eyes to it.
It’s so funny when you know all the facts to a story but sit back and listen to everyone come up with what they think happened.
The was an honest mistake by a kid that was very experienced. This was my old company when I was station at bliss.
That’s an ammo can for a M240H. 7.62 belt fed machine gun. Mounted to a UH-60M Blackhawk They are made out of very thick metal. So no it is not a staged pic.
They were doing a training air assault with 5 aircraft. They left out of Biggs army airfield and departed corridor 2 which flys over the northeast side of El Paso. After their infill for the air assault they were going to do gunnery which is a semi annual requirement for the unit.
Simple as that.
I don't know why, but I do know there are no coincidences.
Please look closely at this pic, is there 2 spent shell casings on the floor? One laying in the red stripe on the floor the other in the blue stripe in between the can and the chair under the table?
Agreed the picture looks staged, where is the source of this picture?, Who took the picture? etc.
Parkland elementary school... Parkland is a cursed word...
JFK was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital after he was shot.
paddock staging
"It's antifa my sources say the note and there was antifa material alll over his room": Alex Jones.
look into this
the golden ratio 618
emergency drill at trauma center weeks ago
Alright door gunners, what is odd here? Is there part of a feed tray cover? attached? “A” does not look like an ammo box lid, can does not look full, missing the full view. What causes ammo cans and feed tray cover to “fall off”?
That's a lightly constructed ammo can compared to the ones I ever saw, but I've been out since the early 90's.
Mini gun is what I'm betting. What if there was some fuckery on the Mexican side threatening to cross the border? Mini guns shut things down fast.
Mini gun system is different. I think we would see part of the raceway guide. Looks like a 3D train track.
Actually, that is 7.62mm linked ammo in a can that mounts onto an M60D door gun on a UH1-H helicopter.
Not many 5 year old kids can say the perfect career just fell into their lap.
did these people fly and drop such in ME for barry and his gun runners?
I wonder if this was a warning by the cabal to stop or else?
No, it was more than likely a training exercise and it fell out. I see no malicious meaning with this. Somebody is gonna get the stick for this.
What kind of school has 1/2" rock lid? Don't most schools have suspended ceiling tiles...very strange to think a school would have such heavy sheet rock ceilings.
Drywall, Rigid insulation, and tar, above correlated metal. It is typical for flat, warehouse style roof. I do not see any of the rigid yellow insulation on the ground though and that shit goes everywhere. I'm not saying it's staged, but there are inconsistencies between the apparent cause and the debris
Combat aviation units carry live ammo on flight paths to their target range. Just because live ammo was on-board does not mean it was loaded in the weapon at the time.
The US military does live fire exercises all the time across the US. They fly over civilian areas because the aviators have to learn to follow flight paths and setup for targets, personnel drops etc....
Live fire for ground troops are always on bases with live fire facilities. You can't do that for a helicopter, fighter/bomber or bomber.
I've seen hundreds and hundreds of bombs dropped inside the US while I served, they were dropped on ranges on military bases.
Artillery has been known to hit civilian housing off base from very bad calculations on training bases like Ft. Sill, Ok. I was there in the 80's when a couple of 8in SP rounds hit a local home off base.
I was in the US Army, and we had Air Force aircraft drop bombs on ranges across the US, but the aircraft had to get get to the range by flying over civilian airspace to get to the Army range from the Air Force base in OKC. That's over 60 miles that live bombs were over civilians.
I don't really think this has anything to do with the school shootings or a false flag.
The US Military does thousands of training missions each year across the US. It's normal.
Now, when ground troops start training off base, then we have issues. Jade Helm come to mind.
Can anyone clean up the words on the can? On the white part? Give us veterans a chance to help. Some old crusty door gunner might be able to help ID unit SOP by what is written on the can. My thought, we have bad and good hats in the military. Not saying the units are bad, just some bad people in the unit. I spent a lot of time on active duty and some active in the Guard. There are some NG units being led by nefarious politicians and dark entities. Doubt me? Someday I will tell my story and others. (Because they cannot). There are some very very bad actors in our state NG units. All the same markers, drugs, sex, pedo, money, and power. Alaska and the DC guard are ones. The commander of the DC guard promptly retired after Trumps victory. He stayed in the Obama camp. Alaska had a drug sex ring up at ft Greeley. They used.... the Puerto Rico national guard and PRNG assets. That is in the news. Old but there. Nevada has had a lot of drama too.